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Trent Page 17

by Lindsay Paige

  Kaelyn gives me a full tour of her bedroom, and she is proud of every single doll, book, and toy she has. It’s heartwarming to see a child who is so cared for, considering most of the children I see.

  When the pizza comes, Kaelyn helps me set the table and get the drinks. I see pictures of Deborah all over the place, as there should be. They were a perfect family and it kills me to think of the heartache they’re feeling now.

  “Can we play?” Kaelyn asks after she finishes her second slice.

  “Sure. What do you want to play?”

  She thinks for a few seconds and then yells, “A tea party.”

  “Show me the way.”

  She takes my hand and leads me back to her room. She pulls out a chest full of play clothes and accessories. I’m certain she played all the time with her mom. Kaelyn dresses me in all sorts of items and shows me how to properly drink tea. I laugh and smile at her and hide the pain I’m really feeling.


  I SWALLOW HARD at the sight before me. Kaelyn is in her Cinderella dress with a tiara sitting lopsided on her head. Across from her at the small table is Scarlett in her own tiara, a pink boa wrapped around her neck, and some of the plastic jewelry Kaelyn has on her fingers. They’re both laughing, giggling really, and for a moment, I wonder why my tea parties with Kaelyn never seem as much fun as they are obviously having.

  It’s odd to see Scarlett here and playing with Kaelyn. My heart hurts because Deborah isn’t here, but at the same time, I’m glad these two are getting along. I’m glad that when I needed someone with Kaelyn, I felt comfortable about Scarlett being with her.

  Kaelyn finally notices me standing in the doorway and she squeals. “Daddy, you’re home!” She rushes over, and I pick her up.

  “Yeah, I’m home. How’s the tea party going? Are you having fun with Scarlett?”

  She nods her head. “Are you going to play with us? I can find your crown.”

  “Maybe next time. Have y’all had dinner?” I ask Scarlett. “Or is tea all the princesses need?” I add, trying not to laugh when her tiara almost falls off as she stands.

  “We ate,” she answers.

  “We had pizza,” Kaelyn tells me.

  “All right, well, you start putting away some of your toys and get your pajamas out. Once Scarlett leaves, you’re taking a bath.”

  “With bubbles?” she asks hopefully.

  “If you can put away all your toys, yep.” I set her down and she starts putting things away. Scarlett has set her tiara, boa, and jewelry down, and then follows me out of the room. “Did she behave?”

  “She was an angel. Sorry about the pizza. I didn’t want to mess up your kitchen and I knew she was hungry. I hope it was okay?”

  “Yes, it was. Thanks again for watching her. I was about to resort to one of the guy’s girlfriends.”

  “It’s not a problem. I’m glad you trusted me enough to help you out. I had a lot of fun.”

  “Sounds like she did too. I did trust you and I knew she would be in good hands with you. I’m sorry I haven’t talked to you lately. Things have been overwhelming.”

  "Trent, I understand. We knew it couldn't work. I'm just glad you called me; it made me feel good to think you trust me with your daughter.” She pauses. “I really did have a good time with you.”

  “Are you sure you want it to be over before we even have a fighting chance?”

  “Is there a chance?”

  “I think so. Don’t you?”

  “I want there to be, but I know we have a lot to overcome too. However, I'm wondering what you thought about when we didn't talk the past couple weeks?”

  “I thought about my life before all of this and how it is now. I feel like I took another step with some closure with the legal parts essentially done. And then, I thought about you and what she would’ve thought and wanted for me.”

  “I thought about you a lot too. I want a chance. I want to know what happens between us, no matter our past.”

  I smile. “Me too.”

  “Daddy, I’m all done!” Kaelyn shouts as she runs into the room.

  “All right. Say goodbye to Scarlett and we’ll get your bubble bath going.”

  Kaelyn throws her arms around Scarlett. “Bye! Will you come back and play with me again? You make a good princess.”

  “You're the best princess of them all.”

  After our final goodbyes, I walk Scarlett to the door and then take Kaelyn’s hand, so we can give her a bubble bath.

  While Angie has been staying with her parents since she’s been sick and Granny still out of town, now seems like the perfect time to see if Kaelyn’s grandparents would like to have her for a visit. I debate over which set to call first before settling on Deborah’s. Kaelyn is their only true link to their daughter and they haven’t seen her in months.

  It seems like the phone rings forever before I hear, “Hello?”

  “Hey, Beverly. How are y’all doing?”

  “We’re doing okay. How are you and Kaelyn? It’s been such a long time.”

  I swallow hard as if that will rid me of my guilt. “I know, and I’m sorry for that.”

  “We understand,” she rushes to tell me. “Catch me up on my granddaughter.”

  So, I begin filling her in on Kaelyn’s schooling and what she’s been up to this summer. “Her nanny is sick and my grandmother is out of town for the week. I know it’s last minute, and I’ve been meaning to call about this, but would you like Kaelyn to spend some time with y’all? I’m sure she’d love to see you.”

  “Oh, Trent. We would love to see her and spend time with her. She can stay for a week, if you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. I’ve got practice, but afterward, I’ll drive her out there.”

  “Thank you so much, Trent.”

  “No need to thank me. I promise we’ll stay in touch more often.”

  Once we hang up, I head to Kaelyn’s room to wake her up. “Sleeping Beauty, time to get out of bed,” I say as I grab her suitcase from her closet.

  “I’m too tired,” she complains.

  “Don’t be a bag of lazy bones.” I set her suitcase by the end of the bed and walk over to crouch in front of her. “Hey, I have a question for you. Would you like to go spend the night with Grandma Bev and Grandpa Joe?”

  That wakes her up quickly. “Do you think she’ll make her special chocolate milk?”

  “If you asked her nicely. Do you want to go?” She nods. “Then up and at ‘em.”

  She insists on wearing her dress with the yellow flowers while I pack her things. She demands to take a few books, so they can read to her before bed. Once we’ve packed everything she needs and the things she wants to take, we have breakfast. Hopefully, Sofia won’t be too busy today and won’t mind if Kaelyn hangs out with her in her office during practice.

  Which isn’t exactly what happens. Kaelyn hangs out with Sofia, but every now and then I’ll see them walking around or watching us. Sofia is almost constantly laughing, and Kaelyn’s little arms are flailing about as she tells her some outrageous story, I’m sure.

  Once it’s over though, we’re on the way to her grandparents. It’s a three-hour drive to Deborah’s parents’ house. I don’t stay long with the drive back, but I promise Beverly that I’ll spend more time with them when I come to pick Kaelyn up.

  I feel like now, more than ever, is a good opportunity to keep moving forward. I feel ready for it. Things have quietened down with the reporters, and there’s been no more trouble out of Junior, thankfully. Baseball is great, Kaelyn is doing fantastic, and we’ve been able to find a new normal.

  Bored with the drive, I pick up my phone and call Scarlett since she’ll be off work by now.

  “Hey,” she answers and I can imagine her smiling.

  “Hey. How was your day?”

  “Good. I think I’m really going to enjoy this promotion more than I thought I would. What about you?”

  “That’s awesome. I’m on my way home. Kaelyn is
spending the week with Deborah’s parents. I’m still an hour and a half away, and I thought I’d call you to make my drive more fun.”

  Scarlett laughs. “I don’t know how helpful I’ll be. It’s good that she’s spending time with them.”

  “Yeah, it’s been a long time. So, I was thinking since I’m kid-free for a little while, maybe you could take me out on that date you owe me when you cheated in Rummy?”

  “I didn’t cheat! You’re impossible, Trent,” she laughs. “When are you thinking? You have a game tomorrow, right?”

  “Yeah and it’s a night game, so maybe the next day or day after that?”

  “The next day sounds good to me.”

  “Do you want to come to the game tomorrow? I can get you tickets. You could bring Macy, if you want.”

  She’s quiet for a moment before she says, “Yeah, I think we would enjoy that. Thanks.”

  For the rest of the drive, we talk about all sorts of things. She shares more about her childhood, college, and her friendship with Macy. I learn more about her in that hour and a half than ever before. When I get home, we’re still talking. We even talk about the hardships we’ve gone through with such honesty that we can’t help but move forward and feel better after talking about it.

  It’s as if we’ve taken another step forward, and I’m excited about the next step.


  THE SMILE ON my face is hurting my cheeks, but I can’t stop smiling. Between Trent, playing with Kaelyn, and my new position, I’m overjoyed. I put my hair up in a ponytail, because it’s humid and my hair is frizzy today.

  “Are you ready yet?” Macy yells from the living room. “We need time to find a parking space.”

  “I’m coming.” I look myself over in the mirror. I’m wearing shorts and I’m hoping they aren’t too short. I thought about buying Trent’s jersey to wear instead of just my Memphis Angels shirt, but I didn’t because we weren’t in high school or anything like that. Plus, it’s too soon for anything serious. We’re still taking baby steps.

  “Scarlett!” Macy hollers my name loudly. “I’m about to leave you!”

  I nod at myself in the mirror and race down to Macy.

  “Wow, you look pretty hot,” Macy says when I reach her.

  “Are the shorts okay?”

  “Trent is going to like staring at your legs.” She winks and we both head out to her car.

  On the drive to the stadium, I’m not even nervous. I should be, but I’m not. If anything, I’m excited to see Trent. When I talked to him last night, he was waiting to see what I had planned for our date. He now thinks I cheated at Rummy. He’s as bad as the kids.

  Macy and I retrieve our tickets from the counter and head in. I purchase a drink, as does Macy, before we head in to find our seats. Trent got us seats right behind the dugout. It’s a little strange seeing the baseball field this close. I’ve never seen it this close before. The grass seems greener, richer. The dirt is more brownish-red and the line of white chalk highlights it all.

  “Wow. I love the fact you’re dating a baseball player. Does he know any single guys on the team?” Macy strains her neck to look out on the field, as if she can tell which one is single and which isn’t.

  “Stop staring and sit back. I’m not going to ask Trent to introduce you to anyone.”

  Macy laughs, but we clap with the other fans as the team comes out onto the field. I quickly find Trent and try to keep myself composed and not drool over his, obviously, tight baseball pants, and bulging arm muscles.

  “Are you panting over your hot man?”

  “Shut up.” I sigh. “He isn’t a possession. He’s a person.”

  Macy laughs and we both watch the team warm-up. Soon, one by one, they head into the dugout, but I watch one of the players toss a baseball to a pretty blonde sitting a few seats down. I can’t quite hear what is being said, but they exchange a few words. The girl catches the ball with ease and several girls around us cheer. Then I see Blake push the player's shoulder to guide him down the steps.

  Next to the girl who caught the ball is a dark haired girl with stunning tattoos lining her arms, legs, and almost up to her neck; she looks familiar. Sitting beside her is a pregnant female with a red hair, wearing Blake Foster's jersey. I can tell by her small roundness that she’s a few months along.

  “Oh my God.” I turn to Macy. “I think we’re in the family section.”

  “Is there such a thing?”

  “Look.” I twirl my finger around. “There are mainly women and kids in this section.”

  Macy looks over both of her shoulders and down the aisle. “So?”

  “What does that mean?”


  “Why would Trent put me in this section?”

  Macy laughs. “Maybe because it’s awesome seats and he has the pull to get awesome seats.”

  I try to keep my focus out on the field, but my mind is spinning, because I’m sure Macy is right, but now I’m nervous. Have I asked him if he’s told his teammates who I am? I can’t remember, but would he? I wonder what they said, if he did.

  “Scarlett, you okay?” Macy asks with concern.

  “Yes,” I answer her and do my best to push all these crazy thoughts out of my head.

  A few moments later, both teams come back out on the field and the national anthem begins. Once that is finished and the first pitch is thrown, the game begins. My eyes stay on the second baseman more than anywhere else on the field.

  Trent seems to be doing well, but I’m thankful for the seventh-inning stretch. I need something to drink and I’m hoping the Angels can pull out of this two-point deficit they’re in.

  “Excuse me.” The pregnant female touches my arm. “Would you be Scarlett Knowles?”

  My mouth goes drier than what it already is. Please don’t be a reporter. “Yes, I am.”

  “I’m Sofia Gardner. Trent told me you were coming today, and I wanted to introduce myself.” She holds out her hand.

  I shake it. “Thanks. It’s nice to meet you. This is my friend. Macy.”

  Sofia shakes her hand as well. “This is Zoey, Abigail, LA, and Harmony.” She points at the girls down the row. “This is Scarlett, Trent’s girlfriend.”

  My mouth drops. No. No, she didn’t call me his girlfriend. I look at Macy who’s smiling.

  “We’ve heard so much about you,” the tattoo girl, Zoey, says. “It’s great to see you again.”

  “Um, yes. Thanks.” What else can I say? If they heard about me, then they must know who my brother is and how I’m connected to Trent. And I remember Zoey from the art gallery. "Nice to meet you all too. We’re going to grab something to drink.” I excuse Macy and myself. When I’m out of earshot of all the girls, I face Macy. “She called me his girlfriend. That means he’s probably said it, right? And why the hell are we in the family section?”

  “Okay, first stop being so damn dramatic. Second, stop acting like you don’t want to be his girlfriend, and three, shut up and enjoy it before something else pulls the rug from under you both.”

  I place my hand over her heart. “I love you. Thank you for saying that to me. I mean it.” I hug her tightly. “This drink is on me.”

  Macy and I chatter about the game and Trent. She’s happy for me. Hell, I’m starting to be happy for me. When we make it back to our seats, the girls start to ask me questions about my job and hobbies. Abigail loves books and we started chatting about them. Thankfully, no one asks about my family or how Trent and I met. I assume they already know and are being polite. I enjoy all of the girls.

  When the game ends, the Angels lose by one, but the girls still seems upbeat and happy. I guess it’s because the guys are home all week.

  “Scarlett, would you and Macy like to come down to the players' entrance?” Sofia asks.

  “Oh no, thank you. I don’t want to bother Trent after a loss. I appreciate it though.” I walk down the row and head out with the rest of the fans.

  Macy talks mostly about wo
rk on the back to my house. I give her a hug before I leave her car and head in. I take a quick shower, and I’m curled up on the couch with my Kindle when my phone buzzes.

  Trent: You could have come say hi.

  Me: I’m sure you were busy.

  Trent: I wasn’t because I was hoping to see you before you left. Did you have fun?

  Me: Lots of fun. I hate you lost though.

  Trent: Me too, but we can’t win them all.

  Me: Sofia and the girls were nice.

  Trent: They are. I told them you were coming because I didn’t want you to be uncomfortable.

  Me: I wasn’t. Macy and I had a lot of fun. Thank you again.

  Trent: Anytime. What time are you picking me up?

  Me: How about 3?

  Trent: See you tomorrow, Scarlett.

  I smile at my phone. I’m Trent’s girlfriend.

  I wasn’t sure what to do on our date, but it hit me this morning. Something fun. Something memorable.

  I pull into Trent’s driveway and head up to the door. He opens it before I can knock.

  “Right on time.” He smiles.

  I nod. “Yep. Are you ready?”

  “Let’s go.” He shuts the door and then takes my hand to the car. It’s nice with him touching me. I enjoy it. There are times when I think I crave it a bit too much. I shouldn’t. It’s a lot to take in. “Where are we going?” he asks as he buckles his seatbelt.

  I smirk as I start the car. “Just wait.”

  I head out of town and toward a park in East Memphis. Trent tells me about yesterday’s game and how he needs to fix his batting stance. I hadn’t realized what a big deal it is about the way you stand and hit the ball.

  I park at the first place I find. “Follow me.” Trent nods and follows me out of the car and down the block.

  The crowd is vast and there are vendors everywhere. “What is this?”

  “It’s a Food, Wine, and Art Festival. I wasn’t going to come until tomorrow, but I thought it’d be fun for us.” I wait for him to answer, but he’s only staring in front of us.


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