My Roman: Boys on the Hill, #1 An Enemies to Lovers College Romance

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My Roman: Boys on the Hill, #1 An Enemies to Lovers College Romance Page 14

by Rose Croft

  “Help me out. How?” My mind was working overtime.

  “Look. I’m not an idiot, and Roman is my friend, although we might come to slight disagreements sometimes.”

  “Slight disagreements?” Their disagreements would’ve put a lesser man in the hospital.

  Axel glanced back at us, signaling for us to hurry up. Nick led me forward. “I want to be your plus one.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

  He grinned. “I know, but it’s not what you think. Believe it or not, I like you, but I know when to bow out.”

  “Then why are you doing this?”

  “Because I’m going with a feeling, and my friend is about to realize that not everything comes easy for him.”

  “Mom.” I popped my head into her room after showering. I was up early because I’d spent the night in Roman’s room after we left the graduation party that Taylor Shields had hosted at her parent’s estate. Roman had taken me and we’d been seeing each other for the past six months. Last night was the night I’d given myself to him.

  It was Saturday morning, and I dressed in shorts and a tank, hoping to make something to eat since I was starving and a little sore to be quite honest. However, I noticed my mom’s door closed down the hall, which was unusual. She was normally out and about by now, taking Roman’s mother on her morning walk through the garden outside past the pool.

  I was shocked to see my mom sitting on the edge of her bed with hate-filled eyes. “Mom, what’s wrong?”

  She couldn’t speak for a minute, just kept a fist over her mouth. I rushed forward. “What happened?”

  “They will pay. He will pay…”

  She showed me the photos of Roman and I naked in bed.


  I agreed. I told Nick I would accompany him to Taylor’s party. Maybe I should’ve given it more thought. Maybe I didn’t care. Maybe I was tired of the cryptic shit Roman had thrown my way. Maybe I just overthought things.

  I came home Thursday night after a late shift at Duffey’s and saw Kenzie sitting in the middle of her bed with her head on her knees, but she immediately shifted when she heard me pop in, swiping frantically at her face. She’d been acting out of sorts for several days and had spent every night here this week, which wasn’t the norm as of late.

  She still didn’t share, but it obviously had to do with her and Justin. I laid my purse on my desk by the bed. She forced a laugh. “You’re home early.”

  “It’s after midnight,” I said quietly. The normal time I came home after working a late shift.

  “Thanks for the judgmental reminder,” she joked, her inhale of sniffles ruined the lightness. “Time must’ve gotten away from me. I was trying to finish a paper.”

  “I know. Sometimes things take up all of our thoughts. Hope you had a chance to finish it. The paper that is.” I stepped over to my dresser and grabbed some clothes before going to the bathroom to take a shower. I wanted to press Kenzie to find out what was bothering her, but I didn’t want to be annoying either. I’d already laid it out there that she could talk to me.

  “Theo,” she called out before I closed the door. I paused. She exhaled heavily. “I truly am thankful you’re my friend. Thanks for not quizzing me. I know I haven’t been myself lately, and I appreciate you respecting my space. It’s just,” she ducked her head, “I can’t talk about it right now.” She picked at her nail polish.

  “Don’t worry about it. Again, I’m here for you. That’s what friends are for, right?”

  A hint of a smile touched her mouth and she nodded.


  “Somebody’s using cheat codes,” Axel stated with the edge of sore loser etching through his voice and tossed his game controller across the room like it was trash. The speakers reverberated with the roar of the simulated crowd of Madden and jock rock music. “No way you beat me straight up.”

  “You’re just butt hurt. You want some aloe for the burn?” I nodded at the flat screen. My roomies and I always played video games, but they usually took it to another level with cash on the table. “Don’t worry. I’m not taking your money,” I teased. Axel always had a wager on a game, but I didn’t. It was Saturday evening and we were jacking around at the house, killing time before Taylor’s hoity-toity party tonight, and homie was ride or die with Xbox.

  “Pfft. You got lucky.”

  I shrugged as if I gave a shit. I didn’t by the way.

  He rubbed the back of his head stretching out his other arm, nudging me in the arm—my sore arm that had a bruise the size of a baseball from taking a hit in today’s game. “Fucker,” I mumbled as he pulled out a joint and lit it.

  “I’ll take your money, Axel,” Dmitri called behind us as he scrolled through his phone. No telling what he was doing, probably watching homemade porn videos.

  “Yeah, right, porn star. You can’t even beat Nick.” Axel clamped the joint between his teeth. He took a deep drag. “So, what’s the deal, man?” He exhaled thick smoke and passed it to me.

  “What deal?” I inhaled narrowing my eyes.

  “You and Theo. Are you hitting that or what?”

  “No.” I wasn’t going to talk about what Theodora and I were. I wanted to smack him upside the head for asking. Theodora wasn’t a casual fuck.

  “You assholes starting the party without me?” Nick waltzed in with a crisp white button down and navy slacks; a tie was draped around his neck undone.

  “Nah, you up for a game?” Axel nodded at the screen

  “Can’t.” He sauntered up and plucked the joint from my hand like it was his God-given right. “I have to pick up Theo.”

  The fuck? I tilted my head, waiting for an explanation. “Come again?”

  “I’m her date tonight.”

  He was taking her to Taylor’s? A red haze materialized in front of me. “Did I not make myself clear she was off-limits?”

  “Why? You have a girlfriend don’t you?” Nick’s eyes lit up in innocence behind the hazy screen of smoke. “Why do you care?”

  “Because she’s mine, dammit! She’s always been mine.”

  Axel and Nick both gazed at me like I was insane. And I probably was irrational when it came to her. I knew I was. I knew everything was muddied up where she was concerned, and I had no justification for my feelings. But they were there. Buried deep inside.

  “You wanna fill us in as to why you have an obsession with this girl?” Nick asked quietly.

  I must’ve been high because the first few words came out of my mouth easily. “I loved her…”


  “You know. I think you’re my horseshoe,” Nick teased as we walked through the parking garage of Taylor’s place. The Falcons won earlier today. I couldn’t go to the game because I had to work, but I followed it on the plethora of screens scattered around the restaurant. Locals were also there in Falcon gear, drinking beers and cheering every time we scored. A packed crowd as usual on Saturdays. I saw Roman’s face on the monitors several times throughout the game. He’d had another outstanding game.

  “Horseshoe? As in a lucky charm?” My thoughts went back to the day Roman had called me his good luck charm. “But I wasn’t at the game. I worked, remember?”

  He grinned his million-dollar smile, teeth glinting under the bright florescent lights of the garage. “I know. I’m just predicting tonight’s going to be my lucky night.” He laughed when I slapped him on the arm. “Not in the way you think, Theo. Unless you’re ready to be with a hero.” He waggled his eyebrows, tugging me along with him to the elevator where another couple was already standing by to go upstairs.

  When we made it to her apartment, Nick squeezed my shoulder gently. “Chin up, girl, we’re about to have some fun.” With that we walked in and I stood proudly, I would fake it until I made it if it killed me.

  This party had a different feel than other gatherings I’d attended. First, it was not wall-to-wall packed, which seemed like it was only more exclusive. There were seve
ral football players, sorority and fraternity members here that I’d seen around campus. However, everyone was dressed nicer, not casual. There were hors d’oeuvres set up on every table and counter in the spacious apartment. Did she have the party catered?

  Axel and Dmitri were standing over by a sofa in the living room, holding court as a group of girls fawned over them. Couldn’t blame them. Both were as handsome as sin. Axel for sure had a killer personality, too. Didn’t know about Dmitri. He’d never really spoken to me, but he obviously did okay on looks alone. As well as being a good wide receiver. Who was I kidding? He was gorgeous in a tragically dark way.

  “Move along girls, the doctor said the antibiotics would take a few days to kick in on my friends,” Nick said as we approached Axel and Dmitri. “STDs can be a bitch,” he added. The girls scrunched their faces and the pack of adoring fangirls disintegrated.

  “Thanks, dickhead,” Dmitri stated in a monosyllabic tone.

  Axel only scrubbed his forehead, fighting a smile. Did anything ever bother him? “I’ll get you back for that.”

  “Sure you will,” Nick agreed. “However, I’m gonna get Theo a drink so keep her entertained for a sec, but not too entertained.” Nick pointed at Dmitri. “Especially you.”

  Dmitri only answered with a smug look and mumbled something into his drink. Axel thumped his chest. “I got you, bro.”

  I glanced around and spotted Taylor with a wine goblet in her hand and her hair pulled up in a messy bun with a black tank dress on. She was conversing with a small group; Roman was not among them. However, the blond girl she was talking to the other day was laughing and waving her hands animatedly. Blondie was pretty and dressed a little edgier than someone who would hang in Taylor’s crowd. Of course, I was only making an assumption.

  Axel and I talked about our group topic on youth subcultures. We’d already discussed an outline for our presentation.

  “What’s the story?” I heard Dmitri’s deep voice with a slight hint of an accent. I realized his eyes were on me.

  “My story?”

  “Yeah. You and Roman.”

  I lifted a shoulder. “Not much to tell. We grew up together.”

  “Hmm.” His indigo eyes never wavered as he said, “Are you two fucking?”

  My jaw dropped at his candid question.

  “Jeez, D, could you be a little more subtle?” Axel slapped him on the back of the head, but he wasn’t fazed.

  “Are you?” he pressed.


  “But you will.” His eyes raised over the rim of his drink, focused on something over my shoulder. I turned to see the subject of our conversation approach.

  “You charming her with your winning personality?” Roman asked deceptively soft and he crowded my space as usual making a show he was the one I needed to focus my attention on. Whether good or bad.

  “If I wanted to charm her, we wouldn’t be standing here.” Dmitri had a conceited look on his face.

  Roman ran his eyes over me slowly, and I felt goose bumps on my bare arms in the spaghetti strap dress I wore. “Sometimes you over exaggerate your powers, D.”

  “I don’t think so.” Dmitri’s eyes had a mischievous glint. “And don’t abuse yours.” With that he walked off as he was zeroed in on a red head standing alone by the dining room table. What was that all about?

  Nick walked up with my drink, nodding casually at Roman. “Moving in on my girl again?”

  “Nick,” Roman warned in an ugly voice. “Don’t start with me.”

  He stood beside me, but didn’t touch. Perhaps he wasn’t trying to provoke Roman. Or maybe he knew his limits with him. If he had any, that is. But they were close friends, right? A silent look passed between them leaving me puzzled.

  “Theo, you came.” Taylor held out a hand and touched my shoulder. She eyed Nick standing at my side. “Did you two come together?”

  “Yep. She’s my date. I’ve been trying to get her to go out with me, but something always came up, right, bro?” He lifted his brows at Roman.

  “Yeah, you have the worst luck, don’t you?” Anyone had to be oblivious to not feel the tension. “So don’t press it,” Roman said under his breath.

  Just then, I saw Kenzie and Justin walk into the room. She looked gorgeous as usual with a cheery smile on her face, but it was overly bright. Justin was slapping hands with one of his teammates. She didn’t tell me she’d be here. Not that I needed her itinerary, but something was off. Justin glanced our way and he and Kenzie came over.

  “’Sup,” Justin greeted the group.

  “Justin,” Nick responded with a tightness in his voice. Axel gave a little chin nudge with eyes narrowed, while Roman ignored him completely. I knew these guys thought they were campus royalty being stand-out ballers on the team. However, they didn’t seem very interested in talking to a fellow football player who I knew for a fact was a friend of theirs.

  “Hey, Kenz,” I said, leaning in to give my roomie a side hug.

  Taylor stepped up and took over the conversation as they exchanged compliments on each other’s dresses. I stood by contributing a few words, but I was more interested in what Kenzie was not saying because she could take over a conversation with ease. Maybe it was because Taylor was a talker too.

  Later, after a few mixed drinks, I walked over to a table with an assortment of cheeses, crackers, fruits, and different slices of meat. As I picked through the choices, I saw an appetizer plate jammed in my hand.

  “Eat. You’ve already had a few drinks and haven’t touched the food.” Roman hovered over me looking every bit the handsome, arrogant man he was. He wore a black dress shirt and slacks. If his dad could see him now, I thought sarcastically. He’d fit right into their environment. The natural habitat he acted like was so foreign to him. Yet, I knew better.

  I ignored him, but knew I needed to eat something before the alcohol went to my head. The party was starting to pick up, while the music thumped through my veins.

  “You think not speaking to me will deter me? It hasn’t worked before.”

  “I don’t know. It seemed to work fairly well this week.”

  He picked up a toothpick and stabbed a piece of cheese, setting it on my plate. “I gave you time to pout, so get over it.”

  “Get over it?” I glanced around him to see Taylor with the pixie blond and a few other guys and girls in the living room dancing provocatively among the small crowd. “Why don’t you join your girlfriend? She looks like she needs your attention. Or are you concerned?”

  He tucked his chin. “You’re jealous.” He poked a grape and shoved it between my lips, forcing me to take it. I chewed before it got caught in my throat. “Tonight, Theodora, you’ll find out about our relationship.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “You do care or your cheeks wouldn’t be so flush right now.” My face flamed even more while he placed a palm on the table and moved closer to me. “By the way, if Nick touches you or even tries to hold your hand, then he’s going to end up in bad shape. If it makes you happy, I’m not afraid to admit it. I’m fucking jealous.”

  At this point, anything that fell out of Roman’s mouth was hard for me to believe. I reached in and grabbed a toothpick. “If you hurt Nick, I’ll have a little heart-to-heart with Taylor.”

  “Is that right?” He raised an eyebrow in his usual countering he loved to pose. “By all means go right ahead.”

  I nodded as I stared lasers at him, wanting to claw the smug look off his face. “How embarrassing for you if she knew you were slumming it with me.” I jammed the toothpick down in the skin between his thumb and index finger. He hissed, shaking it off, and I rushed away from him before he could stop me. Before I made a fool of myself with him again.

  Nick and Axel were on the sofa watching the gathering of tipsy college kids pump around on the makeshift dance floor formally known as the living area. I sat down on the arm of the couch next to Nick and picked a piece of cheese off my plate, popping it in my mouth
. “Let’s dance,” I suggested setting down the plate.

  “I don’t dance.” Nick glanced up at me with an easygoing smile. He had his arms spread wide on the sofa and casually twisted his neck, looking behind him. Roman was standing a few feet away sucking the spot where I struck him as another bulky guy on the team was lounging around. His eyes were narrowed at us. Nick’s grin turned devious. “I suppose you two had a disagreement?”

  “Yes. You could say that.”

  “Man, he’s such a tool sometimes.”

  “That he is.”

  “Theo, come dance with meee.” Kenzie slung her arm around me, swaying from side to side. She’d had several drinks tonight. I had no idea where Justin was, but my friend was on her way to getting sloppy, and that normally wasn’t her style. At least, I didn’t think so.

  Nick stood up with his brows drawn. “We’ll dance.” I didn’t question his change of heart and walked my friend over to the group with Nick behind us.

  As the bass pounded, I started moving my hips to the beat losing my inhibitions. Kenzie was pumping hers as she bent her knees dipping low and gripped her hair in one hand high above her head right in front of Nick who stood stone still as he watched…her. He didn’t seem pleased by the show, but his eyes stayed on her and never wavered.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of black material flitter close as Taylor sidled up beside me with blondie and some guy I didn’t know. He didn’t look like a football player; he was much lankier. He seemed more likely to be part of the I come from money group. We continued to dance as Taylor said in my ear, “You look gorgeous in that dress. It looks like it came from Tory’s line last year.” I ignored the comment and focused on the beat. Whether she meant it as a slight at me or not, I wasn’t going there. I knew I’d bought this dress at discount, but I’d never let this bitch know it. Didn’t matter in her world because Taylor was already turning her head. “By the way, this is my close friend Jill.” She slung her hand out to her blond friend who I’d spotted her with earlier.


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