Bella Mafia (Battaglia Mafia Series Book 8)

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Bella Mafia (Battaglia Mafia Series Book 8) Page 38

by Sienna Mynx

  Mirabella laughed. “Go upstairs and ask my husband about Lorenzo’s betrayal.”

  No one would could counter her logic. And it seemed that all of them had calmed down. “Also I have Marietta, he’s going to be unpredictable these next few weeks while we wait for the birth of my nephew.”

  “What do you mean you have her?” Carlo asked.

  “All of you might as well know, Marietta is here,” Mirabella said. “Not as my guest.”

  Carlo’s gaze locked on Mirabella’s. Renaldo frowned. The other men knew, but must not have had the chance to update these two. Mirabella noticed Carlo had the most visceral reaction. He went from surprise to concerned, to angry and back to surprise.

  “Where is she?” Carlo asked.

  “Villa Rosso. I’ve had it redone after the shooting. But she’s not receiving visitors.”

  “What has she said? About that night, where is Lorenzo? Does he know?” Renaldo asked.

  “He’s with Armando Mancini, and so is Catalina,” Dominic informed him.

  “What?” Renaldo said.

  “They have all chosen a different team. Marietta is here to get the medical attention she needs for the baby. So we don’t need to upset her.”

  “Upset her? She nearly killed me! No disrespect, Donna, but I want to see her.”

  “And I said no,” Mirabella replied. The men were once again silenced. Mirabella maintained Carlo’s stare. “I think you and your lady friend... What’s her name?”

  “Adara,” Carlo said.

  “Adara, right. I think you both should move in. It’s safer.”

  “I can take care of us...”

  “It’s done, Carlo. You’re staying here.” Mirabella’s gaze swiveled to Dominic. “Let’s find out who these shooters are, my guess is their local. No more speculating on the gunplay. Personally, I’m curious as to what Lorenzo and Armando thought they could accomplish with taking out Carlo? I’m sure we’ll get another message from them soon. Make sure our men are prepared.”

  “I’ll call the boys who are doing the cleanup,” Nico offered.

  Mirabella smiled. She walked over to Carlo. She reached up his tall frame and took his face in her hands. She kissed his left and right cheek. “I like the haircut,” she said. He smiled. It was the first time she’d seen him smile in a long time. “Stay here with me. We are family. We stick together.”

  “Va bene. Grazie, Donna,” he said.

  “Well that’s it. We have my American family visiting; I want them to meet all of you. Talk business later, boys.” Mirabella turned to leave. She could feel the eyes in the room on her. She paused to reassure them, but it was apparent she didn’t have that affect. They looked more worried than they had when she arrived.


  “What the hell is going on?” Carlo asked.

  Dominic shook his head. No one in the room wanted to speak, but he was certain all of them were thinking the same thing.

  “She’s met with the Camorristi. She’s given them the Bay. Licciardi and Racchi are already fighting for control.”

  “I heard that. I’m talking about Catalina and Lorenzo. They are with Armando, but Marietta is here? Why?”

  “I suppose to flip Mirabella,” Renaldo answered. He gave Carlo a look that Dominic caught. It was then he knew who might have filled Mirabella’s head with the wild tales of Marietta being the shooter. Dominic decided it was best to tell everyone the truth.

  “Mirabella thinks Marietta shot Giovanni. Since Marietta’s been here, she’s been locked away at villa Rosso with men posted to keep her inside. Only the staff and the doctors have been inside to pay her a visit.”

  Carlo sat down. “We don’t know if she shot the boss.”

  “I think you do. Who else?” Renaldo asked the men in the room.

  “Armando. He did it,” Nico said.

  “You were there,” Dominic said to Carlo. “Who hit you over the head?”

  “She did but...”

  “At this point it doesn’t matter. It’s Mirabella’s call. Carlo, stay away from villa Rosso.” Rocco warned. Carlo looked over to the old man and gave him a respectful nod. “Good. No more talk about this. Mirabella wants us at dinner. Let’s join her.” Rocco stood and started for the door. Nico was the first to follow. Renaldo shook his head and went after them. It was only Carlo and Dominic left behind.

  “What are you thinking?” Dominic asked.

  “Lorenzo is desperate if he’s stuck with Armando and Marietta is here. A desperate Lorenzo is a dangerous one. It was his fucking desperation that started the Calderone war.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that too. What is the end game for Lorenzo?”

  “This is the end game.” Carlo said with a burdened sigh. “It has always been about having control of the family. He won’t stop now. Not with Giovanni on his back.”

  “I am worried that Catalina may be caught in the crossfire.”

  “Have you talked to her? Asked her to come home.”

  “It’s not an option.”

  Carlo frowned.

  “Is Marietta okay?” Carlo asked.

  Dominic stared at him. Carlo lowered his gaze first. “This is really fucked up. What is the condition of the boss? Is he getting better?” Carlo asked.

  “No. And that means we have to be stronger. Let’s figure it out tomorrow. Dinner is best. And you need to change clothes. Did you bring any?”

  “I got some clothes in the car. I’ll change and join you.”

  Dominic nodded and left. He glanced back at Carlo one last time and realized his torment. Carlo had lost his best friend in all of this. The world had changed for them all.

  Minnie couldn’t believe the grand elegance of Mirabella’s home. She’d never been in one so big.

  When Mirabella announced that Minnie and two doctors dining with them would take their deserts in the parlor she was flattered. It made her feel important. But also it made her feel wanted. Mirabella for years had ignored the family in Apple Grove. She kept them financially secure, but she never opened herself up as she did recently. Minnie believed the invitation to be proof of change for them. She told Clyde that Mirabella and Marietta were going to bring a new beginning to the family. Now that the secrets were out, the family could heal. Which is why she jumped at the chance to come to Italy and help in any way she could.

  “Minnie, do you want some coffee or tea with your pie?” Mirabella asked.

  “Yes, thank you,” Minnie said. “Zia told me that she got the recipe from you for this pie. Is it Mary’s?”

  “It is,” Mirabella smiled.

  “I knew it. Can’t wait to taste what Zia made it into,” she chuckled. She glanced over to the doctor with long red hair who looked familiar to her, and the other doctor in the room. Neither accepted desert—only Minnie. She set her plate down and tried to focus on Mirabella instead of her gluttonous tummy.

  “I want to speak to you about my sister.”

  Minnie smiled. “How are Marietta and the baby? I thought I’d see her by now. Where is she?”

  “Not well I’m afraid, Minnie. And that’s why I asked you to come to Italy.”

  “Oh? Okay. I thought I was here for you and Giovanni. What’s wrong with her? Is it the baby? She mentioned—”

  “Dr. Singh? Have you had a chance to examine her?” Mirabella asked, ignoring Minnie altogether. Minnie frowned and glanced to the doctor. He seemed upset. And that didn’t sit right with Minnie.

  “She’s not cooperative. I’ve made three visits. She refused to let me touch her. She demands to see you. Said she won’t let any of us near her until she speaks with you. Donna Mirabella, I have to tell you that in her condition, the emotional state she is in is dangerous for the baby. I’ve had access to her medical records. She needs to be calm.”

  “What is wrong?” Minnie asked. “Mira?”

  Mirabella glanced over to Minnie. “She has pre-eclampsia. The same condition I had when I carried the twins. I was thinking that you and Dr.
Sera should see her. Make her understand that she has to get the medical attention she needs.”

  “But that don’t make no sense, why won’t she see a doctor...”

  “Minnie, stop talking,” Mirabella said.

  Minnie blinked in shock. Mirabella turned her attention to the female doctor. “If she is having trouble adjusting, maybe you can give me professional opinions on her state of mind. It is difficult in isolation. Trust me I know. And I’m afraid my sister has a history of mental illness. So does my family. Right, Minnie. Bi-polar runs in the family.”

  Minnie was floored. She couldn’t speak if she wanted to. Her mouth gaped open as she listened.

  “I want you to interview Minnie to get the complete run down of our family history. I have an aunt who committed suicide because of her bi-polar disease. I don’t want my sister to suffer the same fate.” Mirabella looked over at her again and this time she smiled. “She’s here, Minnie. I’ve brought her here. She’s in villa Rosso. You can see her tonight. After you do, please come and find me. I know you will have many questions.”

  “Oh, okay,” Minnie said. “Villa Rosso? What’s that?”

  “You two can leave,” she said to Minnie and Dr. Singh. “Dr. Sera, please stay.”

  Minnie got up to leave, but before she did she looked over at Mirabella. “Honey, have I done something to upset you?”

  Mirabella stared at her. Though her voice was syrupy sweet her face was drawn tight with lack of emotion. “Of course not. I am glad you’re here.”

  The instinct in Minnie that kept her strong and aware in Apple Grove was ringing the alarm bell now. Something was terribly wrong. She could sense it.

  “Ask any of the men in the house, one of them will take you to see her. Tell them I granted permission.”

  Minnie frowned. The word ‘granted’ made her stomach churn. She walked out to the hall with the doctor who refused to even look at her. He kept going in the opposite direction. Confused, Minnie tried to find her way to the terrace where everyone dined. Lucky for her she did see a young man. “Excuse me, excuse me!” she said.

  He paused.

  “Can you take me to see Marietta?” she asked.

  He shrugged and told her he didn’t speak English. Minnie frowned. She tried again. “Villa Rosso. Villa Rosso,” she said and pointed at herself.

  The young man smiled. He nodded and started off. Minnie followed him. Together they walked outside to the gardens. At night, the moon was bright and full. Moonlight was as powerful as sunlight in the country, and so was it here. Minnie watched her step. She kept up pace with the man. And soon they arrived at a red cottage. Two men smoked cigarettes. They had guns. They didn’t look friendly at all.

  The young man pointed at her. They shook their heads no.

  “Minnie. I’m Minnie. Mirabella told me to come see Marietta. Is she here?”

  “She’s here,” one of the men spoke English. He said something to the other men and they nodded. He opened the door and held it open for her to go inside. Minnie walked into a dark cottage. It was silent. Eerily quiet.

  “Hello?” Minnie called out. “Marietta, is you home?”

  No one responded. She glanced around at the furnishings. A chair was turned over, and there was uneaten food on the table. But nothing else out of the ordinary. She walked into the back of the villa and found an office. She flipped on the light and found the office was empty.

  “Marietta? You in here, sweetheart?”

  Minnie’s gaze switched to the stairwell.

  “Marietta? You up there? It’s Minnie, from Apple Grove.”

  There was no response. Minnie felt the loneliness of the place and knew in her heart that something was wrong. She climbed the stairs as hurriedly as her short legs could allow. The doors were open to the three rooms upstairs, but only one was closed. Minnie went to that one. She knocked softly.

  “Marietta? Marietta?”

  She waited. When no one answered Minnie opened the door.

  “Sweet merciful God!” Minnie exclaimed. Minnie rushed in. Marietta lay on the floor on her side. She rushed to her and pulled her into her arms. “Marietta? Are you okay? Honey? Talk to me?”

  “Minnie?” Marietta asked. She blinked up at her. “Is it you?”

  “You poor thing. What’s wrong? Is it the baby?”

  Marietta wept. She clung to Minnie. Shocked to her core, all Minnie could do was hold her close. “Don’t worry, sweetie, Minnie will get you help. We’ll get you help.”


  “So how is he?” Mirabella asked.

  “Dominic?” Sera answered.

  Mirabella gave her a single nod.

  “He’s complicated. I only had one meeting with him. The little he has shared says to me that there is a need for therapy of some sort.”

  “Really? What did he share with you?”

  “I’m sorry, but I’m still uncomfortable breaking his confidence.”

  “And I told you there is no confidence. Not between me and Dominic. Not anymore. That’s why you are here. Now what is the issue?”

  “I think he suffers from an acute form of PTSD. I think he’s lived with it all his life. The trauma he experienced as a boy. He has rage issues, that he internalizes. And the drinking is his way of self medicating when his anxiety gets at its worst. He sees...”

  Mirabella’s brow arched.

  “He see’s shadows, phantoms. He’s not crazy. I’ve seen this before. It happens, like a flash of his subconscious reminding him of his inner turmoil.”

  Mirabella nodded. “Thank you, Doctor. I appreciate you talking with him.” She got up from her seat. “I also want you to help tend to my sister. Her life will be different until the baby is born. She needs to find a way to cope with the changes. Adapt. If she wants her child to live. It can be hard. Trust me, I’ve been through it.”

  Sera frowned. “I’m not sure I understand what’s going on. Why is she not allowed visitors?”

  “Who said she isn’t?”

  “I thought you said...”

  Mirabella put up her hand. “It’s true. I don’t allow her visitors. Because she is a danger to herself and to this family. I will make sure she has all she needs.”

  “But if she’s pregnant she will need more reassurance, to be made comfortable.”

  Mirabella walked over to the French doors. She opened them and walked out onto the veranda. She could see villa Rosso from the upstairs parlor room. Dr. Sera came outside with her. Mirabella looked up at the moon. “When I was pregnant with my daughter I spent a lot of time alone. I used to look up to the moon at night. Imagine my life differently. Wish Giovanni was there, and that we could just make the entire world disappear. I had a hard time with my isolation, and I delivered my baby girl without Giovanni. He resented me for it, I blamed myself. I have spent most of our marriage making up for our separation. The destruction it brought to us both because I trusted the wrong man can’t ever be undone. Irony has me in the same place once again. Except it’s his coma that keeps us apart. And again, there is no one I can really trust.” She glanced over to the doctor. “It wasn’t his fault or mine that Eve came into this world without him. We paid the price for others’ mistakes, and manipulations. My sister is kept out in villa Rosso so she can receive the same kind of support and kindness she and her husband have shown me.”

  “Why did you bring me here?” The doctor asked.

  Mirabella smiled. “I want you to diagnose her. She’s bi-polar. She may need long-term care. I want that diagnosis soon.”

  “I can’t... I don’t just give diagnosis.”

  Mirabella’s smile went from sweet to sinister. She could tell by the alarm in Sera’s voice and eyes that the doctor didn’t truly understand the nature of her request. “You took an oath to do no harm, right? Your profession is committed to saving lives. Either my sister is bi-polar, or she is a cold calculating bitch that tried to assassinate my husband. Bi-polar and she gets the luxury of an institution to help her and you
save her life. Do you understand her choices now?”

  Minnie screamed. Mirabella glanced out to the gardens. The older woman was running to the house with the men on her tail. She was screaming Mirabella’s name.

  Sera walked over to the balcony and stared down. Mirabella did not move. The family immediately responded. She could hear her children crying below as Minnie frantically yelled at them all to come with her. To get help. To get Mirabella.

  “I think you need to join them, Doctor. There must be trouble.”

  Sera hesitated for a moment and rushed out. Mirabella leaned against the balcony and watched the chaos. Watched the family struggle to calm Minnie. Dominic and Carlo ran toward the villa. Mirabella glanced up at the moon. It would be a tragedy if something happened to Marietta and the baby. A real shame.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The Donna

  Sorrento, Italy

  “Step aside before I snap your fucking neck.”

  “Sorry, Boss. I have my orders. The Donna does not want you inside,” the young man said with his hand on his gun. Carlo looked down at him and the gun. He then glanced back to Nico and Renaldo. They weren’t allowed access either. The only person who could enter at this point was Dominic, with the doctors and nurses. It made no sense. What was Mirabella doing?

  “Am I crazy? Why are my own fucking men drawing their guns on me?” Carlo asked.

  “You heard the Donna,” Nico said. “And these boys are loyal to her, Carlo. That’s the way you trained them. They’re just doing what they are ordered to.”

  “Yeah, well that’s bullshit and it doesn’t sound like her. Mirabella wouldn’t do anything to harm her sister. Renaldo,” Carlo stepped to him. “I told you to keep your fucking mouth shut. I warned you.”

  “And I told you I would tell her.”

  Carlo landed a punch to Renaldo’s jaw. It knocked him down. He drew him up by the collar and raised his fist to deliver another one. “I ordered you not to say it. Not to even speculate it.” Renaldo spat blood but showed no other reaction. Carlo wanted to hit him again when he heard Dominic say his name. They all looked to Dominic.


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