Quinn Family Romance Collection

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Quinn Family Romance Collection Page 57

by Checketts, Cami

  “The island?”

  But he wasn’t looking at the island. He was staring straight at her. Holden gave a short laugh and splashed some water at her. “Yes, the island.”

  Navy dragged her arm through the water and gave him a mouthful. “Not as beautiful as that,” Navy yelled, surprising herself with her impetuous response. She’d longed to be impetuous with this man and given the slightest opportunity, impetuous came very naturally.

  Holden’s eyes widened and then narrowed mischievously. Navy had seen that look on one of her brother’s faces far too often. She dodged away, but Holden caught hold of her arm and dragged her under the water.

  Navy came up spluttering. Holden chuckled. “Teach you to throw water at me.”

  “Oh, I’ll teach you.” Navy threw caution to the wind as she reacted exactly the way she’d always wanted to with Holden and launched herself at him, wrapped her arms around his head and tried to dunk him. He was too strong for her to push under.

  Holden responded by wrapping his arms tight around her waist, pulling her against his firm chest and taking them both under water. They both came up spluttering and laughing, but then Navy realized she was clinging to the beautiful Holden Jennings as he held them both up. Fire raced through her for two reasons—how fabulous his strong body felt against hers and embarrassment that she was acting completely unprofessional. She and Holden had known each other a long time and they were good friends and comfortable with each other, but they’d never grabbed each other or messed around, especially not while wearing swimsuits. No matter that she’d often daydreamed about such moments, she shouldn’t be acting on those silly fantasies.

  The moment seemed to slow down as Holden released her and they stared at each other, both treading water, still far too close together for Navy’s susceptible heart. She wondered if she should apologize for acting immature and too familiar with him, but he’d been part of it too. Instead she slowly edged away from him and said, “Do I need to get ready for the first shoot?”

  He shook his head. “I didn’t come after you for that.”

  “Oh, really?” She arched her eyebrows and dared him to admit why he came after her.

  He stared at her for a few beats, his deep brown eyes warm and far too attractive with those long lashes framing them and his dark eyebrows completing the look. His short facial hair outlined his mouth. Oh, how she loved just the right amount of beard on a man. She needed to think of something wrong with him, and quick. His mouth! That was it. She’d finally found his fault. His mouth was too … perfect. Dang it, that was the only word for it. His lips were just thick enough to keep it interesting and the top lip had the most intriguing bow to it. How she’d dreamed of kissing his top lip, then his bottom lip, then …


  “What? What just happened?” She blinked and swam past him toward the shore.

  “Are you okay?” He was right by her side.

  “No. I’m … dizzy.”

  Holden immediately spun her onto her back in the water, secured his arm over her chest, and started tugging her toward the beach. All kinds of wanton feelings rushed over her at his touch.

  “What are you doing?” she sputtered.

  “You’re okay.” His voice was soothing. “I was a lifeguard. We’re almost to the beach.”

  Of course he was a lifeguard. He’d probably starred in Baywatch. She felt ridiculous as he dragged her through the water. The strength in the arm that was holding her was impressive. She wanted to wrap her hand around his bicep and forearm, but what she really needed was some distance or she was going to throw caution to the tropical breeze, act completely unprofessional, and no one could hold her responsible for it.

  He stopped in the shallow water and gently lifted her to her feet. The water was up to her chest still but only to his waist. He wrapped his arm around her hip and kept helping her toward the sandy shore. Navy’s body was burning up and she knew she needed some distance, and quick. Yet maybe this was finally her chance with Holden. He’d always been friendly with her but never flirtatious or personal enough for her to think they might have a hope of a deeper relationship. Maybe this week on this beautiful island would break down some barriers around them and she’d finally get the chance to tell him how impressive he was, how much she’d always wanted to date him.

  They pushed through the water and Holden assisted her up onto the sand and helped her sit down like she was a fragile old woman.

  “Thanks,” she murmured, glancing up at him. He stood there all taut and distant, as if he didn’t dare sit next to her. He looked so good in a pale blue swimsuit with his tanned skin stretched smooth over glorious mounds of muscle. Maybe she didn’t mind him not sitting. He was beautiful to behold. Rolling her eyes at herself for objectifying this accomplished and generous businessman, she patted the sand next to her. “Care to sit?”

  He hesitated then eased himself down next to her. Turning her way, he pushed a lock of hair over her shoulder and then wrapped his palm around her shoulder and blinked down at her as if he was in a trance. Navy trembled from his touch and felt like she was in a state of shock. Holden had kept his distance for years. Handshakes were the limit of contact between the two of them, occasionally a lingering pat on the arm when he grasped her hand. She’d lived for the brief moments of physical touch, but knew he was probably smart to keep things professional. What was happening between the two of them today? Maybe it was the change she’d been yearning for.

  He leaned down toward her, the sun sparkling off the water droplets on his face and chest. He glowed, and she could not remember any reason why she shouldn’t be close to him as his hand ran from her shoulder to her back and she placed her hands on his muscular chest. He pulled her in tight so fast she let out a gasp. Holden smiled and then bent his head and those too-perfect lips captured hers before she could encourage the kiss or protest it. His mouth lit up her world and every pleasure receptor in her lips.

  Navy’s hands swept up along the sides of his neck and then she buried them in the short hair at the nape of his neck and pulled herself even closer to him. His mouth continued to work that magic on her as he wrapped both hands around her lower back and cradled her in tight.

  He tasted of salt and happiness and when he parted his mouth—her own mouth exploding with incredible sensations—she realized she had never experienced a kiss like Holden’s. What had instigated the change in him, she had no idea, but she wasn’t one to complain. She clung to him and enjoyed each second of this unreal connection.

  Holden suddenly yanked back and the loss of his mouth on hers made her whimper, as if she were in physical pain. She was in physical loss, that was for sure.

  “Holden?” she whispered, still pressed tight to him and clinging to his neck.

  “Oh, Navy.” He pushed out a breath, released her, and jumped to his feet.

  Navy had lied about feeling dizzy earlier, now she was certain she had vertigo. The world spun from the abrupt loss of his touch.

  Holden folded his arms tightly across his well-built chest and muttered, “I apologize.”

  Navy blinked up at him. The bright sun made a halo around him, but he wasn’t acting like an angel right now. Ten seconds ago she would have agreed with the halo.

  He started to reach out a hand to help her up, but pulled it back, jammed it through his hair, and folded his arms tightly again. “I’m so sorry. It would be wise for me not to touch you again.”

  Navy’s head was gradually clearing and righteous indignation at him was rushing in, for kissing her so beautifully then rejecting her so quickly. Holden was well known for being detached, private, and not letting anyone close, but she’d been given that unreal moment of thinking she might be the one for him. It was more painful than her aching knees at the end of a marathon to have that attachment severed.

  She stood, only wavering slightly, and glared at him. “‘It would be wise?’ I’ll tell you what would be wise. You telling me what just happened, and quick.�

  She bit the words out too sassy, but she was confused and still reeling from his kiss and his abrupt ending of said kiss. No man had ever kissed her like that and no man had ever been the first to step away. She stepped away. She was Navy Quinn. Okay, Holden Jennings was several levels out of her league, but she was hurt and humiliated right now. All of her dreams were crashing at her feet much louder than the waves on the beach.

  “Navy, I’m sorry. I’ve never let myself … touch you before.”

  She wanted to beg him to touch her again but she simply arched an eyebrow and folded her own arms across her chest. “And, what? You simply couldn’t control yourself?”

  Please say yes. Tell me how irresistible I am and I’ll confess I’ve always felt the same.

  “There is no excuse for my actions.” He blew out a breath. “You in that suit, this beautiful island, the way you felt against me in the water …” He shook his head. “I acted completely unprofessional and gave into longi— I mean silly infatua— Never mind. I just shouldn’t have kissed you and I beg you to forgive me.”

  He stared at her. Those deep brown eyes filled with an appeal to forgive him, and, she could have sworn, a longing for her. Yet he was such an expert at keeping people at arm’s length she was probably simply imagining what she saw in his eyes. She hoped he couldn’t read the yearning deep inside her.

  Navy’s embarrassment grew and right along with it, her anger. “Think nothing of it,” she snipped at him. “I’m used to men pushing themselves on me. You’re just another one to add to the growing number I’ve had to reject.”

  Sadly, she hadn’t rejected him and hadn’t wanted to. He’d rejected her, and that stung, especially with how impressive he was. She was the one with an infatuation and it was worse than silly, it could be the end of her career with Superior Sports.

  She stomped around him in the sand, plowing her way toward the house. It was a decent walk from this point of the island, but probably not long enough to bury her humiliation. Her dignity was shattered—she’d not only been rejected, but given the chance, she’d kiss him all over again.

  She didn’t risk looking over her shoulder, but there were no footsteps pounding after her in the sand, no Holden desperately calling her name and begging her to stop. He kissed her, then apologized, and then didn’t have the guts to chase after her, plead with her to kiss him again? She’d been right to ignore her longings and keep her distance from Holden Jennings. The week stretching in front of her on a small island with the only man she craved suddenly seemed horribly long.

  Chapter Three

  Holden watched Navy stomp away with far too many emotions battling within him. Frustration at himself for ruining the moment, desire for her, and humiliation at her response to his apology were the top three. He had never been so taken in by a woman, but even though she’d responded to his kiss, it was blatantly obvious by her sharp words that he was just another desperate man for the beautiful Navy Quinn to reject, to put in his place. He’d had his reasons for not kissing her before and now he wished he’d kept them in the forefront of his mind. Falling for Colt Quinn’s sister was stupid, but he was afraid he’d already fallen.

  He gave her space, watching her perfect form until she was out of sight before pushing through the sand back toward the house. At least he had the rear set of stairs up to the master suite and didn’t have to face anyone else, most especially Navy.

  The rest of the day didn’t get any better for him. He had to watch as Ryan hit on Navy and she rejected him time and again. Throughout the filming as they pretended to exit the yacht, explore and exclaim over the house and island, and then started their workouts, Ryan kept making little quips. While Ollie had them hold or repeat certain things so he could get the right angle, Ryan leered at and made suggestive comments to Navy.

  It didn’t seem to matter to the musclehead if Ollie was filming them or if the camera was focused on someone else. Ryan was apparently incapable of giving Navy any space, even though she didn’t seem to encourage him. Holden gritted his teeth. He wasn’t any better himself and wished he was the one flirting with Navy and sneaking quick touches of her hand or finding opportunities to lean in and whisper something no one else could hear.

  The young contestant, Alecia, was almost as annoying in her attentions to Holden. She flaunted her body and made silly flirtatious comments to him. It became his quest the rest of the day to be wherever she wasn’t. Luckily Ryan was Alecia’s trainer so Holden followed Navy and Michael whenever the groups separated, but with only Ollie filming on the island he didn’t let them separate very much.

  It was torture to be close to Navy and know she didn’t want him, especially with the remembrance of her kiss. He’d been the instigator of many fights in his celebrated NHL career. It must be his nature to be a glutton for punishment, to want to earn more bruises. The damage Navy did to him was all internal. He’d rather get slammed against the wall or into the ice. The media always claimed he was too aloof and private, but that was a much safer spot than giving your heart away and having it skewered by a beautiful blonde.

  Dinner was delicious—mahi mahi, kale salad, and sweet potatoes. How Jorge made kale taste amazing was beyond Holden, but he had missed Jorge’s meals the past few months. Cooking for himself or getting takeout weren’t his favorite things. He ate plenty at dinner and enjoyed every bite. Navy looked far more delicious than the food. After the fitness shoot she’d changed into a white floral sundress for dinner. Her long, blonde hair teased across her firm, tanned shoulders. He knew what those shoulders felt like under his fingertips. He hoped he kept the longing glances at a minimum in regards to Navy. How could he have messed up so badly on that beach? Touching her had truly blown his mind and he’d thrown reality and consequences into the sand and reacted like a hormone-driven teenager, not a professional thirty-six year old.

  When Ollie finally set the camera—his “girl” as he called his equipment—down, he was as close to Taya as he could be. Navy talked with Ollie and Taya during the meal, keeping her distance from Ryan and Holden. Holden had wondered if Ollie and Taya had feelings for each other. They would be an unusual pair. He was a big, laidback guy with a perma-grin and she was smaller than Navy with spiky dyed red hair and a lot of body jewelry and tattoos. She was like an adorable little sister who had a chip on her shoulder.

  Speaking of chip on her shoulder, Navy had just glanced his way and caught him staring. She looked away, her cheeks turning pink. His mind flashed back to the kiss. He shouldn’t have let himself think of it because his body heated up and he wanted to get her alone, pin her against a wall, and explore her lovely mouth all over again.

  Everyone dispersed after dinner and Holden went to his room to deal with work on his laptop. There was a notice from the storm-analysts that Zack employed alerting him that extreme weather was headed to the island, but it should pass within twenty-four hours. They advised everyone to stay indoors if the storm got too fierce.

  Holden took a break to open the windows and enjoy the crisp breeze from the incoming storm. Then he tried to focus on the profit/loss statement his financial analyst had sent about the Bruins hockey team. Holden loved that he sponsored the team he used to play for, but right now the salty breeze was calling to him. Within minutes he realized he was completely distracted and closed his laptop, stretched, and walked toward the patio doors. It was impossible to work with a half moon reflecting off the water, the ocean down below, and the memory of Navy Quinn in his arms.

  * * *

  After dinner, Navy hurried to her room, shut the door, and locked it. The tension from being in this beautiful location with Holden close by was getting to her. She took some ibuprofen and laid down on the bed, but the sensation of kissing him would not leave her. She could almost taste him and feel him and she definitely ached for him. The reality of kissing him was so much stronger than the daydreams she’d had of him and her together. It was impossible to shut the memory of his kiss from her mind now that it ha
d finally happened.

  “No!” She sat upright and started pacing the room. Maybe she should head down to the home gym and get another workout in. Maybe she should go to the theater and watch a movie with the rest of the group, but what if Holden ended up there too? She decided to go walk on the beach instead.

  Her phone rang and she snatched it off the dresser, relieved for the distraction.

  “Colt!” Her voice was much too happy, ecstatic even, not her usual sarcastic tones. What was Holden doing to her?

  “Hey, sis. Happy to hear from me?”

  “Always. What are you up to, little bro?”

  “Another day, another girl. You know how it is.”

  Navy scowled and started pacing the room. Okay, maybe Colt wasn’t the best distraction. She loved him so much, but he was wasting his life on women who could never make him happy. All her other brothers—even the hard-hearted Griff—had settled down with amazing women. Why couldn’t Colt give up his philandering ways?

  “When are you going to quit that crap and find one with a brain in her head?”

  “Ah, sis. You know the ones with brains aren’t any fun.”

  “You are such a pig.” She knew that Colt respected women and wouldn’t betray his upbringing or faith, but she still had to give him a hard time and try to help him change his path, find happiness with the right woman for him.

  He simply laughed. “What about you? You done with the Muscle Up show yet?” He made his voice even lower than normal and added a little Arnold Schwarzenegger accent.

  “This is the last week. We’re on location at the most beautiful island. Zack Tyndale’s place.” She’d done the show for a few seasons but she didn’t know if she’d continue, especially if things kept being so awkward with Holden.

  “The Olympian guy? Always promoting protecting the children and adoption?”

  “Yeah. He’s a cool guy.” But Navy’s mind was on another guy.


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