by Christa Lynn
I drive down the two lane road to get off the island, constantly checking my rear view mirror. So far so good. I hit the “Stump hole” and curve to the left and the beach is now out of sight. Only a few more miles, before I’m free. As I hit the end of the road I glance at my map and make my turn to the right. If my sneaky little plan worked, security will go to the left and I’m home free.
Since it is still dark and early, or late, there are no cars on the road, so any headlights that appear behind me will not go unnoticed. As my heart rate starts to calm down a bit, I relax and ease in to the drive really wishing I had coffee, to keep me awake.
As the sun comes up, more cars are out and I don’t feel so alone. My mind has gone crazy, during this quiet drive and I realize, I never even turned the radio on. Almost four hours have gone by and I finally reach the entrance to I75, in Tifton. I blow out the breath that I must have been holding since I left Cape San Blas and I peer at the dash and realize I need gas. Shit, I have no cash so I’m going to have to use a card. Let’s just hope Jackson isn’t tracking my credit card transactions and figures out where I am.
As I fill up, I watch my surroundings, paranoid like an escaped convict. Course, that’s what I feel like at the moment. I run in to the store once I’m done and hit the bathroom. Then, grab a drink and some snacks, before heading back out. I half expect to see Jason and the others surrounding the car with guns pulled, like in some movie. But amazingly, there is no one around. I give myself a pat on the back, for giving them the slip and slide back in the car, quickly getting on the highway.
I make it to Atlanta in just under three more hours, maneuvering my way through the city streets. I’ve had a lot of time to think on this trip and right now, all I want to do is go home. I know my apartment is still a mess from the break in, I need to go clean it up and put things back in order. But I need to deliver the rental car to Jackson and pick up my car. I then start to wonder where my car is. I left it in the parking garage at the office, so I head there first.
As I enter the garage, I see my Maxima still sitting there and a thrill runs through me. I had a feeling he would have moved it to his building and I would have to go there to get it. I pull in a few spaces up from my car and gather my things. I dig in my purse to find the key fob and sigh in relief, when I find it.
Once I’m in my own car, I sit there, scanning the parking deck. It’s Thursday morning, so the garage is filled with building employees and I debate just going in to the office. I’m sure there is plenty of work there waiting for me, but Tim knows I’m in a “safe house” and if I show up inside, he’ll call Jackson immediately.
I pull out of the garage, intent on heading home, but my car has other plans and I find myself turning the corner to Jackson’s condo. It’s ten a.m. and I don’t expect him to be there, but I find I can’t stay away. Since he lives in Buckhead, there aren’t a lot of parking spaces so I have to circle around until I find one.
About two blocks away, I see a spot along the curb and pull in, trying not to hit the cars around me. I’ve never been good at parallel parking, but I nailed it this time.
I get out of the car, cross the street and walk towards his building, wondering to myself why I’m doing this. I’m a glutton for punishment I guess, because I know he’s going to ream me a new asshole when I get there. As I turn the corner I see him standing on the sidewalk, talking to a woman.
A lump forms in my throat as I stand there and watch for a few minutes. She’s really pretty and slender, so opposite from me. In fact, she’s perfect for him. Her hair is cut in a sleek bob and is a rich chocolate brown in color. Her eyes are twinkling at him and they appear to be deep in conversation.
I am frozen to my spot and even though I want to run away, my feet won’t move. I stand there, like a deer caught in headlights and watch, like someone would do at a car accident scene. Morbid curiosity is what they call it. Jackson’s back is to me, but her eyes meet mine and a smirk crosses her lips, a flash of deceit spread across her face.
Jackson sees her expression change and he turns around to see what she is looking at. He spots me standing there with, who knows what kind of look on my face. I glare at him and finally get my feet to move, turning to head back towards my car, but I stop and turn back, “Your rental car is in the parking garage at Robertson,” as I stalk off. Why I decided to tell him this, I’ll never know. But I felt I needed to get the last word in somehow.
“Alexandra, wait!” He calls towards me, his footsteps getting louder as he gets closer to me. I pick up the pace and turn the corner towards my car when he grabs my wrist. Damn, I need to get in shape, because I’m tired of being caught.
I yank my head back towards him and stare at his hand gripping my wrist. “Let. Go. Of. Me,” I growl at him, the Zena Warrior Princess coming out of me in a big way. He loosens his grip, but he doesn’t let me go, so I yank my hand out of his grasp and try not to meet his eyes.
“Alexandra, I can explain,” he says in a low voice.
“Yeah yeah, I know you can. You can always explain yourself, but nothing you say makes any sense! I’m done trying to decipher your explanations, Jack. Go explain it to someone who gives a shit!” I scream, as I turn towards the direction of my car.
I step on to the street, crossing against the light but I don’t care. I, I need to get out of here quickly before I lose my shit on the busy Atlanta streets. I don’t want to make a scene, but if he tries to stop me, I will.
As my feet hit the black top of the street, I hear tires squealing and a car coming extremely fast. I ignore it, because I’m in my own little world. If they can’t see me in the street, then they have a problem.
“Alexandra!!!” I hear Jackson yell from behind me, but I don’t stop. Suddenly, my body violently hits the street face first, the hard concrete piercing in to my skin and a hard thunk on my head. Extreme pain jars my entire body as blood trickles down my face and in to my eyes. I hear screams in the distance and smell burning rubber, but before I can figure out what has happened, my world goes black.
Chapter 17
The faint sounds of beeping and what I think is Darth Vader invade my hearing. My eyes are glued shut, but the sounds are extremely loud. I struggle to open my eyes, but the lids don’t want to move. My body is heavy and breathing is difficult. I try and take a deep breath, but I fail.
My eyes still won’t open, but the beeping sound gets louder and faster. I hear voices in the distance, but darkness takes over as the voices get closer.
That damn beeping is still going, but it’s clearer than before. The swooshing sound of something crashing through the silence. I struggle, but finally open my eyes to bright lights and commotion all around me. I try to focus, but my vision is blurred and all I see are shadows. Shadows of people all around me. And that damn beeping! Where the hell am I?
My eyes scan the room as things become clearer, but I’m alone, where I am? No one is paying a bit of attention to me. My body aches and my head is throbbing, so I try and raise my arm up, to press against my head. As my hand finally reaches my head, I feel a bandage wrapped around my forehead and a sharp pain bolts through my chest. I drop my arm to my side and close my eyes, fighting off the pain.
I open my eyes again, but now the light in the room is softer. It’s also quieter in here now, but there is a soft hand holding mine. I look to my right and stare at the person sitting there. “Mom?” I croak out, my voice scratchy and weak.
“I’m here baby,” she whispers as another figure looms over me. “Dad? What are you guys doing here?” I ask as I look around the room. “Where am I?”
“You’re in the hospital, baby. Its okay, you’re going to be fine. Just rest,” Mama says.
“What happened?” I ask, trying to focus my eyes on her.
“Shhhh, not now baby,” She says as she glances at my father. “You’re okay, just relax.”
I try to sit up, but pain snakes through my chest and the breath leaves me on a rush. “Holy shi
....., what the hell?” I gasp out, nowhere close to being embarrassed that I just cussed in front of my parents.
“Tell me, please. What happened?” I ask again, this time a bit stronger.
“You were in an accident. We’ll tell you about it when you get some rest, Al,” My dad’s booming voice fills the room.
I nod my head, because I don’t have the strength to argue with him. I lay my head back against the rock hard pillow and try to relax, but it’s hard. My body is screaming and my head is throbbing. I lick my dry lips and feel a lump on my bottom lip. My tongue immediately starts playing with it, sending stings through my face. “Stop messing with it Al, you’ll make it bleed again,” My mom says quietly, while gently patting my hand.
“Bleed? I’m bleeding?” I cry out in pain.
“No baby, not now. But you hit your face in the accident and you have stitches in your lip,” my dad speaks again. My mom always tries to sugar coat things, but dad always tells it like it is.
“Dad, tell me what happened since mom won’t,” I glare at my mother, but she doesn’t flinch when I ask. She knows dad will tell me, and that’s exactly what she wants.
“Ally, it isn’t important right now. Just rest.......” He says.
“NO! Tell me now, damn it! I don’t need you to baby me, I’ve been babied to death here lately and I want some fucking answers!!” I scream. as the pain sears in to my body. That was a bad move, but I think I got my point across.
This time my dad flinches, probably hurt, because I used such language around him. Well, damn it. No one will tell me anything and I need to know. If cussing makes them talk, then so be it.
My mom gets up from her chair and dad sits down, taking my hand in his. “I’m not even sure where to begin, Al.”
“How bout at the beginning, dad. You’re never at a loss for words. I’m a big girl, I can take it.”
He blows out a breath and opens his mouth, but before he can speak someone walks in to the room. We all turn our heads towards the door and see the nurse walk in. “Oh good, you’re awake, Miss Sanders. I’m Liz and I’ll be taking care of you for this shift. How are you feeling?” She asks, as she puts her fingers on my wrist to take my pulse.
“We’ll be right outside, dear,” my mother says as they leave the room. Damn it, they got out of spilling the beans. Well, I’ll make sure they come out with all of it when they come back in.
I try and sit up, but the pain through my body prevents me. “You have two broken ribs, Miss Sanders. Please try and keep still. On a scale of one to ten, how bad is the pain?” She asks, as a doctor walks in.
“Umm, a twelve?” I whisper, flopping my head back on the pillow and sending another surge of pain through my head.
“Miss Sanders, I’m Doctor Reid. How are you feeling?” he asks, as he puts his stethoscope in his ears, placing the cold metal on my chest.
“Sore, confused. No one will tell me what happened,” I plead with him.
He pulls back and looks down at me, “I’m sure your parents will fill you in, when you’re stronger. You have two broken ribs and a concussion. We’re going to monitor you for a few days before you can go home. Just lay back and relax. Liz here is going to give you something for the pain. Press that red button there if you need anything,” he says, as he exits the room. I can hear him speaking to my parents outside and I start to get pissed off. Why won’t anyone tell ME anything?
Liz fiddles with the IV and within seconds, I feel the medicine flow through my veins, relaxing my entire body and forcing my eyes closed. I try and fight it, but it’s too strong and I give in to the darkness once again.
I blink away the cobwebs and finally focus on the room. The light is brighter, the room is filled with flowers and balloons that scream, “Get Well Soon”, “We miss you” and other sappy phrases. I’m finally able to sit up a little and as I scan the room, I see I am alone. My parents aren’t here and no nurses or doctors. I can tell by the sun shining in the room that it’s late in the afternoon, but what day it is I don’t know.
I press the red button, because as my body finally awakens I realize, I’m starving. Guess that’s a good sign that I’m recovering. Maybe now someone will tell me what in the hell is going on.
The nurse walks in and my parents’ right behind her. “Is everything okay, Miss Sanders?” The nurse asks, but it’s not the same nurse that was here earlier.
“Yes. Hungry,” Is all I can get out. “And what day is it?”
“It’s Saturday, Miss Sanders. You’ve been sleeping for two days, but the fact that you are hungry, is a good sign. Let me see if the doctor will allow you to have some broth and jello,” she says as she leaves the room.
“How are you dear?” My mom asks as she takes my hand again, brushing away the hair in my face with her other hand.
“I’d be better if someone would tell me, what in the hell is going on,” I glare at her. I feel a bit stronger now and the pain isn’t as bad, and I want answers so I swallow the pain and force myself to be strong, when in fact all I want to do is cry. Crying would be a bad thing, with broken ribs.
As she sits and looks at me, debating what to say I realize, I was with Jackson when this happened. “Jackson. Jackson Bentley. Where is he? Has he been to see me?” I ask.
Mom clears her throat and begins to speak, but my dad steps in. “Your friend, Mr. Bentley is in ICU recovering from being hit by a car. A car that was meant for you.”
I suck in a painful breath and wheeze it out. “What?”
“Ally, someone tried to hit you with their car and Mr. Bentley, pushed you out of the way. The car hit him instead. We owe him for saving your life,” Dad says, tears pricking his eyes. I’ve never seen my dad cry and I close my eyes, because I don’t want to see it now.
“Who would do that? I don’t understand. Did they get the person who did this?”
“Yes, but we won’t get in to that now. The police actually want to speak to you and now that you’re able, we will allow it. Seems your stalker person succeeded in getting to you, only Mr. Bentley got in the way. She’s singing like a canary and is in custody right now,”
“Oh God, Jackson. Can I see him? Will you take me to him? I need to see him and if he knows I’m near, maybe........” I drift off, fighting back the sobs.
“Ally, calm down. You’re still recovering and when you are stronger, we’ll take you to him.”
I nod, but I am not satisfied. I need to see him. “Is he going to be okay?” I ask my mother,
“The doctor’s aren’t sure yet. He sustained some internal injuries and a skull fracture. So far all, of his CT scans and MRI’s have come back normal, but the swelling on his brain is slow to recede,” she tells me, trying not to give too much away.
“This is my fault,” I whisper. “If I hadn’t gone to see him, this would have never happened. I need to see him, please,” I plead with my dad, because he’ll give in to his baby girl quicker than my mother will.
“I’ll see what I can do, but until then....” he nods at the orderly bring in a tray of food. “Eat and get your strength up.”
As I dabble in my extremely salty chicken broth, someone knocks on the door. “Come in,” my mother announces, like I really want visitors right now.
I look up at the door to see who it is, and smile when I see him. “Chase, come in.”
He smiles back at me, but it’s a fake smile. I can tell he’s here for bad news and he’s trying to put up a front. “Chase, what’s wrong? Is it Jackson?” I ask, suddenly frightened that he’s taken a turn for the worst.
“No no, Jackson.....he’s the same. No change. Ally, I’m here on official police business, not a social call, though I’m glad to see you are getting better,” he says, as my parents stand to allow him room to enter.
“Official police business? What’s going on?” I ask, as my eyes flash from Chase, to my parents.
“Can I sit down?” He asks, as he pulls back the chair, not waiting for an answer. “First of all, yo
u leaving the safe house was a bad idea. We were close to pinning down the perp and having you away from everything was helping, but when you came back after skipping out..... well.”
“I knew it, this IS my fault! Oh God, Jackson. I’m so sorry!” And I burst in to tears. “I was so angry and frustrated, that I was kept prisoner, in that house, that I just couldn’t take it anymore. I’m sorry, so, so sorry.”
“Shhhh, its okay Ally. You coming back actually helped us nab your stalker, only you and Jackson were injured in the process,” he says, as he takes my hand. “That was what we were trying to avoid, but it’s done now. Now we focus on getting you and Jackson better and out of this hospital, back to your lives.”
“It was Sally, wasn’t it?” I ask Chase, his eyes growing darker.
“No, Ally. It wasn’t,” he answers, but he doesn’t volunteer who it was.
I stare at him for a minute, waiting for him to continue but he just sits there. “Well, who was it Chase? Tell me.”
“It was.......Madison Stone.”
I feel all the blood drain out of my face and confusion sets in. “Wait, what? Madison’s dead. She overdosed months ago, it couldn’t be her,” I say shaking my head.
“Actually, that was a story constructed for the press, to make people believe she was dead. She was placed in Witness Protection, so we could bring down the cartel that supplied her with the drugs. If they knew she was still alive, then she was a target.”
“So Jackson lied to me....again, damn him.”
“No he didn’t, he didn’t know either. She disappeared from her safe house a month ago, and hadn’t been seen since the day you saw her on the street with Jackson. She knew where you were and tampered with Jackson’s security system in a lure to bring him out. It worked.”
“That was her on the street? I didn’t recognize her.”