Book Read Free

November Rain

Page 21

by Maureen Anderson

  He knelt beside the rocking chair. “Grandma, it took me a lifetime to accept mom wasn’t well. What happened that night could’ve happened at anytime. It wasn’t my fault. It wasn’t my father’s fault. And, it certainly wasn’t yours. Mom wouldn’t want us to live like this.”

  Gail collapsed into tears. He removed the glass from her trembling hands as his own vision blurred. Antonio wasn’t sure what to do. His chest ached. His grandmother didn’t even cry at the funeral.

  “A mother is supposed to protect her child. I slept peacefully in my bedroom while a few feet away my only daughter slipped away from us.” Her chin quivered. “I failed her.”

  Antonio wrapped his arms around his grandmother careful not to squeeze too tight. He couldn’t remember the last time he held her like that. Antonio shoved the hot tears from his cheeks when his grandmother leaned into him. His shoulders relaxed when the soft scent of her lavender-vanilla lotion embraced him. Antonio took a deep breath and held her close until she stopped shaking.

  “I couldn’t let her go, Spider. I wasn’t ready. That’s why I wouldn’t pack her things away.”

  “It’s okay, grandma. You’re not alone. I can help you when you’re ready.”

  “I’ve been so horrible to you. You were my only living connection to your mother, so when you left…”

  “I’m sorry, grandma. At the time, it was the only way I could figure out how to manage.”

  “I know. That’s why I let you go.”

  “Then, I thought the restaurants were the answer, but I know better now. Torri is my second chance.” His voice softened. “What’s yours?”

  “Russell.” Her voice fell into a whisper. “I really miss him. I regret not taking the twins to see their father. I hope he will forgive me.”

  “He will, Grandma. Don’t worry, he will. And, when I get back, I’ll take you to see him.”

  A slight smile brightened her face. “I love you, Antonio.”

  “I love you, too.” He squeezed her hands tenderly.

  “Wait. Where are you going?”

  “To Boston to prepare for next week’s grand opening.”

  “Is your girlfriend there?”

  “I wish. She’s not happy with our relationship right now. She asked for space. I’m waiting patiently.”

  “What are you waiting for? You give her too much space and you may lose her for good. People in love should be together. Don’t make the same mistake your father did and give up on the woman you love.”

  Antonio sat on the porch steps. His grandmother ran her hand over his hair. Each stroke of relaxed him. Antonio marinated on his grandmother’s advice and remembered the regrets his father shared the night he brought him home from the hospital. The waiting was over. He kissed his grandmother’s hands and dashed back to the cab.

  “Change of plans. Take me to the airport.”

  Kennedy Airport bustled with enthusiastic travelers. About eight years passed since he’d sat on a plane. The mere thought of buying a plane ticket caused his palms to sweat. The last few weeks without Torri were empty. He didn’t want to be without her ever again. He knew he risked losing her entirely if he waited until she returned to New York. For love, he conquered his fear. She was worth it.

  Antonio arrived at the airport in time to catch the next flight to Puerto Rico. One hour was too much time for his anxiety to build. He felt like a bottle of soda shaken up in a car ride ready to burst. The rigorous security process elevated his appreciation for his preferred mode of transportation. He slipped back into his shoes and grabbed his bag from the conveyer belt. With more than thirty minutes ahead of him, he needed a distraction. He pulled out his cell phone.

  “Hey, X.”

  “How’s it going, Tony?”

  “I’m at the airport. I have some time to kill before my plane boards.”

  “On your way to see Torri?”

  “Yeah, she’s been away for two weeks.”

  “I figured you’d want to be there for the surgery.”

  His heart refused to process what he’d just heard. “Okay, let’s start again. I’m on my way to Puerto Rico to surprise Torri.”

  “I know. She’s scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning. I wanted to go, but…”

  Antonio didn’t hear anything else Xander said. He felt numb. His voice softened. “Jasmine never mentioned anything about surgery?”

  “We just found out yesterday. I’m sure Torri did it on purpose so we wouldn’t have time to worry.”

  “What’s wrong with her, X? Did something happen?” Antonio’s shoulders tightened. His mind flashed back to the night his mother died.

  “Flight 189 to San Juan, Puerto Rico now boarding.” The garbled voice over the intercom blared.


  “I don’t know the details, brah. I think it’s a kidney thing.”

  “How can you give me this news and not have any useful information for me?” Antonio snapped.

  “Calm down, man. If you didn’t know why are you going?”

  “To make her mine.” Saying it out loud had a slight calming effect.

  “Well, its about time.”

  “Seating rows...”

  Antonio checked his boarding pass; he didn’t have time to call Jasmine. “I have to go and thanks for the info. Really.”

  The woman he loved needed surgery. That’s all he knew. He couldn’t get there fast enough.

  “Sir, can you help me with my bag?” A soft voice pleaded.

  Antonio assisted the young woman. He didn’t recall how he got on the plane. He found his seat and fastened his seatbelt. In another few hours, he’d land in Puerto Rico. He lowered his head. “God, I know it’s been years since I prayed. I spent too much time feeling sorry for myself. Please forgive me. Guard over Torri until I get there. I can’t lose her now. Please God.”

  Tormented by the window seat, Antonio closed the shade and leaned back. Soon after, he shifted in the confined space. Antonio imagined a few splashes of cold water on his face would help. He unlocked the seat belt and stood.

  “Sir, I’ll have to ask you to remain in your seat until the captain removes the sign.”

  “I need the bathroom. I won’t be long. I promise.”

  “We’re about to take off. I’ll need you to wait just a little longer.”

  Antonio needed something. “How about a cup of water?”

  The woman seated beside him chimed in. “Are you okay? You’ve been fidgeting since you boarded.”

  He sat and fumbled with his seat belt. “I’m fine.”

  The buxom flight attendant bent over and whispered. “Sir, if you can hold on until we’re at a safe altitude, I’ll bring you a drink to calm your nerves.”

  After what he’d been through with his father and his exasperating ex, both on their road to recovery, a drink was the last thing Antonio needed or wanted. He shook his head and closed his eyes. Antonio settled his thoughts on Torri and not the friendly skies between New York City and Puerto Rico. He concentrated on her smooth skin and coconut-scented, curly locks. If she’d let him, he’d run his fingers along both once again. His trip to Puerto Rico was critical to show Torri how much he loved her. He was prepared to do whatever necessary to prove it to her — starting with the flight.

  The plane ascended. He seized his knees and breathed in, long and deep.

  “You’re doing great. We’ll be there before you know it.” His neighbor’s voice was almost as soothing as Torri’s.

  He smiled and nodded without ever opening his eyes. He crossed his arms and drifted off. Antonio woke up to the passenger’s applause as they landed on the runway. He made it to San Juan. He wanted to kiss the ground, but first he thanked God.

  He turned on his phone. A series of chimes sounded. First among the notifications was a text from Jasmine with the hospital’s address
. Antonio grabbed his luggage and flew to the nearest exit.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  It was time. Torri brushed her hand along her belly to settle the flutter. They received the green light for the transplant. Torri wanted to see her father before she settled in her room. A nurse checked Victor’s vitals. Rosa slept on a chair near his bed. She watched her sister sleep. Only two years separated them, yet Torri saw a vulnerable little sister that needed her help.

  “Princesa?” Victor made a feeble attempt to sit up.

  “Relax, señor.” The nurse readjusted the blood pressure cuff.

  “Hi daddy.” She felt comfortable addressing him as such. She hoped it lifted his spirits.

  Victor’s smile was weak, but he smiled nonetheless. “You don’t have to do this. You should know that before my visit to New York, my doctor informed me that my kidneys were close to failing. I didn’t want to die without meeting you.”

  “I’m glad you came. And, you’re not going to die. My kidney is going to give us a second chance.”

  Torri couldn’t hold back the tears. She rested her head on his chest. Her body shook as she sobbed. Rosa wrapped her arms around Torri and their father. It wasn’t long before her tears fell.

  Victor wiped the tears from both of his daughters cheeks.

  “I am so blessed to have two princesses. I don’t want to see anymore crying.” Victor wiped Torri’s cheeks again. “I love you, Victoria.”

  Another nurse interrupted the intimate exchange between father and daughter. “Miss Taylor. It’s time to get you prepped. Your father will be fine.”

  Torri gently kissed Victor on his forehead. “I love you, too.”

  Once in her room, she changed into her hospital gown and slid under the stark white sheets. Torri drew in a few gentle breaths. She made her peace with her mother and was about to give her father a piece of her. She had her heart set on her father sticking around for a long time. The men in her life shared a habit of checking out early. After the Boston incident, Torri hadn’t heard from Antonio since she text him about leaving for Puerto Rico. She wished he trusted her to help him get through whatever tortured him. She shoved new tears from her face.

  The same nurse entered her room. “Cariña, it’s time to take your blood pressure and temperature. The doctor will be in soon and before you know it you’ll be in recovery.”

  Torri turned away while the nurse checked her pressure. She didn’t want her to see she’d been crying again. The nurse removed the cuff. “You’ll need to remove your locket. Do you have someone to hold it for you?”

  “Yes, she does.”

  Torri recognized Antonio’s voice. The nurse winked at Torri and exited the room. Antonio was by Torri’s side in less than a heartbeat. He grabbed her hand.

  “How did you find me? Wait, did you fly?”

  “I’ll tell you all about it later. What’s this I hear about surgery?”

  “My father needs a kidney. Please, don’t try to talk me out of this.”

  Antonio sat on the edge of Torri’s bed. Her heart fluttered. Although her stubbornness wouldn’t allow her to show it, his presence was exactly what the doctor ordered.

  “Ree, no matter what, we’ll always be friends. That’s why I’m here now.” Antonio brushed his thumb over her hand. “You’ve made a difficult decision and I commend you for it. If I had the chance to save my mother, I would’ve done it without any second thoughts. But, I wasn’t dealt that card. You were. Most importantly, you’re not alone.”

  The nurse stepped into the doorway. “Five minutes.”

  Lynette peeked into the room and blew her daughter a kiss. Torri’s eyes glistened. Fear suddenly welled up inside Torri. She grabbed Antonio’s hand with her free one. In that moment it registered that she’d never had surgery before or been under any type of anesthesia.


  She didn’t have a chance to finish her thought, before a medical team rolled her off to surgery.

  “We have to go.” The nurse informed.

  Torri remembered something her grandmother used to say. In her deepest, darkest moments the thing that pulled her through was prayer. Torri hoped she remembered how. She closed her eyes and silently prayed.

  Oh gracious and merciful God, I humbly ask you to bless the hands of the surgeons and nurses as they perform surgery on my father and me. Please grant my father a second chance so that we can be a family. Thank you in advance. Amen.

  Antonio caught up to the gurney. Before the elevator door closed, he removed the locket from her neck.

  “I’ll return this when you wake up.”

  Antonio knew how she felt without her saying it.The tears she’d been holding back spilled.

  Hours later

  Cliff stood over the hospital bed. He wasn’t a fan of the beeps from the monitors or the whiff of alcohol and blood in the air. His last encounter with a hospital was after his career ending accident on the basketball court. However, when he heard the news from Jasmine there was no question. Nothing would keep him away from his sister’s side. He rushed to see Torri before the surgery and hopped on the next thing smoking. The reason his mother and sister slipped away to Puerto Rico was already on his way to recovery. He was too late.

  After undergoing hours of surgery, Victor’s face looked peaceful. There even appeared to be a slight smile. Cliff glared at the man his sister willingly gave a part of herself. Torri gave the father she never knew a second chance at life. She was stronger than he’d ever imagined. Cliff on the other hand, while he never admitted it, he held some animosity against the man. He and Torri grew up without a father because Victor chose to throw in the towel instead of fighting for their mother.

  Victor’s closed eyes fluttered. Cliff didn’t budge. He wasn’t pleased, but he trusted Torri’s decision to help Victor stick around. Cliff lingered until Victor’s opened his eyes. Recognition flashed across his pale face. Victor raised his hand toward Cliff. Without a word, Cliff nodded and exited the room to check on his sister’s status.

  Sandalwood and orange blossoms awakened her Torri’s senses. She grimaced. A dull pain interrupted her sweet dream. Warm hands caressed the chill in her arms. Her heavy eyes fluttered open in response. Her mouth was dry, her tongue thick, but she opened her lips to speak.

  “Shh. Relax. I’ll do all the talking. The last few weeks for me were tough to endure without you, but it was a necessary evil.”

  She whispered. “Did you see my father? How is he?”

  “Congratulations. I heard your father is doing well. I can’t wait to meet the new man in your life.”

  “Oh, thank God. He’s really special. I think you two will get along well.”

  “You’re pretty special yourself. I hope you realize that.”

  Antonio’s own scars were far from healed and he trusted Torri was the right person to restore him. Although she lay before him fresh out of surgery, Antonio prepared to face his demons. Would there ever be a right time to reveal the truth? Torri’s gaze never left his face. Her eyes were patient and warm. Antonio’s eyes watered and he exhaled. The moment came for Antonio to bare his heart.

  “Torri, my mother struggled with mental illness. I was about ten when my parents told me. I always knew something wasn’t right. Her days were extremes –- very good or very bad. Fast forward, my father couldn’t handle it. He drank all the time. He was drunk more than sober. His bad days soon overshadowed my mother’s. Ironic thing was, he asked for a divorce. We moved in with my grandmother.”

  Torri squeezed Antonio’s hand. He continued. “I assumed the role of caring for my mother. Something my father should have done.”

  “Tony, you don’t have to finish. It’s okay.”

  “No, Ree. I have to share this now. I’ve been unfair keeping this from you.”

  She adjusted her pillow and nodded for him to continue. />
  “That night. The last night of school, I went home on a tremendous high. Our first kiss. I didn’t think anything could or would take that joy from me.” His voice broke. “My mother didn’t simply die that night. She took too many pills, she wanted her pain to go away.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Tears streamed from her eyes. Antonio wiped them away.

  Antonio cleared his throat. “My mother’s illness wasn’t easy.”


  He shook his head. “I wasn’t thinking clearly then. My grandmother died inside before my eyes. I needed to dull the pain.” His shoulders dropped. “Drugs became my alternative.”

  Torri remained silent and reached for his face. She swept away a lonely tear. She caressed the scar above his eye.

  “You asked me why I never reached out to you. My answer wasn’t completely honest.”

  Torri looked away.

  “I was afraid that if I became sick like my mother that you might leave me like my father left her.” Antonio placed his hand on her chin and gently turned her face back toward him. “I’m not afraid anymore.”

  Her eyes sparkled for quick moment before she grimaced and moaned.

  “I’ll get the nurse.”


  “I won’t be gone long.” Antonio looked out the room. “Besides, you have company.”

  Cliff studied at his sister’s condition. He did his best to ignore the IV fluids flowing into her body. Tears ran along her cheeks, but she still wore the biggest smile Cliff had seen on her face in a long time. He bowed his head and swallowed the burning sensation in the back of his throat. Cliff grasped onto the faith that he’d always hold a special place in Torri’s heart, even if it meant sharing.


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