Steel Sky

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Steel Sky Page 40

by Andrew C. Murphy

  It sees Astrid walking silently beside him, unsmiling, not yet sure that this excursion from her room will end better than the first. Her surprise that the new delimiter in her abdomen did not shock her when she left her room will be nothing compared to her astonishment when she places her ident against the lock that allows access to the next deck and the gates slide open for her. And when the crowd sees her walk through, they will cheer and follow her, entering the upper levels for the first time in generations, and she will experience a feeling of freedom she hasn’t felt since she was a child.

  It sees Second Daughter alone in her room, staring at the blank comm screen, wondering where in the Hypogeum Second Son could be.

  It sees Kitt Marburg sitting across from Amarantha’s mother, listening intently to what she is being told, her mind working furiously, composing her next great bit of gossip.

  It sees Faith Lessup and her husband in the delivery room with their newborn child, waiting for the Deathsman that will never come.

  It sees Bernie Pratt fishing a once-beautiful, copper-haired corpse from the digester tanks.

  It sees the aspirant, who has been ordered by the Deathsman to wait at home, dressing to go outside, despite the danger, because he has to see what is happening with his own eyes.

  It sees the sunlit landscape laid out before Orel Fortigan through the special ident he was given a decameron before, and knows that the grainy images it receives, with their warped perspective and subdued colors, are not fractionally as marvelous as the real thing.

  It sees the skies, the true skies of Earth, once as dark as a deep ocean — so dark the stars could be seen on a clear day — ozone-blue again after half a millennium.

  It sees the young woman in the chair in the round white room.

  Her brown-haired wig lies in her lap like a dead pet. Her face is smudged with dirt to disguise the color of her eyebrows and generally obscure her features, but when she looks up . . . those fierce emerald eyes could belong to no one else.

  “It took a lot of courage for you to come here,” it says.

  Amarantha shrugs. “I needed someone to talk to. And I remember how we talked when I was a kid. You helped me a lot.”

  “You helped yourself. I only listened.”

  “Anyway . . . it’s not as if I can trust anyone else.”

  “Don’t worry, Amarantha. Soon, very soon, the people will have other things on their minds. Besides, I have learned that Kitt Marburg has taken up your cause. She intends to prove your innocence. She is talking to your mother at this very moment.”

  Amarantha looks up, absorbing this information. Suddenly she throws herself forward, head between her knees, shuddering as tears that have been dammed behind her eyes for days are released. The articulated arm that hold the chair wobbles just a little from the violence of her shaking. It takes a long time, but Image waits until the sobbing subsides.

  “If I had an arm,” it says finally, “I would put it around you.”

  Amarantha raises her head, laughing through her exhaustion. The tears have left lines of clear skin down her dirty face. “You always know just what to say,” she mumbles, wiping her nose with a tissue that has just popped out of the armrest.

  “Close your eyes,” Image says, once Amarantha has recovered her breath. “There’s something I think you should see.”

  Amarantha smiles weakly. “You’re not going to show me ‘night’ again, are you?”

  “No. It’s similar . . . but this is something new.”

  Amarantha closes her eyes, still smiling. “That was impressive when I was a kid,” she says as the lights dim, “but I’m not a kid anymore, you know.”

  “I know,” Image says. “I know. You’re all grown up now.”

  Image gathers all the visuals it has received from Orel’s ident and patches them together to create a massive full-motion panorama that it can project on the inside of the round white room. When the Deathsman and his followers arrive in the Atrium, this is the vision they will see on the great screens, but somehow Image thinks it fitting that Amarantha see it first.

  “Open your eyes,” it says. “Let me show you what heaven looks like.”


  Year 0: The Founding of the Hypogeum. The Founders institute a highly organized social system; citizens are designated as Administrators, Engineers, or Workers. Each citizen is given an “ident”.

  Year 82: Central Time Standard is created to coordinate the various timeshifts and maximize efficiency.

  Year 95: Central Time Standard controls every moment of the lives of the Hypogeans, giving and taking time from them as it sees fit.

  Year 104: Central Time Standard is overthrown in a series of massacres that come to be known as the Eternity Riots. Damage to key installations reduces the efficiency of the oxygen and food production systems.

  Year 107: An unstable popular government takes over. In its most lasting legislation, this government institutes chronometric reforms, removing all old-fashioned ways of measuring time.

  Year 112: The provisional government is unable to restore order to the city. Starvation and violence are widespread, particularly on the lower levels. The Cult of the Winnower, which has steadily grown since the Eternity Riots, takes on religious status.

  Year 117: Koba rises to power, restoring order to the upper levels of the Hypogeum. He stamps out the Cult of the Winnower, seals the entrance to the Hypogeum with waste rock, and destroys all records of life before the Founding. Over the next several years, he will encourage perception of himself as a deity.

  Year 122: At the height of his popularity and power, Koba begins construction of the camera network, overseen by Orcus the First. He strikes alliances with the warlords who control the lower levels, bringing the Workers (now called tertiaries) back to work.

  Year 141: Koba retires to his “sanctum,” refusing to see anyone, and issuing orders via commlink.

  Year 144: Koba the Second (“Kobe of the Forty Days”) frustrated by his lack of power and by the lack of respect from Koba’s ministers, forms a new Winnower cult in secret.

  Year 146: Koba the First is found dead in his sanctum. Koba the Second is murdered shortly thereafter. The Council of Null-Class Citizens is quickly convened, controlling Decks One through Four, but the lower levels are still lawless.

  Year 156: The air outside the buildings, the “fumatory”, is officially recognized as poisonous and teratogenic.

  Year 187: After years of chaos, the Council of Null-Class Citizens finally begins to restore normal functioning to the Hypogeum. The Church of the Stone is formed. Cannibalism is quietly declared acceptable.

  Year 192: The “Reconciliation.” The Council shuts off ventilation to the lower levels, and gives the low caste citizens a simple ultimatum: rejoin the Hypogeum or suffocate. Thousands of lives are lost, but the Hypogeum is finally unified for the first time in a hundred years.

  Year 209: First sighting of a “Rat.” DNA analysis of the corpse indicates its gene line had deviated from the Hypogean norm two generations before.

  Year 212: Orcus the Ninth defies his family’s tradition of staying behind the scenes. In alliance with the clops, he eliminates the Council of Null-Class Citizens, and becomes sole ruler of the Hypogeum.

  Year 215: After several years of deteriorating conditions, Orcus the Ninth is highly unpopular. A violent coup is anticipated, but before it can take place, a retaining wall by the river collapses, inundating what will later become know as the Sunken Neighborhoods. Orcus the Ninth disappears, and is never seen again. His wife, known as “Mother Orcus,” restores all power to the Council of Null-Class Citizens, which now becomes the Prime Medium, including citizens of all classes.

  Year 218: Several key members of the Prime Medium institute the “Second Pandect,” a collection of new laws that will eventually make the Hypogeum more efficient than ever before. Introduction of Quaternary caste.

  Year 285: Kris Belford, in an attempt to create a super race, des
igns the Engineered. The Engineered are smarter and sleep less than normal people, but they do not bring about the utopia Belford had hoped for. His experiment is widely considered a failure.

  Year 319: Return of the Winnower.


  basher boxes: Improvised homes constructed from discarded materials, illegally erected in the spaces between buildings.

  blender: An electronic device worn around the torso that generates a powerful electromagnetic field to bend light around itself, effectively rendering the wearer invisible. Their use and ownership is strictly regulated.

  bloodpop: A sweet carbonated beverage made from the blood

  plasma of the recently deceased.

  camera: An instrument of social control. Ubiquitous.

  caretaker: A family member or friend who stands over the corpse of a loved one between the time of death and the time at which the body is disassembled for recycling. A rare concession to human dignity.

  centichron: A new chronometric time unit. 1/100 chronon, or 1.44 minutes by the old system. (See chronon)

  chatter: A professional gossip.

  chronon: The basic time unit of the new chronometric time system instigated after the Eternity Riots. 1/10 day, or 2.4 hours by the old system.

  clop: A member of the Hypogeum’s official security force. Clops wear crimson visors that encircle their heads, allowing them to see in all directions at all times. (See shockstick, soft gun)

  cockroach: The only form of animal life in the Hypogeum.

  coverup: The everyday clothing of a Hypogean, consisting of a stiff collar, straight shoulders with vertical stripes to indicate the wearer’s class, a snap-buttoned crotch, and slightly short

  sleeves to reveal the wearer’s ident. Usually worn with tights

  and slippers.

  Culminant: The senior member of the Prime Medium, as voted by the other members.

  Deathsmen: Cult guild charged with the elimination of the old and unfit. Officially referred to as the Brotherhood of Peace and Reconciliation. Deathsmen wear black uniforms and silver fingertips that can kill or incapacitate with a single touch.

  decameron: A new chronometric time unit. 10 days.

  demimondaine: A woman who is part of the world that is literally and figuratively beneath dignified society.

  domus: The living quarters of a Hypogean.

  dreadlock vine: A genetically engineered plant that provides all nutrients necessary for human survival, used in Hydroponics but also found wild in the cave tunnels outside the Hypogeum. Etymologic origin unknown.

  End Time: A prophesied period of death and disaster preceding the destruction of the Hypogeum and the emergence of its people into a new world.

  the Engineered: The green-haired offspring of a group of people whose genes were altered by Kris Belford in an attempt to

  create a super-race, smarter more energetic than their contemporaries. The experiment is generally considered to have been a failure.

  Eternity Riots: A mass uprising over two hundred years ago that destroyed the original government and plunged the Hypogeum into a dark age.

  execration: The Hypogean alternative to prison. The deliberate infliction of intense physical pain and emotional anguish through direct microwave bombardment of the brain.

  Founders: The men and women who planned, created, and first inhabited the Hypogeum.

  fumatory: The air of the Hypogeum outside the buildings. Poisonous and teratogenic.

  Geospiritualism: Belief in a nebulous God that is one with the Stone surrounding the Hypogeum.

  ghost: A functionary of the Prime Medium who writes referendums for its members.

  Hydroponics: A complex of water-filled tanks where algae and other plants are grown and processed into food.

  Hypogeum: An ancient, overcrowded, and dangerously decrepit city nearly two kilometers underground.

  ident: A bracelet microcomputer containing all critical information about a citizen, and revealing their whereabouts at all times. Traditionally worn on the wrist of the non-dominant hand. Unremovable.

  Image: A holistic simulated intelligence software program that runs continuously within all the Hypogeum interconnected computer systems.

  indagation: The observation of others for purposes of judgment and intimidation.

  knackers: People in the depths of the city whose function is to disassemble people and machines for recycling.

  Koba: Dictator who restored the Hypogean government after the Eternity Riots. He destroyed all records of life before the Hypogeum, filled the tunnel upriver with waste rock, and encouraged perception of himself as a deity.

  Leveller: A member of one of several related political or philosophical groups advocating the elimination of the class system in the Hypogeum. Some Levellers try to work within the system, while others believe change can only be achieved through violence.

  lifeshift: One of four contiguous schedules of sleep and waking designed to assuage the symptoms of overcrowding by arranging for some citizens to sleep while others are working or socializing.

  milcher: A woman who, with the aid of hormone injections and pneumatic equipment, provides for the nutritional needs of others.

  minichron: A new chronometric time unit; 1/10,000 chronon, or .864 seconds by the old system. (See chronon)

  musth: A euphoriant distilled from the pituitary glands of the recently dead. Technically illegal. Most powerful when allowed to suffuse into the cranial arteries through the ear.

  oddka: An alcoholic drink fermented from algae.

  null class: A semi-official designation of the most important members of the primary class.

  Palaestra: An arena in which warrior athletes fight each other either bare-handed or with weapons, sometimes to the death.

  Pneumonics: The upriver factory responsible for maintaining the optimum composition and pressure of the gasses in the Hypogean building ventilation system.

  primary class: The highest class in the Hypogeum, composed of politicians, scientists, top administrators, and their families.

  Prime Medium: The political body of the Hypogeum. Mediaries must be primaries, and are directly elected by primaries, secondaries, and tertiaries. They do not pass laws directly, but propose referendums, which are voted on by the populace.

  quaternary class: The lowest class in the Hypogeum, composed of the unemployed or those whose jobs are considered contemptible. Quaternaries are not allowed above Deck Seven.

  Rakehells: An exclusive and prestigious organization of promising political employees, primarily male.

  Rats: Semi-humans living in the cave tunnels upriver from the Hypogeum.

  scrutator: One who watches the cameras.

  Second Pandect: The new code of laws decreed by the Prime

  Medium one hundred years ago to restore order to the Hypogeum.

  secondary class: Skilled laborers such as engineers, or assistants to primary class citizens.

  sensorium: A single room that can display the views from all the cameras in the Hypogeum.

  shockstick: A truncheon that can deliver a powerful electric shock upon contact.

  Sky: The steel dome that encloses the Hypogeum and supports the rock above it.

  soft gun: A hand-held weapon that fires an ultrasonic wave designed to incapacitate without killing.

  Stone: The Geospiritualist term for the rock that surrounds the Hypogeum. Believed to be sentient. Symbolic of everything that is powerful, dangerous, and immutable.

  Sun: A network of giant fluorescent lights encased in a 250-meter wide plastic shell that hangs from the dome of the Hypogeum.

  surtout: The uniform of a null-class citizen, worn over a standard coverup. The upper half is cut like a formal jacket, while the lower half resembles flowing robes, thus combining dignity and sensuality in a single article of clothing.

  teratogenic: Tending to cause developmental malformations and monstrosities.

  tersh: Derogatory term for a member of the tertiary class.<
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  tertiary class: Unskilled or semi-skilled laborers. Tertiaries are not allowed above Deck Four.

  trog: Troglodyte. Derogatory term for someone who works in the sewers and Hydroponics.

  venireman: A citizen of the Hypogeum selected at random to adjudicate in a trial. A trial can require between six and twenty veniremen depending on the complexity of the case and the severity of the charge.

  wirewhip: An electrically charged whip made of woven carbon steel fiber. Illegal.

  Winnower: A mythical demon dating back to the time of the Eternity Riots representing the pain and anger of the lower classes. The Dark Spirit of the Stone made flesh. The Hand of Wrath.

  year: A new chronometric time unit. 50 decamera, or 500 days. (To avoid confusion on the part of the reader, ages of people are rendered in this text using the old standard.)


  In 1985 Andrew C. Murphy was mugged; he got away with his money but also with a nasty gash on his scalp. The experience left him depressed, paranoid, and very angry. He carried an ice pick in his coat pocket and entertained violent fantasies – despite knowing that the ability to realize these fantasies wouldn’t make things any better. Later he channeled this energy into the creation of STEEL SKY.


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