Love Dies Hard 4 - Book 4 (Billionaire Romance Series) (Hard to Love)

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Love Dies Hard 4 - Book 4 (Billionaire Romance Series) (Hard to Love) Page 2

by Cartwright, C. C.

  “I bought you a sapphire ring.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “That last night I came to you, I was going to propose.” Now that months have passed the pain isn’t as raw so I can admit this to her.

  “What,” she whispers in astonishment. I don’t answer her, I give her a moment to let my words sink in. She’s stunned by my words.

  “No Marcus, you were not,” she denies my motives.

  “I was,” I gaze at her lips. “You broke me Sophie.”

  “I broke us,” she admits with sadness in her voice.

  “Come to bed with me.”

  “Marcus, I can’t spend the night.”

  “Let me just have tonight.” Her expression tells me she’s grappling with it, but considering it. When she climbs off my lap and stands in front of me, the look she gives me tells me she acquiesces. We strip each other bare, right here in the living room and then I take her hand and lead her to the bedroom. This night feels surreal, as if it’s a dream, a figment of my imagination. Having her in my bed again, with her long silky hair splayed out across my pillow, brings tightness to my throat. I never want to leave this bed. We love each other with a passion that stills my beating heart.

  “You can’t marry HIM,” I whisper and my words are met with silence. She is lying on her back staring at the ceiling, trying to catch her breath. I roll onto my side and face her, skimming my fingertips along her sensuous curves that I need to taste again.

  “Shhh,” she rolls over to face me as she presses her finger against my lips.

  “No talking, just love me.” And that I do, for the rest of the night into the morning light.


  We wake up in each other’s arms, and I need to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. I breathe in her sweet scent.

  “Good Morning,” I say as I softly press a kiss to her forehead. She raises her head off my chest to look into my eyes.

  “Good Morning,” she replies with a small smile. She traces a finger along my lips and her smile fades, I know what she’s thinking. We both know our time together is limited. She climbs out of bed and pads off to the bathroom. I see her scoop up her clothes and get dressed, I watch her in silence.

  “Come to me tonight, I’ll be waiting,” I say pressing my room card key into her hand as she is about to walk out the door of my suite.

  “Marcus, we said one night, that’s it,” she says looking down at the key in her hand.

  “Just take it,” I command, kissing her firmly on the lips.

  “I need to go now.” She shoves my key in her purse and leaves.


  I look for her in the morning session, but I don’t see her. When we break for lunch, I look for her in the hotel restaurant and still no sign of her. I decide to text her, but I get no response. Then I pick up the house phone and I ask them to connect me to her room, she doesn’t answer. If she left the conference early I will be so livid, so hurt…you were a fool Marcus. Why did you touch her again, why did you taste her again? My hands are clenched into fists when Christopher comes up to me.

  “Hey Marcus, why do you look so frantic?” he questions.

  “Have you seen Sophie?” I ask.

  “I just passed her in the hall outside the main conference room.” I let out the longest sigh of relief. She can push my buttons without even trying. I walk down to the main conference room and spot her sitting in the back and I take the seat next to her.

  “Where have you been? I didn’t see you this morning and I thought you left.” She doesn’t answer me right away.

  “I admit, I did think about leaving, but took a nap instead. I was tired,” she says giving me a knowing look, as if to say, someone wore me out last night. Knowing that someone was me brings a sinful smile across my lips.

  “Well, I’m glad you didn’t leave and I’m sorry to hear you were tired,” I reply quietly under my breath, not feeling one bit sorry. How I’m dying to touch her right now. I wonder if she will come to me tonight, she better or else I will go hunt her down. Out of the corner of my eye I can sense the attractive blonde sitting across the row from me, looking my way. When we break for the day and as I am walking out with Sophie, she comes up to me.

  “Marcus Hunter?” she asks flirtatiously.

  “Yes,” I smile.

  “Hi, I’m Courtney Cross, I work for Foster Financial. I interviewed with Hunter, but didn’t get an offer,” she says boldly.

  “Hello Courtney, I’m sorry to hear that. Did you interview with my father? I’ve been away managing our London office.”

  “Yes I did.”

  “Courtney, this is Sophie Shawn, she is with Bristol now but she used to work at Hunter.”

  “Nice to meet you, why would you leave Hunter? I think it would be the best place to work,” she gushes like a fan girl. Sophie shifts uncomfortably before answering.

  “I just needed a change of scenery,” she says pointedly looking right at me. Courtney doesn’t miss the exchange and laughs awkwardly.

  “It was nice meeting you both,” Courtney replies and her eyes linger suggestively on mine, before she walks off.

  “You have a fan,” Sophie says, walking in front of me.

  “I can’t help it if women are drawn to me.” She mutters something under her breath as she picks up the pace to the elevators and I follow close behind, not letting her hot little ass out of my sight. A group merges onto the elevator and she presses the button to her floor and I press the button to mine. We both look straight ahead in the crowded elevator, but I steal glances at her as the elevator ascends stopping at different floors along the way to let out guests. She steps off at her floor without even a glance my way. I walk off the elevator at the top floor and go to my suite and wait impatiently for her, still unsure whether she will come to me tonight. I will give her until 7:00 to show up at my door before I text her, give her time to get sexy for me. I decide to get in the shower myself to try and relax, I’m feeling tense from the anticipation of whether or not she will come to my bed tonight. I’m betting that she won’t be able to stay away from my touch. Confident aren’t we Marcus Hunter.

  The warmth from the water, and the steam from the shower help me relax. I close my eyes as I replay having Sophie in my arms last night, being between her sensuous legs as she pulled me in. I’m getting hard just thinking about her. I step out of the shower to towel off and walk into the bedroom to find some clothes to put on, even though I hope I won’t be in them for long once Sophie arrives I think to myself when I stop dead in my tracks at the vision of her lying on my bed in what she was wearing the very first night we enjoyed each other’s bodies. Black lace lingerie and black stocking clad legs.

  “Sophie,” I whisper out in wonder at my beautiful girl who came willingly to my bed tonight.

  “Don’t look so surprised big boy,” she says seductively. She never ceases to amaze me, this is the minx I fell in love with, back in my bed and we are about to do what we do best together. I can’t get enough of her loving my entire body. I really do need her like I need air. I won’t let her get away this time.

  After another mind blowing session, we both hold each other.

  “I’m hungry.”

  “You’re always hungry,” I laugh.

  “Hey, I haven’t had dinner yet.”

  “You were my dinner.”

  “How did I know you were going to say that,” she laughs.

  “Let’s order room service, I love room service.”

  “I know, that way you never get me to leave your room,” she teases and she’s right.

  “Is that such a crime?” I smile down at her. I’m the happiest when she’s in my arms, it scares me.

  Room service arrives and they roll dinner in on a table covered with a crisp white linen tablecloth. Once the man leaves, Sophie comes out of the bedroom wrapped in a fluffy white plush bathrobe two sizes too big and she looks adorably sexy. She doesn’t waste a minute before she digs into the
juicy steak and fries she ordered.

  “My dear, you are such a carnivore.”

  “Attractive isn’t it, I like my meat,” she laughs at the innuendo. I love to see her laughing with a smile for me.

  “I’m keeping you, I’m not letting you get away,” rolls off my lips. The smile has left her face at my words. “You’re not still planning on marrying him are you? Not now that we have…,” I say motioning toward the bedroom.

  “Shhh,” she says, putting a finger to her lips. My jaw clenches, she still has a heart of stone, nothing has changed. You’re a first class fool Marcus Hunter, to hope that she had changed. People don’t change, I should have known better. We continue eating in silence.

  “Courtney Cross was a fan of yours,” she says dabbing her lips with her napkin, before she starts on dessert.

  “What, are you jealous Miss Shawn?” she does actually seem a little jealous.

  “I’m just looking out for you, maybe she could become your next conquest,” she taunts, but I know she’s jealous and she’s starting to piss me off.

  “I’ve told you, it’s you I want,” I say through clenched teeth. No response. She can’t possibly still be thinking of marrying that guy, she loves me. No bull shit is going to keep us apart anymore.

  Chapter 3


  Our night together was utterly amazing, the earth really did move. Set my heart and entire being on fire. His touch, his taste, his scent was intoxicating, even better than I remember, if that’s possible. How many times over the last few months have I found my thoughts drifting to our time together, of being with Marcus again, like last night? Now that we’ve reunited, it’s more than I can bear.

  Of course in the light of day, the remorse is even more unbearable. I’m engaged to be married to John. How can I really be doing this, doing Marcus? It’s wrong on so many levels, but when I’m in his arms it feels so right. So wrongly right. He wants me to come to him again tonight. My heart and body want to go, but my head is screaming no.

  Once I get back to my room this morning, my first thought is to bolt out of here, pack up and leave the temptation of Marcus Hunter behind me. But honestly, I’m too exhausted physically and emotionally to do any of that. All I want to do is crawl in bed and get some shut eye. I manage to fall asleep for a little while, but end up dreaming of Marcus caressing my body. Even in my dreams I can’t get away from him. What the hell am I going to do? I need to see a shrink to figure all of this out. I better get my sorry self downstairs and into the afternoon session.

  I find my way to the main conference room and no sooner I sit down, Marcus finds me and fills the seat next to me. My eyes cast down to those hands of his, resting on his thighs and I get wet between my legs just remembering them roaming all over my body last night, I can sense my nipples harden. How is my body going to resist another night with him? After I admit that I was thinking of bolting, but took a nap instead because I was tired, he leans into me intimately and whispers sweet nothings to me about being sorry I’m tired. We both know why and it’s killing me, I’m a hot mess of burning lust. I can’t even focus on the speaker. All I can think about is having another night with this hunk of male hotness sitting next to me. I shift restlessly in my chair and cross and re-cross my legs, trying desperately to quiet the humming at my core. All I want right now is to be beneath him, begging for more of what only he can give me. I know I am in so much trouble.

  After the long session of pure boringness is over, most of the group head to the elevators. Marcus stays on my tail and gets on the same elevator going up as I do. I sense him watching me, but I don’t give him and inch, not an inkling of whether or not I will come to him tonight, because honestly, I still don’t know myself. When I get back to my room, I practically scream out loud. What am I going to do? I find myself calling John, to check in, just in case I go to Marcus I don’t want John looking for me.

  “Hi,” John picks up his cell on the first ring.

  “Hi sweetheart, how are you?” he asks.

  “Another long boring session on money management,” I sigh out.

  “What time will you be done tomorrow?” he asks.

  “I’m not sure, I think there are morning and afternoon group sessions I need to attend. So I may not come home until the next morning,” I say.

  “I miss you,” he says.

  “I miss you too,” I reply feeling a horrible sense of guilt.

  “What are you doing tonight?” he asks. What a loaded question that is and my heart sinks into my stomach before I make up an excuse.

  “Going out to dinner with some other people from Bristol,” I lie.

  “Well have a good time, I’ll see you when I see you then. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” And I do, I love John too. I hang up and throw myself on my bed and just stare at the ceiling. What am I going to do? I want Marcus tonight, my body definitely is screaming for his touch.

  I shower and get ready to go to Marcus’s room. Yes, I can’t stop myself from enjoying one last night of passion with him. We’re going to live it like we care, for one last night.

  I knock on the door of his suite and no one answers so I decide to slide his card key in and access is granted.

  “Marcus,” I call out into his cavernous suite. No answer. I walk into his bedroom, still now sign of his sexiness. My heart is beating loudly in anticipation of another night with my playboy. I peek in the bathroom and see he’s toweling off. I decide I will surprise him and be waiting in his bed, just like I did our first night together. Back when it was only supposed to be one night. He walks out of the bathroom with a look of utter shock across his handsome face. I love to surprise him, catch Mr. Calm and Cool off guard, throw him off his seductive game.

  “Don’t look so surprised big boy,” I say seductively and the loving begins.

  After another mind-blowing session with lover boy, I’m famished, and we order room service. The conversation turns serious, he doesn’t want me to marry John, he wants to keep me for himself. I’m not going there, this was only supposed to be one last night. I bring up the beautiful blonde fan we met earlier and he is getting pissed.

  Marcus goes to the fully stocked bar in his expansive suite and pours himself a Scotch. Downs it and pours himself another and comes back to the table. Seeing him pound down the drinks reminds me again why I chose John over Marcus.

  “Marcus, from the beginning, we were only supposed to be one night.”

  “Why is that exactly?” he stoically asks.

  “I wasn’t going to be a fool and fall for the office player, that’s why. And from what I hear, you’ve been playing all over London,” I say with heat in my voice.

  “I can’t deny it. I was drowning my sorrows. I’m not proud of it,” he replies honestly, staring at the ice in his glass, before he downs it. “Sophie, I won’t lose you again.”

  “It’s too late for us Marcus,” I say sadly. He stands and comes to stand in front of me. He takes my hand and places it on his arousal. He wants me again. I stroke his shaft and tug down his boxers, freeing the beast. I take him in my hand and guide the head to my lips. I feel so wanton, why does he make me want to do naughty things to him? It’s as if he puts me in a trance like state. I don’t think clearly when I’m near him. I flick my tongue lovingly along his shaft and our eyes lock. He’s watching me with a look of pure carnal desire, which only fuels my passion for this man. His hand brushes through my hair.

  “Let me love you, again,” he says huskily.

  He’s on me, he’s in me and I’m begging him to never stop filling me. I’m pulling him in and with each deep stroke he plunders into me and I whimper from the shear pleasure he incites inside my core.

  “Marcus, deeper,” I hear myself begging. He drives into the hilt, over and over. He dips into me in and all the way out again. Then he puts my legs on his shoulders and I don’t think he can go any deeper as I moan out his name.

  “Marcus, oh, oh, oh,” I cry out.

  “Is this how you want it, is this what you came to my bed looking for?” he asks seductively.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

  “I love you,” he murmurs. It’s the alcohol talking I tell myself. I need to get on that plane tomorrow and not look back. But oh how I’m enjoying this, this last night. He let’s out a scream as he releases and spasms into me, his warmth I welcome. I tighten hard around him as he continues pumping into me the last few thrust. He drags me over the edge. My heart has stopped…I’ve just died in his arms. I can barely breathe as he collapses on me.

  “You’re amazing babe,” he pants, kissing me on the side of the cheek. I wrap my arms around him and hold him tightly to me. “You cast a spell on me Miss Shawn.”

  “Marcus, you have all of the lines down don’t you?” He raises off me and props himself on his elbows, his face one inch from mine, I can smell the Scotch on his breath.

  “Damn it Sophie, I mean what I say. You want to belittle my feelings for you at every turn.” Then his lips slant on mine in a heated kiss. I hate myself for loving this man, because he’s wrong for me. I can’t live with the drinking.

  “Marcus, I love you. But I can’t live with your drinking.” I admit.

  “What? You’ve never said anything to me about it before.”

  “Between that and your partying, it’s the reason I chose John.”

  “How can you say all this to me while I’m practically still inside you,” he says heatedly. He rolls off me suddenly, leaves the bed and walks into the bathroom. I shiver from his warm body leaving me so suddenly. He’s angry. We’re playing with fire here. I follow him into the bathroom and he’s standing at the sink, his hands on the basin, and his head hung low in defeat. My heart breaks for his man. I wrap my arms around him and press a kiss to his back before I press my bare chest against the warmth of his body.

  “I can’t do this anymore Sophie, you better leave,” he says, his voice filled with emotion. I hold him tight, skimming my hands across the smooth skin of his abs. We stand here like this for what feels like an eternity. I slowly let go and he doesn’t turn around, he won’t even look at me. I feel as cold as the tile beneath my feet. I walk slowly back into the bedroom and stare at the bed we just made love in. I pick up my scattered clothes and get dressed and leave as quietly as I came in. Marcus never came out of the bathroom to say goodbye.


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