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Quinn Family Romance Collection

Page 23

by Checketts, Cami

  “That’s what I said,” Neil muttered from the back of the Mule.

  “At least one of you men has some sense.”

  “Aw, come on, Jaz. Afraid you can’t keep up with me?” Kaleb taunted.

  Jasmine turned the force of her glare on him. “Afraid I’m going to kill you with my bare hands, but then at least this miserable job would be over.”

  Neil chuckled from his perch. Manuel’s eyes widened. Kaleb simply arched his eyebrows, slipped off his shoes, and then took off running down the beach barefoot. “Try and keep up, pretty girl.”

  “Argh!” Jasmine growled but sadly she took the bait and ran after him.

  His pace was impressive and by the time she caught him she was breathing heavily.

  “I knew you could do it,” he said.

  Jasmine ignored him, increased her pace, and started pulling away from him.

  Kaleb laughed and upped his pace to match hers. She kept turning on the speed until she was in an all-out sprint. She still had her shoes on and they were filling with sand. Kaleb flew along beside her easily. She glanced at him and he looked so fit and strong, running next to her in that too-tight t-shirt and shorts with no shoes on, every striated muscle working beautifully in motion.

  She panted for air but she couldn’t let herself slow down. Kaleb didn’t appear to be struggling at all, curse his long legs, and obviously fit body.

  He glanced over his shoulder, as if checking the position of the Mule, then he darted toward the ocean. Tugging his shirt off, he dropped it on the sand and then trudged through the water until he was waist deep. He turned back to her. Jasmine stopped on the sand, pulling in quick breaths. Had he stopped because he realized she’d kill herself trying to prove she could keep up?

  Sunlight glistened off his strong, lovely chest but his broad smile was what really drew her in. “Come on in, Jaz, it feels great.”

  Swimming in the ocean sounded great. She loved the calm waves here and she was sweating from the intense run.

  “Come on.” Kaleb tilted his head and then he turned, pushed a few more steps through the water and dove underneath.

  Jasmine glanced back at Manuel, who had stopped about a hundred yards back and was watching them with amusement. He gestured with his hand, giving her the ok symbol. It was safe to swim, but was it safe for her to allow herself to get closer to Kaleb? She highly doubted it. Sitting on the soft sand, she untied her shoes and yanked them and her socks off. She was in a running tank top and some tight shorts. They would be fine to swim in.

  Standing, she squished her toes in the sand and her breath was finally back to normal. She walked slowly toward where Kaleb had gone in. He was out a little ways, floating on his back as if he didn’t have a care in the world. She wondered why he wasn’t watching her or trying to get close to her like normal. Maybe he was taking a break from pursuing her. Crazily enough, she hoped not.

  She pushed through the lukewarm water until she was in waist deep, then she dove under. The water refreshed her and felt so good sliding past her skin. Surfacing, she blinked the salt water from her eyes and looked for Kaleb. He was treading water about ten feet away. He swam closer to her with deliberate strokes.

  “Feels good, right?”

  She nodded, beating at the water with her arms and legs to stay afloat. “Much better than trying to keep up with you running.”

  He chuckled. “Track scholarship to Stanford.”

  “You were just toying with me.” She splashed some water at him and he laughed.

  “You’re fast,” he said. “Just not as fast as me.”

  She stuck out her tongue, but then she admitted. “Thanks for stopping to swim.” Her pride wouldn’t have allowed her to stop competing with him running and she probably would’ve hurt herself or passed out.

  He nodded, studying her. “Why did you run away from me this morning, Jaz?”

  “You can’t do it for one second, can you?”

  “What?” he asked, all innocent and intriguing.

  “Not make it heavy.”

  “You’re right.” He shook his head. “I thought I’d try to take things slow, but it just doesn’t work for me with you. I want you, Jaz.”

  She stared at him as they treaded water. If he only wanted her physically she could’ve easily resisted, but this was Kaleb. He wanted her heart, her mind, her soul. It was all much too heavy. Jasmine pushed out a frustrated sigh and then turned, swimming away from him toward the shallow water. She touched her feet down and the water was below her chest.

  Kaleb reached her quickly, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind. He pulled her back against his chest and the weak part of Jasmine melted into him. Kaleb bent down and whispered close to her ear. “Give me a chance. Please. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before.”

  Jasmine stared at the shoreline, trying to think how to respond. She’d never felt like this, ever, but that didn’t justify her pulling Kaleb into her insane life, putting him in danger because of her past, risking the darkness in her snuffing out his bright light. She’d accepted long before she met Kaleb that she’d never have love or stable relationships in her life. Bree and Sutton had changed that, to a point, but an older sister and a boss were far different than a man who was more amazing than anyone she’d ever known.

  Manuel and Neil were parked off to her left side about fifty yards away. They were chatting, neither of them paying much attention to her and Kaleb. She appreciated them giving her and Kaleb some privacy. She almost flipped around and kissed him, then she’d explain to him better why they could never work, but light flashing on chrome drew her eye to the right where a Jeep was parked. Several teenage girls were standing next to the Jeep, staring at her and Kaleb. Their phones were out and Jasmine’s stomach dropped when she realized what was happening. They were taking pictures of them.

  She shoved Kaleb away from her and hurried through the water, the resistance of it frustrating her.

  “Manuel!” she screamed.

  He was far enough away he didn’t hear her.

  “Manuel!” she screamed again. He glanced up and she gestured with her arms for him to come.

  Manuel put the Mule into gear and was soon flying across the sand toward them. Jasmine looked back to the girls who were still staring bug-eyed at her and Kaleb.

  Kaleb reached her side and put his arm around her waist. “What’s wrong?”

  Jasmine pointed at the girls who were snapping pictures again. She groaned. Should she go talk to them and beg them not to post to social media? Would that make them want to post even more? The likelihood of Kaleb’s stalker finding them through some tourist’s Instagram post was low, but it was still a worry to consider, especially if the girls tagged Kaleb’s name when they posted.

  Manuel stopped next to them and jumped out. “What is wrong?”

  “Some girls were taking pictures of Kaleb.” She pointed at the girls who were now watching them with obvious apprehension, huddled together like Manuel or Neil were going to come take them out.

  Jasmine wasn’t sure what would scare them about Manuel and the Mule but then she saw Neil. He’d climbed out of the other side with his weapon clearly visible and was scanning the area like there were terrorists approaching.

  “Neil,” Jasmine hissed. “Put the gun away.”

  Doors slammed and they all glanced over to see the girls loading up in their Jeep and hightailing it back to the main road.

  Jasmine sighed and she allowed herself to lean into Kaleb’s strength as he still had his arm around her. The warm sun dried the salt water on her skin and she felt tight and uncomfortable. Manuel and Neil watched her apprehensively. “Let’s get back to the property and I’ll call Sutton,” she muttered.

  Manuel and Neil nodded. Kaleb helped her into the passenger side of the Mule then he and Neil climbed into the back. The ride back was quiet, tense. Jasmine knew it was silly but her eyes darted everywhere. Their sanctuary now felt exposed.

  Jasmine jumped out
of the Mule as soon as it stopped and dashed up the front steps, through the door, and up the grand staircase to her room. Locking the door behind her, she grabbed her phone off the dresser, opened it with her thumb, and found Sutton’s number on her recent call list. The buzzing of the ringer in her ear made her jumpy.

  “Yes?” Sutton’s voice immediately calmed her. He would know what to do, know if she was overreacting, but what if he also recognized that she was falling in love with Kaleb? Maybe he’d reassign her, but right now she had to protect Kaleb until a replacement was sent here or they got back to California.

  “Kaleb and I went running on the beach and then swam for a few minutes. Some girls took pictures of us but they left before we could talk to them.” It all rushed out like she was in the principal’s office spilling her misdeeds.

  “I’ll get Baron and Nessa on it. If the pictures show up on a site or with tags that could lead the perpetrator to you, we’ll bring you back.”

  Jasmine sank into the loveseat. “Thank you. I was worried we’d messed everything up.”

  “We’ll watch it closely. Everything else okay?”

  “Yes, sir.” She wanted to tell him everything—how conflicted she was, how amazing Kaleb was, and how she’d blown it and let her guard down. Wouldn’t the enigmatic Sutton know what to do? But she reminded herself he was her boss, not her surrogate father and she clamped down the need to share. “Any developments from your end?”

  “Everyone associated with Kaleb is coming up clean, even the mentally-unstable ex. It’s got to be a deranged fan or …”

  “Or what?” She clutched the phone tighter.

  “I don’t know, Jaz. I have no clue why someone would force Kaleb to get married, and then blow up his garage and their own ransom money, killing their man and Jake in the process.” He pushed out a heavy breath. “I’ve watched the footage over and over. The suspect who was killed at Balboa Park appeared as stunned as everyone when the bomb went off. I can’t put a finger on the motivation behind it. Any ideas?”

  The idea that was coming to her made her stomach churn. What if it wasn’t about Kaleb? What if it was someone from her past? No! That would mean she really was endangering the man she loved. Oh, Kaleb. Why had she been so weak and let him kiss and hold her last night? Now she’d hurt him no matter what she did. She swallowed a couple of times before saying, “Kaleb received the call after his concert when he claimed to be engaged to Jasmine.”


  “What if the perp knew me? Knew the connection of Bree and I? Someone like Troy?” She hated these ideas, but she couldn’t hold them back if they’d help with the investigation.

  “The Troy who you brought in? Gave us the tip that saved Bree and Ryder?”

  “Yeah, or someone like that. I don’t know.”

  “I hadn’t considered someone who was after you instead of Kaleb.”

  Jasmine didn’t want to consider it. That would mean she was already hurting Kaleb, simply by being associated with him through Bree and him saying her first name at his concert. If it were true, she had even more reason to stay away from him.

  “I’ll check into some angles from your past.”

  “Okay,” she said quietly.

  “If you think of anyone besides Troy let me know.”

  “It could be anyone. There were pictures of me with Bree and the Quinns at her wedding that went public.”

  “True. Why don’t you send me a list of anybody who would have reason to want to harm you, or Kaleb because of you, and we’ll start from there. I have a feeling they’ll make another move soon and we’ll catch them then, but any info you have could be invaluable.”

  Jasmine’s gut was churning. The list he was asking for was long. Many of those people wouldn’t be easily found and quite often she had nothing but a first name, that was probably fake, and a description. It would be such a long shot. The mere fact that they were going here made her sick. She tried to reason that it was only because they were covering every angle. It was more likely a deranged fan of Kaleb’s. It was highly possible she hadn’t caused this mess in Kaleb’s life.

  “I’ll instruct Manuel to bring in extra men. You’ll be safe there. If we need to relocate because of those girls on the beach leaking to the media, I’ll let you know soon.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Heart of a warrior,” Sutton said.

  “Heart of a warrior,” Jasmine repeated.

  She clutched the phone and started typing names, descriptions, and the last location she’d seen the people. People who would want to hurt her if they found her, for so many and varied reasons. Most because of the years she’d spent working evil but there were some who would be after her because of jobs she’d done for Sutton. Memories of fear, anger, and hatred stirred in her. Her associations with these people were the reason she could never be with Kaleb.

  Finally, she could think of no more and sent the list off to Sutton. Forming that list had made her feel dirty and unworthy. She dropped the phone on a side table and wearily walked to the shower. She needed this person to be caught and this job over. Otherwise she was going to be ripped apart fighting herself to remain detached from Kaleb. With what she and Sutton had discussed, and the memories that list had stirred, it was more important than ever to be strong.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The day had been uneventful, thank heavens. Jasmine had been careful and craftily avoided being alone with Kaleb. They’d eaten meals with the entire crew and she’d hidden out in the basement with the guys, doing the boring work of monitoring the property and passing the time discussing favorite guns and fighting techniques, sharing stories about ops that went right and wrong. She liked the way these men could treat her like one of them, and appreciated the respect they gave her.

  Kaleb did give her some looks whenever he caught her eye throughout the day that had her stomach heating up, and had her daydreaming about more of the kisses from last night. So dumb. She stayed strong and detached from him all day, even though she did allow herself to study him on the cameras as he strummed on the old guitar by the pool most of the afternoon and evening. Luckily the sound wasn’t on to that feed, so she didn’t have to listen to his soulful voice and show her buddies what a softy she really was.

  There was no word from Sutton as the sun sank into the ocean and the house quieted for the night. Jasmine checked in with all the security guys on duty and Manuel one more time, then hurried to her room and locked herself in, hoping Kaleb wouldn’t get to her tonight.

  She opened her windows. The long day, lack of much sleep last night, and the sound of the waves far below might calm her enough to sleep. She picked up on another sound instead of the ocean. The strumming of the guitar had her pressing close to the open window and then making the mistake of opening her patio door and creeping to the edge. Kaleb was still down by the pool. He was singing. His deep, clear voice carried easily on the night air.

  Jasmine studied him, bent over the guitar, a lock of his dark hair falling over his forehead, the muscles in his arms pronounced as he produced the beautiful music with the old guitar. The words washed over her for a little bit without registering but then she focused and heard him singing, “She claims to have no heart.”

  Her eyes widened and she leaned over the railing as if she could get closer and not miss one word.

  “But I know she’s got a heart of gold.”

  He strummed for a while. The words seemed to penetrate straight from his heart to hers.

  “She’s too tough to let me in.”

  “But I know, beneath the prickles … beats a heart of gold.”

  Jasmine listened as he continued singing. She knew he was singing about her—random sentences about how good she was, how she needed to forgive and trust him with her heart, trust Jesus to love and forgive her. It was rough and raw, as far as one of Kaleb’s songs went, but it penetrated straight through the armor she’d been building up for years.

  Instead of drawing her closer t
o the Lord above, the words about forgiveness made her angry. She could never be forgiven. She wanted to show Kaleb that list of all the evil people she’d associated with, recount stories of the good people she’d hurt. Christians always thought a soul could be redeemed, but that wasn’t possible for her.

  How dare Kaleb think he knew her? How dare he think she had a heart of gold! She had a heart of anger, darkness, and horrible deeds. A heart killed many years ago. He had no right to try to get past her “prickles” and find some heart of gold underneath all her pain.

  Running back into and then through her room, she flew down the hallway and the stairs, through the main living areas, and onto the main floor back patio.

  Kaleb glanced up as she stormed across the patio and around the massive pool. He set his guitar down and stood, looking glorious in a short-sleeved, fitted black shirt and gray shorts.

  Jasmine stormed right up to him and pushed a finger into his chest. “How dare you?”

  His eyebrows rose, but he knew exactly what he was doing to her, she could see it in his eyes. “How dare I … sing?”

  “You’re singing about me, admit it.”

  “Gladly.” He bowed.

  She pushed at his chest, hard, shoving him back into the wide chaise lounge. He reached up, grabbed her by both elbows, and pulled her onto his lap.

  “How dare you?” she threw at him again, but she wasn’t ready to push him away like she should. She ached for him to hold her close like he had last night. This man was her weakness and she didn’t know how much longer she could be strong around him.

  “Hold you?” He arched an eyebrow. “Oh, I dare. You can stick me with a knife or body slam me to the cement, but it won’t stop me from loving you.”

  “Stop,” Jasmine begged, her voice low and filled with pain. “Stop loving me. It’s not fair to you.”

  “Oh, Jaz.” Kaleb’s eyes swept over her face like the warmest of caresses. “I can’t stop loving you. The only way is if you push one of your knives straight through my heart.”


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