November Rain

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November Rain Page 14

by Maureen Anderson

  Antonio pulled out his cell phone and text Faith. “I’m sorry it’s so late, but I need a favor. Please check on my father tomorrow. He’s having another one of those nights. Thanks.”

  Any other time, Antonio wouldn’t have given his father another thought. He didn’t deserve Antonio’s concern. But, his run-in with his old man struck an unusual cord with Torri and he planned to find out why.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Torri lingered midway on the steps until Antonio parked. She rested against the restored cast iron handrails. Her white wrap skirt floated in the evening breeze. If he were a photographer he’d capture her radiance. Yet, something about her unfocused gaze concerned him. However, he knew that if he pried, he risked pushing her away. Antonio swallowed his curiosity and trotted up the steps carrying take-out from his restaurant.

  “Hey, love.”

  She offered him a weak smile and wiped fresh tears from her damp cheeks. “You know, I always thought my father hated me.”

  The frailty of her strained voice halted him.

  “I cried so many nights until I could cry no more.”

  Antonio inched closer to Torri and placed his hand on her shoulder. She turned away.

  “It took years but I eventually stopped thinking about my father walking out on us. Then he showed up.”

  Antonio raised his eyebrows. “Your father?”

  “All this time I hated the wrong person.”

  “Torri, you’re not making sense.”

  “My mother had an affair, Tony. She kept my real father a secret.” Torri faced Antonio with downcast eyes.” He showed up at my opening. Because of her, I grew up without a father. What excuses that?”

  “It sounds like your mother fell in love. Someone as beautiful as you could only result from true love.”

  “Love? My real father waited thirty years to see me, is that love? What’s his excuse?” Torri searched his face. “What’s your excuse?”

  Her words smacked Antonio. They stung to the soles of his feet. Even after their night of passion she still clung to some of her distress. Antonio wished he could have changed his circumstances. In fact, he’d do anything possible to bring his mother back.

  “Baby, I never left you. I ran away from my truth. My life. My pain. I spared you all of that. I had to heal before I could come back to you.”

  Torri shook her head. He wrapped her in his arms and caressed her rustled curls. “I’m here now, Ree. And, so is your father. Talk to him. Hear his story. And, you shouldn’t forget your mother. I’m sure she’s hurting, too.” He kissed her forehead.

  “So, what about your father?”

  In that moment, Antonio realized Torri’s anger toward him had a lot to do with her recent discovery. He shifted his weight to his left leg. “Ree, I’d rather not go there.”

  “Why not? He wants to talk to you or he wouldn’t have come to the bar.”

  “He was there because he’s a drunk.”

  “Really? There were at least five other bars he could have chosen on that block.”

  “And, I’m sure he hit them all before he got to November Rain. Look, you don’t know what you’re digging up. He doesn’t need me and I don’t need him.” He backed away from Torri and dropped on the top step.

  She sat beside him. “That’s where you’re wrong, Antonio. I could say the same thing about my father.”

  “Your father showed up because he made a mistake, Ree.”

  “And, your father didn’t?” She stood with her arms crossed.

  “Yeah, he did. And, I’ve been living with it ever since.”

  “At least he didn’t disappear.”

  “Sure, he’s still around but my mother isn’t.”

  Antonio was tempted to leave after the conversation took an uncomfortable turn. A fusion of love and pain pooled in Torri’s eyes. He couldn’t leave her. Not again. He stood and closed the tainted space between them.

  Torri explored Antonio’s eyes and a tender smile formed. They hurt enough for one night. She settled against his chest.

  “Let’s not end this evening on a sour note.”

  Torri perked up. He was right. Their father issues wouldn’t be solved overnight. “What do you propose?”

  “How about some coffee and dessert?” He held up the plastic bag. “We left before you tried the chocolate bread pudding.”

  Chocolate. Her guilty pleasure. Her heart fluttered when she looked at Antonio, she found Antonio just as hard to resist.

  “Okay. You can come up only if you promise to be very quiet.”

  “Like a church mouse.”

  They tiptoed up the mahogany steps. Torri winced once it registered that her mother snuck Victor up the exact same steps for the same reason. She glanced back. Their eyes connected in the soft evening light. His smile composed her. Chills crept up her arm when Antonio clasped her hand. Jasmine’s door creaked. Torri shoved Antonio into her apartment.

  “What’s up, Tor? Can’t sleep?”

  A shiver of panic swept through her. She wasn’t sure what Jasmine saw. “I’m exhausted, girl. I’m just getting in.”

  “So, did you and Antonio kiss and make up?” Jasmine adjusted her head scarf.

  “What do you mean?” Torri glanced up at her apartment. Her stomach churned. She wondered if her mother had a similar close call.

  “You stayed behind to talk to him.”

  “You’re right. We smoothed things over.”

  “Good. Now, get some sleep.”

  “Night, Jazz.” Torri breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Jasmine lock the door. She slid into her apartment.

  “Tony?” Torri tingled as she whispered his name.

  “Torri, are you okay with this? With us?”

  “Do you have a problem with it?”

  “Didn’t your mother ever teach you not to answer a question with a question?”


  “I don’t know how you managed to make this about me. I’m cool with it.”

  “So am I.”

  “Then why are you trying so hard to keep it from out friends?”

  “Antonio the truth is I don’t know what this is. Seeing you sparked feelings that were dormant for years — we don’t know what’s next.”

  Antonio chuckled. “Afraid Jasmine will tease you?”

  “Oh, brother. Are you listening to me?”

  He pulled her into his arms. “Oh, I’m listening and I think you worry too much.”

  “What if this ends as quickly as it started?”

  “All I can think about is what if you didn’t walk into my restaurant that day? I wouldn’t have the most amazing woman in my arms right now. I was given a second chance. Why question it?”

  A fiery flutter rose up the back of her neck. She eased against his warmth. Satisfaction hummed in his throat. Antonio spun her and placed a light kiss upon her mouth. Her response was eager as she nibbled at his bottom lip. He entangled his fingers through her curls and returned a deep kiss. She tasted like pancakes on Sunday morning — sweet and heavenly. He wished everyday was Sunday. His hand traveled to the small of her back. Torri’s gentle gasp, enticed him further. He led her to the bedroom. He never broke their kiss until they fell onto the bed.

  Torri pushed Antonio’s thick hair away from his face and brushed her fingers along his scar. Antonio grabbed Torri’s hand, kissed her palm, and rested it on his stomach. She slid her fingers across his ripples. Her tongue blazed a trail down his chest to the soft curls nestled above the zipper she pulled down with her teeth.


  “Shhh.” She pulled off his pants, tossed them across the room.

  Her fingers trembled. She unbuttoned her shirt and revealed a purple lace demi cup bra. His hands roamed intimately over her breasts. She reached for a foil packet beside the bed
and paused for a moment. The thought of her mother and VJ the night that Torri was conceived altered her mood. She rested her head on Antonio’s chest and closed her eyes.

  “Can we just cuddle tonight?”

  “Of course.”

  Torri opened her eyes to Antonio studying her. He averted his gaze.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I have to head to Boston.”

  Torri pulled the covers over her exposed body. “This is what I was talking about. We’re just getting to know each other and you’re taking off again?”

  “I shortened my last trip to spend time with you.”

  “How long will you be away this time?”

  Antonio kissed her pouting lips. “I hoped you’d be by my side.”

  “I can’t just take off. I have a job and a business to run.”

  “Exactly. I’ll try to be back in two weeks.”

  “Two weeks?”

  “Ree, I don’t want to be away from you for two minutes. But, once I get things in order at each of my new locations, I’ll have more time to spend with you.”

  “So, when are you leaving?”

  “In the morning.”

  Torri reached for her clothes.

  He drew her close to him. “Come back here. Ree, I’m not going to bail on you. I need you to believe that — always. I made a mistake but I don’t want to pay for it the rest of our lives together.”

  Antonio’s phone vibrated. He read the text and looked up into Torri’s eyes.

  “It’s only Delilah. She wants to talk about the upcoming performance.”

  “Now? It’s after one in the morning. Does she always text this late?”

  Antonio stared into Torri’s pleading eyes and back at his phone. He tossed his phone to the bed. While Delilah’s message may have been important Antonio obviously chose not to give it much thought. He pulled Torri back into his arms.

  “Let’s get some rest before I have to leave.”

  “What about Delilah?” Torri didn’t plan to let the late text rest.

  “Don’t worry about her. I’ll handle it tomorrow.”

  Torri hesitated before she laid her head against Antonio’s bare chest. She concentrated on his rapid heartbeat and hoped its excited pace was Antonio’s desire for Torri and not Delilah’s late text.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Ten Days Later

  Threats of a nasty storm heading toward New York City tempted Torri to cancel her plans with Marcus, but she hated to break any more promises she’d made to him. It was important not to let her involvement with Antonio interfere with the successful partnership she’d built with Marcus. She loved working with him and hoped he’d abandoned his sudden desire to change the dynamics of their relationship.

  Torri stepped into her gown and pulled her hair up into a high bun. She applied her favorite floral scent on her pulse points. She touched up her makeup and took a deep breath before she switched her necklace. She meant to tell Antonio about the charity event as soon as Marcus reminded her. But, she changed her mind. As innocent as it was, Antonio wouldn’t see it that way and may have delayed his trip to Boston — again. Her phone chimed. Marcus and the limousine waited out front. Torri grabbed her gold clutch and skipped down the steps like Cinderella off to the ball.

  “Girl, you’re dressed fancy tonight. I saw Marcus in that sexy black limo.” Jasmine dropped her backpack by the door.

  “Our friend Jordan Sprewell from Jubal Links is hosting a charity event tonight for his music school.”

  Jasmine raised an eyebrow. “How convenient this happens to be the week Antonio’s in Boston.”

  “This was planned long before Antonio’s reappearance.”

  “Does Marcus know he’s fighting a losing battle?” Jasmine crossed her arms. “Antonio is in love with you and you can’t deny how you feel.”

  Torri’s face warmed. She shook her head. “You’re making this more than it is, Jazz. I’m supporting a charity event with my business partner.”

  “Was it always just that? Did Antonio showing up change what tonight was supposed to be?”

  “I have to go.”

  She didn’t have time for her best friend’s interrogation. It was bad enough Marcus was sure to hit her with a barrage of questions about her relationship with Antonio, too.

  Marcus sucked in a quick breath and leaned closer to the tinted window. Torri floated toward the limousine in a soft pink chiffon gown. Her rich golden thighs enticed him with each peek through the high slit. A jolt of excitement rocked him. This event might be his last chance to gain her affections. He wouldn’t accept losing her to her former high school flame. He stepped out to receive her.

  “Gorgeous, as always.” He greeted her with a soft kiss upon her cheek.

  “Thank you, Marcus. Sorry for the delay.”

  “Not a problem. You’re definitely worth the wait.” He didn’t admit his anticipation made it seem like an eternity.

  Once they sat inside the limo, Torri left enough room between them for two people. Silence sat there until Marcus spoke. He knew where Torri’s thoughts lingered. He needed to keep her mind off Antonio for one night and maybe he would win her heart. In the past, he’d witnessed Torri’s fondness for children and decided to play that card.

  “So how are your students doing at the center?”

  Torri’s face lit up as if the children were her flesh and blood. “They’re so talented, Marcus. You should see the quality photos they produce.”

  “Why don’t you have a showing at your gallery?”

  “Marcus, what an amazing idea. I don’t know why I never thought of it myself.”

  “You can’t be the only one with all the great ideas.” He eased into the empty space closer to Torri.

  “I’ll talk to Jasmine.” She didn’t shrink away from Marcus. “She has a cooking workshop, too. It would be a nice touch to use them to cater the event. The theme will be all about the children.” She touched his forearm. “This is brilliant. We’ll set up a date. I’ll need your help, of course.”

  Of course. That’s exactly what he bargained for. This Antonio guy had nothing on him. He knew nothing about Torri and the life she lived now. Marcus was sure Antonio would make a mistake soon and he planned to be there to pick up the pieces.

  Antonio leapt on the train. He wrapped things up in Boston with a few days to spare. He’d prefer to shave a few hours off his trip but he avoided flying. Whenever Antonio boarded a plane, he’d sweat profusely and hyperventilate. Pills weren’t an option. The train took longer, but he found it less agitating.

  Antonio pressed the sequence of buttons that would link him to his love until he could be by her side. She didn’t answer her cell or her landline. He gave up after the third failed attempt. He checked the time on his cell phone. He closed his eyes and sighed. Despite his eagerness to see Torri, he chose to delay his surprise and go home to check on his grandmother. After his visit to the cemetery on his mother’s birthday, he promised himself that he’d pop in on the family more often.

  Fortunate to snag a seat alone, he threw his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. The extra work Antonio put in at the restaurant caught up to him and he nodded off until the train pulled into Penn Station. It was 7:45 PM; still early enough to see his grandmother at a decent hour and surprise Torri before the night was over. He grabbed his overnight bag. Antonio traveled light; it made his trips easier. He left suits at each location for his visits, although he preferred business casual. Philip made sure they were always clean and ready for Antonio’s unscheduled returns.

  He made a beeline to the #1 train which would connect him to the Staten Island Ferry. It had been a while since he traveled by ferry. In high school, every ride was his opportunity to fantasize about Torri. Back then he often imagined what it would be like if Torri was his girlfriend. Antonio ambled
to his favorite seat on the ferry, in a corner near a window and away from other commuters. He rested his eyes and daydreamed about making love to the girlfriend he claimed after fifteen years.

  Once home, Antonio showered, changed, grabbed his keys and jumped in his truck. Within fifteen minutes he reached his childhood home. He glanced at the dashboard. It was already ten o’clock. The living room lights glowed. He rubbed the back of his neck and rolled his shoulders. Antonio pressed the doorbell. Faith’s shoes clacked over the tiles as she ran to open the door for him. She wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Hey cousin! I can’t believe you’re here like you promised. Ben is home tonight, too. It’s like it used to be.”

  Antonio’s voice was soft. “Almost. Where’s Nana?”

  “She’s in the living room watching her favorite crime show. She thinks she figured out who the killer is already and it just started.”

  They laughed into the living room. Their grandmother shushed them. Faith snickered. On a commercial, Antonio’s grandmother patted the space beside her. It was a signal he dreaded. It meant she had something serious to discuss with him. He sat on the sofa and remained silent.

  “Faith, record the rest of my show. I need to talk to Spider.”

  “Yes, nana. We’ll be upstairs if you need anything else.” She tugged Ben from his seat.

  Gail didn’t waste time. “So you have a girlfriend. A girl you went to high school with?”

  He hoped to share the news, but Faith beat him to it. “Yes, Nana. She’s very special to me. I wanted to tell you about Torri myself.”

  “Is she the girl you were with that night?”

  For weeks after his mother’s unexpected death he mumbled throughout the house about missing Torri. Gail ordered him to forget about Torri. She wasn’t pleased about him fretting over a girl when he just lost his mother. Thoughts about Torri eased his pain. He was eighteen then and not about to disobey his grandmother.

  “Yes, Nana. I’ve dealt with that. I’m in love with her.” He smiled pleased admitting it out loud.


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