God's Doodle

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God's Doodle Page 22

by Tom Hickman

  Nelson, Horatio 195

  Nepal 124

  New Guinea 213

  The New Male Sexuality (Zilbergeld) 26

  New Scientist 125

  Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia 100

  No More Mister Nice Guy (Jacobson) 208

  nocturnal emissions 139–40, 141

  Normans 116

  North Africa 108

  Novak, Kim 39

  Novarro, Ramon 39


  adult flaunting of 88–91

  Ancient Greek admiration for 87

  in art and advertising 104

  covering and uncovering 91–103

  on the Internet 103–4

  and persecution of the circumcised 162–3

  small boys and 87–8

  on stage and film 103

  walking and sitting in public 104–5

  Oceanic peoples 91

  Odysseus 9

  Onion magazine 40

  orang-utans 45, 46

  orgasm 74, 75, 136, 137, 180–1, 193–6, 206, 207, 214–15

  Origen of Alexandria 124

  Orlando, Vittorio Emanuele 106

  Orton, Joe 2

  Osiris 66

  Ottoman Empire 121, 122, 129

  Ovid 135

  Oz, Amos 212

  Paley, Maggie 55

  Palmerston, Lord 161

  Papua New Guinea 92

  Paracelsus 71

  ‘The Pardoner’s Tale’ (Chaucer) 93–4

  Paré, Ambroise 63, 171

  Parker, Alan 213

  penile implants 159–60


  accessorising 108

  accidents and injuries to 113–15

  aesthetics of 50–6

  boys’ angst concerning 22–3

  curbing its activities 139–45

  curses aimed at 166

  and dealing with a micropenis 125

  erections 170–5, 181, 197, 211

  feelings of inadequacy over 29–32

  as fertility symbol 167–8

  flaunting 87–105

  fondled in greeting 68–9, 106

  human compared with animal 45–7

  infinite variety of 8–9

  insults related to 166–7

  likened to a face 9–10

  magical properties of 71, 106

  male competition (or envy) concerning 24–7, 32–3

  male feelings toward 52, 59

  in mythology 65–8

  naming of 10–13, 75

  and oath-taking 68–9

  and penis captivus 130–1

  possible fate of 218

  purpose-made protection for 115

  racial variations 17–22

  regarded as trophies after battle 115–16

  removal of 115–20, 121–2

  ridiculing 41–3, 53

  schizophrenia concerning 2

  shrinking hysteria 127–8

  size and shape 13–17, 22–33, 34–44, 70, 108, 210

  supremacy of 64–9

  thinking with 1–2

  transplants 163, 168

  unpredictability and limitations of 135–9

  and urination 106–7

  and VD 131–5

  vulnerability of 112–15

  ways of enlarging 27–9, 108

  women’s attitude towards 2–3, 43–4, 51–9

  worship of 76–86

  Pentimento (Hellman) 57

  Pepys, Samuel 38, 176, 182

  The Perfumed Garden 130

  Perón, Eva 39

  Persians 188

  Peru, Peruvians 18

  Phalles (Roman god) 67

  phallic symbolism 83–6

  phallic worship

  and carved penises 79–80

  Christian imagery and beliefs 77, 78–9, 80–3

  and Christ’s foreskin 80–1

  and damaging of male genitalia by women 77–8

  feasts and festivals 79–83, 107

  in India 76–7

  Phoenicians 66

  The Pillow Book (film, 1996) 17

  The Pillow Book (Sei Shōnagon) 61

  The Pirate (Robbins) 136, 185

  Plastercasters 40, 104

  Plath, Sylvia 51, 176

  Plato 202

  Playboy Foundation 184

  Playboy magazine 27

  Pliny the Elder 71, 139, 155

  Points of View (TV programme) 98

  Political Warfare Executive (PWE) 167

  Polyphemus 9

  Popplewell, Mr Justice 98–9

  pornography 27, 31, 103–4, 167, 183, 186

  Portnoy’s Complaint (Roth) 23, 175, 181

  ‘Portrait of a Former Penis Bigot’ (Roberts) 9

  Poseidon 9, 83

  Potemkin, Prince Grigori Alexsandrovich 89

  The Prehistory of Sex (Taylor) 45–6

  Prescott, John 43

  priapism 158–9

  Priapus 66

  Principles of Nurturing Life 142

  Private Parts (Stern) 31

  Profumo, John 7

  Proust, Marcel 211

  Puppetry of the Penis (play) 103

  Purple America (Moody) 48, 51, 186, 189

  Puzo, Mario 57

  Rabbit quartet (Updike) 9, 20

  Rabelais, François 96, 115, 171, 174, 199

  ‘Race Difference in Sexual Behavior: Testing an Evolutionary Hypothesis’ (Rushton & Bogaert) 19

  Race, Evolution and Behavior (Rushton) 21

  Rasputin, Grigori 89, 107–8

  The Real Life of Anthony Burgess (Biswell) 101

  Recueil periodique d’observations de médecine et de chirurgie (1753) 168

  Redwald, King 78–9

  Reed, Oliver 25, 88

  Reformation 81, 84, 112, 118

  Regency England 96–7

  The Reign of the Phallus (Keuls) 24, 111

  Religio Medici (Browne) 64

  Remembrance of Things Past (Proust) 211

  Renaissance 50, 63, 69, 73, 81, 92–4, 154, 165

  Renoir, Pierre Auguste 104

  Republic (Plato) 202

  Restoration 84, 163, 203

  Rhyming Life and Dean (Oz) 212

  The Rise and Fall of the British Nanny (Gathorne-Hardy) 174

  The Rites of Man: Love, Sex and Death in the Making of the Male (Miles) 25

  Robbins, Harold 136

  Roberts, Bonnie 9

  Roberts, Gregory David 212

  Rochester, Earl of 85, 152, 153

  Rockefeller, Nelson 161

  Roman period 11, 12, 24, 66–7, 69, 70, 79, 117, 123, 124, 139, 140, 155, 165, 166, 184, 188, 190

  Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare) 52

  Ronaldinho 207

  Roth, Philip 23, 175

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 182

  Royal Commission on Monuments 79

  Royal Society 82

  Rubirosa, Porfirio 39

  Rudgley, Richard 86

  Runcie, Lord, Archbishop of Canterbury 179

  Rushton, John Philippe 19, 21

  Russia, Russians 207

  Russian museum of erotica (St Petersburg) 108

  Russian Orthodox Church 124

  Rwanda 213

  sadhus 124

  Sadler, John 75

  Sagan, Dorion 47

  San people 210

  San Quentin prison 168

  Sandys, Duncan 8

  ‘A Satire on Charles II’ (Wilmot) 38–9

  Saturnalia 79–80

  Saudi Arabia 192

  Scathloe, Alice 148–9

  Scathloe, John 148–9

  scrotum 199

  The Second Sex (de Beauvoir) 3, 53, 130–1

  Second World War 167

  Secret Instructions Concerning the Jade Chamber 142

  Seek My Face (Updike) 211

  semen and sperm

  and conception 72, 74–5, 164, 213–14

  decrease in 200–1

  as defective 201–2

  and donor insemination 214r />
  as fertiliser 70

  healthy 200

  influence on female health and psychology 203–4

  lifespan 200

  limited supply of 139, 141

  magical properties of 71

  and masturbation (or spermatorrhoea) 140, 141–5

  nocturnal emission 139–40

  as precious substance 70

  production of 48, 72–4, 199

  and return of the buffalo 71

  and sperm banks 202–3

  Semitic peoples 66, 68

  Sens (northern France) 80

  Sévigné, Madame de 134

  Sex in America survey (1994) 136

  Sex in History (Taylor) 141

  Sex for One (Dodson) 51, 138

  Sex Symbolism in Religion (Hannay) 83

  Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (Kinsey) 15, 55

  sexual drive 208–9

  sexual encounters

  benefits of intercourse 197–8

  and birth of twins or triplets 164

  brain activity and erotic thoughts 176–9, 181

  clitoris vs penis 137–8

  and coitus interruptus 141, 194

  and cravings for sex 179–80

  curious 181

  and death in the saddle 161, 168

  and ejaculatory intercourse 142–3

  fictional depictions 211–13

  forbidding of 141

  and foreplay 135

  as fun 217

  intercourse terminology 189–91, 210–11

  and male angst concerning performance 138–9

  male finishing times 135–6

  and the male roving eye 177–8

  missionary position versus woman on top 187–9

  numbers of 205–7, 214–15

  and orgasm 136, 137

  and paternity issues 164

  penances for transgressions 141

  post-coital effects 195–7

  and use of vibrators 138

  and women moving during intercourse 165

  Sexual Life Between Blacks and Whites (Day) 17

  Sexual Life in England (Bloch) 96–7

  Shakespeare, William 11, 12, 25, 52, 60, 80, 134, 182, 187, 191

  The Shameful Life of Salvador Dalí (Gibson) 31

  Shantaram (G.D. Roberts) 212

  The Shape of Her (Somerville) 211

  Shinto Kanamara Matsuri (Festival of the Steel Penis) 164

  Shiva 66, 76

  Simenon, Georges 205

  Sinatra, Frank 39

  Sinclair, Sir Clive 207

  Singapore, Singaporeans 127, 207

  Sistine Chapel (Vatican) 50, 124

  Skinner, Frank 42

  Skoptzis sect 124

  Slater, Lorraine 55

  Slaves of New York (Janowitz) 51

  Soames, Lord 43

  Solomon, King 68

  Somerville, Rowan 211

  Sophocles 2

  South Africa 162

  South America 91

  South Asia 163

  South East Asia 20, 29, 108, 127–8, 130

  South Korea 210

  South Sea Islanders 209

  The Spell (Hollinghurst) 26

  spermatorrhoea see masturbation Sprenger, Jacob 126–7

  State University of New York 204

  Stern, Howard 31

  Sterne, Laurence 73

  Sting 192

  Stockholm University 107

  Stopes, Marie 203

  Strait, Jennifer 102

  Styler, Trudie 192

  The Sucker’s Kiss (Parker) 213

  Sudan 121, 127

  Sumerians 12, 72

  The Summer of a Dormouse (Mortimer) 179

  Sun newspaper 43

  Sutor, Jacob 17–18

  Sweden, Swedes 106–7, 207

  Talese, Gay 111–12, 179

  Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare) 25

  Taoism 140

  Taylor, G. Rattray 141

  Taylor, Timothy 45–6

  Tel Aviv University 201

  The Ten O’Clock Horses (Graham) 106

  Ten Storey Love Song (Milward) 213

  Tenggu 10

  Tertullian 140


  and ejaculation 48

  feel of 200

  and manufacture of sperm 48, 199

  measurement of 47–9

  racial variation 48

  removal of 118, 120–5

  transplants 168

  unequal in size 50–1

  and (un)faithfulness 49

  vulnerability of 113

  Tewasheh (Sudan) 121

  Thailand 28–9, 106, 118–19

  Theroux, Paul 217

  Theseus 83

  The Thief’s Journal (Genet) 173

  Thomson, David 177

  Thy Neighbour’s Wife (Talese) 111–12

  Tibet, Tibetans 13

  Tillot, Jean-Baptiste du 80

  Timebends (A.Miller) 183

  The Times 114

  Tiresias 137

  To Love, Honour and Betray (Lette) 213

  Too Rich: The Family Secrets of Doris Duke (J.Thomas & P.Duke) 39

  Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri 40

  Tristram Shandy (L.Sterne) 113

  Trobrianders 188, 213

  Tropic of Cancer (Miller) 56, 171

  Trousers and the Most Precious Ornament (Gill) 101

  True at First Light (Hemingway) 152–3

  Tucker, Forrest 39

  Turkey, Turks 116, 121, 190

  twins and triplets 164

  Uganda 124

  Ulysses (Joyce) 52, 56

  Under the Volcano (Lowry) 33

  University of California 23, 42

  University College London 92

  University of Western Ontario 21

  Unspeakable Confessions (Dalí) 31

  Untrael, Donna 5

  Updike, John 9, 20, 56, 59, 185, 211

  US National Center for Health Statistics 206

  vagina 128–31, 210

  Valentino, Rudolf 39, 40

  Vanity Fair magazine 91

  Vatican 81

  Vatsyayana 13–14

  Velvet Goldmine (film) 91

  venereal disease

  gonorrhoea (or clap) 131, 133, 135

  syphilis (or great pox) 131–3

  treatments for 132–4

  and use of condoms 134–5

  Viagra 152, 154, 157, 160

  Victoria & Albert Museum 162

  Victoria, Queen 108, 144, 162

  Victorian period 14, 76–7, 112, 125, 140, 141, 145, 176, 180, 190

  Vidal, Gore 20

  Vilar, Esther 51, 54–5, 56

  Virag, Ronald 156–7

  Voltaire, François Marie Arouet de 129, 182

  Voronoff, Serge 156

  Walbiri of central Australia 106

  Washington State University 102

  Watton (Yorkshire) 118

  Waugh, Alexander 22

  The Way, The Supreme Path Of Nature 75

  Webb, Geoffrey 79

  Weissmuller, Johnny ‘Tarzan’ 90

  West, Mae 207

  What Men Want (Gerstman, Pizzo, Seldes) 185, 194

  White, Charles 18

  Whitman, Walt 85, 182

  Whythorne, Thomas 130

  William of Poitiers 116

  Williams, Esther 90

  Williams, Robin 108

  Wilmot, John, 2nd Earl of Rochester 38

  witches 126–7

  Wogan, Terry 98


  and aesthetics of the penis 51–2

  ambivalent attitude 2–3

  benefits of intercourse 197–8

  benefits of sperm 203–4

  blamed for venereal disease 132, 133

  conception and menstruation 71–2, 74–5

  and curiosity concerning what an erection feels like 56

  and damaging of male genitalia 77–8

  and first encounters 55, 86

  as the gateway of the devil 1

  gender-change 63

  inferior status of 64

  and knowledge of paternity 164

  knowledge of their anatomy 64–5

  libido and infidelity 217

  and male bridal-night fears 128–9

  and male expectations of awe 54

  and male fear of the vagina 128–31

  and male marital duties 214–15

  mismatch with male sexuality 135–9

  mockery of the penis 43–4, 53

  moving during intercourse 165

  in mythology 65–6

  and oral sex 183–6

  and orgasm 195, 196

  and penis envy 69

  and physical emasculation of men 118–20

  repulsion felt by 55–6

  and sex with castrati 123

  and sexual positions 187–9

  sexual superiority of 137–8

  size and look of the penis 56–9

  Women in Love (film) 25

  The Women’s History of the World (Miles) 46

  Woolf, Virginia 175

  World Health Organisation 207

  Worsley, T.C. 175

  Xhosa 162

  yakuza 108

  Yapese tribe (island in the Carolines) 213

  The Years of Lyndon Johnson (Caro) 90

  Yeats, William Butler 155, 174–5

  Yiddish proverb 2

  yin-yang 107

  Zelig (film) 26

  Zeus 83, 137

  Zilbergeld, Dr Bernie 26

  Zola, Emile 119

  Zulu 162

  Zuni tribe (New Mexico) 71

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  Epub ISBN 9781448137459


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  Copyright © Tom Hickman 2012

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