Accepting Destiny

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Accepting Destiny Page 14

by Christa Lynn

  “Ally, are you all right?” Jackson asks, concern on his face.

  “Yeah, just trying to get a headache.”

  “Why are you trying to get a headache?” He raises his eyebrows at me, smirking.

  “Not really trying, Jack. It’s a figure of speech,” I reply, as I roll my eyes at him. “Can you hand me my purse behind you?”

  I dig out the aspirin and chase down a few with my coffee, the last one not wanting to go down smoothly. I take a large gulp of coffee and just about burn my throat. Geez, it’s gonna be a long day.

  Jackson comes up behind me and starts massaging my neck, his thumbs pressing against my pressure points. I sigh and relax against the chair, enjoying his strong warm hands on my neck.

  “Come in the living room and lay down, I’ll give you a massage and then we can go shopping.”

  He tugs me up to a standing position and his eyes travel over my body. His fingers touch my skin between my breasts, which is exposed by the open buttons of his dress shirt. “Hmmmmm,” he turns and escorts me to the living area tossing the cushions from the sofa on the floor. He takes a regular pillow from one of the bedrooms, and I drop to my knees on the thick cushions’.

  He walks up in front of me with that damned heated stare again. I’ve heard that sex helps with headaches, but I really just want to lay down. He lowers himself to his knees and reaches for the buttons on my....well, his shirt. He slowly unbuttons the shirt and pulling it over my shoulders, lets it fall to the floor. I am now completely naked, because I didn’t put on panties when I got out of bed.

  He sucks in a breath and traces his fingers around my nipples, which have sprung out and pebbled. Sprung - wow, I come up with some silly words.

  “Lie down on the pillows and relax.”

  I crawl down to my stomach, totally aware that he is dressed and I’m not, a flash of modesty crawls over me and I cover myself as I turn to lay on the pillows. Jackson pulls my arms away, clucking his tongue at me. I can’t help it, I am not comfortable being naked and he’s just going to have to get used to it.

  I lay down and he straddles my legs behind me, pressing his hips against my ass and his knees on the cushions. I think about wiggling my butt against him, but then, think better of it. I am not in the mood to deal with demanding Jackson right now, so I rest my head on the pillow and close my eyes.

  He dribbles something on my back that smells like...babies. Where did he get baby oil? I take a deep breath of the fresh scent and settle in, as his strong hands kneed my stiff shoulders and neck. I suddenly don’t care that I am completely naked with his hips pressed against my ass. Should be a good pillow for him.

  His hands drift down my back and I moan. I can tell he’s smiling behind me, but I don’t dare open my eyes. I squeeze them shut and make a real effort to keep them closed. It feels so good and I know if I look back at him what I’ll see. Since his hips are pressed against me, I can feel what I’ll see and I’m not in the mood to give in to his sexual demands. He grinds his hips against me and I think, maybe I could change my mind. Hey, I’m a woman and, I’m entitled to change my mind.

  As I start to really relax, his thumbs pressing in to my lower back, I feel myself starting to drift off to sleep. How is that even possible with two cups of strong coffee in me? I feel a little more baby oil dribbled on to my back and he snaps the cap shut. This springs me from my sleepy stature, as he continues his massage.

  His slippery fingers graze the rise of my ass and he presses them in to the thick flesh. I suddenly tense up, realizing he’s about to massage my ass. No, no, no......he needs to stay away from there. I already feel strange having it in his face, but now his hands are on it and......”Shhhh, relax Alexandra,” he says in his sexy voice. My name rolls off of his lips when he’s aroused like that. I have a feeling I’m going to be in trouble, in just a short period of time.

  He continues down my thighs, adding more oil as he scoots back. His hips are no longer pressed against my ass, but I can still feel his weight lingering over my legs. Now that his hands have left my ass, my body relaxes again. I close my eyes again and allow my body to sink in to the cushions.

  Suddenly he drags his finger up my slit, pulling the moisture with it. Damn, I had no idea I was wet, I just thought the baby oil had dribbled between my thighs. “Always wet for me, baby,” Jackson whispers, as he continues to stroke my now awakening sex. How does he do that?

  One hand is massaging my upper thigh, the other is massaging my....well, you know. My hips involuntarily start grinding against the cushions, the friction against my now aching clit adding to the sensations.


  “What the hell?” I sleepily ask him. “Why did you just smack my ass?” I continue, as I try to turn over on to my back.

  “Keep still,” he presses my body back in to the cushions.

  “Don’t smack me,” I respond in a huff.

  As his fingers slide between my legs again, I feel an extra amount of moisture pooling there. “Ahhh, cause you don’t like it, right? You can say that, but your body tells me something different.” He says as he pushes his thumb inside, while he presses another finger against my clit.

  “Oh God, Jackson stop,” I breathe out, but do I really want him to stop?

  “What, Alexandra? I didn’t hear you,” he says as he thrusts his fingers back in and presses harder against my clit.

  “I said st......AHHH! Don’t stop!” I cry out as his fingers stroked harder and harder, faster and faster. My body tenses up and I feel the wave of orgasm beginning at my toes. Jackson leans down and presses his body against me, the weight heavy on his hand that is between my legs. I turn my head to face down in to the pillow because I know it has to be contorted. My body can’t move due to him sitting on me and now his lips are against the tender skin below my ear.

  “Turn your head back, I want to see your face when you come,” He whispers in my ear, his breath tingling against my skin. I fight the weight, but I manage to turn my head back to the side, as he pushes hard inside me, his thumb pressing against the now electric bundles of nerves. He circles his thumb and his other finger presses against my clit and mimics the motion of his thumb.

  My senses are overloaded and all I can think about is falling over the edge. “Look at me,” he says as I struggle to open my eyes. His green eyes have darkened, full of lust and something else I can’t explain. His tongue darts out to moisten his lower lip and the scene is so erotic, that my body convulses and spasms. “That’s my girl… come for me,” he whispers against my cheek, as I fall apart.

  As my body relaxes, I feel him snuggle against me, feeling the loss of his weight immediately. But he quickly pulls me against him and nuzzles my hair, placing gentle kisses on my neck.

  “How’s your headache?” He asks quietly.

  “Hmmmm? What headache?” I chuckle.

  “Good, then my work here is done,” he says, as he stands up, leaving my naked body sated and heavy on the floor.

  I look up at him with heavy eyes, scanning his body. I can see his erection through his pants and I stare at it. “What about you?” I ask, as I begin to sit up, to face his cock.

  “We have things to do today, but don’t worry, I’ll take you up on your offer, later. Hop up and let’s get dressed,” he says holding his hand out for me to stand. He pulls me to my feet and I am standing in front of him, my lungs burning for air. Wrapping my arms around myself, I duck out of his line of vision, to go upstairs and put on my hopefully, dry dress from yesterday.

  “Alexandra?” He calls out from behind me. I turn to look at him, my arms still wrapped around my body, effectively covering my breasts and other private areas.

  “What have I told you about covering yourself?”

  I just stood there, looking dumbfounded I’m sure, but I don’t move my hands. “I-I’m sorry. I’m just not comfortable being naked in front of you...or anyone, for that matter. You’ll just have to get over it,” I say, as I turn and run up the stairs.
r />   I hear him exhale a deep breath, and then his feet hit the stairs behind me. I make it to the top before he does and bolt in to the bedroom, quickly closing the door. I enter the bathroom and grab a towel, quickly wrapping it around me, before he comes barging in to the bathroom.

  His eyes are on fire with anger and sympathy. Such a weird combination, but I say nothing. He needs to let me be and let me get dressed.

  He reaches forward and tugs on the towel, but I hold on tight to the thick cotton that protects my body from his eyes. “No Jackson, let me get dressed,” I tell him, but he pulls harder on the towel. He is so much stronger than me, so my fingers give in and the towel falls from my body, pooling at my feet.

  He steps closer to me, my nose almost pressing against his chest. I can smell his musky scent, mixed with baby oil and I inhale deeply, wanting to remember that smell. He lifts my chin up to look at him, and his eyes have softened since he barged in, after chasing me up the stairs.

  “Baby, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. Why do you have such a hard time with that?” He asks softly.

  “Really? You really have to ask that question? Look at me! No wait, don’t look at me,” I scream,as I try to bend down and pick up the towel, but he stops me before I succeed. “Jackson, I have issues, okay? I’m too short and a bit rounder than I prefer. Thegirls aren’t where they’re supposed to be and my ass jiggles like two bulldogs wrestling under a blanket. I get it and I’m okay with me, but I just can’t figure out why you would be okay with me.”

  There, I said it. I finally said what’s been on my mind ever since The Suit came barging in to my life, three months ago in Miami. I flinch after I say it, because I know I’m fixing to catch hell from him. I close my eyes and wait for it, because I know its coming.

  “Come here,” he says, as he turns to walk out of the bathroom.

  Bending down to get the towel and wrap it back around me, I hear him from the bedroom. “Leave the towel.”

  Damn, how did he know? Am I that predictable? Well, I need to come up with some new material, because he’s figuring me out too easily. I wrap one arm across my breasts, and the other over my bottom half as I move slowly towards the door. I know I am making a huge mistake covering myself, but I can’t help it.

  I step outside the door and look around the room for him. He’s standing with the closet door open in front of a full length mirror. He crooks his finger at me, in a come hither motion, but I freeze. I don’t want to stand in front of the mirror. I’ve seen myself and it’s not one of my favorite things to look at. I’d rather stare at Jackson.

  He waits there for me, but my feet won’t move. I know what he’s planning and it really isn’t necessary. “Come here, Ally.”

  My feet finally get their Mojo back and I tiptoe across the room towards him. He places his hands on my shoulders and turns me to face the mirror. I see me standing there, covering myself, but he is so tall, I can only see his chest in the mirror.

  He brushes his hands across my chest and takes my arm, moving it to my side, exposing my breast. He holds that arm down, as his other hand moves my hand away from my crotch and now I am standing there, completely naked and exposed in the mirror. My eyes are glazed over and my hair is a tangled mess, but I feel his eyes on my body.

  “Look, Ally. Look in the mirror and see what I see. I see a beautiful, caring and loving woman. Creamy skin and a body to die for,” he says, as his hands cup my breasts. “These are amazing. Soft and supple, your nipples like raspberries waiting to be sucked.”

  He pinches my nipples and then lets them drop, as his hands skim down my sides to my hips. He splays his large hands on my hips and gives a gentle squeeze. “And these.....” He sucks in a breath, “These, I could hold on to forever, so curvy and full. Child bearing hips, so sexy.”

  Wait, what?Child bearing hips?He better back up and rethink that one!

  He leans his head down and rests his chin on my shoulder, looking back at me in the mirror. “Do you see what I see, Ally?” I shake my head no, because I really don’t.

  He leans down and tilts my head up, so I am looking at his eyes through the mirror. “You will one day soon, Alexandra. I will do whatever is necessary to make you see the beautiful girl I fell in love with. What do I need to do, to prove that to you?” He whispers in my ear, his heated breath, causing me to shiver.

  “I guess you’ll have to marry me,” I say, quietly as I tear my gaze from his eyes.

  “Really? Is that what it will take Alexandra? Cause I can make that happen, you know,” he smiles at me, and I suddenly realize what I’ve just said.

  “I was kidding Jackson, you don’t want to marry me. I’m damaged goods and nothing but a challenge to you,” I say as a tear drops down my face. He turns me to face him, anger now filling his face.

  “No, you aren’t, damn it. I love you and I know you love me, even though you can’t say it yet; but you will. And when that happens, I will be the happiest man alive. This is all new to you, and me. But together we will get through it and once all of this is over, you will marry me. Now, let’s go to town and get stocked up for the week.”

  And just like that, the conversation is over.

  Chapter 15

  The drive in to Apalachicola is about thirty minutes of a quiet two lane road. Deep forest to our left and the occasional glimpse of water, far off of the tree line on our right. We pass a few cars along the way and I watch Jackson as he drives. His eyes are on the road and back and forth between the mirrors making sure no one is following us. His knuckles are gripped on the steering wheel and I look behind us. There is no one back there. I wonder why he is so tense all of a sudden.

  I place my hand on his thigh, and feel the hard muscle with my palm. He exhales a breath and I feel his leg relax a little. “What’s wrong?” I ask.

  “Nothing really, just waiting on the security detail to catch up to us. I see him now, so I feel better.”

  “Do you really think someone could find us here? We’re in the middle of nowhere, Florida....surely no one knows where we are.”

  “Not taking any chances with your safety. You will be with me until this blows over, and after that too,” he says, as he glances at me with a wink. I can tell his mind is elsewhere, maybe on that uncomfortable conversation in the bedroom. Honestly, what was I thinking? Challenging him to marry me, I must be out of my fucking mind.

  I can see the wheels turning in his mind and frankly, it’s making me nervous. I have no idea why I brought up marriage of all things. I’m not ready to get married yet, but then again, I am twenty eight years old.....maybe.... Nah. I need to shake these feelings off. It’s too soon and we haven’t had a normal relationship, if you know what I mean.

  I think back to earlier in the summer, when my life was just that. Normal. As the trees fly by us, I stare out the window and think back to those times. I realize I never want to be normal again.

  We find a parking spot along the main road, in this quaint waterfront town. I gaze over the river, at the boats there and people having picnics along the grassy area. The sun is shining down, reflecting off the water and I pull my sunglasses down over my eyes, so I can see better.

  We start off at a small boutique store with women’s and men’s clothing, or what they call Resort Wear. Ha, I bet they don’t have my size here. Jackson heads off to the men’s clothing and leaves me to linger in the women’s. As I pick through the racks of clothing, I actually find a few things that fit. I gather some shorts and cute tops in my hands and then stroll through the bathing suit rack.

  Humph, won’t be needing one of these.

  “Have you found anything?” I hear Jackson, over my shoulder.

  “Umm, yeah a few things I think,” I say as I hold my full arms out to show him. He smiles, looking down at the pile. “A few things?” He chuckles.

  I look down and realize I have picked up more than I thought I would. “Yeah, afew,” I smile back up at him.

  “Now for a bathi
ng suit,” he says, as he starts going through the rack of woman’s swimwear.

  “No, I don’t need one,” I tell him, but he looks at me with thisHere We Go Againlook.

  “Of course you do, we’re at the beach and we have a pool. You need a swimsuit. Here, go try these on,” he says, as he thrusts a handful of garments towards me.

  I glance down at what he is holding and shake my head. “I don’t do bikini’s Jackson, you should know that,” I turn back to the rack, looking for the suits with the skirts on them. Yes, at twenty eight years old I want a suit with a skirt, like my grandma used to wear at the lake every summer.

  He clears his throat and shoves the suits in my arms, while taking the pile of clothes I had draped over my arm. Damn he’s bossy, but we know that already.

  “Fine,” I say as I take the itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow......okay, I’ll stop.

  A lady lets me in to the fitting room and I drop the bathing suits on the bench, glaring at each one as I set them down. Really? He expects me to wear these? He must be out of his cotton picking mind. I lay the one piece on top of the pile that I snuck in, this will be the only bathing suit he will see me in. I examine the material and it has a mesh lining to help suck in excess body fat. Yeah, I need that. I slip it on, leaving my panties on of, now that’s a sexy look, I snicker to myself.

  As I pull the straps over my shoulders, I cringe. Really? This thing looks like crap, but it was the only one piece out there in my size. I guess it’ll have to do, because these tiny scraps of material Jackson handed me will not work.

  “Let me see, Ally,” Jackson says, outside the fitting room door.

  “No, none of these are working. Just give me a second,” I say, while putting my dress back on. Before I can pull the dress up, Jackson is barging in to the fitting room with more bathing suits in his arms. “Jackson! I said wait a second!” I squeal, as I pull the dress up.


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