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Lessons Learned (The Gifted Realm Book 2)

Page 45

by Jillian Neal

  “Uh, no. It has a decidedly late ’70s, big puffy sleeves, hoop skirt thing. That is so not the look I’m going for.”

  Rainer laughed and tried to envision that. “Is there anything you want special for your birthday?” Rainer wished he hadn’t said that as soon as it leapt from his mouth. He wanted this to be a big surprise.

  “My birthday isn’t for like five more weeks.”

  “As I have been at every single birthday party you’ve ever had, including being at the hospital when you were born, I am aware of when your birthday is.”

  “What are you up to?”

  Rainer commanded himself to not say anything else about this year’s birthday until he talked to Vindico.

  “You’ll have to wait and see, baby doll.” Flirting his way out seemed like the only option.

  “And you were not there when I was born.”

  “Actually, Miss Haydenshire, my parents helped your grandparents keep all of your brothers when you were born, and then brought all of us to the hospital to see you.” He had no actual memory of the event, since he was barely a year old, but he’d heard the story most of his life.

  She giggled as he continued.

  “I distinctly remember thinking how sexy you were lying there, in those little glass tray bed things, in your pink hat. I wanted to unwrap your blanket.”

  She guffawed.

  “But, you know, I played it cool. I decided to wait until we were toilet-trained before I asked you out.”

  “I love you,” she gushed after a few minutes.

  “The feeling is definitely mutual.” He leaned in and brushed a sweet kiss across her lips as he pulled the car in the garage.

  Rainer lay back on the sofa and pulled her onto his chest. He cosseted her to him. He let his energy soothe her as he reached under her shirt to massage her back.

  “I don’t want to go wedding-dress shopping again tomorrow,” she admitted in a pained whisper. Her whispered plea stabbed through him.

  “We don’t have to be at the wedding until seven. You wanna go somewhere, just the two of us, or hang out with Logan and Adeline or something?

  “Can we just hang out, just you and me, until Governor Carrington’s wedding?”

  “Of course, baby. Anything special you wanna do?”

  “I just want to stay with you.” She clung to him.

  “With you is my favorite place to be, Em.” He felt her smile against him.

  Rainer closed his eyes and tuned into nothing but her rhythms. Her energy was ragged and weary. He felt disappointment and desperation there as well. She was fighting them, but they were making a valiant comeback.

  He couldn’t stand it. He couldn’t believe she couldn’t see how beautiful she was and what she meant to him. Determined to prove to her how much he loved her, and how badly he wanted her, always, he decided to act. “Let’s go to bed, baby.”

  Logan and Adeline had stayed at the farmhouse, involved in a game of cards, but Rainer knew Emily wanted to leave, so he’d feigned exhaustion to bring her home.

  He leaned and lifted her into his arms.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Carrying you to bed,” he stated as if that should have been very obvious.

  “I can walk.” Her fear that she had somehow become too heavy for him since the last time he’d done this was evident in her tone.

  “I don’t want you to walk. I want to carry you.” She smiled hesitantly, and tucked her head under his chin as he glided to the bedroom.

  “Are you tired, sweetheart? Because there are a few things I really want to do before we go to sleep.” He let his voice take on a raspy, lust-filled tone.

  “Like what?”

  He felt her energy leap.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll show you, baby. I have several things to show you actually. The first,” Rainer set her on the floor and began undressing her, “is how incredibly sexy I think you are.”

  1964 and a 1/2

  The next morning, Emily had packed and casted a large picnic basket, and they’d stopped by the nearest gas station to get enough Dr. Peppers to last for the day.

  Rainer grabbed her a sack of cinnamon discs and a ring pop. Emily giggled as Rainer paid the tab and walked her back to the car. Before he cranked the car, Rainer grabbed her one of the Dr. Peppers and chilled it, which made her beam.

  “Ready, baby?” he waggled his eyebrows and revved the engine for her, as the top lowered.

  She nodded excitedly. “So, I take it you like it when I ask you to take me on a drive up the ridgeway, then?”

  “Uh, baby, I rank you asking me to take you out driving for the day right up there in the list of sexiest things ever to come out of your mouth. It falls right under you telling Mulligrew that my ‘Stang is a 1964 and a half.”

  She laughed as he drove away and headed up the parkway. They watched as the rolling hills turned into higher and higher peaks ahead of them.

  As the curves grew tighter, Rainer slowed enough that they could talk as they left Arlington behind them. With all of the stress and the worry that it contained, that had forced its way into their lives in heavy doses as of late, he was glad to let it fade away.

  The drive was serene and restorative. The knowledge that no one knew where they were, and that they were deliciously alone, made Rainer’s heart swell as Emily pulled her long auburn hair back into a low ponytail with a scarf to keep it from whipping in her face.

  Rainer had to force himself to watch the road instead of staring at her. As they drove further away from their problems, Emily began to unfetter. Her shoulders relaxed and her sweet smile seemed permanently affixed to her beautiful face as she breathed in the clean mountain air.

  “Having fun, baby?”

  She beamed. “I’ve missed just being with you, so much.”

  She made his heart ache momentarily, and he nodded his agreement.

  “Kind of nice to leave everything behind for a little while.” All of the responsibilities, all of the tension, Wretchkinsides, her father’s campaign, wedding dresses, Iodex, the press, the trial, the belly shot, Rainer felt it all slip away as he edged the gas pedal with a little more force.

  They talked endlessly about nothing specific. They reconnected and restored each other.

  “Can I switch gears?” Emily asked excitedly. Rainer glanced at her, and he saw it in her eyes. She just needed a day for the two of them to slip back into slightly younger versions of themselves. She needed to be rescued and soothed from all of the stress that awaited them a few miles back the other direction.

  “Sure, baby. Go for it.” He took his hand off of the gearshift. He’d given her a few lessons on driving a stick. She’d gotten pretty good, but after the wreck, she’d refused any more instruction.

  “You’ll tell me when?” Her excitement turned quickly into a case of nerves.

  “You can do it, Em. You don’t need me.” She switched to third, and felt the engine start to edge as he engaged the clutch. “See…?” he winked at her as she’d just proven his point.

  “I always need you, Rainer.”

  Since he didn’t have to shift, he slid his hand to her thigh and massaged it.

  They stopped at a park off of the ridgeway, well into the Appalachian Trail. Rainer parked the car under several dogwood trees that overlooked a secluded mountain lake.

  “This is the best day ever!” Emily’s rhythms were languid and happy. Rainer beamed as he lifted the picnic basket out of the back seat and opened her door for her.

  She spread a quilt on the ground under the trees, while he unpacked their lunch. Rainer reclined on his side and situated Emily so she was seated against him while they ate the sandwiches she’d made.

  They talked and laughed throughout the meal. Afterwards, Rainer threw away their wrappers and then engaged her in slow sensuous kisses, with no intention of them leading anywhere else.

  Everything in Rainer’s world in that moment fell into thoughtful perspective. Making love to her was an ext
remely important part of their relationship, and it was far too special, too vital to them, to allow anyone else to ever intrude. Leaning her over a bar or groping her on a quilt in a public park, even if they were alone at the moment, was something he would just never do. He’d learned his lesson.

  He made out with her, enjoyed the way her body felt beside him. He formed her lips around his own, and occasionally slipped his tongue in her mouth, but nothing more. He allowed them both to remember what their relationship had been not so many months before.

  He slid his hands to her legs and massaged her thighs suggestively, but never slid them higher. The first time he’d kissed her. The first time he’d felt her breasts, plied them in his extremely inexperienced hands. The first time she’d slid her hand over him. She’d admitted later that night that she’d been surprised by his length and the rigidity.

  When he backed her up to the pier at Buoy’s. The feeling of the slick heat her body made for him. Taking her, making her all his on graduation night at the beach house. The first time he’d tasted her; her first release. The first time she’d slid him into her mouth and licked and sucked. It all flooded through his mind as he kissed her heatedly. She pulled away after a long while.

  “We’d better go.” She cuddled closer into his embrace.

  “I don’t want to go, Em.” He didn’t want to return to the chaotic, stress-filled world that had come on so suddenly. He thought back to everything that had happened since the night they’d both given graduation speeches at Venton. It was overwhelming. “I just want to stay here with you. Let’s just run away. I’ve got loads of money. Just stay here with me.”

  He kissed her passionately, and rolled her to her back so he was positioned over her. Her soft sweet moan had him backing away, though stopping was the last thing he wanted to do.

  “Well,” she whispered softly, “This is a public park, so I’m pretty sure even you can’t build us a house here.”

  “Plus, I think, even though everything is kind of crazy right now, that there’s a whole lot worth fighting for back down those mountains.”

  He knew she was right. He just didn’t want to give up the peaceful solitude their day had provided them. He stood and reminded himself that he wasn’t a kid anymore, and that there was a life out there he was meant to live. He took her hand and helped her up.

  He felt the spark that always ignited when he touched her. The spark he’d felt for the first time when he was eight years old and brushed a kiss across her cheek. He was aware that at times it lost its novelty, but he decided to always pause to feel the spark between them. His entire world rose and set with that spark.

  It was getting late in the afternoon, and they needed to get home to get ready for Governor Carrington’s wedding.

  “Do you want me to put the top up, sweetheart?” He didn’t want her to get cold as they drove back down the mountains. She shook her head.

  “No, I want to feel it when we drive. I want to enjoy every moment of this day with just you.” He understood precisely how she felt. Rainer grabbed the quilt they’d eaten on and shook it vigorously. She slid into the passenger seat, and he covered her up in it. She laced her fingers in his.

  “Let’s go home.”


  They were one of the last few people to arrive at the wedding. Rainer and Emily quickly eased into seats beside Logan and Adeline. Rainer took in the terracotta tiling of the floor in the Governor’s mansion. Serena had designed, and Governor Carrington had built, the opulent Spanish style villa that was tucked away in Coral Hills, Maryland.

  There was no wedding party so, as soon as Governor Carrington and the minister entered, the bridal march swelled from the six-piece band, and everyone stood.

  Rainer leaned forward and wrapped his hands around Emily’s waist. “You ready?” he whispered as he tried to envision her in a white gown walking towards him, the way it would feel to join their futures, solidly, as one. He felt her energy swirl rapidly as she nodded; she looked thrilled.

  He beamed at her as they turned to watch Serena glide down the aisle. She was dressed in a tiered, coral gown with no train, a reflection on her Jamaican heritage. She looked stunning. No one would ever have guessed that two weeks before she’d been beaten, bloodied, and broken. The coral showed off her dark skin beautifully, and Governor Carrington blinked back tears as she entered.

  The vows were simple, and there was but one song, a Jamaican hymn, but the love between the Governor and Serena was palpable in the room. Whistles rang from several of the guests, and Governor Carrington dipped Serena in a hot and heavy kiss when he was instructed to do so.

  The wedding bled smoothly into the reception, per Nathan’s instructions. He opened all of the doors on the lower level of the expansive mansion and out onto the large lanai. Everyone enjoyed the mix of traditional Jamaican foods, along with a few American staples.

  Emily, Mrs. Haydenshire, and Serena were in a deep conversation before too long.

  Governor Haydenshire made his way over to Rainer and Logan. They were discussing the security for the upcoming election with Vindico.

  Governor Peterson and Yvette were in attendance, though they would only speak with a few other guests.

  “I probably don’t want to know what you did to make my baby girl smile like that again, but I suppose I’m glad you did it,” Governor Haydenshire allowed.

  Vindico and Logan both chuckled as Rainer shook his head.

  “I took her on a drive up the ridgeway, sir.”

  Both Vindico and Governor Haydenshire looked impressed.

  “You have always had a way of making her smile when no one else could, Rainer, even when you two were little. I guess I can’t really ask for more than that, son,” the Governor bowed his head to Rainer.

  “He’s a pretty decent guy, Governor,” Vindico allowed with a slight chuckle.

  The band set up and began playing as Governor Carrington stole Serena from Mrs. Haydenshire, and twirled her around the center of the lanai that had been designated as the dance floor.

  Soon Governor and Mrs. Haydenshire joined them, along with several other couples.

  “Could I maybe get a dance, Miss Haydenshire?” Rainer quizzed flirtatiously.

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Rainer led her onto the dance floor and spun her into his arms. The slow sultry tones of the island band, the lanai lit by Tiki torches, and strung lights that Nathan had set to glow different colors, gave the entire evening a warm island feel.

  Rainer twirled Emily around the dance floor, and whispered how much he loved her as he slid his hand further down her back.

  “Watch your hands there, Mr. Lawson,” Governor Haydenshire teased as he danced Mrs. Haydenshire beside Rainer and Emily.

  “Yes sir,” Rainer slid his hands back up making everyone laugh.

  Logan cut in, and Rainer danced with Adeline. He took a break and got himself and Emily some punch, while Governor Haydenshire danced with Emily. He set the punch back at their table. As the song neared its end, Rainer edged back onto the dance floor towards Emily and her father.

  “May I cut in?”

  “No,” Governor Haydenshire quipped.

  Emily laughed heartily. “Aww, please, Daddy. He’s really cute.”

  Governor Haydenshire shook his head with a wistful grin. “I never have been very good at telling you ‘no.’”

  He kissed Emily’s cheek and handed her back to Rainer.

  A slight breeze picked up as the night wore on, and Rainer felt a chill as the hair on the back of his neck stood. He took in the guests as they laughed, danced, and all enjoyed the party,

  Suddenly everything shifted. Emily froze on the dance floor. She shivered and clung to Rainer.

  “Em, what’s wrong?” he panicked. He searched the area frantically as Emily’s hands flew to her head. She shook her head. The black energy was too close. She could hardly breathe.

  One of the wait staff was handing Mrs. Haydenshire a
cup of punch.

  “Rainer, there’s someone here who’s not supposed to be. I feel them.” Emily gasped for breath.

  He watched Vindico’s eyes goggled, and he shoved two men out of his way. He knocked the glass from Mrs. Haydenshire’s hand just as she’d taken a small sip. It shattered on the tiled floor.

  “That’s Vasquez!” he shouted to Rainer and Logan. He threw his arms out toward the member of the wait-staff who was fleeing the scene. They hadn’t recognized him in the catering disguise, complete with hat and glasses.

  Mrs. Haydenshire began to tremble violently. She grasped the table for support.

  “Lillian!” Governor Haydenshire shouted.

  “The chopper’s outside. Get her on it!” Governor Carrington demanded immediately. One of the enhanced helicopters had been loaned out to Governor Carrington to take him and Serena to their Jamaican honeymoon destination. It was waiting on the front lawn.

  Vindico caught Mrs. Haydenshire as she collapsed.

  “Dan, she’s pregnant!” Governor Haydenshire was terror-stricken.

  “Mom!” Emily began to sob.

  “Let’s go!” Vindico lifted Mrs. Haydenshire and sprinted to the chopper that was already spinning, per the Governor’s orders. “Georgetown Hospital, now! Tell them we’re coming!” Vindico demanded as he and Governor Haydenshire climbed onto the helicopter.

  “Rainer,” Emily begged. Rainer swallowed down the abject terror that pulsed through his body.

  “Come on,” he pulled Emily back to the Mustang as all of the Haydenshire children in attendance sprinted to their cars and raced to Georgetown Hospital.

  To Save a Life

  The waiting was endless. They sat in a huddled mass in the trauma waiting room of Georgetown Hospital. Rainer was sick. The smell, the sights, it was all too familiar. Every time he inhaled, he was thrust back to the hellish nightmare of watching as Medios worked tirelessly on Emily. There’d been nothing he could do except watch and pray for a miracle then either.

  Adeline had scrubbed instantly and rushed back, but she hadn’t returned. That was two hours ago.


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