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Rising Sun (Fate's Intent Book 9)

Page 7

by Bowles, April

  “Yes. Thank you. Have a good night.”

  “I hope to and I hope yours remain uneventful.”

  We parted ways and I picked up Seth to take him to his room. He did very well with lying down for me and I went into my room to wait for Adele. I expected her only to be another minute with how long it actually took me to get upstairs then running into Trever but I waited and waited longer.

  I finally heard her come in but I stayed where I was in bed.

  She was next to me but she wasn’t lying down. It was more like she was sitting but I didn’t turn to look. She ran her hand over my head and kissed me. “Goodnight.”

  “I’m not sleeping. What took you so long?”

  “I had to get it back the way I like it. It just took some time.”

  I rolled over and looked at her. “You always have to have everything so perfect.”

  She started kissing me and rolled on top of me. At least it seemed she was keeping to the deal but just as things were heating up, we heard Seth in the next room.

  She stopped and lifted her head.

  “No. Not now.” I sighed. “He’ll go back to sleep.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  She started to get off me but I grabbed her hips and pulled her back. “No. It can wait.”

  I started kissing her again but Adele pulled back when Seth continued to cry. “Zayden, it will only take a second.”

  She got up completely and I sighed again while sitting up. “Yeah, and in that second the mood will be completely gone from you. I know how it works.”

  “I guess it’s goodnight then.”

  She closed the door behind her and I fell back with my head on the pillow in disappointment. “Goodnight.”

  Chapter 16


  I felt better knowing Trever was back and he could finally be a part of our life again. I missed him but I didn’t need to anymore and I woke completely refreshed. No nightmares last night.

  “Oh, hey, Jaylyn.”

  I was in the kitchen, making my morning tea and turned to see who had greeted me. “Morning, Zayden. Someone’s up early.”

  “Yeah, you are. What are you doing?”

  “Making tea. Want some?”

  “Sure.” He rubbed his face as an obvious sign of his tiredness.

  “Didn’t sleep well?”

  “No. I slept fine. I just got up and couldn’t get back to sleep. What about you?”

  “Just the same but I like to get up before Bryce. It’s my quiet alone time.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Should I leave?”

  “No. You can stay. Being alone isn’t always fun.”

  I poured him a cup and handed it to him. “Thanks. So, have you thought about how you’re going to test Bryce today?”

  “I don’t know, it would be hard. My gift takes a lot of concentration and he’s just a baby. I don’t know if he could just yet. Not unless he wanted something to be healed.”

  “What about Troy’s? There really isn’t a way there either, is there?”

  “Not really. It takes the mind to control everything he does and I don’t think Bryce would be able to do it that way this young. I couldn’t even be sure if he ever has. There are no physical signs. It’s just what he sees.”

  “Maybe he could try showing you what he sees if he watched his father do it. I’ve seen him try to do the things he does all the time.”

  “All the time? You mean when he’s around.”

  “You’re pissed about that too, I see.”

  “Not so much pissed as disappointed. I know what it’s like to be raised by only one of my parents and I never wanted that for my child.”

  “Don’t worry. It won’t always be that way.”

  Trever and Troy walked into the kitchen with Bryce.

  “Uh oh. Someone’s awake.” I walked over to Troy and took Bryce.

  “Yeah, he just got up and when I noticed you were gone, I had to get up and get him.”


  “No big deal.” Trever smiled. “We were up anyway.”

  “Troy, since you’re down here, use your vision and show Zayden what you see. He was thinking that it might be a good way to see if Bryce can control it or do it at all.”

  “It’s too early. I’m still waking up and how would that work?”

  “He’s been trying to copy everything you do. It couldn’t hurt to try.”

  Troy sighed and looked over at Zayden. “All right. Come over here.” They walked to the window and Troy put his hand on Zayden’s shoulder. “Close your eyes.”

  “Yeah, I know the drill.”

  Troy looked outside and we waited by while he did it. I was holding Bryce and thought to close my eyes for a moment. When I did, the most amazing thing happened. I was seeing close ups of things in the kitchen that were shiny that maybe his eyes were attracted to.

  I gasped when I saw it because I knew Troy was all the way across the room, not touching me.

  “What?” He immediately turned around, taking his hand on Zayden’s shoulder.

  “He just did what you did.”

  “What?” They both rushed over. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. He copied you like he thought he would. Try it.”

  “I don’t know if it will work on me.”

  “I’ll try it then.” Trever said. “What do I do?”

  “Let him touch you and close your eyes.”

  Trever held up his hand to Bryce and he closed his eyes. “Okay, Bryce. Show me.”

  Bryce grabbed a hold of one finger with his little hand and held it steady. He had to of been seeing it if I did but we waited for some kind of reaction.

  “That’s amazing. Do you see like this all the time, Troy?”

  “Only when I want to.”

  Trever opened his eyes and slowly pulled from Bryce’s hand.

  “How was it? Did it seem steady or sporadic?”

  “It was steady. Even a few turns.”

  “I guess he’s learning to control it on his own.” Zayden said. “What about the other one?”

  “You mean the healing power?” Trever asked. “None of you have tried to get him to heal you before?”

  I laughed. “And where would we have gotten wounded? We don’t do anything these days.”

  “Well, I’ve got a good one. Check this out.” Trever lifted up the front of his shirt and I saw a large laceration on his right side that was just beginning to scar.

  “Where did you get that?!”

  “I think I did mentioned that I’ve almost been killed. You should have seen his face when he felt it too. Funny.”

  “No one said anything about that?”

  “Don’t worry. It was taken care of at a later time. No one will be saying a thing.”

  “You should really be more careful.”

  “Why do you even have that?” Zayden asked.

  “It’s part of the bloodline thing until it’s been reformed, being when well—we don’t need to talk about that.”

  “You mean when you finally take your place as King?” I smiled. “And when will that actually be?”

  “Do you see Aleksander dying soon? I sure don’t nor do I want to think of it as a happy occasion. He’s like a father to me. He’s going to live well into his seventies. I guarantee it. Longer than most in his generation.”

  “Okay. So, are we going to see if he’ll do it?”

  “Whenever you’re ready.”

  I moved Bryce closer to Trever while he continued to hold up his shirt and Bryce’s eye caught sight of his wound.

  I put my finger over my mouth for everyone to be quiet and Bryce pointed at it while looking up at me. “Ouch?”

  I smiled softly and nodded. “Yes. That’s right. It hurts. Can you help him?”

  Bryce looked back at Trever’s wound, bringing his finger up to his mouth like he was thinking. We watched on and he brought is hand to the wound again and touched it. The second his little hand came in contact
with Trever’s skin, his eyes glowed an even brighter green like mine, putting a smile on everyone’s face even his. It took just a few seconds before the wound was gone.

  Bryce was still smiling as he looked up at Trever and his eyes started to change back. “Ouchy gone?”

  “Yes. Thank you.”

  “Well, it worked.” Zayden smiled. “He’s doing quite well at controlling them.”

  “He’s not exactly the one we would have to worry about exposing it but it’s still good to know.”

  We were all still excited about it and really in the moment when Darius came in just in time to hear the news.

  “Oh, hey!” Zayden said. “We just tested Bryce. He can already control both his gifts.”

  Darius remained awfully quiet while looking at us until he turned his head away and took out a cup from the cabinet above, filling it with water. “Great. Now, I just need someone to tell me that he’s leaving soon and I’ll have the most perfect morning.” He got a drink and put the cup down as he looked back over at Trever for whom he obviously spoke of.

  Trever laughed. “And if they were to tell you that my stay was extended, would that ruin the glorious morning I imagine Red must have just given you?”

  Darius got angry just hearing him speak of her and took a step closer. “Don’t you ever talk about her like that around me!”

  “Shit, Darius, calm down.” Zayden said, holding him back from going any farther.

  “Don’t tell me to fucking calm down, Zayden. He’s been provoking me since he’s been here and I will not allow him to constantly remind me of his history with my wife!”

  “Oh, well, it seems I don’t have to remind you. You seem to never forget but you must remember that I didn’t come here for her. I came to see my sister.”

  “Oh, and I suppose Ruby being here was just a coincidence and you had not intended to see her at all?”

  “All right, I’ll admit it. I knew she would be here but that didn’t affect my decision in coming.”

  “I want you out of here. No long good-byes, just get your stuff and get out.” He backed off on his own and turned away.

  “Well, where is your beautiful wife? You know I can’t leave without saying good-bye properly.”

  Darius stopped in his tracks and took a deep breath as he turned back around. We were ready for anything at this point but he did nothing. “She’s nowhere you will ever get close to. Just leave.”

  Without saying another word, he turned and left the kitchen.

  “That was a typical you conversation.” I said.

  “Yeah, well, as much as I love them, that’s probably my cue to get back.”

  “Oh, don’t let him get to you. You just got here and you can stay as long as you want to.”

  “I know but I am needed elsewhere, you know that. I just came to let you know I’m not dead but don’t worry, this won’t be the last time you see me.”

  “We actually planned to go there next week so Aleksander can see the boys and if anything doesn’t come up until then, we’ll all be there.” Troy said.

  “Good. I’ll look forward to it then.”

  “So, when are you ever going to settle down and start a family?” I asked. “You know I want to see some!”

  “Are you the one lecturing me now? Wow, things have changed but you should know that won’t happen. Like I told Adele last night, yeah right. There aren’t any children in my future. I don’t have time for that.”

  “Why not? I’m sure you have a list of excuses so let’s hear them.”

  “You’re right, I do and they’re good. One, I’ll be thirty in just a few months! Do you have any idea how old that is!?”

  I laughed. “Thirty is not old and nor do you even look it.”

  “Well, I’ll always have that going for me but I’ll remember you said that when you turn thirty. By then I’ll be—oh no. I don’t even want to think about that.”

  “Okay, what else?”

  “Well, I just got back from a practically two year expedition across the world, I’m tired and now I’m going back to Dorlin to be on Aleksander’s right hand. I don’t have time for anything else and besides, who would be able to put up with me long enough?”

  “Surely there must be someone.” I sighed sarcastically.

  “There might be but I was just trying to make you let it go.”

  “Really? Who?”

  “We’re not going to talk about that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s not going to go that far. I’ve just picked up a new hobby that’s all so let’s just leave it at that.”

  “For now.”

  We walked out the kitchen door and Adele was racing down the stairs with Rift barking while she yelled. “Zayden!”

  “What? What happened?”

  “Go get your son!” She walked into the lounge with the four story high ceiling and pointed up. We walked over to see Seth crawling upside-down on the ceiling.

  Zayden sighed and he turned his eyes solid black. “All right but it’s not like he’s getting hurt.”

  “If he turns it off, he will fall! Go get him now!”

  Zayden approached the wall and started to climb up it towards Seth. “I’m going.” He made it to the ceiling and walked over to Seth. “What are you doing? Trying to give your mother a heart attack?” Seth giggled as Zayden took a hold of him and let go of the ceiling. Adele held her breath as Zayden flipped himself back around and fell four stories, landing on his feet with Seth in one arm.

  When she finally started breathing again, she walked over and took Seth. “You could have got down the same way you got up.”

  “It was harmless and it got him down.”

  Adele didn’t say anything else and Trever slapped his hands together to end the silence. “Well, this has been great but I really should be getting back.”

  “Good idea.” Adele said. “I just passed Darius on the stairs and he was pissed. You just had to say something to him, didn’t you?”

  “I couldn’t let that pass me by. So, I guess I’ll be seeing you all in Dorlin when you visit.”

  He started walking towards the door and I followed with interest. “So, this new hobby of yours? Can we meet her?”

  “No. I don’t have time to repair all the damage you’ll do when you leave and I won’t have you mess this up.”

  I sighed and just let him have it this one time but it wasn’t over completely; not for me. “All right. Fine. We’ll see you soon.”

  I hugged him one more time and he was out the door until we would see him again in Dorlin.

  “Where’s Trever?”

  I turned quickly and Ruby stepped off the last step of the stairs.

  “He just left.” I said.

  “Without saying good-bye?”

  I was unsure how to answer and looked at Troy and Zayden who were in the kitchen with me at the time Darius had come in.

  “He thought it would be best not to agitate Darius any further.” Zayden said. “But we’ll see him again when we go there.”

  The look on Ruby’s face was telling me she wasn’t satisfied and I was right because she walked passed me out the door.

  Chapter 17


  He didn’t care about saying good-bye to me because of what Darius would think? When has he ever cared about that?

  I walked outside to the stables and he was just going to come out with Roslyn until he saw me.


  “Well, bye, Trever. You couldn’t have waited another thirty seconds to say it to me?”

  “No. Of course not, Red. I was just—”

  “Yeah. I was told and it doesn’t sound like you at all.”

  “I know but I didn’t want to cause any more trouble.”

  “You’re not trouble, not to me.” I hugged him to say my good-bye but he was acting very strange and didn’t even really hug me back.

  “Thanks, Red but you don’t need me and I—can’t need you.”

  I backed away to see his face and try to straighten out some of this strangeness. “What are you talking about? I don’t need you to need me. I’ve just missed you and hardly got to see you since you’ve been here.”

  “I know but things are different now.”

  “It doesn’t mean we can’t be friends.”

  “I know but getting all worked up because I didn’t say good-bye when you’ll be in Dorlin next week is kind of pointing in the direction that you need me when I can’t do that anymore.”

  I knew what he was telling me and he never had to say it but I still asked. “Who is she?”

  “What?” He got all nervous like I’ve never seen before and tried dancing around my question. “Who’s who? I don’t know what you mean.”

  “That was clearly a lie but I’ll let you get on your way. See you in Dorlin.”

  I turned with a smile but knew something was up. There was a woman. Why wouldn’t he just tell me that? Something was still off and my smile was gone. He was hiding something and I wanted to know what.

  “Gone now?” Jaylyn asked when I walked inside.

  “Yeah. See? It wouldn’t have been that difficult to say good-bye.”

  “But what?”

  I didn’t mean to but I must have sounded a little frustrated just now. “What? I don’t know. He just seemed distracted.”

  “Sorry.” Jaylyn said. “That might be my fault. I kept hounding him about his new hobby.”

  “New hobby?”

  “Yeah, some woman he won’t tell me about. He doesn’t even want me meeting her when we go.”

  It was still odd but some things were starting to come together.

  “She’s not a hobby.” I said quietly to myself.


  “I think he might actually love her.”

  Zayden and Troy had this quick exchange like they knew something about it.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Nothing.” Zayden said quickly. “Excuse us.”

  He hooked his arm around Troy’s neck and led him into the kitchen.

  “Okay.” Jaylyn said. “We’ll get it out of him when we go. I should get Bryce dressed.”

  I let her go upstairs with him but I still wanted to know now and headed into the kitchen.


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