by Rob Somers
Disruption of Desire
Copyright © 2017 ROB SOMERS
All Rights Reserved
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely co-incidental.
Any opinions expressed in this book are solely those of the author.
Photographer: Wicked Warrior Photography
Front Cover Models: Jess Epps, BT Urruela
Cover Designer: Golden Czermak
Editor: All About Edits
Table of Contents
Title Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
About the Author
This book is dedicated to the victims of abuse. Don’t ever be ashamed of who you are and don’t ever feel ashamed for telling your story. We are victims, yes, but we are also survivors. Share what you’ve been through, own your strength, and help those still going through it. You can change a life through your honesty.
This book may contain potential triggers for people who have suffered traumatic experiences. Reader discretion is advised.
To my friend Nathan “Nate” Bruckenthal. Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you brother. You are always by my side and a piece of you will always be with me. I miss you bro, until we meet again brother.
To all the men and women, you have served and continue to serve this great nation. I thank each and every one of you.
ALL gave some, some gave it ALL!
Is he the right one?
I stare into the mirror in my dressing room, studying my reflection. Mom stands next to me, and as I look at her reflection gazing back at me, the tears begin building, slowly running down her cheeks. Is she seeing the little girl she raised staring back at her, and not the one who’s all grown up?
“Piper,” she says. “As a mom, we never want our baby girls to grow up so quickly, but, I am so happy for you, Angel. God, it feels like just yesterday you were five years old, playing dress-up with your dolls.” She pulls me in close, wrapping her arms around me, careful not to wrinkle my gorgeous dress.
“Mom, don’t cry, please. Connor loves me with all his heart, and he is a good man.”
“I know, Angel,” she says, sobbing. “It’s just hard, knowing my little girl is all grown up now.”
Mom releases me and heads toward the bathroom, wiping the tears from her eyes. As she scurries off, I begin to feel the tears building in my own. I promised myself; I would not cry today.
I have waited all my life for this day. Today, Connor takes my hand in marriage and we join our lives together. We’ve been dating for almost five years, and while we were in Colorado last fall, he asked me to marry him. I smile at the memory; still one of my favorites.
It’s the first day of our vacation, and we’re all settled into our cabin. We decided to take a hike before the sun set. As we’re walking along the river bank, we find a huge rock and climb up to sit and watch the sun go down. Just before the sun sets, Connor reaches into his coat and pulls out this cute little pink box with a red ribbon on it. I know exactly what he’s about to do, and my heart starts pounding in anticipation.
Connor looks deep into my eyes. “Piper, I have loved you since the minute I saw you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I can’t imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to. When I look into your eyes, I can see a reflection of the two of us and the life I hope we’ll share together. Piper, please, will you marry me?”
Without a breath of hesitation, I said, “YES!” I see the tears start building in his eyes at my answer. Connor isn’t the type of guy who cries, so I know this is something real for him.
I’m brought out my thoughts and back into the present when Mom comes out of the bathroom. Just then, the door flies open and my dad, Rocco, struts in. He stops and stares, his eyes becoming glossy. My sobbing face instantly morphs into an ear-to-ear smile. My dad isn’t exactly the type of man to get teary-eyed in the least bit. He’s always been a rugged, tough, son-of-a-bitch, and his own boss for the past twenty years, working as a mechanic. He didn’t have a great childhood; my grandparents were very poor. Grandma didn’t work and Papa was laid off from almost every job he had. Dad said there were many nights when there wasn’t any food on the table, let alone a bed to sleep on. So, my dad has pretty much been on his own since he was a young teen. He met my mom when he was nineteen, and has been in love with her ever since. My grandfather, my mom’s father, had brought his 1965 Mustang to the shop where my dad was working, to get a complete restoration. Mom had gone into the shop with her dad one day, saw my dad, and they have been inseparable ever since. It was like they were meant to be together forever.
Dad walks over to me with his slight hobble, which has become so familiar to me of late. He had a car fall from the jacks and land on his leg last year, resulting in numerous surgeries and leaving him with a limp. We thought he was going to lose his leg, but the surgeons, thank God, were able to save it.
“My precious little girl,” he says, one side of his mouth raising in a small grin. Dad never smiles and yet, right now, he has that look on his face. “Today, I lose Daddy’s little girl, but I gain an amazing son-in-law.” Dad has always liked Connor, but never showed it. “I am so proud of you, Peanut. I love you.” He pulls me in close, making me feel secure with his big burly hands. With his arms wrapped around me more tightly than ever before, and overwhelmed by my emotions, my tears start to fall down my face.
“Oh, Peanut, you have to stop that.” He hands me his handkerchief as he reaches up, and with his finger and wipes my eyes. “You don’t want to get makeup on that pretty white dress of yours, do you?” With no other words, Dad turns his rugged body to leave.
As Dad wobbles toward the door, he gives a wink to my mother, with a hard slap on her ass. “Let’s get our baby girl married!”
It makes me smile to see that my parents still have that playful side to them. For being such a tough ass, my dad still has a soft, romantic side that he only shows to my mother.
As they leave the room, I stare back at the mirror, wondering what my life is going to be like, being married to Connor. I can only hope and pray that our marriage turns out like my parents, who have been married for twenty years. He is my one true love, my best friend, and my confidant; we have been through so much together. He was my rock the whole time Dad went through his numerous surgeries and subsequent recoveries for his leg.
Don’t get me wrong, Connor and I have had our fair share of arguments and disagreements, but we always found our way back in each other’s arms. He has been so good to me, and has always been there for me over the past five years.
As I tilt my head up to look at my long curly brown hair, all twisted up and held together with pins and hair ties, I can see my best friend in the reflection of the mirror. Brit used to date my younger brother Zac for a few years, but according to her, they are on a “break.” We’ve been best friends since grade school, and do everything together. Sometimes I wonder how my parents put up with the two of us, growing up.
I remember back to when we were little girls, and Brit and I would pretend we were having one of our own weddings, standing at the other’s side; they were extravagan
t and filled with joy. Fast forward to today; I’m getting married to the man of my dreams, and Brit will be right by my side.
Brit is over by the bar we have set up in our room, drinking a glass of her favorite: Crown Apple with cranberry juice. She says it tastes just like a sour apple blow pop. Brit could always hold her liquor with the best of them, but no bride wants a drunk maid of honor.
I turn from the mirror and yell, “Brito, you’d better not get too fucked up. You do have to stand up there with me!”
“Bitch, please,” she says with her New York accent. “You and I both know I can drink this shit like water,” as she fills her glass up with fresh ice. She pours the Crown and looks at me, then nods to a shot glass with the bottle of Fireball next to it. “You know you want one, Piper. Better get it in now before your dad comes back in here and yells at you.” Giggling, she almost spits out her drink.
Clearly, Brit has become a little tipsy. I love this girl to death, but, oh my God, if she acts out during the wedding, I’ll fucking kill her! Brit rolls her eyes. She knows she can’t act crazy around my dad, because without hesitation, he will sure as hell tell her off! She’s like another daughter to him.
Just as we are both about to do another shot of Fireball, the rest of my bridesmaids walk in.
“Oh, my God, you look beautiful!” Ashley screams as she runs over to me, her arms sticking straight out to give me a huge hug.
“Aww, thank you, sweetie,” I squeal as we lean in and kiss each other’s cheeks. As my eyes began filling with tears again, I look to Brit to change the mood and keep me from crying, like she always can. Knowing exactly what we need, Brit screams out as she starts lining up the shot glasses and pouring the chilled Fireball into them.
“Let’s go, girls! It’s shot time before we marry off our sister!”
“Here’s to Piper.” We all lift our shot glasses up. “May you live in happiness and forever be cherished. Love ya girl, forever and always!” Clinking our shot glasses together, we all shoot the Fireball and then slam our glasses down on the counter.
Brit looks at me with that shit-eating grin. “You ready for this?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I reply, smirking back at her.
Brit grabs my hand, looks me in the eyes. “You guys are perfect for each other.” She squeezes my hand tight, before turning to our friends. “Let’s go, girls. Piper needs a minute before she walks down that aisle and becomes Mrs. Connor Teller,” she laughs.
“Bitch,” I snarl at her.
As the girls leave, my dad walks in and flashing that smirk, takes my hands in his and holds them out, giving me one last onceover.
“My beautiful Angel. It’s time.” He grabs my hand and we head to the door. Dad looks at me, and kisses me on the cheek just as the music begins playing. It’s the song, my song, the one played as every bride walks down the aisle to her groom. A song Brit and I sang many times in our pretend weddings.
Dad glances over at me, and winks. “Here we go, darlin’!”
Sitting on the couch in my dressing room, I reflect on how far I’ve come since meeting and falling in love with Piper. I was in a motorcycle club for a few years before her, and I was in deep. I’ve always been one to toe the wrong side of the law, ever since I was a kid. I would spend most of my days stealing from people, and selling drugs in my neighborhood. I guess you could say I was quite the problem child. Granted, my parents weren’t exactly the type of people I could look up to.
My mom left when I was ten, and my dad… Well, my dad wasn’t much of one. He would get drunk off his Budweiser and beat the shit out of me for no reason; just because he could. My childhood sucked badly and, eventually, my brother, Michael, and I, were placed in foster care. We ended up being separated from each other, and it was difficult on the both of us.
I ended up with a family who really paid zero attention to me, and I was able to do whatever the hell I wanted, so I did. That’s where my outlaw days started. My brother, on the other hand, ended up in another broken home where he was beaten so badly that he was rushed to the emergency room. I found out from my foster parents he’d died from his injuries. Both of those sick fuckers are in jail now, and it’s a good thing. But I swore, if they ever got out, I would find them and murder them myself.
After Michael’s death, I really got lost. I didn’t handle it too well, and by the time I was seventeen, I already had a criminal record. I was sentenced to eight months in prison for boosting a car, where I took part in a trade program and learned how to weld. This program allowed prisoners to have something to fall back on upon re-entering the ‘civilian world’, instead of resorting back to the criminal lifestyle. It was that time in prison that turned my life around.
As I sip on my bottle of water, my boy Brock walks in the door, interrupting my thoughts. Brock and I have been best friends since I joined the club. He was my sponsor when I was just a prospect. We’ve been through a lot of shit together.
“Bro, that Brit girl, she’s a fucking wild one!” he says, as he tucks his shirt into his tux pants.
“Dude, tell me you didn’t just fuck Piper’s best friend on our wedding day?”
“Come on brother, you know me better than that. Of course I didn’t. She just blew me in the closet down the hall.” Laughing hysterically, he cracks open a beer from the ice cooler we brought with us.
I first met Piper five years ago, when I brought my ’71 Chevelle into her dad’s mechanic shop. For the most part, I did all the work on my own car, but a good buddy of mine recommended Rocco’s Auto Shop for a fair-priced tune-up. When I first met him, he was a very standoffish type of guy; didn’t say much, but it was clear he knew what the hell he was doing.
It was then that I saw Piper for the first time. She had stopped by her dad’s shop to bring him lunch, and holy shit, I was done for. She was the epitome of everything I had ever dreamt of. Her long brown hair, those dark full eyes that stood out against her bright red lipstick, and a slender body that brought my thoughts to what she looked like in just her bra and panties. God, I can remember the day like it was yesterday.
She walked in through the front glass doors, long tan legs all the way up to her ass, wearing these skimpy cut-off jean shorts, and a red and brown flannel shirt that covered her very full tits. I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. Walking up to the customer counter where her Pops was standing, she leaned over the counter to kiss him on the cheek. When she bent over, I couldn’t help but follow the curves of her ass.
Feeling like I was being watched, I looked up and my eyes met her dad’s. He was staring me down like a lion ready to fuck my world up. Instantly, I turned away guiltily, knowing I had been caught!
When Piper walked out, we caught each other’s eyes, and she gave me this wink, followed by the cutest smile I had ever seen. I knew immediately I wanted to get to know every inch of her better.
I spent most of my days riding my bike back and forth in front of her dad’s shop, hoping I would catch a glimpse of this beauty again. Eventually, I worked up the courage to walk into Rocco’s shop, and asked about a job. Now seemed like the perfect time to put my welding skills to work. To my surprise, he offered me some part-time work. I wasn’t sure if he remembered me from a few months earlier, and how he caught me checking out his daughter, but hell, I wasn’t going to give up the opportunity to see Piper on a regular basis.
It was about a month or two before I saw Piper again. She and her mom, Kitty, came by to pick up Rocco for an appointment. Kitty was the nicest lady I had ever met, and she reminded me of what a mother should be. She was very warm and welcoming as we spoke. Though it was only for a few minutes before she left with Rocco, I could see how amazing a woman she was.
A little while later, as Piper sat covering the front counter for her dad, I figured this was my chance; the moment I’d been waiting for.
Don’t be a chicken shit, go talk to her. Ask her out, I mentally chided myself. If someone would have seen me gawking at her the way I was, t
hey definitely would have thought I was a creeper. But she was too beautiful for me to cast my glance anywhere else, no matter how hard I tried.
I finally found my balls and asked her out on a date. She was reluctant at first, but, to my relief, she said “Why not?”
We went out on a few dates before I finally talked to Rocco about officially dating his daughter. I already knew that he was aware of the two of us seeing each other, but I wanted to be respectful and ask his permission. I really wasn’t sure what he was going to say about it, and quite frankly, I was kind of nervous. To my grateful surprise, he was okay with it. He had told me during our conversation that he thought I was a good guy and that if I ever hurt Piper he would sure as fuck hurt me. That was enough to scare the shit out of me. I could just picture Rocco wrapping his big ass hands around my throat and choking me if I ever did Piper wrong. Rocco had one request – well, more like one stipulation – for dating his daughter, and it was the same thing Piper had begged of me before getting married. He suggested stepping away from the club. I had always been very hesitant in doing this; the club was the only family I had. Until Piper, Rocco, and Kitty.
But leaving a motorcycle club you have worked so hard to get into isn’t that easy. Our MC is considered a one-percenter club, meaning we’ve done some shit that could really get us all in trouble if ever leaked out. So, throwing that vest on your back, with the club’s colors, pretty much guarantees your commitment to the club. You can’t just walk out on family, but I made a promise to both Rocco and Piper that I would leave the club.
Ever since then, Piper and I have been together, and now here we are, getting ready to start our journey together. I have to be the luckiest man on earth, with a wonderful woman who loves me and a great family to go along with that. The Sterlings have welcomed me with open arms. I continued to work for Rocco in the shop for a couple of years, but then was offered a welding job in the city, working on high rise buildings. I couldn’t pass up the offer, and Rocco wouldn’t let me; the pay increase was something he knew I wanted, to be able to take care of his daughter. The only downfall was having to drive into the city every day, and to be quite honest, New York City is not a fun place to drive in and out of.