Deceit (The Stellar Series Book 1)

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Deceit (The Stellar Series Book 1) Page 15

by Rebecca Clark

  “Say something, Alexa. Scream at me, hit me, say something.” Mr. Riley continues to stare at me, waiting for me to erupt.

  I roll my eyes. “What I need is some answers. Where are we? Where is the queen, and what happened to my powers?”

  A smirk crawls across Jax’s face. “Well, I can brief you there, but first, let’s get you out of here and find Miri. She’ll be so mad that I didn’t tell her the moment you woke up.”

  “Fine.” I leap up, concerned with how Miri is taking the news. “Let’s find her.”

  “Wait, Alexa, I owe you some sort of explanation. I need to tell you what happened. The reason I left you with Elena.” His eyebrows wrinkle and grief plays across his face.

  Tears gather in my eyes, but crying isn’t an option. “I don’t have anything to say to you right now. I just want to talk to my sister. Did you tell her? Does she know who you are?”

  He pauses and I try to imagine what he’s thinking. Is this weird for him, too? “I didn’t have to tell her. She witnessed me trying to help you. She said, ‘It would make sense that only our father could make you better, because he has the strongest magic.’”

  A smile spreads across my face. That sounds just like her. Miri is exceptionally attentive to detail. I’m so happy to have found her. Right now, I can only think of her and what our future looks like.

  “Is that true? Is your magic the strongest?” I wonder aloud. If this is true, then maybe I can get my magic back and figure out how to fix what my mother and Makin broke.

  Mr. Riley—Kalus—my father—hesitates. “It could be, but I haven’t practiced my abilities since the day I left you, fourteen years ago.”

  I ponder that statement for a minute. “Why?”

  “If I practiced magic, they would have been able to find me. I was always close by, and if they found me, they inevitably would have found you.” He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. “Oh, I wanted to keep you with me, while refraining from my magic, but I couldn’t take the chance. I love you too much, Alexa. It was best to have you safe with Elena instead of even that shred of danger with me.”

  “What about Miri? Why didn’t you rescue her from the queen?”

  His face flushes red and his jaw tenses. “I didn’t know she existed until just recently.” Pain weights his words. “Her mother and I met on Earth thirteen years ago, and within a few months of our courtship, she was summoned back to Mapu. She had no way to tell me, and she feared if she reached out, they would find me—or even worse, that they would find you.”

  “I don’t get it—why would she care if they found me?” I demand, growing angry. “How dare she leave Miri with that woman?”

  “You don’t know, do you? She didn’t tell you.” His red face quickly drains of blood, until it’s pale, almost ashen.

  “Tell me what?” I ask. “What am I missing?”

  “You, my dear, are the key. Once your magic is restored, you’ll have the ability to rule not only Pumalia and Mapu, but the whole galaxy,” he confesses. “You are the sole hope for all of our futures. The queen only held Miri for her powers, to see what they evolve into.”

  I swallow a sudden lump in my throat. The room whirls around me. “There has to be a mistake,” I sputter.

  “I’m afraid not,” he answers. “You and your powers have been prophesied for hundreds of years. The beings of this galaxy have been waiting for you.”

  I feel myself swaying. Jax appears by my side. “Alexa, don’t pass out. Just breathe, in and out.” I lean against him while I focus on not blacking out.

  The idea that I could do anything so remarkable is beyond me. This guy, Kalus, or Mr. Riley, or whoever he is, he’s nuts.

  A child’s voice breaks the tension. “Alexa, I’m so happy you’re awake!” Miri bounds over to me with her arms wide open. She hugs me and her touch instantly calms me.

  “Do you believe him, Miri?” I ask. “Is this all true? Do you know what he’s saying?”

  She giggles, as usual. “I knew who you were and what you were destined to do before I even met you. Everyone knows, but I knew you weren’t ready to hear it.”

  I step back. “You knew?”

  Jax throws up his hands in defense. “I did not know, for the record,” he confesses. “I mean, I knew you were different, but I didn’t know you were The One that the oracle spoke of.”

  “Oracle?” I question.

  Miri lets out an exaggerated laugh. “Our dad has a lot of explaining to do.” She reaches out and takes my hand in hers. “Let’s get some fresh air.”

  I let Miri lead me out of the room, through an adjoining room, and outside. As soon as we step out, I know exactly where we are. We’re in hiding. I’m back underground in Aurora.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Miri and I walk around Aurora. I point out a few places I know and take her toward the woods, where I escaped from before. Like me, she’s in awe that such a place exists underground. Every time a being walks by, she stares directly at them and smiles or waves. The beings always smile back, and a few return the wave. She’s so kind and worldly at such a young age.

  “Well, well, Alexa is back,” a familiar voice snarls behind me. I know instantly that it’s Tam.

  I turn around to catch her rolling her eyes in my direction. “Um, hi, Tam,” I reply. The tension between us is obvious. “This is Miri, my sister.” I watch Tam’s expression soften as soon as she glances over and spies Miri. Maybe she isn’t as rude as I remember.

  “So, what brings you back here? Endangering all of us here wasn’t enough for you? You bring your boyfriend here, who works for the queen, and now they know where we are. Aurora is in danger because of you,” she snaps at me.

  Her words sting. I would never want to cause anyone harm. “It’s not like that. I didn’t bring Michael here. He found me, and he made me believe him. I trusted that if I went with him, I would protect the people here and find the answers I was seeking. I never meant to hurt you or Kasper, or anyone, for that matter.”

  “Well, you did,” she barks. “Some beings are terrified that she, your mother, is going to come here and kill us all.”

  Miri squeezes my hand and says, “Don’t worry, Tam, our father will protect everyone here, I promise!”

  Before Tam walks away, she gives Miri a half-smile and says, “I hope you’re right.”

  Jax comes up behind me and puts his hands on my shoulders. His mere touch is all the comfort I need right now. “She’ll come around. She’s just upset and scared for everyone here in Aurora.”

  “I can’t believe I have endangered all of these beings,” I whisper. “What have I done?”

  “Stop,” he says, turning me to face him. “Alexa, it’s not your fault. The queen knows this place exists. She just didn’t know how to sneak in here until recently when Michael was able to breach the barrier. She had help, and that’s not on you. The being that gave Michael access to this place is to blame. Not you, do you understand?” The tone of Jax’s voice scares me. He’s angry, and it only makes me feel worse.

  “But he came for me. It’s my fault,” I lament. He gently pulls me into a strong embrace. “What are we going to do?” I sob into his chest.

  “We fix it,” he replies in a low voice. I let him hold me a moment longer. His touch is warm, and in his arms, I’m safe.

  “Are you two done?” Kasper’s voice peels me off of Jax sooner than I wished.

  “Hi, Kasper, are you here to yell at me, too?”

  I’m surprised to see Kasper trying to keep a straight face. “I take it you ran into Tam?” He laughs at my expense, as usual.

  “You think it’s funny that she basically blames me for a possible attack on Aurora?” I ask. “You think it’s funny that on top of all of these revelations, I now have to worry about my mother coming for me here?”

  Kasper doesn’t wipe his smirk off his face. Instead, he replies, “Alexa, you didn’t know this would happen, did you? I don’t want to burst your bubble, but it’s not
your fault.”

  “Okay, so what’s the plan to keep this place protected?” I ask, wanting to know just how this problem will be remedied.

  “Don’t you know who your father is, Alexa? We don’t have to worry, he has it covered.” Kasper is now acting annoyed and less smug. “You need to work on your powers, you know, like we started here before.”

  “Okay, go easy on her, Kasper. She’s been through a lot,” Jax barks in my defense.

  “We don’t have time to hold her hand and walk her through this process. We tried that. It didn’t work,” Kasper retorts.

  Jax throws up his hands. “Well, you can place that blame on me, as well, for not being straightforward from the beginning.”

  Miri pipes in and silences both of them. “No one here is to blame. There have been a lot of lies, and it’s been hard for Alexa to distinguish what’s true and what’s not. How would she know who to trust, even if Jax told her up front what was happening?” Miri sighs. “Unfortunately, these things have happened, and we all need to move forward.”

  Jax and Kasper nod in agreement. Sometimes, I find it hard to believe that Miri is only twelve years old. She’s wise beyond her years.

  “I’m sorry if you think Tam and I come off harsh. We really just want to help you out. We still do, if you want us to,” Kasper comments.

  “Sure, that would be great,” I say, though I don’t know if I actually feel that way. “You do know my powers are gone though, right?”

  Kasper grins. “They aren’t gone, they’re suspended, but we’re already working on that. Why don’t you three meet me in the center of town right before sundown? We will explain then.”

  I’m not sure why, but I search Jax’s eyes for some sort of approval. He nods and I take that as a yes. “Okay. We’ll be there. Thanks again for giving me another chance, Kasper. I promise I won’t let everyone down again.”

  “I know you won’t,” Kasper responds as he walks away.

  “Alexa, you need to go easy on yourself,” Jax says gravely. “You can’t keep beating yourself up for what’s happened.”

  “He’s right, Alexa. It’s time to focus on what lies ahead, not what you left behind.” Miri smiles and wraps her arms around me.

  I rest my head on her shoulder and squeeze her tight. “I love having a wise younger sister,” I whisper. “Are you hungry? Let’s go get something to eat.”

  Miri nods. “Jax, do you want to come with us?”

  “Thanks for the offer, but I’m meeting your father for a tactical walk-through of the perimeter. I’ll join you two in town this evening.” He pats my shoulder and walks off. The tingling sensation from his touch travels down my arm and I can’t help but smile.

  “You like him, don’t you?” Miri notes right away. Her observation, even though naive, makes me wonder if Jax and I indeed have some sort of connection. A connection would explain why I experience sparks every time he brushes up against me.

  “No, it’s not like that,” I stammer, giving myself away. We both laugh. “Come, little sister, let’s go find something to eat.”

  After lunch, I continue to show Miri around Aurora. She, too, can’t believe the incredible, sustainable life that these beings have made available for themselves down here. It almost seems an impossible feat.

  “Do you think they miss being with their families on their own planets?” Innocently, she glances up at me, blinking her big, oval eyes.

  “I do think they miss both their families and their planet. It’s odd, even though I don’t belong on Earth, I still long for the normalcy of it. Especially after being thrown into this mess.” I smirk, knowing that living on Earth would never be enough now. “But losing Earth has all been worth it since I now have a smart, beautiful, brave little sister.”

  We both giggle and continue back toward Kasper’s house. In a few hours, we will be addressing the beings that live down here, but until then, I need to make sure Miri and I get some rest.

  “Wait up, you two!” My heart quickens when I hear Jax running up behind us.

  I angle around to see Jax approaching. He has a handsome grin plastered on his typically stoic face.

  “What can we do for you?” I ask spiritedly.

  “Actually, I was hoping to talk to you alone for a minute, Alexa, if that’s okay with you?” A surge of red color creeps onto his face. Is Jax blushing?

  “Sure. Miri, I’ll meet you back at Kasper’s place in a short while. Make sure you lay down and rest.”

  “Yes, I’m tired. Take your time, I’ll see you in a bit.” Miri flashes me a toothy grin and I know what she’s thinking. She quickly spins around and continues toward Kasper’s.

  “So are you going to attempt to kidnap me again?” I try to lighten the mood, but when I jokingly glance over at Jax, he looks pretty upset.

  “Actually, that’s what I want to talk to you about. I can’t help but feel totally responsible for everything that’s happened. If I had tried harder to figure out why your case was so different, or why Maddox seemed to fear you, then I think a lot of this could have been avoided.”

  We both continue to walk toward the waterfall in a comfortable silence. I’m not sure what to say or even how I feel about his confession.

  I draw in sweet air and let it out. “I do think there was a better way to do everything. However, I don’t hold you responsible for everything that’s happened. How were you supposed to know just how in the dark I was, and how clueless I was about everything?” Flashes of Michael make me feel ill—how could I let him pretend to love me?

  “If I had only done things differently, you wouldn’t be so hurt,” he sighs. “Michael wouldn’t have gotten that close to you, and you wouldn’t feel responsible for letting him into your life.”

  I abruptly stop walking and face Jax. “Listen, it’s my own fault for falling for Michael and believing his nonsense. That’s on me, not you.”

  Jax’s serious expression returns to his face. “So you did fall for him?”

  The question completely catches me off guard. Why would Jax care one way or the other?

  “I don’t know. I definitely cared for him, and a few times I even pictured myself with him. All that’s changed now.” Most of the time I continued to daydream about Jax, even when I was comfortably with Michael. I wonder if I should tell him that, too?

  Jax clears his throat and adds, “Oh, well I’m sorry things didn’t work out.” We continue walking toward the waterfall.

  “I’m not. It’s better to know now instead of believing something that isn’t real. I’d like to believe that he’s not all bad, and the situation is just the result of my mother’s mayhem.”

  We sit on the rock overlooking the pool of water. Even though we’re both quiet, it’s comfortable and it’s like I’m sitting with an old friend.

  “Jax, how is it possible that we can communicate still, even though I’m no longer on Earth being transitioned?”

  “That’s a great question, Alexa. I’ve also been wondering the same thing. I mentioned it to Kalus and he has never heard of anything like this. I think it’s best we keep it between the three of us. I would hate for the wrong person to find out and exploit this—our special way of communicating, I mean.”

  “I agree.” I rest my head on Jax’s shoulder and close my eyes. A tingling sensation streams from my face into my whole body. The feeling is warm and comforting, and I wonder if Jax feels it, too.

  “Alexa, we should go. Even though I could spend the whole day right here with you, we have a big night tonight.”

  Disappointment courses through me, but I know he’s right. “Okay, since you put it like that, let’s go. But this is your last chance to kidnap me. I’m alone, and no one would ever know.” I start to laugh, but Jax just stares goofily at me.

  “Well, there’s one thing I want to do.” Before I know what’s happening, he has my face cradled in his hands and his lips are brushing up against mine. His plump lips fit perfectly on mine. My whole body becomes listless
as I steady myself against him, all while his warm breath tickles my face.

  Jax slowly separates, and the tingling, warm sensation leaves with him. That ended too soon. I want more. I need more.

  “Are you mad at me?” he asks.

  I nod. I can’t form words for a few moments. I suck in a gulp of air and gaze into his beautiful eyes. “Yes, why did you stop?”

  We both smile.

  Jax is the first one to stand up. I still feel wobbly, and I think he knows it. He grabs my hands and guides me toward him.

  “Alexa, we can take this slow. I want to be with you, but I’ll wait until you’re ready.”

  The admission catches me by surprise, and I’m lacking a response. Instead, I let it soak in and I think about what he has said. He’ll wait for me. That’s the kindest thing anyone has ever revealed to me.

  I reach for his hand and give it a tight squeeze. I don’t let go the whole walk back from the waterfall. I just enjoy it for what it is.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Standing in the center of Aurora, I watch as the beings that live here congregate. “I guess Kasper invited everyone,” I whisper to Miri.

  “I think the announcement affects everyone, and it’s easier to get the word out when everyone is present,” she answers.

  She always does that; she makes everything sound positive. I, on the other hand, instantly think he invited them all here to see me, the one who led their enemy to their hiding place. Fear pulses through me. Part of me is nervous to hear the wrath of this eclectic bunch, and an even larger part of me is afraid to actually see all of the beings in one place.

  “Miri, are you nervous about seeing all the different aliens?” I whisper in her ear.

  “Nervous?” She quickly hides her face behind her hand. She’s giggling so hard, I think she may start to cry. “Why would I be nervous? We are all aliens, we are all different—why would that make you nervous?”


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