The Midnight Breed Series Companion

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The Midnight Breed Series Companion Page 32

by Adrian, Lara

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  As a father of twins, what are your fondest memories of them as babies/toddlers? I bet you have plenty of adorable stories.

  —Madeline P., Escondido, CA USA

  (chuckles) Memories of my children as toddlers usually involves Carys getting into some kind of trouble and Aric rushing in to get her out of it. Come to think of it, not much has changed now that they’re grown.

  ~ ~ ~


  Being part Breed now, years later, can you still eat both blood and human food?

  —Angela B., Hillsboro, OH USA

  Yes. I’m lucky, I have the best of both worlds. Savannah and Dylan’s amazing cooking when I want it, and Chase’s carotid for dessert.

  ~ ~ ~


  When you were in Elise's apartment after you found her hunting Minions, you cooked her breakfast. For someone that only drinks blood and is a Gen One more comfortable with a blade or gun in your hand than a spatula, where did you learn to cook?

  —Sheri B., Tampa, FL USA

  The Food Network. Hang out here sometime with the Breedmates. I figure they must have stock in the network or something, because it’s on just about 24/7.

  Why did you stay with Lucan and the Order after Lucan killed your mate and locked you up to cure your Bloodlust?"

  —Victoria W., Northridge, CA USA

  Didn’t stay long. I left for a while, spent some time in Germany and other places. Hooked back up with Lucan in Boston because being a warrior isn’t something I chose; it chose me. ‘Sides, I couldn’t say it then—not for a long time—but I know he did the right thing. For Sorcha and for me, Lucan did the right thing.

  I know you don't go there now that you have Elise, but where was your dark place that you used to go when you wanted to get away from the Order?

  —Lisa S., London, United Kingdom

  Savannah knows.

  ~ ~ ~


  I myself have been in the veterinarian field for 15 years and an animal lover so if you can pick 3 warriors and tell me if the warriors were dogs what kind of dog would they be and why?

  —Vikki K., Palm City, FL USA

  First, congratulations and thank you for so many years spent devoted to caring for animals. It’s not an easy job. There’s a lot of cruelty and heartbreak that comes with it, sadly.

  So, three dogs to represent three warriors…?

  (Dante grunts) We all know Harvard’s was chosen a long time ago. Ugly little runt, if I recall.

  (Tess rolls her eyes at her mate) Okay, I have my three: For Lucan, a Pit Bull, because he’s aggressive and fiercely protective, deadly so at times. But also because he’s terribly misunderstood by those who don’t really know him. For Hunter, a German Shepherd, because he’s fearless and loyal, and he will stride calmly into any battle that’s asked of him, and he never, ever cowers. And as for my Dante—

  (Chase interrupts, grinning) Chihuahua? Gotta be something barky, without the good sense to know when to shut up….

  (Tess shakes her head at both of them.) For Dante, a Rottweiler. Because he’s robust and intelligent, defensive of the people he cares about. But also because he can be a big clown when he’s around people he loves.

  (Dante quirks a dark brow) That doesn’t include you, Harvard.

  (Chase chuckles.) Great. I’ll remind you of that next time you need me to haul your Chihuahua ass out of trouble on patrol.

  (Tess shrugs, laughing now) See what I mean? Love.

  Midnight Breed Series Trivia

  I'm always amazed at the depth of series knowledge my readers possess. While I need a reference bible (or a book like this Companion) to keep all the details straight, dedicated fans of the Midnight Breed series can pull even the most obscure character name or book fact from their memory alone.

  I witnessed this myself at LAMB-Con 2012, the first official mini-conference we hosted for Lara Adrian Midnight Breed fans. More than sixty readers gathered in Boston from all over the United States to hang out together with me for a weekend of fun and food, parties and informal chat sessions. As part of LAMB-Con, my staff and I collected hundreds of trivia questions and facts from the books to be used in the many contests and games we played that weekend. What follows is a sampling of those trivia quizzes, as well as a few extras we put together especially for this Companion.

  Test your knowledge of the Midnight Breed, then add up your scores to find out if you are fit to join the Order, or if you would be put to shame by the greenest of Minions.

  Good luck!

  Who Am I?

  1. People are always telling me how they love my gem green eyes

  2. My brothers’ names were inspired by rock legends, too

  3. My best friend is Kade

  4. I used to love having a beer at Pete’s Tavern with my brother

  5. I play the piano

  6. I love being the Godmother of Xander Raphael

  7. I drugged someone with 1800 milligrams of animal tranquilizer

  8. I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

  9. I used to live on Willow Street in Boston

  10. My whole life I thought I was very ill—because that’s what I was told

  11. I carry four special daggers

  12. I’m a pilot

  13. I’m a total gearhead

  14. I always worried about the wildness in my twin brother

  15. I was three months pregnant when I became a widow

  16. My mother considered me a monster and gave me no formal name

  17. I was born August 8, 1956

  18. I was born December 20, more than 900 years ago

  19. I had twin brothers who were killed by Rogues in London

  20. I am still getting used to listening to my jazz on CDs instead of on records

  21. I made a donation to my college alumni in the 1920s


  1. Tegan 2. Dylan 3. Brock 4. Jenna

  5. Claire 6. Savannah 7. Tess 8. Mira

  9. Gabrielle 10. Tavia 11. Renata

  12. Alex 13. Nikolai 14. Kade

  15. Danika 16. Rio 17. Hunter

  18. Lucan 19. Gideon 20. Corinne

  21. Chase

  Your Score: __________

  Am I Dead or Alive?

  (at the end of ten books and one novella)

  1. Eva

  2. Skeeter Arnold

  3. Mathias Rowan

  4. Sharon Alexander

  5. Conlan MacConn

  6. The Ancient

  7. Jonas Redmond

  8. Libby Darrow

  9. Aunt Sarah

  10. Jamie

  11. Xander Raphael

  12. Uncle Maksim

  13. Kendra Delaney

  14. Quentin Chase

  15. Alexei Yakut

  16. Malcolm MacBain

  17. Marek

  18. Amelie Dupree

  19. Sorcha

  20. Thane

  21. Wilhelm Roth

  22. Senator Bobby Clarence


  1. Dead 2. Dead 3. Alive

  4. Dead 5. Dead 6. Dead

  7. Dead 8. Dead 9. Dead

  10. Alive 11. Alive 12. Alive

  13. Dead 14. Dead 15. Dead

  16. Alive 17. Dead 18. Alive

  19. Dead 20. Alive 21. Dead

  22. Dead

  Your Score: __________

  First Kisses

  1. Our first kiss was in the Breedmates' mission command room, after he asked permission

  2. Our first kiss was in the kitchen of her apartment on Willow Street

  3. Our first kiss was in a jazz club in New Orleans

  4. Our first kiss was near a lake outside Andreas Reichen’s Berlin Darkhaven

  5. Our first kiss was in his quarters in the Boston compound

  6. Our first kiss was in his abandoned Darkhaven

  7. Our first kiss was in a dog kennel

  8. Our first kiss was at the Boston
MFA in front of Sleeping Endymion

  9. Our first kiss was in a parking lot outside Pete's Tavern


  1. Brock and Jenna 2. Lucan and Gabrielle

  3. Hunter and Corinne 4. Tegan and Elise

  5. Rio and Dylan 6. Chase and Tavia

  7. Nikolai and Renata 8. Dante and Tess

  9. Kade and Alex

  Your Score: __________

  Lost and Found

  1. In what state does Corinne find her son?

  2. Where does Andreas find Claire after losing her at the Boston airport?

  3. Who does Rio have to fight in order to save Dylan after finding her on a bridge over a dam in New York?

  4. Which Breedmate found a photo of her birth father bearing the inscription: Zael. Mykonos, 1975?

  5. Who found Jenna after she was Tasered and put in a car by FBI Agents Cho and Green?

  6. Who was found in a locked bedroom in Edgar Fabien’s property in the woods north of Montreal?

  7. Using their blood bond, who was able to find their mate being tortured in a house in Berlin?

  8. Dante found Tess at a North End coffee shop on what day?

  9. Where does Sterling Chase find Tavia when the police were hiding her?

  10. Who found Elise hunting Minions on the streets of Boston?

  11. Who finds Nikolai at a containment facility being held by Edgar Fabien?

  12. Which couple lost 30 years together before being reunited?


  1. Georgia

  2. At her grandmother's house in Newport, Rhode Island

  3. Dragos 4. Dylan 5. Brock 6. Mira

  7. Elise 8. Her birthday 9. In a hotel suite

  10. Tegan 11. Renata 12. Andreas and Claire

  Your Score: __________

  What Book Am I In?

  1. Ben Sullivan

  2. Irina Odolf

  3. Enforcement Agent Freyne

  4. Reiver

  5. Sergei Yakut

  6. Big Dave Grant

  7. Edgar Fabien

  8. Camden Chase

  9. Seth

  10. Henry Vachon

  11. Buddy Vincent

  12. Toni the dead Breedmate

  13. Mason

  14. Dr. Lewis

  15. Jack

  16. Victor Bishop

  17. Zach Tucker

  18. Christophe Archer


  1. Kiss of Crimson 2. Midnight Awakening

  3. Taken By Midnight 4. A Taste of Midnight

  5. Veil of Midnight 6. Shades of Midnight

  7. Veil of Midnight 8. Kiss of Crimson

  9. Shades of Midnight 10. Deeper Than Midnight

  11. Ashes of Midnight 12. Midnight Rising

  13. Deeper Than Midnight 14. Darker After Midnight

  15. Veil of Midnight 16. Deeper Than Midnight

  17. Shades of Midnight 18. Taken By Midnight

  Your Score: __________

  Whose Breedmate Mark is Located Here?

  1. On the inside of her right thigh

  2. On the back of her right hand

  3. Behind her left ear

  4. Between the thumb and forefinger of her right hand

  5. Inside of her right wrist

  6. On the nape of her neck

  7. On her abdomen

  8. On her left shoulder blade

  9. On her lower back

  10. On the front of her left hip


  1. Elise 2. Corinne

  3. Gabrielle 4. Tess

  5. Renata 6. Dylan

  7. Danika 8. Savannah

  9. Tavia 10. Alex

  Your Score: __________

  True or False?

  1. Some of the immediate effects of Crimson to the Breed include extreme thirst, fever-like chills and a burst of enormous strength and endurance.

  2. Rio’s name means "he who is free and of the night everlasting."

  3. The complete verse of the poem Tegan and Elise discovered (the one that Petrov Odolf repeats over and over) is: "Castle and croft shall come together under the crescent moon…to the borderlands east turn your eye…at the sword is the clue."

  4. Dante's mother drowned in an ocean riptide after she swam out to save a child.

  5. In Taken By Midnight, Jenna, Renata, Gabrielle and Dylan find the captive Breedmates.

  6. Gabrielle is making meatloaf when Lucan first comes to her door.

  7. Tegan and Dante established the Boston compound with Lucan.

  8. It took Tavia six full months to recover from the dose of Crimson.

  9. For the Christmas spent in Maine, Gabrielle gave Lucan the tapestry from the Boston compound.

  10. Rogues identified Elise from the FedEx store’s security camera.

  11. Danika is living in Paris when Andreas and Claire stay with her.

  12. Lucan tells Gabrielle that flowers are missing in all of her photographs.

  13. Tess’s full maiden name is Teresa Dawn Culver.

  14. Claire’s maiden name is Smith.

  15. Corinne was 18 when she was abducted.

  16. Elise’s gown at the reception Andrea Reichen hosted was bright fuchsia.

  17. As a genetically altered female Gen One Breed, Tavia can eat regular food and walk in the daylight.

  18. The Boston compound was established in the 1920s.

  19. After Kellan was first brought to the compound, he became ill because of a GPS chip in his stomach.

  20. The words engraved on the handles of Renata’s daggers are: Courage, Honor, Faith, Sacrifice.

  21. Rio’s image is on the old tapestry at the Boston compound.

  22. The Breed get their talent by inheriting their mother’s unique Breedmate ability.

  23. The Order moved its headquarters to Vermont after being discovered in Boston.

  24. Breedmates are recognizable by their small red birthmark present somewhere on their body, in the shape of a teardrop falling into the cradle of a crescent moon.

  25. Dante and Tess named their baby Xander Robert.

  26. Jenna used to be a FBI agent.

  27. Renata made a promise to Mira in Veil of Midnight to get her a dog.

  28. The number 7 plays a significant role in Breed funeral rites.

  29. Brock and Jenna have a very special blood bond.

  30. Athena is the name of Helene’s erotic club in Berlin.

  31. The name of the 18th century sculpture Dante and Tess stand next to while talking at the Boston museum is Sleeping Endymion.

  32. The location of the Ancient’s hiding place was secretly hidden in the tapestry.

  33. Tegan and Elise stayed in a hunting lodge while in Berlin.

  34. The Boston compound was located 300 feet below ground.


  1. True 2. True

  3. False ( the cross lies truth)

  4. True 5. False (Jenna, Renata, Dylan and Alex)

  6. False (homemade manicotti) 7. False (Gideon)

  8. True 9. True 10. True 11. False (Denmark)

  12. False (people) 13. True 14. False (Samuels)

  15. True 16. False (dark purple) 17. True

  18. False (1898) 19. True 20. True

  21. False (it is an image of Lucan) 22. True

  23. False (Maine) 24. True

  25. False (Xander Raphael)

  26. False (Alaska State Trooper)

  27. False (to never leave her)

  28. False (8, symbolizing infinity)

  29. False (they don't have a blood bond)

  30. False (Aphrodite) 31. True 32. True

  33. False (they stayed at Andreas Reichen's Darkhaven)

  34. True

  Your Score: __________

  Where Did I First See My Mate?

  1. At an impromptu town hall meeting

  2. Outside Chase's Darkhaven

  3. In a cave in the Bohemian hills

  4. In a veterinarian clinic on Halloween

  5. At a senator’s est

  6. In a vision I saw in Mira’s eyes

  6. In Hamburg while studying abroad as a student

  7. At a jazz club

  8. At Reichen and Claire's Darkhaven

  9. In a cabin

  10. At a bus station


  1. Kade and Alex 2. Tegan and Elise

  3. Rio and Dylan 4. Tess and Dante

  5. Chase and Tavia 6. Hunter

  7. Reichen and Claire

  8. Nikolai and Renata 9. Corinne

  10. Brock and Jenna 11. Lucan and Gabrielle

  Your Score: __________

  Good Guy or Bad Guy?


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