by C. K. Vile
Our community is about Nick Dawkins.
But even the best among us can misstep. And there have been a great many missteps in the past year. Too many.
Take Flypap3r, for instance. She represented one of our best and brightest. She loved Nick Dawkins with every inch of her being. She was ready to devote her life to him, if only he would have her.
And then, she tried to kill him.
Take MaggotMaestro, as an example. Also one of our best and brightest. As talented an artist as Myiasis has ever seen. He applied his considerable gift to recreating some of Nick Dawkins’ greatest works.
And then, he tried to kill him.
Then there’s this recent debacle. Wormwood and Hellen. The Voices of Myiasis. Two of our most important pillars, keeping us all up to date on the weekly goings on here in the community.
And then… well, I think you can see the pattern here.
‘But wait,’ you may say, ‘Wormwood and Hellen didn’t try to kill Nick Dawkins. Defcon, Longpig9514, and Squamata did.’
This is arguably worse, and one of my points.
Defcon, Longpig and Squamata were never the best among us. They were bottom feeders. They were never concerned with what they could do for Nick Dawkins. Instead, they were concerned with what Nick Dawkins could do for them.
Maybe some of the blame for that is on me. Maybe I should have, long ago, put my foot down and said, ‘No Longpig, you may not eat Nick Dawkins.’
But I’m here almost daily. I read the posts. And if I had to say something to every member who fantasized about using Nick Dawkins’ intestines as a jump rope (I’m looking at you ComeAndPlayWithUs69) I’d never get to leave this chair again.
So let me say it once, and only once. Right here. Right now:
Nobody is allowed to kill Nick Dawkins. Further attempts on his life will be met with consequence… assuming you don’t get yourself killed in the process. Another pattern.
Making Nick Dawkins suffer, on the other hand, is fair game.
I know what you may be thinking. ‘But wait, how is making Nick Dawkins suffer doing something for Nick Dawkins?’
The difference, Maggots, is that whatever doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.
And look at how much stronger Nick Dawkins has become.
He wasn’t alone, but reports indicate he played a vital role in the defense of his own home. With a broken leg.
We’ve heard rumors out of his former publisher that he’s striking out on his own, with a brand new book.
Just today—and one of the main reasons I felt compelled to say something—he was confirmed as a guest at GutsCon in Austin, Texas. Do you know how long it’s been since Nick Dawkins appeared at a horror convention?
This is progress, Maggots.
The worst thing I could imagine is that Nick Dawkins’ personal journey might be cut short because some cubicle-jockey from Pittsburgh thinks his head would make a nice lampshade.
So go nuts. (In every possible meaning of the word.) Drop in on him unexpectedly. Send him jars of goat semen in the mail. Indulge your every depraved fantasy of love, admiration and other. Minor wounds and injury are acceptable.
But leave him alive or you will live to regret it.
Speaking of which, if any of you are reading this in any of our nation’s fine correctional facilities, it’s open season on Wormwood, Defcon, Longpig, and Squamata.
Happy hunting, Maggots.
The Administrator
To be continued in Flypaper: Con, coming within several weeks.
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