Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5)

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Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5) Page 17

by Angie Merriam

  “Shep, I was only gone a few minutes.”

  “A few minutes here is like a lifetime, especially now. Promise to never leave my side again. At least until we are safe back home.” I couldn’t deny him this request as I didn’t want to ever leave his side.

  “I promise! Ready?”


  Serephina and the Asrai were all there waving . goodbye. Serephina promised to rally the troops, and meet us at the home of the Northern Giants. I gave a wink and dove into the water with Shep. The swimming was a little tougher going out as we decided to carry our packs with us this time. Everything would be wet, but we didn’t care. We reached the other side of the waterfall, breathless and tired. The rain was falling, but it didn’t matter, we were already soaked through our clothes.

  The sky was black but millions of stars twinkled emitting enough light to guide us through the forest. It was eerily quiet, but I could feel eyes watching us. Serephina told me the Alphyn would be watching us, keeping us safe. We would have nothing to fear on the island. She had also drawn me a map showing the way to Jax. The paper she used was magical she said, it would stay dry during our swim to the other side of the falls. I had studied it closely though, not fully trusting her magic paper.

  I was happy to find it dry and intact amongst all the wet belongings in my pack. I pulled everything out, wringing out my jacket and blanket. My notebook was ruined as was my camera. I sighed, slightly disappointed but knowing this was the least of my problems. I turned my pack upside down letting all the excess water fall out. I placed my things back inside and zipped it up. Things wouldn’t dry out until we were off the island and out of the rain, but at least they weren’t sopping wet. I piled my hair into a messy ponytail and secured it with the rubberband I had been carrying in my pocket. I wrung out my shirt and emptied my boots of any excess water. I was ready to get going. I looked over at Shep, who had been drying things out as well.

  “Ready?” I asked.

  “Yeah, did the map make it out dry?”

  “Yes, we need to go to the right of this waterfall. The island is surrounded by water on all sides but the west side.” I pointed to a small chunk of land on the west side that connected the island to the mainland. “This is where we need to get to, then we have to turn north. We should be off this island within an hour I think. According to Serephina, it’s not far.”

  “ All right, hang on to me Lilly, don’t let go no matter what okay?” There was a pleading edge in his voice.

  “Okay, I promise. Let’s go.”

  We walked in silence for a long time. He led, and I followed with my finger twisted through his belt loops. I was worried about him. Seeing Jax disappear with his mother had made everything that much more real. The danger was painfully apparent now. I thought of making conversation, but decided against it. I knew Shep well enough to know when he is worried, he thinks. I was sure he was devising a plan for us. The sudden sound of his voice startled me out of my own thoughts. He was speaking quietly, but against the still jungle, it was booming. “I have an idea about why my mom was acting so strangely and why Jax came for her.” I didn’t respond I knew he would continue.

  “I was thinking. I know my father is a Special here in Neveah and he and my mother were really nothing to each other, but she has really been acting so strangely. She clearly does not want me knowing who my father is. I thought it was because I already have a dad, and why go looking for a new one? But it’s like she is fearful of me finding out. How bad could this guy have been to have my mother so on edge? I am guessing pretty bad. She said she was ashamed of things in her past, maybe she is ashamed of who my father is.” He paused as though trying to find the right words to say what I already knew.

  “I saw him Lilly. I stood there frozen, unable to help my mother, but I saw him and he saw me. He looked directly at me as my mother hung her head in shame, unable to meet my eyes. He had a sly smile as he looked from me to her. His eyes were the same as mine Lilly. His smile, though sinister, was my smile. Jesus Christ. Oh, my God. Jax is my father Lilly.”

  He turned to me, a million emotions mixed together taking space on his beautiful face. Shame and fear were the most visible and my heart broke as I looked at him, realizing what he was thinking.

  “What if I am evil too Lilly? What if I am like my father? How can you be with someone like me?” His voice was thick with anguish.

  I stared at him in amazement. “Shep, you are not Jax! You are not evil! I have known you my whole life and never once have I ever seen anything but good inside of you.” I was trying to soothe him and what I said, I meant, but he was not buying what I was trying to sell him.

  “I am sure that’s what your mother thought too, you know she grew up with Jax. Her not loving him caused him to snap, what if that happens to us?” His eyes were glassy as new tears were trying to escape, but he fought them back.

  “Listen to me Shep, you are not Jax. Evil is not hereditary. Your parentage does not make me love you any less. Don’t you ever think otherwise, do you hear me?” My hands were on his face, willing him to listen to my voice, to believe in me. I let go, backing away.

  “I have spent the last few hours with a beautiful woman. She is a Fey and goes by the name Calista. She has the gift of sight, past, present, and future. She told me about Jax being your father. She told me forces would try to come between us. We can’t let them. We are to stay strong together. She saw us together and our souls connected in the future. She told me you are good inside. Please Shep, trust in me, trust in yourself. Jax is nothing but a sperm donor. Your father is back in Keno, waiting for his wife and son to come home.”

  He came to me, wrapping me in his arms, burying his face in my hair. I thought I had gotten through to him. “I love you Lilly. Please promise me, if you see any trace of that man in me, you will run far away from me. I couldn’t live if I ever hurt you. Promise me.” He was begging.

  “That will never happen, Shep, you are my husband, my best friend, and I will never leave you. You will never give me a reason to. I can’t live without you!” I kissed him, hard and passionately, willing my love to penetrate him through my passion. He broke away, smiling. The old Shep returning to his face, the frightened man was falling away. “okay Lilly, thanks, you always know what I need. Let’s get off this island.” He took my hand this time, and I followed him.

  We made it to the edge of the island rather quickly and with ease. The water was lapping up on shore and the strip of land that was our passage to the other side was partially covered in water. I looked at Shep, worry in my eyes. “How are we going to get across?” I asked. “We walk, and wade, and swim if we have to, but we will make it. Come on.” He picked up a stick that was as tall as he was.

  “What’s that for?” I asked him.

  “To test the depth of the water,” he replied in a tone that was shocked I didn’t know. I laughed, but was thankful for his quick thinking.

  “Ever the boy scout huh?” I teased.

  “You know it baby,” he said with a smile. He walked ahead of me. The strip of land was only about six feet wide, so we had to walk single file rather than side by side. It looked to be about fifty yards, though it was hard to tell in the dark where it truly ran into the opposite shore. My fingers were laced back in his belt loops, holding tightly. We walked slowly, careful to keep our footing on the slippery ground. The further we got from the island the less it rained, but the more the wind blew. The waves were crashing up around us, sometimes covering the ground beneath our feet. Shep was singing Livin’ on a Prayer as we walked. I knew he was trying to keep my mind off the massive waves that were assaulting us, and I was grateful for the distraction.

  A wave crashed up, pummeling into me, sweeping my feet out from under me.

  I lost my hold of Shep and tumbled to the ground. “Shep, HELP!” I screamed.

  The receding wave was pulling me off the small chunk of land and into the water. My fingernails dug into the soft land as I tried to gri
p onto anything. I was in the water up to my neck, screaming for Shep. I felt fingers wrap around my ankles, trying to pull me under. I started to kick with all my strength. My head had gone under, but my fingers were still clinging to land. I was fighting my way back up as something below was pulling me down. I was flailing my body, attempting to free my ankles from this mysterious hand. The air in my lungs was running low, and I swallowed a huge gulp of water. My body was failing me, freezing up from shock until I was unconscious and falling to the bottom of the lake. My last thought was of Shep, where did he go? Then my world went black.

  ~Chapter Twenty Two~

  Jax had been positively giddy when he went to fetch Akayleah. It hadn’t been hard to find her and it was even easier to get her to leave with him. She would do anything to keep their son safe, and in the dark. She hadn’t appeared shocked when he approached her in that cave. No, she looked as though she had been expecting him. She stood to face him, with a confidence and dignity that Jax found endearing. He could see the fear in her eyes, but was pleased at her attempt to stand strong.

  “Hello Akayleah,” was all he said. He had made it to her room unnoticed by the Asrai and now stood behind her. She rose up and turned to face him. “Hello Jax. To what do I owe this surprise?” She asked, attempting a smile. He chuckled, thoroughly amused by her. “Why Akayleah, you know very well why I am here.” He moved to stand close to her, their faces inches apart. He studied her face, still strong and beautiful, but slightly lined with age. “No, Jax I don’t, please, do tell.” Her breath was sweet on his face and memories of her from years ago flooded Jax. He had been smitten with her and truly believed she would remain his mistress. He could almost feel her through the memories and in reflex reached out to caress her face. She slapped his hand away. “Get your filthy hands off me Jax.” She spat at him. “Get to the point, why are you here?” But she knew as she spoke the words he was there for Shep. She would not hand her son over to him.

  “Well, it seems the boy you call your son is my son as well,” he stated bluntly. Her rejection brought him back to the moment. “You took him from me and denied my being his father to him. Why would you do that? Don’t you know how great we could have been?” He spoke softly to her and this time she laughed. “We could have been great together, really? Was this to happen before or after you married Annika Levannah? I know what you did to her Jax, I was there. I heard it all.” She turned away, disgusted at the sight of him.

  He was surprised by this. He was unaware she had been there that night. Knowing she had knowledge of what happened that night caused him a considerable amount of shame. Yet, that was in the past. Jax pushed the shame aside, tucked it away neatly, and pulled his mind back to the present situation. “Well, whatever you think you saw can be explained. Surely there has been a misunderstanding. Come with me Akayleah. There is much for us to discuss.” He held his hand out to her.

  Leah knew there was no escaping him this time. She had to focus on getting him out of the Asrai cave and away from Shep. She willingly followed him back to the edge of the water, trance like, before saying, “I will go with you Jax, but you leave my boy alone. He is good, nothing like you.” The words stung, but he would grant her this wish, for now he thought. He would deal with her and then he would retrieve his son. “Of course, I will leave him be if you come with me.” He had no doubt she would leave with him.

  Before she could answer they heard a movement behind them. Leah turned to see Shep, watching them. Shame ran through her bones and she couldn’t bring herself to look at him. She felt Jax turn to look at Shep. She prayed Shep would not see the similarity that was so clearly there. Yes, the looks were very much the same, but Shep was nothing like the man taking her away. Her son was good, she knew, and she would protect him no matter the cost. She heard Jax grunt and chuckle as he looked at Shep before pulling her away. Somehow she knew that would be the last time she would see her son, and she pushed her love to him, hoping he could feel it.

  They arrived at Jax’s compound where he was quick to reprimand her. “How could you take that boy from me?” He demanded.

  “How could I not Jax, after what I saw you do to Annie?” She retorted.

  “Oh, what makes you think you are better than me Akayleah? You are no better.”

  “I know I am better than you. I may have been alone and poor, but I was not evil. I loved you Jax. I trusted you. You tricked me. I was a fool, but I will never be fooled by you again.” She slapped him hard, and he stood there.

  “You can’t hurt me Akayleah. You are weak to me. You have deceived me in the worst way, denying me my son and for that you will pay a price.” His voice was firm. She flew at him, arms flailing. She hit him with all her might. She bit at his skin, drawing blood, and dug her fingernails into the flesh of his face. Yet, he just stood. After she tired herself, he pushed her away. She lay on the floor a mess of tears, sweat and fury. She had tried to hurt him, to wound him, yet she couldn’t. He was right, she was weak and he was strong.

  Jax leaned down to her, speaking softly. “What you have done is unforgivable. I will give you two choices. You can live and be my mistress, my slave, and our son will come to us. You will teach him to love me, to respect his father. Or I can kill you and promise to leave Shep alone. Your life will be payment for his freedom.” His voice terrified her as he spoke soft and calm. The decision was simple. “Kill me now,” she said simply.

  “As you wish, though do not believe it will be a quick easy death. No, it will be long. It will be painful,” he taunted before leaving the room. A few moments later he returned with a glass full of black fluid that he poured down her throat. “You will feel fire rip through your body before you feel paralysis one limb at a time,” he said, his dark eyes never leaving hers. Her body lit up as the liquid raced through her veins. She wanted to scream in pain but swallowed deeply instead. She wouldn’t show weakness in front of Jax. The tingling set into her toes before working its way up her legs, torso, arms, and then her face. Her body felt heavy as her muscles were paralyzed one at a time. She thought of her husband back in Keno. She was happy there, with Michael. At times she felt as though she didn’t deserve that kind of happiness. She knew that there was always the chance that her past would come back to haunt her. Jax was her ghost. Her darkness. She was naïve to think she’d ever be able to live free of him forever. Michael had been her light and she prayed he’d find happiness without her.

  “You will be rendered speechless and utterly helpless,” he continued, speaking so soothingly as though he were reading a story to a child. She felt her breathing weaken and the room was fading from her vision yet she never broke eye contact with Jax. He sat in front of her, his smile wide and prideful. His face was still handsome. As much as she despised the man, she never regretted her time with Jax. He gave her Shep. Her baby boy. He was nothing like his birth father. He was good and strong. He was a man with values and a heart of gold. She prayed that she’d given him enough time to prepare for the fight of his life. She knew Jax wouldn’t keep his promise. Shep was his son and Jax wouldn’t let him walk away. She said a final prayer that her son would emerge the victor. That he’d eventually go home to the father he’d always known. She took one last look at Jax and felt her hatred towards him swirl with the love of her son and her husband before she succumbed to the pain that traveled lazily through her body and the darkness that overcame her mind.

  ~Chapter Twenty Three~

  I woke on the other side of the island, choking and coughing up water. I opened my eyes to a strange figure staring down at me, a look of worry and relief mixed on the face. I sat up, startled, realizing the face did not belong to Shep. I searched around, looking for him. I didn’t see him. I backed away quickly from this stranger, my heart pounding. The stranger moved closer, hand outreached.

  “Get the hell away from me,” I tried to scream, but my throat was raw, and it came out more as a whisper. “Who are you? Don’t come any closer!” I was on my feet now, searching f
or something that could be used as a weapon. I hadn’t looked behind me and backed into another body. In reflex, I spun around quickly, my fist balled up and flying right toward a face. Shep grabbed my hand in mid-air before it connected with his nose. I started to fight to free my wrist, and was ready to kick my foot up when I realized it was Shep.

  “Lilly, it’s me.”

  I stopped fighting, and my body went limp. I was so happy to see him. I had forgotten about the stranger I had been fleeing from moments ago.

  “It’s you Shep, oh my God, it’s you,” I cried, and he scooped me up before I could fall, holding me close to him. I held on to him as though he would disappear if I let go. He started to walk back to the stranger. “Wait, stop, what are you doing. Run Shep, run the other way.” I was pleading with him. He ignored my cries, knowing I was too weak to fight him. “Ssshhh, Lilly. It’s okay, he won’t hurt you. He saved you. Now relax Lilly, . I have you now.” And with that, my eyes closed, and I drifted into oblivion.

  I’m not sure how long I was out, but I woke to a small fire burning and the smell of food. My head was resting in Shep’s lap, and I could hear him talking to someone, not me. The stars were still bright above me, so I guessed it was still the same night. My throat still stung from all the water I had swallowed and my lungs were still on fire, though the intense flame was starting to burn out. I sat up, rubbing my eyes, and saw the same stranger sitting across the fire. I started to get up when Shep grabbed my hand, pulling me gently down next to him. I was confused and tried to ask what was going on, but my voice wouldn’t produce itself. The stranger across the fire was watching me with great interest. For the first time, I looked closely at him. I could see his bright red hair and pale skin glowing in the fire. Upon closer inspection, I found his face soft and welcoming, not the terrifying face I had seen before I passed out again. No, he didn’t look scary at all.


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