Seducing Sam

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Seducing Sam Page 20

by Verdenius, Angela

  “Will you shut up?”

  He was hard pressed not to laugh at her indignant expression.

  Proving that she knew him quite well already, Carly looked at him. “Are you laughing?”

  “I wouldn’t be game.”

  “Damn it, Sam, this isn’t funny!”

  “I know.” Soothingly, he rubbed her shoulder. “Honey, we have to get past this. You have to get past this. Actually,” he added thoughtfully, “I have to get you past this.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  “How about I strip you off and explore you?”

  Her mouth fell open.

  “You can watch me.”

  “I can’t see you in the dark!”

  “Dark? Who said anything about doing it in the dark?” At her incredulous look, he shook his head. “You’ve only done it in the dark?”

  “I’ve only done it twice,” she clarified boldly. “And both times in the dark. At night. In the bedroom.” She cleared her throat. “Apart from in your hallway. Just the once.”

  “I’m starting to get the idea.”

  “Look, you better go.” Abruptly, Carly stood. “This is a mistake.”

  “No.” He grabbed her hand and tugged her back down beside him. Catching her chin between his fingers, he made her look at him. “The mistake would be me leaving now with this unsolved between us.”

  “Nothing needs solving.”

  “It needs fixing.”

  “I’m not broken,” she said sharply.

  “Aren’t you?” he asked bluntly.

  “Of course not.”

  “Then what do you call it?”


  “Try again.” When she stubbornly pressed her lips together, Sam looked her right in the eyes. “Jonathon tore your confidence apart. I promised you I’d fix those scars. Let me fix them, Carly.”

  Opening her mouth, she closed it again, glanced away.

  “Carly,” he said patiently, but firmly, “Look at me.” When she obeyed, he wasn’t surprised to see tears sparkling in her eyes. Reaching up, he used his thumb to gently wipe away a tear that spilled free. “Tell me what scares you about this.”

  She swallowed, lowering her lashes.

  “Don’t be afraid to tell me.” He knew exactly what she was afraid of, only he needed her to say it herself.

  She needed his reply.

  Reaching up, she wiped away another tear that spilled down her cheek. “Sam, once you see me naked with all my dimples and flaws, you’re not going to want to touch me.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  She nodded.

  “No, Carly, I mean do you really trust me?”

  “Of course.”

  “But not enough.”


  “Not enough to trust me to look at you and still want you.”

  She fidgeted.

  “And that hurts.”

  Startled, her gaze flew up to meet his.

  “Yeah, that hurts,” he stated candidly, because it was true. “That you honestly believe I’m low enough to ask you to trust me, then turn my back on you.”

  “Oh, I didn’t-”

  “Yeah, you did.”

  “This isn’t about you, Sam, it’s about me and my stupid confidence issues.”

  “Wrong,” he said bluntly. “This is about us. We’re in this together. You have issues and you don’t trust me enough with them.”

  “That – that doesn’t sound right.” She swallowed.

  “Tell me about it. The truth hurts.”

  Closing her eyes, she leaned her back against the sofa. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  Reaching out, he took her hand and gently entwined their fingers. “So what are we going to do about it?”

  Her lashes shivered but didn’t lift.

  “Do we remain broken and never get together, or do we have faith in my word and work on erasing those scars, starting now?” He held his breath.

  Damn, he certainly hadn’t dreamed that their first time together – discounting that bone-scorching episode at his house – was going to happen like this…or not happen, depending on her answer.

  Fingers tightening on his, she slowly opened her eyes to gaze at the blank TV screen before turning to look at him. “Is this an ultimatum, Sam?”

  “No,” he replied softly. “Never that. I’ll always be here for you. I won’t be the one walking away, honey. It will have to be you.”

  And he meant it. In his heart he knew Carly was the only woman for him, confidence issues or not.

  Her fingers tightened even more, almost desperately. “I can’t walk away, Sam, not now. Not now that I know you.”

  He smiled. “That’s good. That’s great.”

  “I’m scared.”

  “Don’t be. Just trust me. Put yourself in my hands. I swear I will never hurt you, never turn from you. That’s not me.”

  Looking down at their linked hands, Carly swallowed, reaching up again to wipe under her eyes with her fingertips. Chewing her bottom lip, she thought.

  He could see the strain in her face, the uncertainty, the hope, the fear. Patiently he waited, praying the whole time she’d make the right decision but refusing to force her. The decision was hers now.

  Taking a deep breath, she lifted her head and looked at him. “Okay, Sam.” Her voice shook as much as her hand in his trembled. “Okay.”

  Chapter 8

  Sam’s heart leaped. Finally! Finally he could allay her fears and move their relationship forward.

  The key word being to allay her fears.

  When she stood up, he kept hold of her hand, drawing her to a halt. “Where are you going?”

  “To the bedroom?”

  “I have other ideas.”

  Immediately, a wary expression joined the trepidation. “You do?”

  In response, he tugged her back down, using her momentum to turn her in midair so that her bottom fell onto the sofa, but her back was across his knees. Bracing his arm under her back, he looked down into her surprised face. “Not everything has to be done in a bedroom.”

  “Sam!” She struggled to sit up.

  “Trust me. I have a plan.”

  “I’m not sure I’m going to like it.”

  “How can you think that?” Winking at her, he grabbed one of the little, lacy cushions and placing it on the armrest, he leaned her head back against it.

  Nice positioning. Her back across his thighs meant those luscious breasts were thrust upwards, which made for some interesting dimensions. The cushion kept her head comfortable, and her pose meant that she was at his mercy.

  “Sam, what if Ed comes home?” She grappled for something to hang onto, finally latching onto his shirt.

  “Ed has plans, remember? Said not to expect him home?”


  “Trust me.”

  Swallowing, she laid her head back on the cushion.

  Reaching out, he carefully slipped the elastic from her hair, freeing all that glorious, black silk to trail over the armrest and across her shoulders. “Beautiful.”

  “You’re going to turn the lamp off, right?”

  “Nope.” He slid the first button on her shirt free.

  She gulped. “Turn it down?”

  “It’s nice and low already.” He slid another button free.

  Her fingers in his shirt tightened. “Sam…”

  “You know, you’re in the ideal position already for me to flip you over.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Honey, don’t dare me.” A third button slipped free.

  Now he could see part of her lace bra, those lucky cups that cradled those generous breasts.

  Her eyes widened and he had to suppress a sudden grin. Right now, she wasn’t sure exactly what he would do, and keeping her off-balance like this was, well, titillating. He liked her a touch uncertain when it came to lovemaking, he liked her not quite knowing that he was going to do. Just as he k
new he’d love it when she willingly followed where he led.

  He not only wanted her trust, but he wanted her passion as well, wanted her writhing on his lap in wet desire.

  Boy, did he.

  “Now just lie back and relax.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Her fingers were actually twisting nervously in his shirt now as he slid a fourth button free. “I don’t think I can do this.” Fifth button free.

  Leaning down, he kissed her lightly, playing the tip of his tongue across her lips. “Yeah, you can.” Sliding the bottom of her blouse free from the waistband of her skirt, he nuzzled her cheek, rewarded by her involuntary shiver and the unconscious arching of her body into his hand when he placed it flat on her abdomen.

  Her skin was warm, satin-smooth. Lifting his head, he looked down into her eyes, seeing the slight darkening of the irises. God, she was responsive. He slid his hand up, his fingers nudging under the band of her bra. Edging his fingers sideways, he felt the soft under-curve of her breast.

  Straightening, he sat back to concentrate on his actions. Plus, he really wanted to see the treasures he unearthed. Oh yeah.

  Both hands now, unhooking the front clasp of her bra, holding the edges together and slowly, deliberately, sliding the edges apart in a slow revealing of those magnificent breasts.

  And there they were, lush and full, pink-tipped and beckoning. Lazily he trailed his fingertips around the areolas, marvelling at the magic of a woman’s body as the nipples pebbled for him.

  Deliberately, he didn’t look at Carly. He could feel her gaze on him, heard her breath catch, but he didn’t shift his attention from her breasts. Let her see what he felt when he looked at her, how much he loved touching her, revelled in her soft, womanly flesh.

  Because just looking at her breasts was making him hard.

  Delicately, he scraped the tips of his forefingers across her nipples and felt her squirm a little before she caught herself and stilled. Smiling, not hiding his appreciation, Sam plumped both breasts in his hands, weighing the heavy globes before opening his palms over her breasts and laying them flat across her nipples, massaging with his palms, feeling the nipples harden even more, pushing demandingly into his palms, begging for his attention.

  “Beautiful,” he said, “but not enough.”

  Crooking one knee, he brought his foot up to rest on the low coffee table, his calculated movement causing her to lift and roll toward him.

  With a gasp she came against him, one of those big breasts right on face level, and he simply closed his mouth around the stiff, pink peak and sucked, drawing long and hard, almost ruthless.

  Carly cried out, arching against him, her hands gripping his shoulders. “Oh God, Sam!”

  Curving his hands around her ribcage, he loved the fact that he couldn’t feel bones jutting sharply into his palms. There was firmness and softness, but no bones, just womanly, sweet flesh.

  Her scent filled him as he closed his eyes and feasted on her breast, sucking and drawing on the nipple, lashing it with his tongue and pressing it back before again sucking strongly.

  As she arched against him, caught up in the sensations he deliberately wrought upon her, he slid his hand down from her side, lower to the waistband of her skirt, unsnapping the button and pulling the zip down, gripping the material and drawing it up her legs.

  When she felt the cool air on her skin she moaned, and he let the skirt go, using his hands to gently push her partially onto her back to give him access to her other breast. This time he teased the hard nub, licking it hard, laving it mercilessly, closing his teeth carefully over the delicate flesh before sucking sudden and strong.

  Yeah, his little Carly liked it. Her moans that filled the air, the way she arched into him, pleading for more, so much more, and he was going to give it to her. Reaching into his shorts pocket, he withdrew his wallet and tossed it onto the coffee table. The condom it contained was going to be needed. Maybe the second one, too.

  Right now she was caught up in sensations as he’d planned, and he was going to keep her there while he explored her lush body.

  Trailing his fingers down her gently curved belly, he dipped a fingertip into her belly button before moving lower, shifting his hand to catch the hem of her skirt and draw it the rest of the way up her legs.

  She didn’t even notice when he drew it up to her waist, or when he slid her panties down. She was so far gone in desire that she automatically lifted her hips to allow the panties to slide free. It was simple to drop them around her ankles where she mindlessly kicked them off completely.

  Not once did he stop licking her tight, pink nipple, pressing a kiss to the bountiful flesh before laying her back down against the cushion, noting her flushed cheeks, her bright eyes and the way she panted through those plump lips.

  “So beautiful,” he crooned. “So incredibly beautiful.”


  “Shhh.” His fingertips slid lower, trailing across her mound. “Easy, honey.”

  He didn’t give her time to come to her complete senses, didn’t give her time to realise what he was doing and panic. In one smooth move he slid his middle finger through the curls protecting her womanhood and down between the sheltering lips, feeling the hot cream that made his invasion easy.

  Proof of her arousal. God, it made him practically salivate in anticipation of how it would feel to slide his shaft through that cream and into the depths of her body.

  She jerked on his thighs, her eyes widening, the war of desire and uncertainty so plain to see. Laying one finger upon her lips, he shook his head in a silent order to remain quiet while sliding his other finger deeper, using his arm to nudge her thighs further apart.

  The breath she drew was shuddering, and he smiled but spoke not one word. Flattening one hand on her belly, he held her down as he found the little bud hidden between the slick folds, found it and played with it, circling it with his fingertip before pressing firmly upon it.

  Carly bucked on his thighs, her knees bending further, but he kept her thighs apart easily with his upper arm, holding her nearest thigh against the back of the sofa.

  Her moans turned to whimpers as he used the natural lubrication from her body to slick his finger along her perineum, finding the entrance to her body and playing around it, dipping his finger in and out, just the tip, pulling gently at the delicate opening.

  “Sam, oh God, Sam.” Carly panted. “Please.”

  “Please what, honey?” Apart from sounding husky, his voice was amazingly calm. With her cream coating his finger and the heat of her body beckoning to him, the temptation to take her now was strong, but he reined in his lust.

  It wasn’t time to take her just yet, even though his shaft obviously thought different. It jerked in his shorts, pressing achingly against her back.

  “Do something!” She twisted, pressing so sweetly torturously against his shaft.

  Ignoring the burst of pleasure that produced, he rubbed her belly. “Like this?” He mimicked her action at the entrance of her body, twisting his fingertip lightly, trailing it back up to tease the little clitoris to what he knew would be an aching nub.

  Her legs moved restlessly, drawing his gaze.

  God, she was so soft, her limbs round, womanly. Looking down the length of her sprawled so wantonly across his thighs, he thought the only word to describe her was rubenesque. So beautifully rubenesque.

  He couldn’t wait to be inside her.

  But first…

  Shifting his hand, he thumbed her clitoris, enjoying the way she arched back, the passion that pinkened her cheeks and made her lips open on a silent moan.

  Even better was her expression when he slid his finger deep within her. She literally shuddered, her head arching back against the cushion, that silky, thick hair spilling over it.

  Her grip on his shirt was white-knuckled as he thrust his finger in and out of her, marvelling at the tightness of the slick tunnel gripping his finger.

  Hooking the tip, he dragged i
t through the shivering walls, twisting until he found that magical spot that had her crying out.

  But he didn’t give her relief.

  Leaving his finger hooked into the entrance of her body, he leaned over her, gazing down into her face. “Look at me, Carly.” When she only moaned, he ordered huskily, “Look at me.”

  Opening her eyes, she looked up at him, and the heat within the brown depths had his own breath catching.

  Those plump lips were partly open, a little red at the bottom where she’d bitten down on it, and her eyes held a carnal light, so undeniably filled with lust and need.

  “You’re beautiful.”


  “You’re beautiful. I love every inch of you, every soft, curvy inch. Do you believe me?” When she didn’t answer straight away, just pushed her hips up into his hand seeking relief, he pressed her clitoris. “Answer me.”

  “Yes. Yes, God, yes.”

  He laughed softly, his voice deep with undeniable, carnal craving. “I think you’d say yes just to make me work some more on you, wouldn’t you, honey?”

  “Please, Sam. Please.” Grabbing his shirt, she jerked upright, claiming his mouth hotly.

  He kissed her hard, eating at her mouth while sliding his finger deep once more, adding a second to make her feel every inch, swallowing her cries as he thrummed her clitoris with his thumb.

  Cream coated his fingers, the moist heat spilling forth, but still he didn’t give her relief.

  Instead, he grabbed her, pulling her forward over his arm so that he could slide out behind her.

  She cried out a protest, but he simply placed his hands under her arms each side of her and eased her off the sofa to the floor, leaving her kneeling there looking up at him while he slid her blouse and bra off her shoulders and pulled the skirt off over her head. Tossing them aside, he removed his glasses and placed them on the coffee table before grabbing the hem of his t-shirt and pulling it up and off, throwing it to the side and bending down to shove his shorts and boxers down to his ankles to kick them aside.

  His shaft curved up towards his belly button, hard, throbbing, almost angry, the veins lining it pulsing with blood. When Carly looked at it hungrily, he almost spent himself then and there.


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