Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5)

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Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5) Page 42

by Angie Merriam

  The silence resumed. These Giants were Giants of few words, but their faces said a thousand things. Their faces showed worry and fear mixed with tinges of rage. These two may not be one with words, but they were clearly ready to fight for what they believed in, and they believed in Neveah. After a few moments, Denali stood, and I hoisted myself up to stand beside him.

  “We must be going. I need to see my father as soon as possible. I am happy to see you well. Please stay safe,” he said before turning toward the exit. I was more than ready to get out of this house and back to the Levannah manor. We were almost to the door when we heard Brontes call after us.

  “I will stand and fight with you, Denali! I will not let my home be swallowed up by the evil.” Denali stopped at the sound of Brontes’ words, but rather than answering, he shook his head and let a small grin escape his mouth. Minutes later we were in flight, racing home.

  ~Chapter Twenty-Nine~

  Kelsha had been a ball of nerves since leaving Heren in that cave with Jax. The thought of Jax's spirit roaming the island she had decided to settle on was nagging her gut. Would she never escape the man, even in his death? She wasn't sure what he planned to do, but she was sure he was not going to leave her be. She also knew that despite her fear of Jax, she wouldn't let Heren waste away in the frozen prison or worse yet join forces with Jax. She knew she had to go back and face Jax. She just couldn't let go of her baby. The thought of losing the child was crippling to Kelsha. She would have to find a safe place for the child. Find someone to care for him while she was gone. She had to find a place that Jax would never think to look. The first person that sprang to her mind was Fionna.

  The woman had been loyal to Kelsha, even after Shep's desertion. She would keep the child safe, Kelsha was sure of it. Kelsha would send them off the island, away from Jax, until she took care of him. She would send them back to Antiope. No one would think to look for the child there. The place was a ghost town since Kelsha led her people to Jax’s compound. Pleased with her plan, and so sure of Fionna, Kelsha felt a tiny weight lift. With the child securely in her arms, she set out to find her friend.

  She found the girl in the courtyard, covered head to toe in a black cloak. Her back was to Kelsha and her body was strangely still. Kelsha hesitated for a moment, not wanting to interrupt Fionna's private moment. Just as Kelsha was going to say hello, she turned to face Kelsha.

  “Hello, Kelsha,” she said, her voice flat, lifeless. Kelsha was slightly worried that the girl was having a breakdown.

  “Hello, Fionna, are you feeling well?” she asked carefully. The air had grown cold. Kelsha felt a chill slice through her own cloak and pulled it tighter, trying to shield the baby from the bitter air.

  “I am fine, Kelsha, thanks for asking. What can I do for you?” Fionna's face changed as she spoke. Whatever she had been thinking was gone, leaving the same Fionna Kelsha had grown fond of. Kelsha worried for only a fraction of a second before the reason of her visit engulfed any worry she may have had about Fionna.

  “We have a problem, Fionna. It seems this floating chunk of ice is home to some restless spirits and dangerous creatures,” she began while Fionna listened intently. “The spirit of Jax is here and he has Heren,” she stated bluntly and saw Fionna shudder.

  “What are we going to do, Kelsha?” she asked. Kelsha could see the girl was eager to help, making her plan that much more secure.

  She approached Fionna slowly. “He wants my baby,” she began before Fionna burst in.

  “You mean Shep's baby, his grandchild?” Fionna's voice had been sweet and concerned only moments ago, now it was laced with a deep seeded hate that Kelsha hadn't seen before.

  “No, my child, James belongs to me now. I am his mother. He is better off with me, you know this, right?” she asked. Her tone was forceful.

  Fionna shrank back slightly before replying, “Of course, Kelsha. I apologize. You have a plan, I assume.” The hate was gone and Kelsha took a deep breath, feeling for the sleeping child that was nuzzled against her breast.

  Kelsha knew Shep's desertion had been hard on Fionna, but Kelsha was sure Fionna would never betray her trust. She was the only one who could take James and keep him safe.

  “I do have a plan. I have to go for Heren. I want you to take James and go to Antiope. I have an inn there that is fully stocked with any supplies you and James might need. I need you to stay there until I come for you. Can you do that for me?” Fionna smiled slyly before nodding her answer.

  “Good! I hope this will be quick. I feel the land changing, Fionna. We have to stop the Levannahs before Neveah falls to ruins,” Kelsha said and knew she was being somewhat theatrical, but thought she needed to be. She had to be sure Fionna knew which side she was playing for.

  “Of course, when shall James and I depart?”

  “Right away, Fionna. Pack only a few things, I don't expect you to be gone long. This is simply precaution.”

  “Yes, precaution. I will be ready within the hour,” Fionna replied before passing Kelsha, leaving her alone in the courtyard. Kelsha set off behind Fionna, heading to her own chamber.

  True to her word, Fionna was in the courtyard, a small sack tied to her back, waiting for Kelsha and James. Lucy was waiting beside her. Kelsha found it odd that Fionna would assume that she would leave aboard her dragon, but pushed the thought aside. Of course she would fly out on Lucy. She was the safest and fastest way off the island.

  “Ready?” Kelsha asked.

  “Yes. You will come for us as soon as Jax is dealt with, right?” Fionna asked.

  “Of course, the moment this problem is dealt with. Just send Lucy back to me once you arrive safely.”

  “Well, give me James. We should be in the air by now.”

  “Yes, of course,” Kelsha said before reluctantly handing the child over to Fionna. She kissed the boy on his fuzzy head before watching Fionna climb up on Lucy's back. She settled herself and waved down to Kelsha. She gently kicked the dragon's belly, encouraging her to run. When she looked back at Kelsha, she thought she saw a tear slide down her cheek. For the first time Kelsha was broken and vulnerable. The sight almost made her feel bad for what she was going to do, but she knew right from wrong and this time she would choose right.

  Kelsha hoped against hope that the woman would take care of James. Kelsha had never fully trusted anyone with anything, yet here she was trusting Fionna with the one soul that truly made her whole. She told herself she had done the right thing over and over as she watched them fly away. She listened to Fionna's thoughts as long as her ability allowed her to. If Fionna had other plans than those set out by Kelsha, she didn't let them into her mind.

  Kelsha could hear Fionna comforting the child, telling him all would be right very soon. She heard Fionna assure the baby that he would be back with his mother soon. Kelsha was pleased with Fionna. She was pleased with herself and raced to her chamber to dress for the hike to the ice prison. She had to get Heren back.

  She would face Jax, stop him once and for all, and she would bring Heren home. The irritation at this turn of events was fueling her rage. She didn't have time for Jax. She had to secure herself as the leader of Neveah. She had to secure herself as the mother of James. Jax's sudden re-appearance put a crimp in her plans, and she planned to deal with him as quickly as possible.

  ~Chapter Thirty~

  Once Fionna was away from Ellurrah and across the lake, she let her wall down. She laughed to herself. Her plan had worked perfectly. She had prepared to steal the baby and run away with him. Kelsha approaching her with this plan was perfect. Kelsha was none the wiser, making things that much sweeter to Fionna. Kelsha never second guessed her. It never occurred to her that the mother Fionna was speaking of was Lilly, his real mother.

  The baby stirred in her arms. She pulled the blanket made of fur from the child's face. He was truly a wonderful creature. His blue eyes looked up at her while his tiny little mouth formed into a smile. Fionna knew she was doing the right thing.

  “Are you happy to go home to your mommy?” she whispered to the boy, laying a kiss on top of his head. “I am taking you home, James. I am sure your mommy and daddy miss you greatly. I have not always done right in my life, James. I have hurt a lot of people and put my faith in the wrong souls, but no more. You, baby, are the beginning of a new me. A better me,” she said through tears. “Come on, Lucy! Take me to the Levannah house. You are good too. I can see it. Let's get away from Kelsha and all she is.” The dragon understood all she said as she flew through the air as fast as her wings would take them.

  The dragon flew nonstop for hours. They stopped to rest just before sundown. Fionna fed the baby and herself while Lucy grazed the land. She wasn't sure of their location, but trusted Lucy to get them to their destination. After the brief rest, they were airborne again. Lucy seemed to be even more determined to make it than Fionna. Fionna thought the dragon must have been waiting to get away from Kelsha for a long time. She was not only saving James and herself, but Lucy too. Kelsha had a way of grabbing onto things and not letting go, to the point of holding them hostage against their will. Fionna was proud to know she had broken away and was heading toward a bright future, even if that future didn’t include her being with Shep.

  It was morning when they reached the Levannah manor. The house was beautiful, sure, but not the house of a family who thought of themselves above others. She had expected it to be larger, grander and was happy to find it was not. Just by the modesty of the house Fionna thought the owners must be modest, good people. Not the monsters Kelsha made them out to be.

  She carefully climbed off of Lucy. Her body was sore and stiff from the hours of travel, and her arms were nearly dead from the weight of the baby. Her heart was lighter, though, as was her conscience. She snuggled the sleeping child close to her and made her way to the front door. She took a deep breath to steady her nerves before knocking loudly on the white door. Butterflies were dancing in her belly, causing her to feel like she might vomit. Time crept by while she waited for an answer. Just when she thought she might not be able to take the anticipation any longer, the door flung open.

  In front of her stood a well built man with a tuft of curly white hair on his head. His face resembled an angel, and she almost forgot herself. His voice broke her out of her trance. “Can I help you?” he said and she quickly gathered herself.

  She uncovered the sleeping baby enough for the man to see him and said, “I have someone I believe belongs to the Levannahs.” She held the boy out in offering, but before she could hand him over, the man began calling for someone. His voice was booming as he spoke, but he didn't seem to be yelling, just speaking loudly, with urgency.

  “He's home, the boy is home! Hurry! Come see! The boy is home!” He said the same words over and over until he was surrounded by a group of watchers. Everyone stood staring at her and the child in disbelief, but no one moved to take the baby.

  Then Fionna saw her. She was pushing her way through the small group of people before they finally split apart, allowing her through. She didn't say a word, she didn't have to. Fionna knew it was Lilly. The baby in her arms looked very much like his mother, and Lilly looked very much like Shep's missing piece. Fionna felt a sob catch in her throat as Lilly approached her, her green eyes wide and curious. She could see tears begin to well up in Lilly's eyes as she looked at her baby.

  “Fionna?” she asked, and her voice cracked with emotion.

  “Lilly?” Was all she could reply, still holding James.

  “You brought my baby back to me,” she said as more of a statement and held her arms out to her child. Fionna handed the baby over and watched as his mother broke down in sobs. Lilly must have kissed the boy a thousand times through her tears while James nuzzled in closer to his mother. There was a clear bond between mother and son that was lacking when Kelsha held the boy. Fionna knew she had done the right thing. She was ready to turn and walk away when she felt strong arms wrap around her. Lilly held her close, hugging her tight. She whispered, “Thank you so much, Fionna,” in her ear.

  Fionna was at a loss for words. What was she supposed to say to the woman who held Shep's heart? She wanted to hate Lilly, but she couldn't. The woman was so lovely with an aura that pulled you in, made you feel close to her.

  “You're welcome, Lilly. I should go now,” she said and tried to pull back, but Lilly held tighter, the baby smashed between them. Lilly finally let go and stepped back to look at Fionna. Her face was beyond beautiful but so hard to read.

  She clutched the baby tightly to her chest and inhaled deeply before saying, “Please, Fionna, stay here. Kelsha will come looking for you when she realizes what you have done. You will be safe here.” Fionna was unsure how to respond. She never imagined she would be welcomed into the Levannah home, by Lilly Levannah no less. There was a group of Specials crowded behind Lilly, ready to defend if needed, but also portraying a feeling of welcome. Fionna had done so wrong her entire life. Maybe these people would give her a chance at being good.

  “Thank you so much, Lilly,” she began, “I know how strange it will be for you to have me around. It is strange for me as well, but I want nothing to do with Kelsha or her cause. I would be most grateful to stay here at least until I can decide on what to do next.” Lilly smiled at her and urged her in the door, through the small crowd of people.

  Specials were oohing and ahhing over baby James as he was passed from one to the next. The handsome angel faced man who had answered the door took a quick liking to the boy. He spoke to the boy in a wonderful cute baby voice, while tickling him and making faces. The baby stared at this angel face in amazement, a tiny smile shaping his perfect little mouth. After a few minutes of playing pass the baby, Lilly took him back in her arms. She held him close, whispering in his ear and kissing him repeatedly on the head.

  “I must take him to my grandparents and Denali,” she said to the Special that looked very much like her. The Special had the same red hair and similar features. Fionna wondered if they were sisters.

  The woman agreed and spoke to the other Specials who were crowded around Lilly, trying to steal one last look at baby James.

  “We must take the baby to the Lord and Lady Levannah. Once Kelsha finds out the baby is rightfully home, she will come looking for him. Please stay guarded at all times.” The small group looked from one Special to the next, all nodding their heads in agreement.

  The angel faced one announced, “Renny will watch the back entrance and I will stay up front. The Mender brothers will stay alert outside, and I will send the dragons to guard the outer perimeter.” He seemed pleased with his plan, as did Lilly and the other redhead. They began walking down the hallway, leaving Fionna standing in the entrance.

  Lilly didn't get far before she realized Fionna was not following. “Fionna, come with us. I would like you to meet my grandparents,” she said, her tone sweet but slightly forceful. Fionna followed obediently, although she would have been just as happy watching the angel faced man stand guard at the front door. She pulled her mind back from his face. This was no time to be daydreaming over some man she just met, not when there were important things to be thinking about. She followed Lilly deeper into the house she had so recently sworn to fight.

  She was surprised when Lilly led her into a darkened room. The windows were covered with a lush, dark fabric that kept any natural light at bay. A large bed was nestled against the far wall and held what appeared to be a very ill man. There were a few people surrounding the bed, making it difficult for Fionna to see who the ill person was. She had a deep feeling of uneasiness as she followed Lilly closer to the sick’s bed. Neither of the bed keepers lifted their heads to see who the visitor was until Lilly spoke.

  “Look who is home,” she said in a hushed tone. The older woman turned to Lilly, her sad face shifting at once to a look of amazement and happiness. The other, a man, turned as well. His eyes were wide in disbelief.

  “Oh my, how is this possible? Come see you
r meme, baby,” said the older woman, and instinctively reached for James. Lilly, without hesitation, placed the child into his meme's waiting arms. The man and the red haired woman moved closer to admire the returned child, while the bed's occupant remained silent, unmoving.

  “Meme, Denali, Viv, this is Fionna,” she said, pointing at the pixie like woman. “She has returned James to us.”

  The man, whom Fionna assumed was Denali, looked up and directly into Fionna's eyes. The intense stare made her belly tie in knots and her heart race in anxiety. His voice was deep and soft, yet when he spoke, he was not mistaken as someone to be reckoned with. Clearly, he was speaking quietly as to not disturb the ill person that he had been watching over.

  “How is this possible? How have you taken James from Kelsha? Is this a trick? Is Kelsha coming?” His voice was rising and Fionna saw the other red headed woman caress his arm. Lilly shot him a look that spoke a thousand words, the main ones being 'calm down!' Fionna thought. These people were right not to trust her, but she was good now. She would have to prove it.

  “I have been with Kelsha since the death of Jax Bane. Before that I was a follower of Jax. I can't tell you what led me to him, or kept me with Kelsha, but I stayed nonetheless. I believed the lies. Then I met Shep.” She paused, looking at Lilly. Her body had tensed up at the mention of Shep's name. She didn't wish to go into details to hurt the girl, but they must know the facts.

  “I played a part in keeping Shep away. I convinced him I was his wife, and we lived with Kelsha as a married couple for quite some time. Then Kelsha's child was born and died, all at once, and I saw her insanity creep through. She sent Shep to get James, and convinced him that Lilly was the enemy. Shep went without a second thought, but he came back different, or should I say he came back as himself. His memory was leaking through the wall Kelsha had so carefully kept intact. It was then I realized what I was doing was wrong. I knew Shep didn't love me. I knew he belonged with Lilly and his son, even before he knew. I told him all I knew of Lilly and Kelsha, and he left in search of Lilly and himself. I don't think he knew the child was his when he left. Kelsha is fighting her own battle on Ellurrah now and asked me to take James to Antiope and hide him there. I came here instead. I am truly sorry for my involvement in this and pray some day you can forgive me,” she finished with tears streaming down her face. She sincerely hoped they would believe her because in that moment, she had no place to go.


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