A Little Wager

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A Little Wager Page 14

by Lucy Wild

  Chapter 20

  If there was one thing Charles liked, it was a good meal. A good meal with good company was a rarer thing indeed. He sat opposite little Beth and smiled at her, the smell of lamb and mint sauce assailing his nostrils. “Are you not hungry?” he asked, tearing into another piece of lamb. “You have not touched your food.”

  “I am feeling a little unwell,” she replied, glancing up at him.

  He watched her closely. She was rolling a potato around her plate with her knife, her other hand gripping the fork for dear life.

  “The dilators are expressly designed for the purpose of alleviating ailments, not causing them. If the issue is related to the use of them, perhaps I should remove it whilst we dine. Stand up for me.”

  “No,” she said too quickly, looking across at him with panic in her eyes. “It’s fine, honestly.”

  “Nonsense. You’ve had it in for long enough, it’s time it was out and then you will be able to dine in comfort. I would hate to dine alone on such excellent repast, a meal fit for a King such as this deserves to be shared. Come on, up you get.”

  He stuffed the portion of lamb into his mouth and chewed upon it as he got to his feet. She still didn’t move, just looking at him and shaking her head. “Please, just leave it.”

  “I will not tell you again. What on earth has gotten into you this evening?”

  Her shoulders slumped as she muttered, “I’ve already taken it out.”

  “Excuse me?” he replied, his voice growing louder. “Say that again.”

  “I said, I’ve already taken the plug out.”

  “You’ve taken it out? When I explicitly told you not to. What on earth made you think you could get away with that? Not just disobeying me, though that is bad enough. Instead you decide to lie to me. My God, girl, you will pay for such a transgression.”

  He grabbed her arm, dragging her to her feet as she protested feebly. “Please, it was hurting me too much. I could not bear it any longer.”

  “If you thought that was pain, you have felt nothing yet.”

  With the sweep of his arm, her plate slid from the table, her dinner splattering across the rug by her feet. He pressed her downwards, crushing her chest against the table, pushing his weight against her as with his free hand, he reached up the hem of her dress and grabbed her nappy, yanking it down her thighs.

  “What are you going to do to me?” she asked.

  “I bet you’re expecting a simple spanking, aren’t you?” he asked, grabbing her buttocks with his hand and squeezing them roughly, ignoring her squeals of discomfort. “You deserve it, of course, but I have something far more appropriate in mind.”

  He leaned past her, scooping up a portion of butter from the tray in the middle of the table.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Keep still, stop squirming or it’ll be worse for you.”

  Pushing down against her, he rubbed the butter over the fingers of his right hand whilst admonishing her for her defiance of his will. “The plug was a test of your character and you gave in at the first sign of discomfort. You are about to see what real discomfort feels like. Maybe next time the thought will give you pause before deciding my rules can be disregarded whenever you wish.”

  His index finger slid between her buttocks as she let out a gasp and began to fight against him, realising what he was about to do. “No, please, don’t do that. I’ll go put it back in right now.”

  “It is too late for that. You have brought this on yourself.” As he spoke, he pushed the tip of his finger deeper, finding her puckered hole, the butter helping him glide into her. Despite her shriek of alarm, she did not try and fight him, falling still as his finger pushed all the way into her. “This could all have been avoided if you had simply done as I said.” He brought his finger out and then added a second, easing both his index and middle finger into her posterior, listening to her shriek a second time. “There are consequences to every action, little Beth, the quicker you learn that, the better for you.” With both fingers inside her, he pushed as deep as he could, feeling her protests fade into a deep groan that seemed to speak of both pain and pleasure in one sound. Then she fell silent. He loosened his grip on her back but she did not move, allowing him to slide his free hand down to her core. He sought out her clit, circling it slowly to tease her whilst continuing to stretch her posterior, rubbing back and forth inside her, the warmth of her grip making his member stiffen in his trousers.

  As he flicked over her clit, she began to moan quietly, her hips shifting back against him. He wanted desperately to take her but he knew he couldn’t, it would ruin the entire disciplinary process to slide his cock into her after she had so rudely disobeyed him, far better to save that as a reward for the next time she was good. Knowing that did not stop the ache deep inside him, the need to make her his for good, to be the first person to ever take her, to come inside her. Stop it, he told himself, pulling his fingers back and then ramming them home again.

  He could feel her orgasm growing near, the way her breathing changed, her legs stiffening, her internal muscles beginning to grip him, draw him deeper into her. He lasted as long as he dared, teasing her to the very brink before sliding out of her rear, taking his other hand away from her clit.

  As she let out a howl of protest and frustration, he brought his hand down on her rear, smacking her hard, watching her slump against the table, her legs still shaking with thwarted need as he spanked her again and again.

  She was a wreck by the time he lifted her up into his arms, carrying her sobbing form from the dining room up the stairs to the nursery. He laid her down on her front in the cot, reaching across for the soothing cream. “This will make it sting less,” he said, applying a portion to her buttocks, rubbing it slowly into her skin as her tears subsided.

  “Why do you tease me so much?” she asked as he slid a portion of cream into the entrance to her rear.

  “Because I am in charge of your pleasure and your pain,” he replied, turning her onto her back. “I am going to trust you to sleep without a nappy tonight, little Beth.”

  “But,” she began, her voice trailing away to nothing.

  “But what?”

  “But I want one.”

  He smiled, realising she was taking to being a little in mind as well as body. “Very well,” he said, picking up a nappy as she spread her legs for him. It was not easy to tie it in place over the side of the cot but he managed it eventually, pointedly ignoring the way she thrust her hips up towards him, the wetness of her core glistening in the candlelight.

  “I am sorry if I was rough with you,” he said, unable to take the sight of her innocent eyes without feeling a wave of guilt washing over him. “But you must learn to do as you are told.”

  “I will try better, Sir,” she replied, yawning loudly. “I am sorry for letting you down.”

  “It’s all right, little Beth. Come sit on my lap and I’ll read you a bedtime story.”

  She was asleep in his arms within a minute of him beginning to read. He felt her grow heavy on his legs and looking down, he saw her eyes closed and her breathing steadily, her head slumping downwards. He lifted her gently, carrying her over to the cot and setting her down inside, wrapping the blankets around her before kissing her forehead. “Goodnight, little Beth,” he said quietly as he crossed the room to the door.

  Once he was out on the landing, he leaned back against the door and sighed. It was becoming increasingly obvious to him that the little wager had become something much bigger. But there was no ignoring the reason why she’d come to the house in the first place. He was supposed to turn her into a submissive little girl and there was no doubt that he was succeeding. Could he keep her there once the wager was over though?

  It was a ridiculous idea. If word got out that he was living with a pauper, his reputation, such as it was, would be ruined. But how could he possibly let her go once Glossop was satisfied that he had proved his point? The thought of living without her made
his heart sink in his chest. Forcing himself upright, he strode back downstairs into his study, picking up the nearest journal and throwing himself into the text, wanting to distract his mind from thoughts of her.

  To listen to the contemporary standpoint is to risk inertia beyond all reasonable levels. It is in the experimentation that progress is made. In the case of patient A, a twenty-one-year-old German girl brought in with symptoms of compulsive masturbation and a penchant for public nudity, it was experimentation that has cured her. No longer does she spend her entire day naked, nor does she touch herself in the manner that is…

  Charles stopped concentrating on the article. He could only think of little Beth, naked and touching herself for him. The very idea was enough to make him so hard it was painful, his member throbbing with need under his desk.

  He stood up, walking slowly back upstairs, thinking all the time that he was just going to his bedroom. He stopped outside the nursery, pushing her door open a second later. She was fast asleep, looking as beautiful as ever. The blankets had fallen to one side and he found himself staring at her legs. Tiptoeing across the room, he stopped by the side of the cot and looked down at her, his hand moving to the front of his trousers, rubbing his member slowly through the cloth. It responded by throbbing all the more and though he knew it was wrong, he couldn’t help but reach inside through his fly, pulling out the shaft that so hungrily pointed towards her.

  Stroking the shaft slowly, he looked down at her, wanting desperately to wake her, to make her kneel and take his length into her mouth. He knew she would obey him at once and that made it all the harder to resist shaking her awake. But he could not do it. She looked too beautiful, laid on her back, her legs spread just enough to make his lust boil inside him, the thought of pushing himself into her, a finger in her rear whilst she backed onto him, taking him over.

  His hand moved faster on his shaft, his fingers squeezing the tip as he stared down at her, thinking about taking her, thrusting into her for the first time. Barely a minute passed before he felt his climax approaching and though he told himself to stop, his hand instead moved faster. His shaft jerked seconds later, his seed spurting from him and flying through the air, landing on the top of her thigh a second later. She shifted position as if she might awaken but then she settled again, sighing happily as she did so.

  The moment he had come, he felt guilty, ashamed at his loss of self-control. He pushed his member back into his trousers whilst stumbling from the room, not looking back. He was in the doorway when he heard a whispering voice calling to him from the nursery.

  “Good night, Sir,” she said, and when he looked at her, she was smiling through the bars of her cot, her hand on her thigh. “And thank you.”

  Chapter 21

  Little Beth awoke the next morning having had the strangest dream. She had been laid in her cot with Sir Doyle standing over her, his member in his hand. She smiled as she sat up, pushing back the blankets, her mind lost in the dream. He’d been touching himself whilst looking at her, no, there was more than that. Then it hit her as she ran her hand down to her thigh, it hadn’t been a dream. He’d been in the nursery last night, doing the most sinful of things over her slumbering form. She’s spoken to him as he left, whispering good night to him, thanking him for wanting her that much that he’d been unable to stay away. It wasn’t just that, she thought as she yawned and stretched her arms, bumping them into the bars of the cot. She was thanking him for everything.

  He’d brought her into his house, giving her a roof over her head and regular meals for the first time ever. He’d also woken her up to the person she really was, his little Beth. She thought about him whilst she climbed out of the cot, she thought about him whilst slipping on the deep blue pinafore dress, she thought about him whilst waiting for James to come and apply her nappy. It was some time before she realised that perhaps he wasn’t coming.

  She was unsure what to do. Was she allowed to wander through the house? Make her own way down to the dining room to get her morning milk? She realised she had come to depend on him so much to make her decisions that without him, she was flustered, unable to decide what to do.

  She was still pacing nervously up and down the room ten minutes later when James entered. “Good morning,” he said, seeing her striding back and forth but pointedly not asking her why she was doing it. “The master has gone out. I have been told to inform you that you are to wear the middle plug until he returns. Here is the box. Do you need any assistance with the insertion?”

  “No, thank you, I am sure I will be fine.”

  The box weighed heavy in little Beth’s hands. She stared at it for some time after James withdrew, unable to bring herself to open it. To think, he expected her to keep it within her all day, how was she supposed to bear it? She was still sore from his punishment to her rear, the idea of mistreating that area herself made her wince.

  “I won’t do it,” she said out loud, shaking her head as she put the box down on her dressing table. “He’s not here, he’ll never know.”

  But as she crossed to the pile of nappies to select one, she found her head turning back to the box, almost as if it were calling out to her. She shook her head again. “It’ll hurt too much.”

  She picked up a nappy and then with an exasperated sigh, threw it on the ground. “Fine, but I hope he realises how hard this is to do.”

  She lifted the lid of the box, frowning as she found a folded piece of paper on top of the dilators. She read it quickly, a smile spreading across her lips as she did so.

  Dearest little Beth,

  I shall miss you terribly whilst I am away. Do as I bid and I promise you a reward of great magnitude when I return. You are doing remarkably well in training to be my little girl and I do not say such things lightly. Begin with the smallest to prepare yourself, then work up to the middle dilator. It must be in you when I return for you to receive your reward.

  With the fondest feelings and highest expectations,


  Rereading the letter, Little Beth fixed her eyes on his praise, a warm feeling growing inside her as she decided she could not defy him, she could only try to please him. Eager to earn his praise, she set the letter down at last, picking up the vial of lubricating oil and the first dilator. It seemed smaller than it had when it had been inside her, the sense of its weight and presence had made it seem as large as anything could possibly be. But in her hand like that as she rubbed oil along its length, it seemed far less intimidating.

  Leaning forwards slightly, she twisted her arm behind her, pressing the plug to her buttocks. It was surprisingly difficult to find her entrance in that position and she looked about her to see how better to achieve her goal.

  Thinking that lying down might help, she carried the box to the rug, lying on her back with her knees bent and her legs spread apart. Her hand moved down to her core, the cold tip of the plug just brushing her clit as she moved it down towards her posterior. She found the entrance to her rear a second later, and with a deep breath, she began to ease the plug into her, wincing as it stretched her entrance.

  It took more force than she was expecting to get it into her and when it finally slid home, she had to resist crying out in pain. She gripped the base tightly until the feeling subsided, replaced as last time with a deep sense of fullness, as if the plug belonged there.

  She began rotating it slightly inside herself, trying to prepare for the next size up. When she felt ready, she tugged the plug from her, gasping as her entrance stretched again to let it back out. It fell heavily to the floor but she ignored it, not wanting to stop lest her courage leave her and she be unable to continue.

  Picking the next plug from the box, she felt it in her hand, building herself up to using it. When she finally pushed it into her rear, she was amazed by the sensation. The pain from the first attempt had vanished, replaced by a widening and stretching that felt utterly delicious. She marvelled at how easy it was to slide home and when she withdrew it, her body c
ried out for its return.

  The third plug was just over an inch across and three inches long and it was a world away from the first two. Her bottom had never known anything like it and as it pushed into her, a groan escaped her, the sound a mixture of pain and pleasure in equal quantities. Her knees moved apart as it buried itself in her and she felt a throbbing build up in her core. She wanted to touch herself, knowing that to do so would distract her from the heavy discomfort of the plug. But she also knew he would find out, he always did.

  She did not want to disappoint him, despite the urgings of her core, so she pushed the nearest nappy under her hips, tying it swiftly in place before she lost control of herself. That’s not so bad, she thought, moving her body from side to side. Then she stood up.

  “Oh my,” she said out loud, gravity tugging the plug downwards though her nappy stopped it travelling far. The slightest step forwards and she could feel it inside her, grinding against her inner walls, making the throb of her core all the more insistent.

  She was still frozen to the spot when James pushed open the door and leaned his head inside. “There is a Miss Fotheringham downstairs to see the master.”

  “But he’s not here,” little Beth replied, trying to keep her voice under control.

  “She asked to see you in his absence.”

  “Me? Why does she want to see me?”

  “I couldn’t possibly say, Miss.”

  “Who is she?”

  “A friend of the master’s.”

  Little Beth sighed. “Very well. Take her into the drawing room and I shall be down momentarily.”

  “Very good, Miss.”

  He pulled the door closed and as he did so, she walked over to the window and peered out. “Why have you chosen today of all days to be out?” she said out loud, as if hoping to see his horse riding home at the sound of her voice. She looked down at herself. The dress was not appropriate for entertaining adult company, especially one she did not know. But the nappy was worse. She wanted to change into something more suitable but he had insisted she wear the nappy and dress all the time whilst in his house. The servants were bound to tell him if she changed out of her little clothing and besides, what was there to change into? All the dresses were the same. What to do? If she went down like this, she would humiliate herself and embarrass this Fotheringham woman. If she changed, she would break one of his cardinal rules.


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