Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5)

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Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5) Page 53

by Angie Merriam

  The flight was relaxing to me. I always enjoyed the invigorating feeling of flying aboard a giant beast such as Paeris while the world passed below me. Neveah’s landscape was unlike any other place. The colors were more vibrant, the vegetation denser, and the air around you was lighter. Though my time in Neveah was anything but peaceful, flying aboard these dragons, always brought me a sense of peace.

  I snuggled into Shep, who was sitting behind me with his arms around my waist. James was cozy against my chest. His pretty brown eyes had closed the moment we left the ground. I felt warmth and security having both my boys with me. I wanted the feeling to last forever and hoped it would, once we won this battle. For a majority of the flight I allowed my mind to be free of worry. I tried to relax and enjoy this small chunk of time, but I couldn’t shut the thoughts away completely.

  We were nearing The Dark Forest. The flight was rather quick. Our destination was not far from the Levannah Manor, but we all agreed it was safer to travel by air, as long as the baby was with us. We landed close to Leah’s home, just outside the forest, and walked the rest of the way. I was surprised, having never seen the dreaded Dark Forest, by how elegant it was.

  There was a thick series of trees that served as the entrance. Some were tall and sparse while others were short and dense. All boasted vegetation in bright orange, yellow, and red and were lined in perfect patterns creating the illusion of a wall.

  “That doesn’t look like a dark place,” I said to Leah, almost as more of a question. She laughed a little before answering, “Yes, it is rather wonderful isn’t it?” She began while we followed.

  “The Dark Forest earned its name many moons ago when the misfit Creatures began to make it their home. They found they didn’t fit in society for one reason or another and found solace here under the safe keeping of the trees. It was a little girl who had wandered into the forest, and caught a glimpse of one of the Creatures, that pegged this area of land The Dark Forest. She ran home screaming about the monster she had seen. She told anyone who would listen. Before long Special’s stopped venturing into the woods and the Creatures were left alone. The Levannah family knew the Creatures that called this place home wanted nothing more than to be left alone, allowed to live in peace, away from accusing stares and hurtful names. They didn’t dispute the monster story or the new name. People were frightened and that kept them away. It really is a beautiful place though,” she finished proudly.

  We penetrated the fortress of trees only to find more trees. There was no sky to be seen as the trees created a ceiling, allowing only small rays of light through. The further we walked the larger the trees became. The ground turned from hard to soft and I saw Leah stop to remove her shoes.

  “What are you doing, Mom?” Shep asked.

  “Taking off my shoes, what does it look like?” She replied with a smile.

  “Yes, I can see that, but why?” He asked again while I stood beside him, James snuggled close to my chest.

  “Because, Shep, this is my home, and we usually don’t wear our shoes in our home,” she replied before continuing on. Shep didn’t question her further.

  We followed her for a bit longer when it came into view. It was enormous, really. Breathtaking. The tree was as big around as a house and reached so high the top was unseen. The bark was a deep red and the life that grew from its branches was the darkest green I had ever seen. We followed Leah around the tree until we stood outside a door. She quietly let herself in. Though we were nearly certain no Special would come looking here, we couldn’t be too safe. Shep followed her inside silently. After a few anxious moments Leah finally appeared in the doorway.

  “Welcome to my home,” she said brightly. I went inside, followed by Michael and Vivianna. Shep was just inside the door looking around in awe of the tree house. The inside was spacious with various hallways branching off from the entry room. The room was lit by hundreds of candles and there were carvings in the walls from the floor to as high as we could see.

  “Come let me show you around. Follow me,” she instructed. We all did as she said and followed her down the first hallway. It was warm inside the tree and slightly damp though not uncomfortably so. The hallway was lit with candles, but once we reached the end, the room before us was drenched in natural light. It was a kitchen, complete with a sink, stove, cooler, table, and chairs. The windows were dressed in bright red fabric that was pushed to one side, allowing in the light.

  “This is the only room with windows,” Leah began. “It faces the edge of the forest which allows the light to come in. “Come please, there is more to see.”

  Off of the kitchen, was a different hallway that led us to a sitting room. The furniture was carved from wood and covered in varying shades and patterns of fabric. Once again candles flickered, shedding light on the space. Another hall leads us to a bathroom complete with a shower made of wood and a toilet. The more rooms we visited the more hallways we entered. It was like the inside of a honeycomb.

  We finally came to a hallway with multiple doors carved into wood. “This is your room with Lilly and the baby,” she said to Shep. The one across the hall is where Vivianna will stay and the one at the end is my room,” she began before looking at Michael and correcting herself, “our room.”

  “What is behind that door, Mom,” Shep asked, full of curiosity. She laughed quietly before explaining. “That is where the Fey sisters stay. I bring them all of their necessities when there are others in the tree.”

  “How many?” I asked.

  “Two, Shea has been with me for many years and Alana was a prisoner of Jax,” she explained.

  “How weak are they, Leah? Is the imbalance affecting them like it did my grandfather?” I asked. Leah nodded her answer.

  “Calista is ill as well, and don’t they have one more sister? I am sure she has fallen ill as well. Maybe we should get them. Bring them here so they can be together,” I suggested.

  “Yes, I think we should, Lilly, but it would be dangerous. I believe you and I are the only living Creatures that are not affected by them. That would leave only the two of us going to get them and bringing them here.”

  “No way,” Shep began before I cut him off.

  “I have to get Calista, Shep. She is my friend. Besides I will be with your mother, by dragon. We will be back before you can miss us,” I said in an attempt to sway him.

  “How long would this take, Mom?” He asked while the others stood in the shadows listening.

  “A day or two, maybe, the Asrai cave is not far from here, but the island where the sister is hidden is a bit farther. Still, I think we could make the trip rather quickly.”

  Shep didn’t respond, only shook his head and let himself into our room. I followed him inside, our baby still sleeping in my arms. Shep tossed his bag on the floor and collapsed on the feather bed. His hands covered his face as though he were crying.

  “Shep, are you ok?” I asked, deeply concerned.

  “No, Lilly I am not ok with you taking off without me. I am not ok with us being apart for even a second. It’s not safe.”

  “Shep, you know why you can’t go. The Fey sisters would never agree to come if you are with us. It’s unsafe for you and for them.”

  “Why, you think one look at them and I will fall in eternal love? Lilly, you are my only love.”

  “Muffin, it’s not like that. They don’t intentionally make you fall in love. It's more like a magnetic pull. They can’t help it. That is why they hide.”

  “Then why can you and my mother see them? Touch them? Why are the two of you not bound to them for life?”

  “I don’t know, Shep. I wish I could answer you, but I can’t.”

  “How do you know I will be affected? Maybe I am immune as well.”

  “I can’t take that chance, Shep! We can’t take that chance!” My voice was nearing a yell and his was closing in on a whine. I didn’t want to fight with him. We had too much to do.

  “I am going, Shep, and I prefer not
to spend the night fighting with you. I will be safe. I will be with your mom,” I said, trying to calm my voice and relax my frayed nerves. He lifted his face to look at me. His chocolate eyes were red, his face moist. He had been crying. I gently laid James on the bed and sat beside Shep.

  “I love you, Shep, but I have to do this. Calista was there for me when I needed her. It’s my turn. I promise I will come back, safe.” I gently squeezed his thigh, and his arm snaked around my shoulders, pulling me close to him.

  “I know you have to do this, but I had to try to talk you out of it. Just the idea of being away from you terrifies me, Lilly. After all we have been through I don’t ever want you out of my sight again. I will wait here for you.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered and kissed him softly. There was a knock on the door.

  “Come in,” I called. Leah came in. Her face said she was aware of Shep’s concern. It also told him not to worry. She didn’t need to speak, it was written on her face.

  “Come on you two, we all need to get some food in us and get a good night’s rest. Lilly and I will leave early tomorrow and with luck we will return by sundown. Once the Fey sisters are safe here, together, we will plan our next move. Deal?”

  “Deal,” we said in unison and followed her out.

  ~Chapter Seven~

  Kelsha was giddy when she left her fortress. She couldn't wait to introduce her baby to Jax. She was sure they would love each other as much as she loved both of them. Kelsha and her Hybrid would be invincible with baby James in their possession. Beyond the power she knew they would have, she also loved the boy and greatly missed being a mother. If she was being honest, she missed Fionna as well. Soon she would have her baby, her man, and her friend by her side.

  Though the original plan was to have Jax stay behind to watch the Special’s that changed when he confessed his inability to be without her. Kelsha tried, in vain to talk him out of joining her, but the more he talked the more the idea of him being with her appealed to her.

  “I need you here, they need you here as Heren,” she said, but she could see her words were not convincing.

  “Danu is doing all the work as far as training them. He is more than capable of handling everything while we are away. Besides, they are all so focused on training they probably will not even notice we are gone.” He was convincing, his face so serious and full of longing. Kelsha felt slighted though, how could they not miss her? She knew Danu was more than capable, but they were her people.

  “How can you be so sure, Jax? You don’t think they will question my absence during a time that they are training to fight a war that I convinced them was necessary?”

  Jax could see that she was hurt thinking that she would not be missed. She was vain, he knew that.

  “Look, Kelsha, these people would follow you into a fire if that was your request, but there has not been talk of James or Fionna being gone, has there?” She shook her head no, realizing that they had not even noticed her child being gone. She suddenly felt a wave of fury. Jax could see her cheeks begin to flame.

  “It’s not because they don’t care, love, they are focused on what it is that they must do. That is a good thing. These people love you and they want to win this war. That’s why they don’t notice what is going on here, they are focusing. They are putting all they have into this war. They are good. You should be proud of them, my love, not angry. Now come, let’s go. If we hurry we can be back by nightfall,” he encouraged as he took her in his arms. He held her tight willing her to trust him.

  “You’re right. They may notice James is gone soon though. Let’s make this trip a quick one.”

  “Absolutely, now let’s inform Danu that we will be gone for a little while and instruct him to care for all of your followers.” Kelsha followed Jax and found Danu in his usual place, the great room, training. If there was ever a loyal soldier, it was Danu. Kelsha was thankful that he didn’t question them about where they were going or why they were leaving. He agreed quickly before turning back to his students.

  “See, all is well, my love,” Jax said as they made their way to the animal stables.

  “Yes, all is well. All will be better once we have that baby,” she said and couldn’t hide the excitement that rang in her words.

  Fionna had taken Lucy when she fled with James, which left Kelsha resigned to a dragon that was far less competent than her own Lucy, but even that didn't sour her mood. She climbed on behind Jax and when the dragon tilted too far to one side, she didn't curse or yell at the dragon, she simply held Jax tighter. She allowed her mind to relax and for the first time, in a very long time, she marveled in the beauty that was her land. She knew the beauty would fade the closer they came to war, she also knew it would bloom beautiful and new once she won. She began to dream about a world under her rule.

  She imagined the colors of the land would return in deep, meaningful colors like red and orange. There would be no pastels to weaken the land. The weak would be quarantined to one part of Neveah where they could have their fill of pastels. The strong, the frightening, the ugly would prosper together. The dangerous would protect her and her land. Any one person that crossed her would die a most painful death. She would set the precedent for future rulers. No tolerance for the weak and stupid. Neveah should be a land of strong and intelligent, regardless of the cost. Death was nothing to Kelsha. Every life given to further her future made her stronger, gave clarity to her vision.

  “What are you thinking about, darling? You have been unusually quiet.” Jax's voice broke her trance.

  “I was just thinking how beautiful Neveah is. I was also thinking about the beauty that would blanket the land under my rule,” she responded dreamily.

  “It is lovely, isn't it? Much like you, my love.” He turned and kissed her forehead. She wrapped her arms tighter around his waist in response.

  “We don't have far to go now. I am most excited to meet the boy.”

  “Oh, he really is wonderful. I just know you will love him. It is impossible not to love that baby.”

  “Did you tell Fionna that I am back?” He asked and she knew he was really asking if he should shift back into Heren. She hated making him take the form of Heren. She knew how much he disliked being anyone but himself, but she enjoyed glimpses of Heren, though she would never tell Jax that.

  “I told her about you, yes. You are the reason I told her to take James away. I don't think she will be happy to see you, my dear. You will frighten her. You should phase into Heren, at least until we have my baby and I have a chance to explain everything to Fionna. She will understand, but for now we have to be careful,” she said softly hoping he would not fight her. He didn't.

  “Of course. I am the first to admit that I didn't always treat Fionna with care when she was with me. I do regret the ways I may have hurt her. I do hope she can forgive me.” Jax's voice was clearly sorry and Kelsha could hear a hint of sadness when he admitted to being unkind to Fionna. Fionna didn't really talk to Kelsha about her days with Jax. She knew, from the first meeting, that Fionna was frightened of him, but she didn't know why. She never cared to ask. A sexual relationship existing between Jax and Fionna never crossed her mind, until now. She suddenly felt a flash of jealousy when she thought of the two of them together.

  “What exactly did you do to Fionna?” She asked, trying to keep her jealous tone under control.

  He seemed to consider his answer, and his silence made Kelsha nervous. She imagined a million horrible things Jax could have done to Fionna and though a few made her stomach turn, she knew it wouldn't change her feelings for him. The past was the past. They were both evil inside. They both carried black hearts. That's why they worked so well together, they accepted each other, nasty scars and all.

  “You don't have to tell me but please know that I will not judge you. I know you have done some terrible things but so have I,” she said trying to sound encouraging. She knew she loved him regardless, but part of her still wanted details. It was a form
of self-torture she assumed, hearing the way the man she made love to, tortured a woman she called her friend. He turned and gave her a faint smile before revealing to her the story of him and Fionna.

  “No, I don't mind telling you, love. It is not a nice story, but I don't really do nice very well, do I?” He began and she rested her cheek on his back, encouraging him to go on, confirming that she would listen without judgment.

  “Fionna was a young girl when I first met her. She was living in the forest that surrounded my compound with her sister, Maura. I saw Maura back at the fortress and was pleased to see she stayed with you. Anyway, Fionna was always so timid around me. I took them in, fed them, gave them things to dress in, a warm bed for sleeping and though Maura seemed to settle in nicely, Fionna always seemed frightened of me. In the beginning, I let it go. I found her sister to be more than willing to please me in every way a man wishes to be pleased. Most days I forgot the girl was even there, until that one day.

  “She was gardening and lost in thought when I decided to approach her, try to talk to her. She visibly jumped at the sight of me and I could see the blood pulsing through the vein in her neck. She was scared to death of me. Now, I have to admit that I was both taken back and turned on by her fear. I had done many things to many people and gave most a good reason to be afraid of me, but I had never laid a hand on her. I had never really talked to her. I watched her for a moment and found that I was very excited by her fear. It made me feel rather superior. I decided there that I would have her as my own. I tried to sway her without force, but I failed.” He took a breath and seemed to be taken back in time. His body was tense under Kelsha's arms. She wondered if it was the memories made him tense, or if he worried what her reaction would be. She didn't have a chance to respond yet. He sucked in a breath of air and continued.

  “I tried to talk to her. She turned away from me. I gently touched her face and watched her body flinch. I told her not to be afraid. Her eyes filled with tears. It was like she knew, before I did, that I would hurt her. She didn't run though. She just stood still as stone as I allowed my hands free reign of her body. I took her right there in the garden. I saw blood between her legs when I finished and knew I was her first. I left her lying in the garden, blood smeared between her legs, tears smeared across her face. I don't think there had been a moment in my life, or been one since, that I felt as powerful as I did knowing that I was the first man to be inside of her.


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