All Her Men (The Queen's Men Book 1)

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All Her Men (The Queen's Men Book 1) Page 5

by Brina Cary

  “Can we walk back slowly? I’ve never gotten to see Edinburgh before. It’s gorgeous.”

  “Aye, yer still incognito. Might as well show ye the city a bit before ye get trapped.”


  “There will come a time when ye will be overwhelmed with people trying to see ye when yer out and about.”

  “Are you saying there will be a time when I can’t leave? When I can’t go outside?” The idea seemed absolutely atrocious. Not being able to go outside was incomprehensible. It wasn’t possible that there would be that many people that wanted to see her — wanted to meet her.

  “Queen, ye will notice that yer life will nae be the same. I am sorry fer that. ‘Tis the only way.”

  “The only way for what? To what?”

  “To save Scotland.”

  Chapter 12

  “Amelia, the goal is to get away from any attackers t’would seek to do ye harm.” By any means necessary. “Yer attackers will nae care that yer a lass. They will nae care that yer fragile. They will nae care that yer our queen. They will only care about ruining Scotland. They will do this by ruining ye.” Jacob shook his head in amazement. She stood there in dingy gray sweatpants, a black t-shirt with the sleeves torn off, her hair in a ponytail, and barefoot. If only she would participate in the exercise…

  Smiling, she teased, “Well, who would have thought you’d be worried about me, Jacob.”

  “’Tis serious.” If only Amelia knew how serious, then maybe he could teach her how to protect herself. That was the whole reason they were in the tunnels, learning to fight. The others were covering for their disappearance with the staff in the castle. It was just them… and she was joking about it.

  “Of course it is. Everything is oh-so serious,” she mimicked.

  “Aye, ‘tis. Now, pay attention. This could save yer life.” He took a fighting stance.

  “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” She dismissed his words with a wave of her hand.

  He narrowed his eyes. “Will ye take this seriously?”


  “Why not?”

  “Because I know a bit more about fighting than you’re giving me credit for and you’re being an ass by judging me.”

  That’s why she wouldn’t fight? She thought he was being an ass? “Well, ye dinnae put up much of a fight when we took ye.”

  “You about killed me then. My lungs are doing just fine right now, thank you very much.”

  Jacob grinned at her snarky attitude. “Then pick up the pace. Try to attack me.”

  “No way in Hell.”

  “Will ye stop being a pest and just attack me.”


  “Please, Amelia,” he pleaded. He couldn’t very well show her how to defend herself if she didn’t attack him first. “If ye dinnae attack me, I will attack you.”

  “I might punch you again.”

  “Good.” He lunged forward and swung at her. She ducked underneath his arms and leaped out of the way. “Och, yer a cheeky one.”

  “I don’t want to fight.”

  “What would ye like to do?”

  “Make out.”

  “Ye should not say things ye dinnae mean.”


  “Verra well. If ye get caught by me, I shall kiss ye. If ye evade me, I shall kiss ye.”

  “Wait. How do I win?”

  “Ye should not have said what ye dinnae mean. Now, ‘tis too late. Evade or get caught, ‘tis yer choice.”

  “Fine. Remember you asked for this.”

  Before Jacob had a chance to ask what she meant he was down on the ground, wiping blood from his nose. Looking up at her, he felt a sense of wonder. It wasn’t easy for anyone to get the drop on him, but he had underestimated her. He had underestimated her badly.

  “Now, I’m not sorry that I punched you.” The grin she gave him made him crave her. She had a hidden side that was full of sarcasm and mirth. It had been coming out more and more, but now… Now he knew the extent of it. “Have I proven that I can handle myself just fine yet?”

  “Not at all. Just means we can move quicker than I thought.”

  He stood up and dusted himself off. As she adopted a fighting stance, he grinned. She was light on her feet and held her hands up, in perfect little fighting fists, to protect her face. The outer part of her arms were in such a manner that she could use them to protect her body from blows. “Who taught ye?”

  “My mother was more of a badass than anyone gave her credit for.”

  “Who taught yer mother?”

  “Who do you think taught my father.”

  Her mother had taught Brandir to fight? The man that knew four forms of martial arts? The man that had taught him to fight? “Dear God…”

  “Yep, so get to stepping. You asked for a demo, you’re getting a demo.” She winked at him. “Or are you a chicken?”

  “Did ye just call my manhood into question?”

  “Maybe,” she teased.

  Where was the frumpy woman that he had first seen outside her house in America? Had this humorous, self-confident woman truly been hiding underneath all of that frump? “We dinnae know much about ye, Amelia MacRory.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  “Verra well, we shall learn.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Yer an enigma, a puzzle to figure out. T’will be fun.”


  Without letting her finish he lunged for her again, catching her off guard and unaware. As he took her to the ground, he rolled in an attempt to soften the landing. She used the momentum to wrap herself around him, flinging him onto his back with her on top. As she shifted to straddle him, Jacob knew he was in trouble. A grin broke out on her face as she taunted, “How you like me now?”

  He reached up and entwined his fist in her shirt. Pulling her to him, he whispered, “Verra much indeed.” Then he kissed her.

  Her lips were soft and inviting as he used his tongue to lightly request entrance. As her mouth parted he tasted her. She was spice, mint, and sunshine on a cloudy day all at once.

  Jacob squeezed her thigh with his hand that rested there. As her body relaxed, a moan escaped her, edging him further. Running his hand up her body, he felt himself getting hard. Dipping his hand underneath her shirt, he lightly dragged it up her skin, eliciting another moan from her.

  He lightly bit her lip as he broke the kiss, watching intently as her eyes opened. Her face was flushed and her breathing rapid. She had enjoyed it.

  “Why… Why did you stop?”

  “Because I have gone hard from wanting ye. I dinnae wish to take ye on the floor. If we are to have sex, it will be in a bedroom, not on a grimy floor, with who knows what against yer back.”

  “You have obviously never experienced the thrill of having sex in places other than a bed.”

  “I have, but ye will nae have yer first time on a floor with me, Amelia MacRory.” He wouldn’t either. Fifteen years, he had been waiting for this moment. He wasn’t going to waste it by screwing her on the floor like some wild animal. The wild sex would come later.

  “Are you saying you’re special?”

  He reached up and pushed a stray lock of hair, that had come loose from her ponytail, back behind her ear. Letting his hand rest on her cheek for a moment, he sighed. “Nay, I am saying ye are.”

  He stared into her eyes, hoping to tell her just what he meant. If only Amelia would see, but it wasn’t meant to be. Jacob sighed deeply as Amelia’s eyes flew open, fear and shock evident upon her face.

  “Oh, God. What am I doing? Why am I on the floor kissing you? I can’t do this. I’m not like this. I… I have to go.”

  He firmly pressed on her thighs, holding her in place. It was important that he make her understand. “I will break ye down, Amelia. I will have ye.”

  “Aren’t you going to add, ‘whether I like it or not’?”

  “I will nae take ye without yer permission. I like for my women to beg, moan, and ple
ad when I take them.”

  “You think you’re that good.”

  “Och, I ken I am that good.” He gave her a sad smile, hoping that it would make her feel more at ease. She was strong, but didn’t trust herself. Maybe he could help her with that.

  “If you keep it up I might fall for you.”

  “I could only hope.”

  “Good night, Jacob.”

  He let go of her thighs, letting her get up from him. He watched as she walked away, back towards the tunnel that led to the castle. Her hips swaying with each step—and he never wanted her more.

  Chapter 13

  Amelia sat upon the soft bed, looking at her feet, but not really seeing them. In America, she had been nameless, faceless. In America, no one looked twice at her. Wearing frumpy clothes had been her mask, her way of hiding from the world — the world that had rejected her. Never fitting in had become a sad thing for her and had caused her to strive to be anonymous. Her mother had always told her to never stand out. Jacob made her want to stand out.

  A soft knock on the door startled her. Was it Jacob? She jumped up and ran to the door. Throwing it open, she cringed as Edith stepped back. “Oh… I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else.”

  “Ma’am, I was wanting to talk to you about your schedule. However, we can speak tomorrow.”

  “No, it’s fine” She waved her hands frantically to stop Edith from leaving. “It’s fine. Come in. You’re perfect! I need someone to talk to.” She really did. Someone that would understand that she was being thrown into something way above her ability. It was sink or swim and right now. She was sinking big time. “You see, I don’t really have anyone that I can talk to right now.”

  “I am probably not the best person to speak to in regards to personal matters.”

  “I can’t do this.”

  “Let me get Fiona. She is better equipped to handle this.”

  “I need ice cream. Do they have ice cream?”

  “It is winter… In Scotland…”


  “I will check.”

  Amelia watched as Edith used her cellphone to text someone. They would probably think she was losing her mind, but she just really wanted some ice cream. Whenever she missed her father or had a bad day, her mother gave her ice cream. It would be like her mother was still with her, giving her support and love.

  “We should know soon, Ma’am.”

  “I just want ice cream. They should know if they have ice cream. I can go to the store to get some. I just need to know where the store is. Do you know where it is? There should be one close by, right? Like on a street corner…?”

  “Are you all right?”

  “Not really. I don’t think I can do this. I’m having a hard time with this and I don’t think I can do this. I thought I could, but I’m not so sure now. I think it’s one of those self-confidence things. Yeah, I’m not good with self-confidence things.”

  “Ma’am… Are you drunk?”

  “No. I’m not drunk. I’m freaking out. I just happen to sound drunk when I’m freaking out.”

  “Why are you “freaking out”? Is there something that we can do to help?”

  “You don’t have to be so posh and use air quotes.”

  “I apologize; however, I do not understand why you are using such terminology. You are the Queen of Scotland. You should act like a queen and speak like a queen at all times. To act as you are, after accepting the position, is beneath you.”

  “Beneath me?” Why was it beneath her? She was human. Humans freaked out. They were allowed to. Mistakes were made, no one was infallible, and they could freak out. It was a right, Amelia was sure of it. “Are you berating me for freaking out?”

  “Yes.” A knock sounded on the door. “Good, my replacement has arrived with your ice cream. Please enjoy it and have a good night.”

  As Edith walked towards the door, Amelia threw herself face first down on the bed, pouting like a four year old. Vaguely she heard Edith leave and someone else take her place. “Just leave the ice cream and go, please. Also, you wouldn’t happen to have a television that I can watch videos on, would you?”

  “’Tis one hidden in the wall, above the fireplace.”

  Amelia’s head shot up and she spun around. “Jacob?”

  “Aye, ‘tis me. Now, slide over and make room.” He opened the drawer next to the bed and retrieved what she assumed was the remote.

  “I don’t think this is a good idea.”

  “’Tis fine. I brought ice cream — chocolate and mint. Edith stated ye wanted ice cream.”

  “Really? You brought me ice cream?”

  “Aye, I did. Which movie would ye like to watch?”

  Excitedly, Amelia reached for the mint ice cream, watching as Jacob used the remote to open a panel that had appeared to be just a painting. The painting rose up to reveal a flat screen television. “Oh! That’s so cool!” She laid back down on her stomach on the bed, facing the television.

  Jacob tossed off his shoes and climbed on the bed with her. She moved over, making room for him. “Did you bring spoons?” She whispered the question as if it would break the gentle peace he was offering her.

  Amelia held her breath as he silently handed her a spoon. He was treating her as if they were old friends. “Why are you being so nice?”

  “I think I scared ye in the tunnels. I dinnae mean to. I am verra attracted to ye, but I will nae risk losin’ ye fer a moment of passion.”

  She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. It was such an intimate friendly moment. One she craved more than anything. “Jacob?”


  While he was distracted with trying to find a movie, it seemed like the perfect moment to ask a question that was driving her nuts. “Jacob, why do you act like you want me? I mean one minute you act like I make you angry. The next, like we’re best friends. Then you act like you want to tie me to the bed… Sometimes you even look at me like you love me. I just don’t know what to think.”

  “Amelia, dinnae ask me that. I am trying to be a friend to ye.”

  “So you’re just doing this because you want to be my friend?” Her heart sank. A sadness gripped her. Maybe she wasn’t enough to tempt him after all.

  “Nay, I would love nothing more than to tear yer clothes off and kiss ye everywhere. I dinnae think ye can handle that tonight. Movie and ice cream are better fer ye right now.”

  “Will it just be a movie and ice cream? Or will you stay with me?”

  “Do ye wish fer me to stay?”

  “Yes,” she whispered in a timid voice.

  “Then I shall stay. Now that tis settled, eat yer ice cream before it melts.”



  “I would like to sleep with you. I think the sex with you might be worth it.”

  His head spun around and she knew her bluntness had shocked him. It had shocked her too, but it was true. She really wanted to sleep with him — feel his strong hands on her body. Being a good girl had never really gotten her anywhere. Always afraid of ending up like her mom, waiting on a man that would never come, had caused her to miss out on so many moments. This one was within reach. It was there, just waiting for her to grab on to it and experience passion. Looking at his muscles rippling as he attempted to control himself it was evident there would be plenty of passion too.

  “Will you have sex with me, Jacob?”

  He turned away from her. “Ye dinnae ken what yer saying.”

  That’s where he was wrong. “I do. I’ve been lonely for so long. It’s just one night. It’s not like I’m asking for you to stay with me forever.” Just one night before she had to worry about real life again. Just one night before she had to think about forever…

  He rolled over onto his side and leaned forward, “Amelia, I am nae a gentle lover. ‘Tis something ye should ken. If I sleep with ye, ‘tis forever. Ye will nae have another lover. Do ye understand?”

  “We can discuss that la

  “Nay, we will discuss it now. I will nae allow anyone else to love ye as long as I breathe. If ye choose me then ‘tis… forever.”

  He spoke with such finality. It was as if he truly believed that he would be her only lover.

  “Jacob, I’m not good at things like this. I don’t have a lot of practice. I haven’t played the field or anything. However, I have a very hard time believing that you’ll be my only lover.”

  She felt his hand slip under her shirt and come to rest on her side. He gently kissed her. “Amelia, I will love ye this night. Tomorrow I will pretend nothing happened for yer benefit. I promise ye that we will have many more nights together and ye will nae have another lover.”

  Her skin tingled where his hand settled. Need caused her to throb. Want filled her. Such a simple act, but it served to turn her on. It was like someone flipped a switch within her. Emotions cascaded through her and she moved to straddle his waist. “Jacob, we can talk later. Right now I would like to fuck you.”

  “Och, such talk for a queen.”

  “There’s plenty more where that came from.”

  She watched his face as he smiled at her. The lines showed he didn’t smile as often as most people did. There was a small scar underneath his right eye that was almost faded with time. She leaned forward and placed a kiss on the scar, as if she could soothe whatever memory was associated with it. He reached his hand up and lightly caressed her face. She leaned back and inhaled his spicy scent of oranges and sandalwood — masculinity in its finest.

  “Are ye sure?”

  “Aye, Jacob. I’m sure.” She smiled. She was sure. Not sure that it would end well, but sure that it would be a night to remember. As he used his hands to remove her shirt, while skimming her skin, she was never more sure in her entire life. Goosebumps raised along the flesh. Desire built.

  As he took her shirt off over her head she heard him whisper that she was beautiful. She reached up and undid her hair, letting it fall about her. The curls drove her nuts, but when he looked at her in awe, she leaned her head forward. The hair swished about her face and brushed against her skin. She watched as he brought a hand up, wrapping one tendril about his fingers he dragged it along her skin. He released it and she leaned back.


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