Islam Rising

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Islam Rising Page 25

by Johnny Jacks

  Elroy interrupted. “We voted to join forces, not turn ourselves over to them city boys.”

  “I’ll get to that, Elroy. For now, let’s keep this simple. If anybody has questions or comments, please hold them until the end.

  “From today forward, I am the Tactical Division commander and Scott is my lieutenant. Our primary mission is security and preparing the local community to survive by working with our friends, neighbors, and relatives to produce their own two-year food supply and seed banks. We’ll also make them aware of our mission needs and requirements.

  We also furnish medical, construction, plumbing, electrical, and other expertise the Headquarters Division lacks. Our alternate responsibilities are to assist the Headquarters Division to gather and preserve food.” He looked at Elroy. “The Headquarters Division has already helped a few of our group to eat well and stay off food stamps. I’ll now turn the floor over to Grayson.”

  Laura gave Grayson a faint smile. “I’m the Headquarters Division commander and Mark is my lieutenant. Our primary mission is to produce food, a lot of food, and preserve and distribute it to you for storage at your homes, with excess going to others in the community for their two-year supply. We furnish the central control point for tactical operations, the TOC, and communications for the entire SET Patriots. Our alternate mission is to provide standby reserve to reinforce the Tactical Division when necessary. We also provide guerrilla warfare, security guard, and crowd control training and expertise.” Grayson looked at Wayne. “I believe we’ve covered the basics and should leave it at that for now and get into the details as time progresses.”

  Wayne took his cue. “These are the basics but we must be flexible enough to make adjustments as needed. Questions?”

  A few folks mumbled in the back of the lodge but no one spoke up. “Elroy, did I address your concern?”


  “Chief, you do the honors, sir.”

  “Let’s make this official by unanimous vote. Either we all agree or all bets are off. One single nay vote and we remain separate entities. All in favor of the Houston MAG joining the SET Patriots say aye.”

  “Aye,” sounded in a roaring response.

  “All opposed to the Houston MAG joining the SET Patriots, say nay.”

  Noticing that Elmer Martel and his cohorts remained silent, he paused longer than necessary, staring directly at them. The silence hung heavy for about five seconds before Ramirez exclaimed, “Hearing none, I hereby declare us SET Patriots, each and every one!”

  Grayson and Wayne shook hands and all but the naysayers cheered and walked among each other shaking hands and giving bro hugs.

  When they finally settled down, Wayne acknowledged Ramirez. “Chief, I think it’s time for you to take the floor again and continue with the regular meetup.”

  They had agreed the day would be one of celebration and not deal with the difficult issues facing them. The days ahead promised to be busy with new responsibilities and work required to help them all survive.

  “Fellow Patriots, we are here today as a cohesive group because we love our God, our families, and our country. We will work in unison to defend against the ugly evil that will inevitably befall us. God bless the SET Patriots and God bless America. Now, let’s enjoy the feast prepared for this celebration.”

  Grayson sought the man in the John Deere cap, but he was gone, sneaked out again before anyone noticed. Is the man a damn ghost?

  Chapter 41

  Chain of Command

  Year 9

  “I shot you first!” Samuel was in Elmer Martel’s face.

  “Bullshit. I shot you first!”

  “Next time we have a training exercise, let’s use real bullets instead of blanks to settle these who-shot-who first disputes,” Wayne joked.

  “No way.” Yeung laughed. “That’d take the fun out of arguing; but it would present us with first aid training opportunities.”

  Darnell leaned against a tree. “I’ve had enough field rations for the day. I’m ready for a beer and real food.”

  Tired from predawn to early evening target practice, sneaking through the woods and lying for hours in ambushes, the group released a loud roar of whoops and backslaps in agreement.

  “Let’s head for the lodge, troops. The chief and Miss Grace promised burrito makings and homemade chili.” Grayson’s order didn’t need prompting.


  Laura’s sad eyes made Grayson self-conscious as he stood to address the group. He steadied himself and began, “I have a big announcement to make.” He hesitated, as conflicting thoughts raced through his mind. Drop this before you lose everything again. Laura is a good woman. She’ll make a wonderful wife.

  “The chief and Miss Grace are retiring and moving to the farm.” Grayson paused, wishing he’d warned Laura of his next statement. He choked back his emotions. “And I’m returning to Houston.”

  Laura’s expression didn’t change, but the blood drained from her face and she wavered slightly; her hopes of establishing a life with him had just vanished.

  You gave me my freedom, and I’m going to follow your advice and bring this mess with Shannon to closure one way or another.

  Laura pushed Grayson away and he owed her no explanation, but he felt heavy guilt when all eyes in the room shifted in her direction. He had a strong desire to go to her and wrap her in his arms to comfort her.

  Silence added a palpable tension to the air. The reaction from the group was not what Grayson expected. Arrogant SOB. Of course, they’re going to reach out to one of their own…and to a woman.

  “There are times in your life when change is in order. My reasons for returning to Houston are personal.”

  A few whispers were the only sounds in the room.

  Ramirez came to his rescue. “Grayson, without you, we wouldn’t be where we are today. The Houston MAG and the SET Patriots would still be fumbling in the dark trying to find our separate ways instead of working together to ensure our mutual survival.”

  Laura blinked to fight back tears, making Grayson want to crawl into a hole. A blast furnace of anger tossed him to a different place. He hadn’t grasped until that moment that Laura had used a feminine ploy to get his commitment. Taking her at her word, he’d agreed that he must deal with the other woman issue. Laura hadn’t figured on Grayson’s feelings for Shannon being so strong, certain he would see her as the better choice. The bull threw her hard to the ground and bruised her severely, but she would live to see another day. It wouldn’t be anytime soon, but it would come her way.

  Obviously confused, the group stared at each other. The chief had provided them with their principal guidance but the man they had come to depend on most for leadership was abandoning them. In one sentence, he had shaken their world.

  Wayne, glancing from Laura to Grayson, was furious. He demanded an answer for the question on everyone’s mind. “Does this mean you’re dumping the SET Patriots?”

  Grayson scowled. “Absolutely not. I’ll continue as the Headquarters Division commander, help work the farm, attend meetups and training, and, of course, when the poop hits the fan, I’ll be here.”

  Grayson looked to the chief for assistance and realized he was on his own. Damn, he should have talked this out with Wayne, not just the chief. He had avoided telling him because of Laura and that was a big mistake.

  “I apologize for not meeting with the full leadership group prior to this announcement, but it came up suddenly and has to be dealt with now.” Wayne glared at Grayson, not accepting the apology.

  Chief Ramirez, ever the skillful strategist, saw the opening he’d been waiting for, one that could prevent an upset of the entire applecart and place Grayson in a better position to assume overall command in the future. “I have a proposal I think you will like and agree with. Mama and I are getting along in age and, to be honest, I’m having some issues with my heart. We can’t take part in the physical demands of tactical activities but we can feed the chickens and rabbits, we
ed the garden on cool mornings, and other simple tasks.”

  Grayson thought he saw where Ramirez was going. “You can call me for the more strenuous jobs, Chief.”

  “I’ll help, too,” sounded throughout the group.

  “Thanks guys. Mama and I know we can count on you, but I have a slight realignment proposal. Good friends, you’ve given me the privilege of guiding you through these developmental stages. But it’s time for someone else to take the reins and lead the SET Patriots.”

  Everyone sat silent for a moment. Grayson’s announcement was shocking enough. Now this.

  Yolanda spoke first. “Chief, you’re our leader. We’d be lost without you.”

  “Those are kind words but it’s really not true. You have many leaders among you, and it’s time for me to pass the baton to one of them, now that Mama and I are retiring.”

  Slightly calmer, Wayne spoke. “There is only one man, other than you, fully qualified to lead this group and that’s Grayson.”

  Grayson was humbled. “You have great leadership skills, too, Wayne. If not for you, the SET Patriots wouldn’t exist.”

  “Maybe so but I don’t have the military background you have that gives you the innate ability to analyze strategic situations, the subtle things that, if missed, could explode out of control and get people killed. You have knowledge and an uncanny ability to perceive problems I often miss.”

  Elmer Martel had to have his say. “Ah gotta be honest, cousin. Ah don’t like this one bit, you making yorself secondary to Grayson. Yor from here’n he ain’t.”

  Elroy and Darnell made noises of agreement.

  Wayne’s no-nonsense reply came quick and sharp, “You three knock off the crap and listen closely; we’re talking survival for our families. This is no time for egos to get in the way. I want my wife and kids to survive what’s coming. That means putting the best man in charge. I recommend Grayson.”

  The man in the John Deere cap began to clap in approval. Others joined in a loud round of applause and cheers, especially Laura.

  Ramirez began expelling another of his belly laughs that caught everyone off guard, wondering what was so funny.

  He paused a moment to regain control. “Good folks, remember I said I have a proposal. Your conversation leads right into it. Military units have a commander that provides overall guidance and an executive officer, an XO. The XO controls the day-to-day operations under the guidance of the commander. Mama and I have retirement plans. If you want me to remain as your commander in an advisory role, I’ll accept, but under certain conditions.”

  Miss Grace looked worried. “What Papa is saying is that we’re going into retirement and plan to travel and take life easy as long as our health holds out.”

  “If you can accept that, I suggest that Grayson take the XO position and handle the details,” Ramirez said.

  “When Grayson moves up to the XO position that leaves the Headquarters Division commander’s position open,” Charles said.

  “True,” replied Grayson, “and we have the perfect man for the job.”

  Everyone’s head turned toward Mark.

  Yolanda gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “It appears you’ve been silently selected, sir.”

  “Wayne and I have a great rapport. I would be proud to serve as the Headquarters Division Commander,” Mark said.

  “I agree,” Wayne said.

  Miss Grace was uncharacteristically humorless. “We just want to be free to travel, to go and come as we please without restrictions.”

  “Mama, they’re saying that we’ll be free to enjoy our retirement. I won’t have to do more than conduct meetups every now and then and be available to provide guidance as needed, right guys?”

  Samuel confirmed it. “That’s right, Miss Grace. Not to worry. You two lovebirds can come and go as you please.”

  Her face relaxed and Ramirez smiled and looked at Grayson. “What’s next on the agenda, XO?”

  The applause and cheers reflected the SET Patriots’ approval.

  The turn of events seemed to have mediated Grayson’s turbulent opening of the meetup.

  To establish his new position, Grayson closed the meetup. “Okay, SET Patriots, having no further business, I hereby declare this meetup closed and order everyone to grab a beer for the social.”

  Laura slipped out the door quietly.

  Chapter 42

  What to Do?

  Year 9

  Grayson stopped by his climate controlled storage unit in Houston and verified all was well with his old furniture, then set up housekeeping in an extended stay hotel. He took a few days to visit Joe and Ramirez and reorient himself to the bustling life in Houston, and then settled down to find Shannon and begin setting his life straight; at least, that was his intent.

  Finding Shannon’s address was easy but determining her marital and work status wasn’t. According to the Houston Chronicle, she was still active in the anti-gun movement and defending scumbag illegals. He hoped she had put aside her brainwashed liberal mindset, at least to some degree. Yeah and I voted for Hillary. That’s not likely.

  He couldn’t find any records that she had divorced, so he drove by her house occasionally to see if her husband was there and maybe catch sight of her. He felt like a stalker but pushed the feeling aside.

  One Saturday morning with little to do, he called the real estate agent whose sign was in the front yard of a nice-looking house in Shannon’s neighborhood and made an appointment for the next day. After hours of researching houses for sale online and watching the Houston Astros play baseball on television, he drove to the cemetery to visit Margaret and Amanda.

  The sky was clear and a warm July breeze made the trees sway to a soft waltz of their own. His visits could become routine now. He prayed that Daniel would forgive him and that his son would find peace. He remembered Shannon standing by the old chapel the day of the funeral and shook his head, contemplating the irony that he could not touch the three beautiful women in his life. As darkness crept across the cemetery, he made a call and headed to the Watering Hole.


  Conrad, in a sleeveless shirt and as derelict as ever, was still the bartender. He visibly tensed and stepped back when Grayson walked up to the bar. “Look, officer, I don’t want no trouble. That lawyer lady tole me I’d go back ta prison if I didn’t do what she said. I didn’t have no choice but talk bad about you.”

  Grayson was surprised that Conrad recognized him. “That’s old news, barkeep. Just do your job and we’ll be cool.” He laid a hundred on the bar. “Bring me two bottles of Heineken and hold the change until I’m finished.”

  He stepped over to his favorite table just as Mark walked through the door. The friends shook hands. “Thanks for meeting me here. Want a burger?”

  “I’ll take the beer but pass on the burger,” Mark said. “You sounded like you were in trouble. What’s up?”

  “I need to share some thoughts with someone I trust, and I’d appreciate your perspective on a personal issue. I know you’ll keep it confidential and not beat around the bush with your advice.”

  Mark cut his eyes at the bartender. “And you want to do it here?”

  Grayson suppressed a laugh, leaned over the table and whispered. “He’s scared shitless of me. We won’t talk when he’s around.”

  Mark didn’t like giving advice on someone’s private life. He opened the door to that prospect, however, the first time he invited Grayson to the bar. More than that, Grayson had become a good friend and was asking for his help. “It’s your dime, but it sounds like you need a priest, not me. Besides, I’m a Methodist.”

  “We’re all Christians, Mark. Besides, you know my life has been out of kilter since I lost Margaret and Amanda. I can’t seem to get my feet back on the ground and everything points in one direction, a sinful direction.”

  Mark leaned back in his chair. “Stop right there! You do need a priest. My minister is a great counselor, too.” His voice rose just as Conrad delivered
the beers. “You’re not gay, are you?” he teased loudly. Several heads turned to look at them. “Is that what happened with Laura?”

  Conrad leaned over and whispered angrily, “Listen, you two, this is a straight bar. You can stay but none of that funny stuff, like kissing and touching. It drives out the regular customers.”

  Grayson and Mark looked at each other and burst into uncontrolled laughter. Conrad’s face turned crimson and he muttered to himself all the way back to the bar.

  Grayson finally recovered. “No, that’s not what happened with Laura.”

  “You two are like two peas in a pod. What happened?”

  “We’re…we…that is; I met someone, years ago. It was under unusual circumstances, before Laura, and I can’t get the other woman out of my mind. I have to reconcile my feelings or Laura and I can’t go forward.”

  “So, what’s stopping you from dating the other woman to see what happens?”

  “She’s married,” Grayson stated flatly.

  “Damn, Grayson! Not good.”

  “It gets worse. She’s married to a loser, and I’m hoping she’ll dump him. I wish I didn’t feel this way. It’s just not right…and sinful as all get-out.”

  “You might want to get on your knees and crawl into the confessional. I sure as hell won’t tell you to go after her. That would make me a co-conspirator in your sin and give you a false sense of having permission.”

  “I’m not asking you for permission. Sometimes I solve problems by discussing them with someone else, and you and Yolanda seem to have a good thing going.”

  “Here’s some advice anyway and remember you asked. I think you’re a fool not to commit to Laura. Are your feelings for your…paramour that strong or are your feelings for Laura too weak?”


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