Jenő Rejtő, The 14-carat Roadster, translated by Patricia Bozsó:
Dezső Tandori, Töredék Hamletnek (‘A Fragment for Hamlet’), 1968; Egy talált tárgy megtisztítása (‘The Cleaning of a Found Object’), 1973. Some poems from these volumes might be found in: Dezső Tandori, Birds and Other Relations, translated by Bruce Berlind (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1987).
Béla Zsolt, Nine Suitcases, translated by Ladislaus Löb (London: Pimlico, 2005).
There is a good multidimensional-multilingual web anthology, Babelmatrix, that displays both the original text and its translated version, and has a list of Hungarian works translated into English: Hungarian Literature Online provides information on Hungarian literature and presents new translations:
YUDIT KISS was born in Budapest in 1956. After having worked in Hungary, Mexico and the UK, she moved to Switzerland in the early 1990s, where she currently lives. A researcher in economic development, she is the author of a number of articles, research papers and academic works. This is her first literary work.
GEORGES SZIRTES is a celebrated poet and translator. His books include Reel, which won the T. S. Eliot Prize in 2005. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. His translations include Metropole by Ferenc Karinthy (Telegram, 2008).
First published in Hungarian in 2006 as Apám halálának nyara by Noran-Könyvek Kft., Hungary
First English edition published 2012 by Telegram
© Yudit Kiss, 2006, 2012
Translation © George Szirtes 2012
ISBN: 978-1-84659-0948
eISBN: 978-1-84659-1235
Grateful acknowledgement to the Petőfi Literary Musem and the Hungarian Books and Translations Office
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The Summer My Father Died Page 23