Deceit (The Stellar Series Book 1)

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Deceit (The Stellar Series Book 1) Page 6

by Rebecca Clark

  “I’m sorry, Alexa, but that’s going to be impossible. I’m not sure where to even begin.” The creases in his forehead become visible, and that makes my heart start to race. He stands and moves closer to my bed. Nervousness makes my palms begin to sweat, both in anticipation of the news, and at his sudden closeness. “Your mother isn’t here. She never was.”

  “Where did they take her? What did you do to her?” My eyes sting, and before I know it, tears are spilling onto my shirt. The thought of not ever seeing her again makes my stomach churn. My mom, the one person I’ve known my whole life—I can’t comprehend the idea of not seeing her. She must be worried and scared for both her and me.

  “Alexa, I need you to listen.” He sits on the edge of my bed and places his hand over mine. Hot, prickly sparks burst over my hand and surge up my arm. I can see his mouth moving, but I can’t hear anything. I look down at our hands, and for a moment, I think I see a flickering purple flame. I pull back quickly and he says nothing. It must be the medication they gave me for my head. It must be making me hallucinate.

  Jax lowers his head. “First, Elena isn’t your mother. She was assigned to care for you on Earth. She’s your guardian, and you’ll be able to see her soon.”

  “What? How can you tell me something like this? Why must you lie to me?” My body starts to tremble with rage. I picture my mom’s face and relief floods me. I don’t believe anything he says.

  “I’m sorry, but it’s much more complicated than that. Your birth mother is from another planet in our galaxy, our rival planet, Mapu. Her planet preys on Pumalia and its resources. She’s not only from there, she’s their leader, the queen.”

  Jax’s voice doesn’t waver, and I know his solemn manner is an indication of how dire the situation is. But I throw my head back and laugh. My face is noticeably stiff from the tears moments ago, and that makes me laugh even more. I can’t believe this. First, I’m a half-breed in transition, or something like that. Now I’m from a different planet? My mom is a queen from a rival planet?

  He has to be mistaken.

  But his blank expression says it all. The more I laugh, the more I realize this is most likely my new reality. “So, Jax, let me get this story straight. My mother, who has raised me since I can remember, is a wicked queen from yet another planet? Do you think I’m that gullible?” My body stiffens as I wait for an answer.

  “Alexa, the woman living with you was never your mother. You were placed on Earth, as all half-breeds are.”

  “So where is Elena, my Earth mother? Also, how am I a Pumalian half-breed if my mother isn’t even from this planet?”

  “Elena is debriefing her assignment. When she’s done, I’ll try to get her in here. I’m sorry, Alexa. I can’t tell you any more right now. I can’t imagine what you’re feeling. I wish there was something I could do or say to make it better.”

  “There is: let me go. I want to go back to my life. If I’m not a typical being, let me live my Earth life. I was just getting the hang of it.” Anger brews deep down in the pit of my stomach, sour, vile. I can’t believe I’ve been taken to this ridiculous place and fed this incredibly far-fetched story. The worst part is that Jax seems to believe it, too. I’m going to have to figure out my own plan.

  “It’s not that easy, Alexa. I wish I could. Maddox has filled me in and he won’t let you leave here. He agreed to take off the chains, but I promised him you wouldn’t run. There’s nowhere to go, anyway. We have to figure this out here. It’s possible your real mother has started looking for you. Her people are very dangerous, and to remain safe, you need to be here.” Jax lets out a huge sigh and rises from the bed. He paces at its foot for a few minutes. Neither of us say a word.

  “Does my mother want to kill me?” That sounds absurd. Why can’t I go to her? None of this is making any sense to me. I bet she could explain it all much better.

  He slowly moves over to the bed and places his hand on mine. The now familiar electrifying sensation creeps up my arm and down my spine. I quickly jerk my hand away. He appears to be upset that I’m so unhappy.

  “I wouldn’t say she wants to kill you, but she isn’t known for her endearing qualities. I’m not comfortable suggesting that she would harm you. But that’s not the point. Unfortunately, your father isn’t here to ask. He was killed by her people a number of years ago.”

  “My father?” I begin to feel lightheaded and a tad woozy. I always thought my father’s death was an accident. Elena told me so. Never once did I think he was alive while I was growing up in my urban neighborhood with my fake mom. Why would my “real” mother murder him? Who is this woman? I still can’t help but think this is a misunderstanding or a prolonged, awkward dream.

  A knock at the door disturbs the images flying around in my head.

  “Who is it?” Jax stands against the door, waiting for a reply.

  “It’s Gabby. I have breakfast for Ms. Jenkinson.” The idea of food excites my body and my mouth begins to water. I can’t remember the last time I ate something.

  “Come in, Gabby.” Jax opens the door. “I was just getting ready to leave. If you need anything, Alexa, there are two guards stationed outside your door. They both know how to reach me.”

  Gabby answers before I can offer a snide remark. “Thank you, Jax. I’ll make sure she has whatever she needs.”

  I watch his body tense as he approaches the doorway and walks out. The door shuts quickly behind him before I can glimpse what lies beyond it.

  Gabby brings the tray over to the table by the window and takes off the cover. The smell of pancakes and bacon make me dizzy. The thought of eating consumes me, and without hesitation, I jump up for breakfast.

  “Stop, I don’t know why I’m here! Please don’t hurt me.” She tightens her grip on my wrist and pulls me toward her glowing, orange eyes. All I can see are cement walls and bars on the windows. I struggle, and she squeezes my wrist harder. I stare into her eyes and she flings back her head and lets out a rolling laugh.

  “You don’t tell me what to do,” she declares. “I’m the queen, and I’m your mother.”

  “There must be a mistake. I’m not who you think I am.” I tremble within her clutches.

  “No, there’s no mistake, Alexa. You were taken from me. Hidden from me. Now you’re mine, all mine.” I gape at her evil smile and know this is a nightmare. A mother would never say these things to her child.

  “Please, let go, you’re hurting me,” I sob. Tears stream down my face. “I’ll do whatever you need me to do. Just please, let go.”

  Her grip loosens and I back away from her. I stare down at my wrist. The skin is burned in an angry-red shade.

  “I’ve been searching for you for quite some time.” Her voice drips with malice. Wavy, dark hair sways from side to side as she scrutinizes me up and down.

  She takes another step toward me. I take one back. The cool cement wall presses along my spine. I’m trapped. Nowhere to go. I close my eyes, hoping that when I open them, I’ll be somewhere else, anywhere else.

  She creeps closer and I squeeze my eyes more tightly shut.

  “Alexa, Alexa wake up!”

  Someone is screaming my name, but I can’t tell if it’s in my dream or in real life. Both worlds seem to keep merging and blurring my sense of reality.

  “Alexa, you were dreaming. You’re perfectly safe. Open your eyes.”

  I know that voice. It’s Jax. I slowly pry my eyes open, allowing them to adjust to the light. I blink a few times before focusing on my handsome captor. “What’re you doing here?” My words are biting—I wouldn’t be stuck in here if it weren’t for him.

  “I came to check on you. When I got to the hallway outside your door, I could hear you screaming.”

  “What do you care what happens to me?” I reply sharply, longing to hurt him in some way.

  Completely avoiding my question, he presses on with his own. “What were you dreaming of?”

  Why is he acting like he cares? Why hasn’t he f
reed me from this place? “It doesn’t matter, I’m awake now and chained to the bed again, as if I’m a convict,” I mutter. I raise my voice and try to sound stern, but my words fracture with emotion. “Please, just let me go!”

  “It’s not me, Alexa. You know I would if I could, but Maddox said it was for your own good. He told me just a few more days, and all of this will be cleared up. He did agree to allow Elena, your Earth mother, to come in and sit with you today.”

  Tears sting the corners of my eyes. “She was here? But I wanted to see her.” I make a frustrated growling noise from deep in my throat. “Why can’t you just take me home? I just want to wake up.” I close my eyes and wish with all my might that when I open them, I’ll be home in my room.

  “I’m truly sorry, Alexa. I promise, I had no idea this would happen. If I’d known, I would have done things differently.” Jax touches my arm, which jolts my eyes open. He jerks his hand away, but my skin still remains warm where he touched me. The sensation moves up my arm, sending an electrical pulse through my body.

  “Did you feel that?” He stares at me with an intensity that makes me shift my gaze away from him. Unable to resist the urge, I glance back. He examines his hands, seeming to search for evidence that something happened.

  “Please, just go away,” I mumble. “I want to be alone.”

  “If that’s what you want. I’ll send Gabby back in, and Elena, as soon as she arrives.” I don’t watch him leave, but I hear the heavy door open and his footsteps fade down the hall.

  “How do I get out of here?” I whisper. I’m lying on my back. I stare up at the cracked ceiling. “I need a plan, and fast,” I whisper to myself. But my mind drifts, and darkness surrounds me.

  Chapter Eight

  A knock on the door startles me. “Alexa, are you okay?” I hear her voice before I see her face and I can’t believe my eyes. Mom. She quickly makes her way to the bed I’m secured to.

  “Is that really you?” I whisper.

  She nods with a half-grin. “Of course it is.”

  It is her! My mom’s soft, comforting touch on my forehead as her hand brushes the hair away from my face is unmistakable. I flutter my swollen eyelids, squint at her. “Is this real?” I can’t believe she’s actually here, staring back at me. This has to be some cruel joke, or a dream that I can’t shake. “Are you really here?” My voice starts to tremble, and then come the waterworks.

  “Please, don’t cry, Alexa. I need you to listen. We don’t have much time, and there’s a lot I need to tell you.” Elena strips the restraints away from my wrists and tosses them on the bed. I quickly scan the room looking for Gabby, but oddly, she isn’t where she usually is. I notice that Elena appears different—more serious, and even older. I can tell she’s upset and that I have to calm down and pay attention.

  “Okay.” I can’t just turn off the tears. But I want to know what’s happening and how to get out of here.

  Mom takes a deep breath. “I’m not sure what they told you, but let me start at the beginning. And like I said before, I don’t have much time, so you must be strong and really listen to me.

  “I have cared for you from the time you were born, until the day they took me away from you. I feel that you’re my very own daughter.” Her lips tremble as she spills this truth. “You must know, Alexa, even though I’m not your birth mother, I love you like you’re my own daughter. I’ve always wanted to keep you safe. I never thought this would happen. I didn’t know that they knew where we were. That’s why I must be honest with you now.

  “Your father is a great man. He entrusted you to me. They will try to tell you otherwise, but don’t listen. Your father is a powerful man, and Maddox is threatened. That’s partly why you’re locked in here.”

  Her eyes fill with tears. She takes another deep breath and continues talking, but all I hear is “your father.” I start to quake with excitement, fear, and doubt. I must have heard her wrong—Jax told me he was dead.

  “My father—Elena, please tell me…is he alive?” My heart beats faster, anticipating her answer.

  She grimaces. “It’s so very complicated. I must talk quickly. Jax only gave me a small amount of time.” She gazes into my eyes. “Your father is alive. No one knows where he is. When you were born, he took you away from your irrational mother to protect you. He kept you safe for a number of years, but he was tracked to Earth, so he fled before they could find you. He left you solely in my care. He chose me to protect you on Earth and keep you safe from Alala, your mother, the queen.”

  I barely recover from hearing “your father” and then she says “your mother.” My hands start to visibly shake and the tears flow out of me like a waterfall. That doesn’t stop Elena from talking. She continues, though she puts her hand on mine, as she’s done so many times before.

  “I know this is difficult. I’m not sure what they’ll tell you in here, so I’m trying to tell you everything. Your mother isn’t a good woman. She once was, when your father first met her, but she changed. She’s from Mapu, a neighboring planet. Your father met her many years ago when he worked for the military here on Pumalia. They quickly fell in love, and even though their union was frowned upon, they went against their families and were united.

  “Mapu and Pumalia are rivals, and both of your parents had influential, powerful families. So their alliance sparked many issues between the two planets.” Elena looks sad as she lifts her eyes to peer out the window.

  “Elena, how did you know my father?” I can’t believe this story and this woman sitting before me. She never breathed a word of this story—my story. And yet I’d been living in the same house with Elena for seventeen years—wait, it had to be less. Elena said I was a few years old when my father left me with her.

  “Your father, Kalus, was in the military, as Jax is. Kalus fought for many years next to my father before my father was killed. After he died, I didn’t have anyone, and your Kalus looked after me as if he were an older brother.”

  Elena must note the roil of emotions that have, no doubt, found their way to my face. She says in a pleading tone, “Alexa, I understand if you hate me for not telling you, but don’t you see? I was doing everything I could to keep you safe.”

  Elena doesn’t wait for a response before she digs into her jeans pocket and pulls out a folded yellow envelope. She slides out a key and a tiny map from the envelope and places them in my quivering hand. “When Jax comes for me, that will be your time to escape. Other than Maddox feeling threatened by your father, I don’t know why they’re keeping you locked up here. You’re not dangerous. You’re not evil. But you need to leave here as soon as possible. I’ve arranged transportation and someone to meet you outside the gates of the compound. You must sneak out of here. Use this map—it will lead you out through the back entrance.

  “Jax isn’t a bad person. He snuck me in here to see you, but he doesn’t know I’m giving you this key,” she says urgently. “As much as I want to trust him, always remember his sole alliance is to the Council and the people of Pumalia.”

  Just as Elena finishes, a knock sounds at the door. I panic and put my hands back on the edges of the bed to play the part of a restrained hostage. Elena jumps up and winks at me like she used to do before, when I would leave for school. This is her signal that everything will be okay. A flood of memories rushes into my mind, reminding me of our life together. With everything that’s happened, it feels surreal and dreamlike.

  She leans close one last time. “That must be my warning from Jax. I must go, Alexa. I love you. Take care of yourself. When you meet Kasper at the rear entrance, he will take you to a safe place. There, he will teach you about your abilities and why you’re feared here at the compound. It’s nothing to worry about.

  “Wait ten minutes after I leave, then go. I’ll create a diversion, and they’ll be too busy to see you flee.” She cradles my face in her hands and wipes my tears with her thumbs. This sounds like goodbye forever. “You must be brave, Alexa. Wait ten minute
s and then go. I called in a favor and have arranged Gabby your nurse to be preoccupied, as well as have the door unguarded and the hall empty, but this will only last for a few minutes. That should allow you enough time to get away. Gabby is aware of the plan, as well, so don’t expect her back. She’s a kind being and knows that you should not be held here, this is a mistake.”

  “Thank you, Mom, for everything,” I croak. I hope I can be as courageous as she thinks I’m. What if I fall asleep? I can’t let her down. Nervously, I twirl my hair and bite my lip in an effort to stall my tears.

  She nods. “Remember, you can do anything you put your mind to.” She turns and rushes to the door. Just like that, she’s gone. I may never see her again. That thought sends my residual tears into an uncontrollable sob. I bury my face in my hands. Only ten minutes to let go of Elena and the life I thought was mine.

  I recite the words Elena said to me over and over again in my head: “You can do anything.” I keep myself moving, thinking about all of the information she unloaded on me. I pace a few more times in front of the door, then push myself to open it. Trembling fear inches from my fingertips, through my body, all the way down to my toes.

  I open the door a crack and peek through it into the corridor. To my surprise, there’s no one there. This is my time—the time Elena risked herself to give me. I need to use this opportunity to escape.

  I rock back and forth on my feet, half thinking I should stay and try to reason with these beings. I hate to think what might happen to my mom—I mean Elena—for helping me escape. My breathing rate steadily increases and my heart pounds. I need to make a decision, and quickly. I can hear ringing in my ears, and by now, I know that’s a sign that I’m going to pass out. I try to calm myself with deep-breathing exercises and pleasant thoughts.

  I picture Elena sacrificing her freedom—and possibly her life—to free me from this place. That’s all I need to push me out the door. “One foot in front of the other,” I whisper to myself. That becomes my chant to motivate myself to move.


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