Quinn Family Romance Collection

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Quinn Family Romance Collection Page 65

by Checketts, Cami

  Ollie was sucking in deep breaths. “When the water started flowing out, we realized you must have opened a door or something. We had everybody else move against the corner wall of the kitchen so they wouldn’t be swept away and then we came with the current to check on you. Luckily, as I reached the door I saw what was happening and grabbed on to the frame. Michael about took me out from behind but he bounced to the other side and we pressed into the wall and made our way around the outside of the room until we got to you.”

  Holden grasped the young man’s hand. “Thank you. You saved our lives. When we get out of here you’re getting the fattest raise ever.”

  Ollie grinned. “Let’s just get out of here.”

  Holden nodded his agreement. He focused in on Navy, clinging to the opposite wall. The water was below his thighs now. Hopefully not too much longer and the house would empty. All he wanted was to hold Navy and reassure himself she was okay. He’d answer any questions she had and deal with any painful conversation. He simply wanted Navy.

  Chapter Eleven

  Navy’s heart was racing uncontrollably as she waited next to Michael and watched the water race out the door. The tug of the current was still strong, but as the water level got lower and lower it was easier to stay lodged against the window frame.

  “Thank you,” she told Michael. “You saved us.”

  The young man’s chest puffed out and something glinted in his eyes that hadn’t been there before. He liked being the hero. “I’m just glad we came when we did,” he said humbly.

  “Me too!” Navy smiled gratefully at him. She’d worked with him the past twelve weeks and tried to instill hard work and values as she improved his physical body. She had almost lost hope of her emotional training taking root as he had been so focused on himself and winning, but maybe he had been listening. She was really proud of him right now.

  The sky was lightening outside and it looked like dawn was finally approaching. There were still clouds but the rain was slowing and the wind seemed less fierce. The water was now at Navy’s knees and she decided they might just make it out of this alive.

  Glancing across the room, she met Holden’s dark gaze. The warmth and appreciation in his eyes made her mouth go dry. His nicely formed chest captured her attention and she wondered how he’d lost his shirt.

  The tug of the water was considerably less as it was now at mid-calf but it was still flowing from the hallway and out the opening. Michael turned, unlatched the window, and pushed it up. The breeze flowing in felt fresh and clean, in contrast to the water that had been in the house like a holding tank.

  “Good idea,” Navy praised him, opening the window next to her. She took a deep breath of salty air, grateful to be alive. She would never underestimate Mother Nature again, but she might have a hard time going to a remote island for vacation.

  When the water was ankle deep, Holden started splashing across the room toward them. Navy smiled her welcome.

  “Ollie!” Taya’s voice came from the hallway before she ran into the room. Ollie hurried to her and swung her off the ground.

  “You’re so brave.” She kissed him soundly and Ollie looked all lit up.

  Michael smiled. “I think I’ll go check on the others and leave you lovebirds alone.”

  Navy tensed. What would Holden think of someone calling them lovebirds? Or maybe Michael only meant Ollie and Taya. One glance at Holden told her they fit in the category too. His eyes were focused only on her and he was coming fast.

  Wrapping her up in his arms, he pulled her in tight. Navy’s arms came around his broad back and she clung to him. He was warm and strong and perfect to her.

  “You are amazing,” Holden said and then he bent and captured her lips with his. Navy was swept away by his all-encompassing kiss. The pleasure receptors in her mouth went nuts and the connection she felt to Holden was unlike anything she’d experienced. It was crazy and too new to say anything, but she really and truly loved this man.

  He pulled back much too soon. “I need to go check on Ryan.”

  “Of course.”

  He gifted her with a smile before taking her hand. They rushed upstream, down the hallway. The main room was almost emptied of water and Michael was opening windows and doors. The house was gradually getting lighter with the sun only an hour away from coming up. There were still some storm clouds out there and a decent breeze, but at least the rain had stopped. Navy focused on the sea that was still churning with larger-than-normal waves. She definitely didn’t want to get rescued by boat.

  “Can we ask them to send a helicopter?” she asked Holden.

  He laughed. “I’ll put in a request.”

  Navy laughed, feeling light and happy. They had survived. It was surreal to see the beautiful house and pool area such a mess from the wind, wave, and water damage.

  Holden released her hand and hurried to the kitchen cabinets. He easily leapt onto the wide countertop and started checking on Ryan. The light feeling left as she saw Ryan’s body splayed above the cabinets, one leg hanging off.

  “He’s still breathing, but his pulse is weak, and he’s chilled,” Holden informed everybody. He glanced around at the living area. Couch cushions, decorations, and dishes were all in the wrong spots. Everything looked waterlogged and saggy. “If we just had something dry. Can someone check the bathrooms?”

  The towels were all in the lowest cupboards in the bathrooms, but some might be hanging up and not have gotten completely drenched if the bedroom and bathroom doors had been shut.

  “I think there are beach towels up high in the laundry room,” Taya said.

  “You’re right!” Navy took off running for the utility room between the bedrooms. She reached it first with Taya right behind her. She yanked open the door and hoped the water hadn’t gotten as high with it closed. She pulled open an upper cabinet and was relieved when the towel was soft and dry in her hand. “It’s dry!” She pulled several out and took off running for the kitchen.

  As she reached the great room and rounded the corner to the kitchen she saw everyone involved in helping lift Ryan’s body off the cabinets. Even Alecia was helping, and Michael looked to be pulling more than his fair share. Michael and Holden were on the wide counter and lowered Ryan into Ollie, Jorge, and Alecia’s waiting arms. Michael and Holden both jumped down and they all walked him slowly to the kitchen table.

  Navy hurried over with her bundle of towels, Taya right next to her. She laid down two large beach towels on the table and they rested Ryan on them. Navy realized where Holden’s shirt had gone. He’d used it to staunch Ryan’s head wound.

  Navy went to drape a dry towel over Ryan, but Holden stopped her. “Let’s get his wet clothes off first.”

  “I think you men have to do that.” She had no desire to see Ryan unclothed.

  She, Taya, and Alecia turned away while the men stripped off his clothes.

  “Okay, bring the towels, please,” Holden said a minute later.

  Navy walked backwards and handed her towels over. Ollie chuckled. “With all the brothers you had, I wouldn’t think you’d be so worried about seeing a man in his tighty-whiteys.”

  Navy laughed too. “You’re right. I’ve seen far too many boys in their underwear.” She turned back around. It was sobering to see Ryan lying there under the towels, so pale and unresponsive. The group was sober as they all stared at him.

  “What now?” Ollie asked.

  “We keep checking him and hope some help comes soon,” Holden said. “I’ve about used up any emergency skills I ever pretended to have.”

  “I thought you were an EMT,” Michael said.

  “Lifeguard almost twenty years ago.” Holden smirked. “Not even close to the same.”

  Michael laughed. “And here we all listened to you.”

  “He’s the boss man and the natural leader,” Ollie said. “Some dudes just rock that alpha male role.”

  Holden looked a little embarrassed. Navy pumped her eyebrows at him. “You do
rock it.”

  He smiled back at her.

  “There are a few more dry towels,” Taya said, holding them out.

  “You girls should have them,” Michael spoke up.

  Ollie and Holden’s gazes darted to him. Michael held up his hands. “What? I got the chivalry lesson okay?”

  “I’m glad,” Ollie said.

  Navy felt a surge of pride. Part of what she had been trying to teach the contestants on her team was respect and love for others, just like her parents had taught her and her brothers. It seemed Michael had finally looked past the selfishness of having the perfect body to using his strength to help others. Like when he’d rescued her earlier.

  Taya wrapped a towel around Navy’s shoulders. It felt really nice to have something dry on her arms and shoulders. Navy walked up to Holden. “I could share.”

  He laughed and wrapped his arms around her waist. Navy held on to the edges of the towel and brought it up around his shoulders. She loved the feel of his smooth muscles under her palms.

  “Oh, that feels good,” he murmured.

  “The towel?”

  “No, your hands.”

  Navy smiled and brought her hands around to his upper back, wrapping them both tight in the towel. Holden bent down low and she lifted onto tiptoes, his hands on her lower back encouraging her closer. His muscular frame surrounded her and he softly brushed his lips over hers. Navy’s stomach took flight and her lips were begging for more.

  “Have I told you how incredible you are?” Holden asked.

  “Not for at least five minutes.”

  He grinned and took possession of her mouth. His lips were warm and soft. The kiss was tender and much too quick. Navy was short of breath as she glanced up at him. She lifted up onto tiptoes again, pulled his head down and took her time, tasting his top lip and then his bottom lip.

  “Yum. I used to think your lips were too pretty, but I was wrong. They’re almost as impressive as the rest of you.”

  Holden chuckled. “Let me show you how impressive they are.”

  He captured her lips with his own and desire and joy overwhelmed her. Those too-pretty lips of his were very adept at kissing. He took charge of the kiss like the confident, talented man he was, and Navy loved it. Too often in relationships men were intimidated by her and she had to take the lead. Not with Holden. He was all man and made her feel like a beautiful and desirable woman. She matched his ardor and returned the kiss wholeheartedly, savoring everything from his electrifying lips to the short hair of his beard tickling her cheeks and his strong body overshadowing her.

  Releasing the towel, she fully appreciated the feel of his bare back under her fingertips.

  “Come on!” Michael called out. “Don’t drop the dry towel on the wet floor.”

  Navy pulled back, laughing in embarrassment. “I forgot you were all here.”

  “That was more than obvious.” Michael swept up the towel and held it out to her.

  “You keep it,” she said. “I’m plenty warm.”

  Holden winked at her and kept his arms around her waist.

  “That was like watching a movie,” Alecia said dreamily.

  Navy buried her head in Holden’s chest as everyone laughed.

  The whir of helicopter blades stole everyone’s attention. They all ran for the windows and studied the pre-dawn sky. The sound of the beating blades grew louder and louder and then a white and orange helicopter came into view.

  “Coast Guard!” Ollie yelled. They all cheered and rushed outside, waving their arms and screaming.

  A couple of Coast Guard men opened the door and waved to them. The group on the patio all pointed and yelled, “The pad is that way.” They probably couldn’t hear them, but the large chopper went around the house in the right direction.

  Holden hugged Navy close and said, “I’m going to check on Ryan, will you send them to me?”

  “Sure.” She watched him go. He was lean and strong and awesome. Some crazy part of her felt sad that this time was over. It had been terrifying and miserable, but it had given her new insight to every person there, and she felt they’d all grown too. She’d connected with Holden the past few days in ways she had never dreamt were possible. Yet it was crazy how little she really knew about him. When he’d deflected the opportunity to talk about his family down in the shelter she realized the private way he lived his life was strongly ingrained, and it would be hard for him to open up. Would this tender, new relationship last when they returned to real life? Could she internalize forgiveness for what he did to Colt? It was one thing to think she could forgive, but quite another when it came to injuries done to her brother.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next twelve hours were a blur of flying to Belize, checking into the hospital, getting cleared by the doctors, making arrangements for Ryan’s care, and getting his parents’ flights down to be with him. Finally Ryan’s parents arrived and Holden turned over Ryan’s care to them. He was in a coma, but he had survived. The medical personnel were extremely optimistic that once his body had some time to heal and recover from the trauma of the head injury, near drowning, and hypothermia, he had a very high likelihood of a positive recovery. Holden’s relief that the man had survived was palpable, and now he was praying he would wake up without brain injury.

  Everyone but Ryan loaded onto Holden’s jet late that night, more than ready to return home. Holden sat by Navy on the flight, holding her hand and wondering what their next step was. If it was up to him, they would declare they were exclusively dating and proceed from there, even though it would be hard to talk about his past and the issues with Colt and Kim. He didn’t know if Navy was as anxious to be with him. Now that they were returning home she had become a little withdrawn, and he wondered if she was regretting being so impetuous and sweet with him. She had always held herself pretty aloof, hiding behind professionalism and sarcasm. Had she only allowed him a glimpse into her heart because of the extreme situation?

  He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. It had been a long couple of days. The next thing he heard was the pilot informing them they were descending into LAX. He sat up and turned to Navy. She was studying him, but her beautiful blue eyes were giving nothing away.

  “Are you still quitting?” he blurted out.

  Navy smiled briefly but then she turned serious. “Maybe.”


  She nodded. “It depends how you feel about me dating my too-perfect boss.”

  Relief and warmth rushed over him. “I think that’s a great plan. He’s already planning a fat raise for you.”

  They sat there as the plane descended, staring at each other. Finally, Navy said, “I don’t want your money but what does that mean … us dating, exactly?”

  “It means we do all sorts of fun and adventurous dates and get to know each other better.”

  She nodded, giving him an appraising look. “I like fun and adventure, but tonight I wouldn’t mind something a little more quiet. I know far too little about you.”

  Sharing personal information made him anxious, but being alone in a quiet atmosphere with only Navy sounded amazing. His heartbeat picked up and heat pooled in his stomach. “I have a fabulous chef.” He would order out if Jorge didn’t want to cook, but Jorge always wanted to cook. “Could I have my driver pick you up for dinner about seven?” He would have loved to pick up takeout and go to her house, but that felt a little too pushy to invite himself over.

  “I could be ready by seven.”

  He squeezed her hand. Tonight they would get a chance to be alone, talk through a lot of things, and kiss for many, many hours. The plane landed, and they were interrupted from saying more as they gave hugs goodbye and talked about future plans for the show and the finale with Michael and Alecia. Holden wasn’t sure what the producers would decide with the season finale, but he had an idea bouncing around in his head of what he would like to do.

  He gave Navy a quick kiss before settling her into the back of a lim
o and sending her home. Her house was in Huntington Beach, over an hour from his Santa Monica home. Too far. They had flown through the night so it was now early morning. Was he really not going to see her until seven tonight? How dumb had that plan been? He tried to think positively. He could go home and shower, catch up on all the work issues that were probably awaiting him, work on a press release and deal with the media. Maybe the stars would align and he could take a quick nap. He wanted to be well rested and ready to focus solely on Navy tonight.

  * * *

  Navy’s eyes rounded as the driver pulled through the wrought iron gates and into the circle drive of Holden’s mansion. Many of her family members were extremely wealthy and she did well for herself—money wasn’t foreign to her—but she fell instantly in love with this house. It was white stucco and windows. Huge windows. You could see right through the panes of glass facing the circle drive to the beach and ocean beyond through the rear windows and doors. Huge trees shaded the driveway, and impressive thick landscaping made it so you couldn’t even see the street she’d just been on.

  The driver got her door and offered his hand. She got out and thanked him, smoothing down her pale blue floral sundress. It was a beautiful summer evening and she could only hope her lemonade body splash was working as she was already sweating, not from the outside air but from the prospect of the evening before her. She couldn’t wait for time alone with Holden to explore their newfound relationship. It was scary and exciting, but they had survived a hurricane together, surely they could survive a little intense conversation. As long as he would open up and she could practice the forgiveness she had claimed to have. If only Colt would have told her more of the story. When she’d tried to call him earlier she’d gotten a text message in return that said he was on a security job and would call her soon.

  The glass front door pushed open and Holden strode confidently out. He was wearing a white Henley shirt with a few buttons undone at the top and khaki pants. The contrast with his dark skin and hair was perfect. He looked … amazing.


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