Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5)

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Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5) Page 11

by Angie Merriam

  We arrived in Antiope just before dark. It was not so much a town, rather a cluster of little houses and tents constructed to stand in a large circle. At the far edge of the circle was a building, a little larger and better built than the others. Serephina and Leah were heading in that direction. Shep and I stood outside the circle, both slightly shocked. When Serephina called this place a town, I guess we expected a little more.

  “Nothing should surprise us by now, right Lilly? Come on.” Shep took me by the hand leading me through the tents and shacks that made up the southern side of the circle.

  The center of the circle was covered in grass with a fire pit in the center. There were children playing, and they looked at us curiously as we passed by. I smiled and waved at one of the tow headed little boys before he ran off giggling. “You seem to have quite an effect on boys,” Shep said. “I try,” was my reply and we hurried after Serephina and Leah.

  We caught up with them, just as they were about to reach the larger building I figured served as a town hall. It was two stories and erected of a dark wood. The porch wrapped around the entire house and there was a set of enormous doors used as the entrance. I was compelled to knock, but before my knuckles rapped the wood, Serephina walked in as though she owned the place. Leah did not hesitate to follow her, and I followed Shep in. The first room we entered was similar to a pub, with tall tables, chairs, and a counter on the far wall. The room was dimly lit by candles, and the furniture was made of the same wood that held up the walls.

  “Akayleah, is that you?” Came a high pitched voice. I turned to see the owner of the voice, a tall woman with long, black hair and strong features that did not match her voice. She was walking over to us, a smile plastered across her face. “Oh my, I can’t believe it! Where have you been all these years?” The woman demanded reaching her arms out to Shep’s mother, ready to catch her in a hug. “Hello Kelsha,” was all Leah would say, and when the woman hugged her, she kept her arms limp.

  Once the woman finally let go, Leah stepped back. Her head was down. Her eyes focused on the floor, her face unreadable. Shep sensing tension in his mother stepped toward her. Then she spoke. “Shep, meet your aunt Kelsha, Kelsha this is my son Shep.” She put emphasis on the ‘my son’ when she spoke, and she finally raised her head to look the woman in the eye. The woman’s face that had been filled with such joy now drooped with hurt. Shep stood still, too stunned for words. Serephina stepped back with me as this was clearly some kind of family moment, and we watched the three of them together.

  It was Shep who broke the silence. “So, is this your sister mom?” He spoke excitedly, trying to break the tension between the two women. His hands were fidgeting and I wanted to reach out and grab them, but decided it was best I didn’t. He looked back and forth between the two women as though willing them to speak. Finally, Leah broke the silence. “Yes, son, she is my sister.” Her voice was barely audible, and her head was lowered again. She walked away, out of the building before another word could be spoken. Shep followed her out while Serephina and I accepted a drink and a chair at one of the tables.

  The air in the room was thick, and I was antsy to find out what was going on. Kelsha was standing near a window, clearly watching her sister and nephew outside. She wore a look of sadness on her face, and I could only assume it was from her sister’s lack of enthusiasm at their reunion. “Did you know they were sisters?” I asked Serephina.


  “Why didn’t you warn her before our arrival?”

  “Akayleah needs to make amends. We will need her family to stand with us.”

  “Well, that’s fine but you should have warned her.”

  “She never would have come.”

  “Is it really that bad between them?” I was getting worried now. Leah had always been the picture of family and love. I couldn’t understand what could be so bad that she would be unhappy to see her family. Serephina was watching me intensely, her giant green eyes trying to read my thoughts. I glared back at her, still perturbed she hadn’t thought it necessary to warn Leah beforehand. She was probably right though, the Leah I knew, though caring and warm, could be stubborn at times. I never doubted where Shep inherited that from. She would have strongly resisted had she known she was being led to a place she apparently had no desire to be in. “Well, what are we supposed to do now?” I asked. “We wait Lilly,” Serephina said with an air of determination.

  “That’s your grand plan? Wait it out? I have to get to my mother!” I was trying my best not to yell.

  “Calm down. This won’t take long. Trust me please. I know what I am doing here.” Her giant eyes were smaller now, pleading. I had no reason not to trust her judgment and decided I would wait this out for a little while. I sat back sipping my drink, some kind of fruit juice. It was delicious. Serephina just sat, waiting. Her look was almost smug as Akayleah came back through the door. “I told you it wouldn’t take long.” She was smiling now. “Just because she came in does not mean she is ready to play nice.” We were arguing the situation when I heard Leah address her sister. “Kelsha, can you come outside with me? We need to talk.” Her head was held high and her voice was stronger. Shep came back through the door as the women were exiting. His face was troubled. He sat in the tall chair next to me saying only, “Wow!” I watched him for a minute, trying to read the trouble on his face. Waiting for him to tell me what was said out there. He just sat in silence.

  ~Chapter Thirteen~

  Shep sat quietly for a few minutes. I couldn’t wait any longer. “What’s going on here Shep? Why is your mom so upset to see her sister? We can go you know. We don’t have to stay here.” I was rambling out some more words when he finally spoke. “I think it will be all right Lilly. I’m just kinda shocked is all. I don’t think this is anything more than sibling rivalry. They should be able to work it out.” His words were coming fast, and I had a feeling, deep down, he was lying to me. There was clearly more going on between them than . rivalry. There had never been a lie between us, but I would never expect him to betray his mother. If he was lying for her, I was sure there was a good reason.

  It wasn’t long before the two women in question walked back into the room. The look of shame no longer worn by Leah, and the sadness on Kelsha’s face, though not completely gone, had faded a bit. Both even managed a smile as they approached us. Leah spoke first. “Shep, Lilly, and Serephina. As you are aware by now, this is my younger sister, Kelsha. I apologize for my behavior upon our arrival. It’s been many years since I have seen my sister and when we last parted it was not on the best of terms,” she explained before she paused, as though looking for the right words to say. “The matter back then is trivial now and unimportant. We talked a few things out, and though it will take some time for my sister and I to fix things, that will in no way hinder what it is we are set out to do. Kelsha is willing to help with whatever we need.” Kelsha smiled at that, pleased with her big sister’s little speech or explanation. Shep was holding my hand, gently squeezing it as though he was offering reassurance. Solidifying what his mother said. I couldn’t help but feel not all was forgiven between the two women, but decided not to press the issue just now.

  Kelsha showed us to our rooms, one for Serephina and I and one for Shep and his mom. Shep complained, demanding to share a room with me in a tone reminiscent of teenage boys begging their parents for some crazy demand. I giggled to myself. I too wanted to . lay in Shep’s arms tonight, something just felt strange here. All three women forbid it though. Apparently the idea of marriage, and all it entails was strong here in Neveah .. “You didn’t seem to mind me staying with Lilly back home,” Shep complained to his mother. She eyed him with danger. “Shep, now is not the time.” Her tone was fierce and not to be argued with. He must have seen the danger in her eyes like I did. He didn’t argue anymore, though disappointment was written all over his face.

  Telling them of mine and Shep’s union in the forest back home crossed my mind. In my eyes we were mar
ried spiritually, just not legally. I wasn’t sure what was considered marriage here, and decided this was not a battle I wanted to fight. Not right now anyway. “Fine, I will share a room with you tonight mom, but this is not over.’’ He spat the words at his mother before disappearing into his room. We all stood, silent, the other women shocked by his childish behavior. I knew something else was going on with him and put my mind to finding out what it was before this night was over.

  The rooms were small and sparse, but clean and more than enough for us. There were two small wooden beds covered in patch quilts and a fireplace in the corner of the room. There was also a small table and a rocking chair. Candles lined the window ledge and were placed neatly on the table and bed stands. I placed my pack in the corner of the room and lay down on the bed. We hadn’t traveled as far as I hoped today, but my feet were sore anyway and my legs ached. I was trying to make sense of the day. I couldn’t understand Serephina’s insistence on staying overnight here when we could have pushed on. I didn’t see how this little family reunion was going to help find my mother. Serephina spoke as though reading my thoughts.

  “I know you don’t understand my plan yet Lilly, but you will, in time. Please, just trust me for now. We will need Kelsha and her people here once we meet Jax Bane.”

  “Why Serephina, what is so special about them? About Kelsha? Clearly Leah is not comfortable here and it’s her sister.”

  “Kelsha is the leader of this little village. It may not seem like much but the Specials here all have great abilities.”

  “Like what?” I asked.

  “Well, there is a set of brothers who can fly. They married sisters who can disappear. There is an older man who can manipulate the weather another who can manipulate thoughts. There are a few women who can read thoughts and a woman who can detect a lie instantly. Those are just a few. Two hundred people reside in this little village, and Kelsha is the leader of them all.”

  “What about Kelsha, what can she do?”

  “Well, more than one specific thing. See her senses are much stronger than ours. She can smell things from miles away, humans, animals, and can tell who or what they are by their scent. She can also see miles away as though she is looking through a scope, same with hearing. She can hear people coming from other towns or villages. She can hear people breathing in the woods around the village and when she touches someone or something she can feel all their hurt, pain, joy, thoughts. It’s all there.”

  “Wow that is amazing,” I said.

  “Yes it is. She will be a great addition to our traveling party Lilly. She can be our eyes and ears from miles away. Her ability is why people here trust her to keep them safe. This village is a new one. Specials followed her here when Jax started to recruit years ago. Many of the residents came from very small villages or lived in solitary before Jax. Very few specials had any desire to serve Jax. They just want to live in peace Lilly, like they used to.”

  “Well, what makes you so sure Kelsha is willing to go with us? Who will protect them if she goes?”

  “Most of them will follow her eventually. At least I hope. We need them all to stand with us if a fight should come.”

  “Do you know what happened between Kelsha and Leah?” I asked inquisitively.

  “Yes, it’s not what happened in the past, more about what Kelsha saw when she hugged her sister. Akayleah has her own story to tell and fears Kelsha will do it for her,” Serephina answered.

  “Huh, do you think she will?”

  “No, Kelsha loves her sister and has missed her greatly. She is very close with the Lord and Lady. She has known of Akayleah’s whereabouts for years. What she didn’t know, until today is why she left in the first place.”

  “Why did she leave with my mother?”

  “I don’t know Lilly, but I hope it’s not what I am thinking and you better hope not too.”

  The last part was a warning that sent a shiver down my spine. I had known Leah all my life. I couldn’t imagine her having a deep dark secret. I racked my brain for clues, things that may have been done or said through the years that my naïve brain didn’t pick up on. As I peeled through memories, Shep’s dad’s face popped in my head. The vision of him startled me. I couldn’t explain why, but seeing Shep’s father’s face gave me the chills. Questions were swimming in my mind. I had to get out of this room, and go for a walk. I sat up, and slipped my shoes on.

  “Where you going Lilly?”

  “For a walk, I need to clear my head.

  “Okay, keep an eye out. I think we are relatively safe here, but you can never let your guard down,” she warned in a motherly way.

  “ okay, Serephina. okay, I will be careful. I won’t be gone long.”

  I was almost to the exit door when I saw Shep, sitting at a corner table, alone. Worry showing on his face, and his fingers circled the mug sitting in front of him. I walked over to him, his head was down. He jumped at the sound of my voice.

  “You okay Shep?” I asked, worried.

  “Lilly,” was his response, spoken with relief.

  “Come on Shep, come walk with me.”

  “Uhh, yeah okay. That’s a great idea. Get some air and clear my head.”

  He came around the table to stand by me. I took his hand ., and headed out of that place. The air outside was warm enough, but carried a nighttime chill. The sky was clear. I looked up, amazed by what I saw. The sky was pitch black against a million stars. The stars above were larger and brighter than the ones back home. They twinkled and winked. The moon hung between two giant stars and was stark white against the black sky. It was full and round. I had never seen a more gorgeous sky. I looked over at Shep. He was staring at the ground.

  “Look up Shep, it’s wonderful.” He did, reluctantly. “Yeah, it’s pretty Lilly,” was all he said before dropping his head back down. We kept walking until we were out of the circle, out of Antiope. We stopped in a clearing. I laid my jacket on the ground and sat. Shep put his jacket around my shoulders. I didn’t really need it for warmth, but it was comforting.

  “Shep, don’t you need your jacket?” I offered, feeling slightly bad he had to sit on the bare ground. “Na, I’m fine Lilly. Actually I am really warm.” I touched him and was shocked to feel his skin was warm, almost hot.

  “Are you getting sick?”

  “No Lilly. I don’t have a fever,” he laughed a bit. “Remember I told you I can regenerate?”


  “Well, the cool thing is I can’t get sick or cold or overheated for that matter. My body temp always stays at 99.9. Kinda cool, huh?”

  “How did you figure out all this about your ability already? I don’t even know how to use mine.”

  “My mother filled me in on a lot. Don’t forget we had that five hour drive together.”

  “Oh yeah, I forgot about that. What did she tell you? What about your dad Shep?”

  “Well, she told me about this place, about my ability and hers. She told me about this Jax Bane and how dangerous he is. She told me how wonderful Neveah was before he started his reign of terror. My dad is an Ordinary Lilly, but my mom says he knows about us and loves us regardless.” His voice cracked as he spoke the last words. I put my arm around him, needing to touch him, console his pain. “Thing is Lilly, he is not my real father,” he said, quietly, with sadness.

  “Yeah, I know. You told me your mom said your biological father was a Special, but they were nothing to each other right?”

  “Right, but she won’t go into details.”

  “Well, I guess that makes sense, she doesn’t want to relive her past.”

  “Yeah, I guess I should have known, all these years, I mean I look nothing like my dad.”

  “No, but I just thought that was because you resemble your mother more. Is that what’s bothering you Shep, not knowing who your real dad is?”

  “No, she said there was no love between them, a mistake so to say, that resulted in me.”

  “Oh Shep, you are no mistak
e,” I said, trying to reassure him. He didn’t answer. Instead he asked me a question.

  “Did Serephina tell you of Kelsha’s ability?”

  “Yeah she did, why?”

  “I think she saw my mother’s past, including why she left and who my father was, or is. I think that’s what upset my mother. She is afraid her secret will get out.” His voice filled with sadness. He had always been close to his mother and the thought of her lying to him broke his heart.

  “When I questioned her about her sister, she refused to talk at first. Jesus Lilly, she told me she had no family to speak of and now here we are with her sister. She finally broke and told me about Kelsha’s ability. She told me there are just some things that should be left in the past and fears her sister will dredge them up. She refused to tell me what she is hiding though. We have never had secrets Lilly,” he choked out the last words, and my heart broke for him.

  “I know Shep. I am so sorry. I feel bad. You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for my mother and me.” I hugged him tight, willing the hurt away.

  “Don’t do that Lilly, don’t blame yourself. I came to you of my own free will. Remember you told me to stay put. I just couldn’t stay away from you any longer.” My grip tightened around his shoulders and I leaned in closer.

  “Well, for what it’s worth I am so happy you didn’t listen to me this time. I can’t imagine doing any of this without you. I only wish I had never left you in the first place. I missed you more than you know.” I was trying to distract him, help get his mind on something else.


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