by Christa Lynn
That is just about impossible for me, but I do my best. As the waves of orgasm take over my body, I can’t help as my eyes that roll back in my head. Wave after wave rolls over me, my back arching and my muscles contracting around his fingers. I press my mouth against his shoulder, to keep from screaming and then a growl escapes his throat, as he comes all over my fingers.
We lay there quietly, trying to get our breathing under control. He presses a soft kiss against my lips, pulling my bottom lip between his teeth. As our bodies relax, a throat clearing near the door causes us both to jump and I rip the blanket off of our heads.
“Doctor Jenkins, I didn’t hear you come in,” Jackson says quietly, with a twinkle in his eye.
“No, apparently you didn’t,” Doctor Jenkins replies, smirking.
I slowly slide back down the bed, pulling the blanket back over my head because I am mortally embarrassed. We just got each other off, lying in the hospital bed and my bra and panties are twisted around, so I try and put myself back together, while the doctor hovers over the bed. Oh God, I wonder how long he was standing there watching. Surely the good doc isn’t a closet voyeur. Though, the thought that someone just wait, that’s just creepy, and a little hot.
I shake off my thoughts, I pull the blanket back and climb out of bed. Jackson grabs my wrist trying to stop me, but I snatch it out and glare at him. His brow raises in amusement and I clear my throat.
“I’ll just step outside while you talk to your doctor.”
“No. You. Won’t. We went over this the last time he was in here, I want you to stay. Everything he has to say concerns you too, so sit,” his bossiness comes back out and I do what I’m told and sit down in the chair next to his bed.
“Mr. Bentley, things are progressing quite nicely. The swelling is down and all your systems are back to normal. I feel that if everything continues this way, you should be able to go home in a few days,” the doctor tells us.
I smile, but keep my mouth closed. I want to tell him that there’s no way he’s going home so soon. He was almost killed and now they’re talking about letting him go home? His injuries were much more severe than mine and I was here almost a week!
I keep listening, but I finally have to speak up. “Doctor Jenkins, how is that possible? Don’t get me wrong, I want Jackson out of here as much as the next person, but he was almost killed and he was hurt worse than I was and I was just released yesterday. How is it that he is recovering so much quicker than I am? He just got out of a coma! I want him home, but he needs to stay here and make sure he’s well before going home. It’s too soon and.....”
“Miss Sanders, let me see if I can try and explain this. It’s hard because I don’t completely understand it myself,” he pauses. “When you visited him in the ICU, his brain function started improving the instant you told him you love him. I’ve seen it happen before, but never this quickly,” Then he looks me dead in the eyes. “Your love for him brought him back. I honestly didn’t think he would ever come out of the coma, and if he did.....well, let’s just say, I’m not sure he would have ever completely recovered. Love is a powerful thing, Miss Sanders. What you two have is a blessing....and a miracle, and by what I saw here earlier, an amazing thing.”
The doctor stands to leave and presses his hand on my shoulder. “Don’t let this go, Miss Sanders. You have what so many people only dream of having. Hold on to it,” he walks away, leaving me with tears streaming down my face. I had no idea that loving someone could bring them back to life.
I look over at Jackson and he too, has tears in his eyes. He speaks, but his voice catches in his throat, full of emotion that I’ve never seen. “He’s right, Alexandra. I heard you talking to me, felt your skin against mine. You’re warmth and....your confession brought me out. I don’t know how, or why.....but I’m so thankful that it did. Had that car hit you...?” He pauses, trying to regain control and for the first time that I can remember, his control is slipping. “I don’t know what I would have done had I lost you. Madison tried to take away the most important thing in my life, and I promise you one thing.....she will pay for what she tried to do. I busted my ass for months, trying to do the right thing and help her out....tried to help her get better and regain control of her life. I spent thousands of dollars on her defense as well as defended her myself, but she flushed all of that help down the toilet. Never again, Alexandra. From now on, Madison is on her own and you and I can go on with our lives, together.”
I wipe away my tears and crawl back in the bed with him, resting my face on his chest.
“You are the light in my darkest days. You are the promise of a future, of a life that I thought I would never have. You changed me, Alexandra. You taught me how to love and cherish, and I do...I love and cherish you with everything that I am. You saved me Alexandra.”
I look up at him and I know I must look a mess, because I’m crying and my nose is running and...Damn it, I need a tissue. “We saved each other, Jackson. I might not be here now, if it weren’t for you.”
His eyes darken and he cups my chin.
“Promise me something? When I get out of here and we’re both fully recovered, will you go away with me for a while? Just you and me. No security, no housekeeper.....well, maybe a housekeeper,” he chuckles. “We’ll go anywhere you want to go and spend the time getting to know each other....again. Can you promise me that?”
I just nod, because my voice has left me. I know if I speak, whatever I say will come out like a choking sob. I lean forward and gently kiss his lips. I pull back and press my hand against his stubble covered face. “Yes, I will go away with you. That is, if Tim will give me more time off. I’ve been away for so long that I wonder if I even have a job anymore.”
“Fuck Tim, you’re with me now. You don’t have to work, if you don’t want to.”
“Oh no you don’t, Mr. Bentley. You know how I love my job. I refuse to live on someone else’s dime and.....”
“Dime? Oh honey, I have more than a dime,” he laughs.
“I realize that, but I am more than capable of working, in fact I love it. No man......or anyone else is going to change that.”
He sighs, “Okay. Then come work for me. I’m thinking about practicing law again full time and I need someone to run the magazine. I think you would be a perfect fit. Hell, you can even bring Heather along to help. What do you think?”
“Oh Jackson, really? I know nothing about the publishing industry. I have a degree in Interior Design, not fashion marketing or editorial stuff. I wouldn’t even know where to begin. That world is not for me, I like what I do.”
“So, you’re telling me no?” He asks sarcastically.
“Yes, Mr. Bentley. I am not afraid to tell you no. I’ve done it before and I’m sure I’ll do it again. You may be bossy and arrogant, but I’m not afraid of you.”
“Cause you love me right?”
“You betcha, Mr. Bentley.”
“But you’ll think about my offer? Talk to Heather about it, see what she says. I think the two of you would be perfect. I’ll train you and......”
I press my lips to his, effectively cutting him off. “One day at a time, Mr. Bentley.”
“You know I love it when you call me Mr. Bentley?”
“Oh do you now? Well, in that case,Mr. Bentley,I’ll think about it, but don’t push it, okay?”
Chapter 23
Three days later, I am wheeling Jackson out of the hospital and we climb in to the back of the Bentley limo. I still get tickled that Jackson Bentley, owns a Bentley. “Why a Bentley?” I ask him,
“Why not? Look at this car, it’s luxury on wheels, and, I like the name,” he says, as he flops his head back on the seat. I scoot over next to him and rest my head on his shoulder, as the driver pulls off in to traffic.
“Where’s your regular driver?” I ask him.
“James and Hilda went to Los Angeles to visit her daughter. They should be back next week.”
“James and Hil
da? They’re together?” I ask surprised.
“Yes, you didn’t know that?”
Shaking my head, “Nope, but good for them. They make a cute couple.”
“And we don’t?” He asks.
“No, we don’t,” I decide not to finish my sentence and let him squirm a bit. He pushes me forward, a look of concern on his face. I chuckle and smack him on the arm. “We make a beautiful couple,” I say, as he relaxes a little.
“You like playing with don’t you,” he asks.
“You have no idea how much, Mr. Bentley.”
Before I know it, he’s kissing me with a passion like never before. His tongue sneaks past my lips and sweeps over mine. I give it back to him too, our breathing getting heavy. I crawl on to his lap and face him without separating our mouths. His face is still scruffy and I stroke my hands along his jaw, cupping his face. His tongue licks in to my mouth and that familiar throbbing starts between my legs. I start to grind my hips against his thigh as our tongues stroke each other.
He pulls back, looks me dead in the eyes. “You’d better stop now, or Hugh up front is gonna get a show.”
I reach back and press the button closing the privacy screen. “No he isn’t.” As I kiss him again, this time with more vigor than before. My fingers start to unbutton his shirt and I press my hands against his bare chest. He follows suit and he pulls my blouse over my head, exposing my lace covered breasts. His thumbs press over my nipples, causing the already hardened nubs to get even harder. “Love you in lace,” he whispers against my face.
I scoot forward so my sex is pressed against his dick and I feel it throb under me. I reach down and unfasten the button on his jeans, freeing him. I scoot back and before he can stop me, my lips are wrapped around the engorged head. I stroke my tongue along his length and then swallow him.
He sucks air in through his teeth with a hiss and his hands are on my head, gently coaxing me to continue. In order to get him fully in my mouth, I twist my body so I’m on my knees beside him. He takes this as an invitation and reaches between my legs, pressing against me. I know he feels the wet spot, cause he groans as his fingers find it.
“Jesus, Alexandra,” he says, as I sink down, the head of his cock hitting the back of my throat. I fight off the gag reflex and swallow in to the motion. One hand is gripping his shaft as I stroke up and down, the other is gently squeezing his balls.
That seems to be his breaking point, as he is now lifting me on to his lap. He pulls my panties aside and presses his cock against my aching flesh. In one swift move, I am impaled on his cock. Once I am seated, fully we stare in to each other’s eyes, neither of us moving. The bouncing of the car enough to keep us satisfied for the moment. He reaches around me and releases the clasp of my bra, my swollen breasts bouncing free right in his face.
His hot mouth latches on to a nipple and his tongue swirls around the sensitive flesh, while his other hand massages and teases the other nipple. I press my chest in to his face and my head goes back. “Look at me Alexandra. Always look at me,” he says, as he reattaches his mouth to my breast.
I pull my head forward and look at him. I watch his face as he suckles my nipples, his skin flushed and aroused. I feel the need to move, but he is firmly holding me in place. “Move Jackson, I need you to move,” I tell him, as I slowly lift my body from his.
As his cock gets to the edge of me, just about to pop out, I slam myself back over him. It’s been too long since I have felt him inside me and this slow moving is driving me insane. I need him to fill me. “Take me, Jackson. Please.”
His mouth comes off my nipple with a pop and his hand press against my hips. I add some weight to my knees and he presses up against me. Our bodies begin to rock in motion, as his hips move up and down and I lift at the same time. As I lower my body, he lifts his hips and we find a chaotic rhythm, drowning ourselves in each other’s bodies.
He reaches in between my legs and finds my aching clit, rubbing his thumb in circles around it, sending tingles up my spine. “Oh, God Jackson.”
His fingers tease me, pressing and circling, as his cock drags against my g-spot. The movement of our hips and the road beneath the car, make it difficult to get a rhythm going. As the car turns, we hit a major pothole and my body slams down on to Jackson’s, my body convulses in orgasm. My muscles contract over his cock, milking it with every stroke and by the time the car comes to a stop, he his filling me with his seed.
I fall forward against his chest and his hot breath is in my ear, as he strokes again inside, causing another spasm to roll over me. I feel his lips on my neck, as he kisses a path towards my shoulder. He grunts again, as we relax against each other, the only sounds are our rapid breaths, as we try to regain control of our senses.
A voice comes over a speaker announcing that we have arrived. Jackson presses a button on the door. “Give us five minutes please.”
“Of course, sir.”
I look at him and giggle. Fine time to start laughing, but I can’t help it. “What’s so funny, Ally?”
“I just realized that we aren’t the only people in the car and.......shit, do you think he knew what we were doing back here?”
“Doesn’t matter if he does. He works for me and if he has a problem with that, then he can go work for someone else,” he says, as he gently lifts me off of his lap. He grabs a handkerchief and reaches between my legs to clean me up.
“I can do that,” I tell him, as I try to wrangle the hanky out of his hands.
He snatches his hand back. “I made the mess, I’ll clean it up,” he says, as he continues to remove the remains of his release. “Now, get your bra on and try to look presentable, Dani and Tony are here waiting for us.”
“Oh God, you’re kidding right? I must look a mess.”
“Yes, you do. A freshly fucked look,” he says, as he leans in for a kiss. “Relax, they won’t suspect a thing. I just got out of the hospital, Dani would put me right back there if she knew we just had sex in the limo.”
“We wouldn’t want that, would we?” I smile back at him.
“No, I was there long enough and have no desire to go back. You ready?”
I try and fluff my hair as much as I can and put on some clear gloss, but my eyes are dilated and my skin is still pink and rosy. “She’s gonna know, Jackson. Look at me!” I say, as he pulls me out of the car.
I straighten my dress and he we head in to the building. We past the concierge who I don’t recognize and in to the elevator. I haven’t been back here since......well, since the accident, and, I didn’t even come inside. Knowing there are visitors upstairs, make me a little nervous and Jackson apparently senses this. “Relax Ally, it’s just Dani and Tony, whom you’ve met before.”
“I know, but I wasn’t expecting company so I’m unprepared. I was hoping it would just be you and me tonight.”
“I’ll make sure they don’t stay long,” he says, as the elevator doors open on to his floor.
“Surprise!” Fills the room and what seems like a hundred people come rushing towards us. I immediately see Heather, Chase, Dani, Tony, Tim, Hilda and others I don’t know. Great, this has to be Heather’s idea. One more reason to want to kill her, goes on the long list of other reasons.
She runs to me and wraps her arms around me like she hasn’t seen me for days. Well, I guess she hasn’t, because I’ve spent the last few at the hospital with Jackson. I’m finding it harder and harder to stay away from him. “Heather, good to see you,” Jackson says, as she flings herself on him.
“So glad you are all better, Jack! Ally was a mess.....”
“Hush, Heather. Let it go,” I cut her off, but Jackson just smiles down at me.
“A mess huh? Not like the mess you were in the car,” he whispers in my ear and my body tingles with the remembrance of what we just got finished doing in the back of the limo.
Dani approaches with Tony in tow, and she hugs him, handing us both a glass of champagne. “Welcome home little brother. Hi Ally.”
“Hey Dani. Did you plan all this?” I ask her, looking around the room at all the people here.
“I helped, but mainly it was Heather.”
“Figures. She just doesn’t know when to stop, ya know?” I saw, as I smirk at Heather.
“Hey, get over it Al. You’ve been wound up like a top the last few months and it’s time you loosened up a little. Jack’s out of the hospital now, Madison is behind bars and now you two can begin your life together,” Heather says, as she hugs me yet again. “I can’t wait to help plan your wedding.”
“Whoa Heather. Take it easy. No one’s getting married around here,” I tell her, as I step back in to Jackson’s arms.
“No?” He looks down at me.
That damned cat has my tongue and I have no idea what to say. “Jackson, you just got out of the hospital. Thisrelationshiphas just begun and you still have to recover. Let’s get past that before.......” And his lips press against mine, effectively cutting me off. He knows I’ve been put on the spot and he does what he can, to remove me from the spotlight. Yeah, by kissing me. I know, stupid thinking.
I hear catcalls, hooting and hollering throughout the room as he kisses me. Heat rushes up my neck as I pull away, totally mortified. I’ve never been a fan of public displays of affection, but apparently Jackson is, so I guess I’ll have to get used to that. I look around the room and everyone is smiling at us and nodding their heads. “What? You’ve never seen a man kiss his girl before?” Jackson announces.
“Yeah, just not you Bentley!” A male voice rises over the crowd. I look over and it’s Tony, Jackson’s brother in law. “You go my man.”
Oh. My. God. I am so embarrassed now because everyone in the room is laughing. I hate being laughed at. I pull myself out of Jackson’s arms and chug my entire glass of champagne. I head towards the kitchen in hopes of a refill.
Chase is standing near the sink in a full on make out session with Heather. “Geez, guys. Get a room would ya?” I say, as Chase’s eyes open and land on me. He smiles and pulls Heather in to his arms, turning her to face me.