by Rob Somers
“Brock!” I yell. “What happened? Is it bad?”
“Don’t look at it, brother. We are gonna get you out of here and to the hospital. Hang in there, bro. I got you.”
Brock, the big son of bitch that he is, picks me up and carries me down the dirt road. Donnie was already on the phone with one of the prospects, letting them know to get the truck down here as soon as possible. I can hear him screaming into his phone.
“Hurry the fuck up! It’s bad. We need to get Connor to the hospital now.”
Laying there with blood pouring out of my stomach, all I can think about is Piper.
“Brock… Piper,” I choke out, grabbing his hand.
“I’ll call her, brother. I’ll let her know to meet us at the hospital.” Brock grabs his phone and dials Piper’s number.
“Fuck. Voicemail… Piper, it’s Brock. I need you to meet us at Memorial Hospital. There’s been an accident and Connor has been shot.”
I see the lights from the truck coming toward us. “Brock, am I gonna die?” The taste of copper fills my mouth, as blood trickles out and down my cheek.
“No brother, you’re gonna be fine. Just stay with me, bro, keep talking to me.” Two of our guys gently pick me up and lay me in the back of the truck, while Brock holds his hand over my stomach.
“Let’s go! We need to hurry the fuck up!” he yells, squeezing my hand. “Stay with me, brother.”
The pain is shooting through my stomach all the way down to my toes. This is it, I know it. I’m gonna die, and I’ll never get the chance to tell Piper how sorry I am, and how much I love her.
It feels like an eternity before we reach the hospital. I can hear so many different voices talking and asking questions. I want to say something, but I can’t. It’s so unreal right now. I want to tell them I’m going to be okay and that I can hear them, but nothing comes out. I watch the doctors as they yell back and forth to each other. I can see them sticking needles in me, I can feel the pain meds being injected. It runs through my body and I feel a cool tingly sensation overtake me.
I can see Brock standing there, covered in blood. Did he get shot as well…or is that all my blood?
I can hear the beeping of the machine by my head. It’s so fucking annoying.
Opening my eyes, I see Brock sitting in the chair next to my bed, tears falling down his cheeks. My hand held tightly in his, I can hear him saying, “I’m so sorry, brother. I never should have asked you to come. I’m so sorry. I love you, bro.”
I try to speak again, and nothing. What the hell is going on? Why can’t he hear me? Why can’t I speak? I start looking around the room.
And then I see her.
Piper walks into the room, an absolute wreck. Tears flowing, she drops to her knees beside me, and screams.
“Connor! No! NO!”
I want to tell her it’s going to be okay; that I’m fine. She grabs my hand and squeezes so tightly.
Baby, I’m gonna be okay. But all I can hear her saying is, “No!” over and over again.
“Why, Brock? Why?” Brock comes around to her side of the bed, and takes Piper into his arms, holding her tight.
“Guys, I’m gonna be okay. Why aren’t you answering me? Piper, can you hear me?”
And then it happens. The worst sound imaginable.
Where there was once the sound of precious heartbeats, is now one long, shrill tone.
And everything goes dark.
I would like to take a moment and thank everyone that helped, encouraged, and believed in me through this process. Disruption of Desire has been a huge learning experience as well as a growing process. I have had so much fun creating this story. Without the help and support of so many of you I would not have been able to complete this. If any of you know me you know that I have not read a book from cover to cover since I was in high school. And even then, I believe I bought the cliff notes for each book I was supposed to read. It wasn’t until I read the Into the Nothing by BT Urruela that gave me the drive and the ambition to read again, let alone write.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my loving, supportive wife Jenifer. Babe you have been with me through thick and thin. You have supported me from the start of this project. You have been my biggest supporter and I love you so much for that. Thank you for your push and encouragement to complete this book. I love you! Forever and Always!
Cody, Carleigh, and Cameryn you three are my world. I love each of you in your own special way!
To my parents, Roxanne and Jeff. Where do I even begin to start? You have sure had your hands full with me over the years and to be where I am today I owe a huge portion of that to you guys. You pushed me through school, and through sports. You have always been there for me no matter what stupid crap I did. Every kid should be as lucky as I was to grow up with such loving parents. I love you guys!
Taylor, five years ago I met you playing softball. Bro you have been with me every day since. Without you in my life who knows where I would be. You have opened so many doors for me. You have inspired me to be a better man, husband, father, and friend. You my friend are a true inspiration and I am so proud to have you as my best friend. Love ya bro.
To my VETSports family, Krutch, Honey Bear aka Andrew, Randy, Belch, KJ, Elix (Helix), Wills, we have all been through so much together. You guys are all my brothers and more importantly my family. Thank you all for your support and friendship.
Cara, you are my mom away from home. What would I do without you. I sure as heck wouldn’t make it to events on time if I didn’t have you. You always make sure everything is taken care of and I can’t thank you enough. Thank you for helping me out step by step on this new journey. You are truly an amazing woman.
My girls Amy (Red) and Jess, you two are absolutely awesome. You have shown me so much in this book world and I can’t give you enough thanks. Amy don’t ever ask me to go on a road trip across the country again. #roadtripbond. I miss our late nights of writing out on the back porch, wish we all lived closer.
Golden, thank you brother for producing such an amazing cover. You my friend have some serious talent. Thank you from the bottom of my heart bro.
Lastly, I want to thank you, the readers. Without you to read the words I put down this book would not be a success. So, I thank each and every one of you. I can only hope that you enjoy this book as much as I did creating for you. Stay tuned for Disruption of Desire Dark Roads coming soon!
Rob Somers is currently serving in the U.S. Coast Guard for the past nineteen and a half years. He will be retiring from service this December having completed 20 years of dedicated service. He joined VETSports in 2013 when he transferred to Tampa and is now their SE Director.
As a little boy, he would always create these crazy stories in his head. His mother often told him he would make a good writer with the imagination he had. His dream of becoming a writer is finally coming true with his first release Disruption of Desire this August 2017.
Rob is also a craftsmen and Owner/Operator of Warrior Wood Designs, a wood designing company he operates out of Tampa, Florida. He has been woodworking since the age of fourteen. Rob made this dream of opening his own business come true during 2016.
He is married and has three children and two dogs. Rob and his family reside in Tampa, Florida where he plans to continue woodworking and writing books.
Author photo provided by RplusMPhotography