Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5)

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Neveah Box Series (Neveah Box Set Book 5) Page 74

by Angie Merriam

  “I'm a healer you jerk. I just saved her life. She's sleeping peacefully now while her body continues healing,” she spat at him before standing above the animal. Denali stood as well, facing her. All the sweet innocence and vulnerability was gone, replaced with what he thought was disgust and hatred.

  “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I've just never seen anything like that before. That was really amazing. I'm Denali Levannah.” He thrust his hand towards her, trying to make amends.

  “I know who you are Denali and I'm not interested in making friends. Thanks for your help.” She began walking away, leaving Denali stunned. Not only did she know who he was, she wasn't dazzled by him like all the other girls. Actually, she was more disgusted with him. He didn't know if he felt anger or relief at her reaction to him. He kind of found it refreshing. He watched her walk away and decided she was the most beautiful think he'd ever seen.

  “You're welcome,” he called after her before yelling, “we will be friends. I'll change your mind about me.” She stopped and turned to look at him.

  “What makes you think I need or want my mind changed?” She challenged.

  “Because you obviously don't like me. I don't know why but I will make you like me, because I like you.” He said and flashed her a wide smile before turning his back on her and walking away. He almost skipped away but thought better of it. That might be too much. Instead he headed to Jax's, forgetting that he'd been waiting for his sister.

  “Hey Jax,” Denali said, beaming.

  “Hey, Denali. Where's your sister?” Jax asked, his voice clearly concerned. That was when Denali realized he left without her. He almost told him where she really was when he decided it was best not to. Jax may be marrying his sister eventually, but they were not married yet. While Annika had the right to see whomever she chose, Jax probably wouldn't want to hear about it.

  “She should be here soon.” He offered hoping it was enough. It was. Jax led him inside and the two of them sat at a square table made of rough stone. When Jax's mom brought them drinks, Denali was quick to thank her. When she finally left them alone Jax asked, “What’s going on with you Denali? You can hardly sit still.”

  “I met a girl,” he blurted excitedly and Jax smiled at him. Jax was like a brother to Denali, and he'd been excited to talk to him about Vivianna. He needed advice and couldn't ask Annika.

  “Really? Tell me about her.”

  “Well, she's so pretty Jax. She's got this amazing red hair that I swear resembles fire when the light hits it just right and her eyes, oh her eyes are like green daggers shooting right at me.”

  “Daggers huh? That sounds dangerous.”

  “Yeah, she's beautiful and she hates me. I love it.” Denali leaned back, taking a long drink of his dragon juice.

  “She hates you? Isn't that a problem?” Jax asked him, amusement in his voice.

  “No way. I love that she doesn't turn into a mumbling idiot around me. She was actually rude to me. It was a turn on. I've never been turned on by a girl Jax. I didn't even know what that meant until I saw her. You have to help me Jax. How do I get her to change her mind?”

  “I don't know buddy. Just be yourself I guess and don't treat her like those idiot girls you talk about. Sounds like she's smarter than that. Make sure she knows that you know that. Just keep at it little brother, she'll come around.”

  “Thanks Jax. Sorry about Annika. I don't know what's taking her so long but I need to get going. Can we practice another day?”

  “Sure. Send Annie my way if you see her.”

  “I will. Thanks for listening Jax.”


  Denali left Jax standing in his doorway and for the first time in his life Denali was angry with his sister. She was supposed to be quick at James. She had plans with him and Jax. What a bitch thing to do, stand up your brother and your best friend. He intended on telling her when he got home, but she wasn't there. The longer she took the angrier he became. When she finally waltzed through the door, he pounced. “What the fuck Annika?” He yelled and she stepped back. “What's wrong with you Denali?” She asked, annoyed but still smiling, which pissed him off even more.

  “Oh, I don't know. How about, you were supposed to go with me to Jax's. You totally ditched us both and left me explaining your absence.”

  “I didn't ask you to do that Denali.”

  “No you didn't but it felt wrong telling him that you were choosing to hang out with another guy. You didn't have the decency to, at least, cancel with him, or me. What's gotten into you Annika?” He was calming down but still wanted answers. She'd been acting strange and distant lately, and he was tired of it. He wanted his sister back.

  “Oh Denali, you wouldn't understand.” She said and his blood instantly began to boil.

  “Try me. I'm not a stupid little boy that just follows you around anymore Annika. You seemed to have missed that fact that I've grown up, kinda like you.”

  He saw the look on her face change from happy irritation to remorse and regret. “I'm sorry Denali. You're right. I've been consumed with myself lately and I'm sorry. It's just that.” She hesitated but he encouraged her to go on.

  “Just that what?”

  “I'm in love Denali. I think James is going to propose.” She squealed, clasping her hands in front of her.

  “What about Jax?” He asked, worried that this might change things. He wasn't only worried about Annika and Jax but his own relationship with Jax.

  “What about Jax? He's my best friend. He always will be. He's going to love James and James can't wait to meet Jax.”

  “You really think Jax is going to love him?” Denali said sarcastically.

  “Of course, why wouldn't he?”

  “Uh, I don't know. Maybe because he's in love with you himself. How do you not see that?” Was his sister really one of those stupid girls? He hoped not but she wasn't showing him anything different at the moment.

  “No he's not. You're imagining things and maybe you're hoping they're that way so you can be real brothers or whatever but it's not happening Denali so stop talking like that.” Her tone warned him not to continue and he hoped his sister knew what she was doing.

  “I heard you met Vivianna,” she offered and he smiled. Denali's anger instantly melted away. A smile replaced his scowl. “Her name's Vivianna huh?” He said dreamily.

  “Yeah, she's James’ sister. They come from a family of Healers. I think she likes you little brother.” She poked him in the chest, teasingly.

  “I didn't get that impression. She nearly bit my head off.”

  “Well, you have a certain reputation with the girls.”

  “No I don't. I've always been respectful and caring to girls,” he replied, hurt at the accusation.

  “I know Denali but sometimes your charm can be mistaken as you being kind of full of yourself. Plus, she's really shy and by the way she talks she doesn't think she's the kind of girl you would like. I, of course, told her she's crazy and beautiful and that you're not a jerk like she thinks.”

  “You did? Thanks.”

  “Of course, you're my brother. That's what I do but I warn you Denali, don't hurt her.”

  “How do you even know I like her?” He questioned. He hadn't mentioned it to her.

  “Oh, I don't know maybe the way your eyes got all glossy and dreamy at the mention of her name and maybe the way your mouth hung open. It's obvious.”

  “Thanks Annie,” Denali said before wrapping his arms around his tiny sister.

  “For what?”

  “Being my sister. Just promise me you know what you're doing with James and Jax. I love Jax like a brother but I think he is a bit territorial where you're concerned and I sense that he might have a dark side.” Denali had never said this out loud before, but he'd felt a darkness around Jax for a long time. It never occurred to him to worry. He never thought he would or could hurt Annika, until now.

  “Trust me, Jax and I are just friends and always will be. No
w stop growing little brother,” she teased before he let go and she looked up at him. “Now, work on your girl talk because I'm pretty sure Viv wants you to come back.”

  “I'll try sis. I'll try,” he replied as he walked away. He was beyond happy and couldn't wait to see Vivianna again. He said her name out loud, “Vivianna.” What a lovely name for a fiery girl.

  The next day, after his chores, he went in search of Vivianna. He couldn't wait to see her again. He went directly to the Healer's village and wandered around, hoping to bump into her. It didn't take long before he saw her standing amongst a herd of Pegasus. He walked over to her and suddenly felt shy and nervous. Her back was to him but he saw her body tense when he approached.

  He took a deep breath before finding his voice. “Hi again,” he said but she didn't turn to him. He tried again. “Vivianna right? Well, Vivianna I don't know what you've heard about me but if your reaction to me is any indication it's all lies.” She stood still. She didn't turn to him, but she stopped brushing the beast, and he was sure she was listening.

  “Okay, I'm going to just lay it all out there. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I would really like to get to know you.” He released his breath and waited for her to respond. Just when it seemed like she'd never speak she did.

  “I'd like to get to know you too Denali,” she said before turning to him, a smile pulling at the corner of her mouth. Denali had to keep himself grounded because he literally wanted to jump in the air and click his heels together. He was more excited than he'd ever been.

  “Do you have time to go for a walk?” He asked shyly and his heart did a flip when she said, “Sure.”

  They walked and talked for hours. He learned about her family and she about his. He asked her about her ability to heal animals and the way her face lit up when she talked about her animals warmed him inside. For such a fiery thing she was actually very gentle and kind. She was perfect.

  “Can we get together again tomorrow?” He asked and hoped she'd say yes.

  “Sure, but I have to take care of the Pegasus first. How about when the sun is mid sky?” She asked, offering the most stunning smile he'd ever seen.

  “Sounds like a plan,” he said before awkwardly taking her hand in his and gently kissing it. Her pale face flushed red at his touch and he loved that he made her do that. “Goodnight Vivianna.”

  “Goodnight Denali,” she replied before walking away.

  He walked home feeling light as air that night and every night after that was spent with Vivianna. He spent every minute he could find with her. They learned everything about each other. She always giggled at him and the sound of her laugh brought more happiness than he'd ever known.

  “Hey, Vivianna. I want to show you something today. Can you get away for a little while?” He asked.

  “Yeah, I can be ready in a few minutes.”

  True to her word, minutes later she was ready. She'd pulled her hair back, securing it with a green flower clip that contrasted stunningly with her hair.

  “Where are we going?” She asked as he took her hand in his and began walking.

  “It's a surprise,” he said and had to use extreme self-control to keep his mouth shut. He wanted to tell her so bad. They hiked up the North Mountain and she was beginning to breathe heavily. “Almost there,” he offered. She smiled up at him, her hand still snug in his.

  They stepped through a canopy of trees that opened up onto the side of the mountain, showing all of North Neveah below them. The ground below them was purple, velvet grass and the trees that lined the clearing behind them stood tall and proud and deep green. Below the quilt of colors that created their world was laid out. Patches of pink, green, red, and blue created a landscape that was indescribable.

  “Oh wow, Denali. This is... It's just wow. Thank you for bringing me here.”

  He loved the look on her face. A mixture of awe and gratitude and happiness. He sat on the soft ground and encouraged her to sit beside him. He wrapped an arm around her, and she snuggled into him.

  “So, you like it?” He asked.

  “No, I love it. I've never seen the beauty of Neveah like this before. It's almost spellbinding.”

  “Almost as spellbinding as you are,” he said and knew he sounded cheesy but he didn't care. It was true.

  “You're pretty fantastic yourself, Denali. My life has been changed since you and I am so thankful for that.” Her eyes were soft and full of emotion when she looked at him. He knew in that moment, he would marry this girl. She was it for him. They were too young yet, but one day they would vow to spend the rest of their lives together. Without thinking he leaned his head down to her and allowed his lips to graze hers.

  He'd never kissed a girl before but kissing her felt natural. She returned his kiss softly, winding her arms around his body. He held her head in his hands as they took turns teasing each other's mouths. When they broke apart they were both breathless and flushed. Denali couldn't remember a happier moment in all of his life. They sat in comfortable silence, taking in the splendor of their home.

  When he left her at her house, he kissed her softly again and promised to see her the next day.

  He was on his way back to Levannah Manor when he was stopped by a woman he'd never seen before. She was tall and exotic looking, around the same age as Annika, maybe a little older.

  “Are you Denali Levannah?” She asked urgently.

  “Yeah, who's asking?”

  “It doesn't matter. Your sister is in trouble.”

  “What are you talking about?” He asked, feeling dread creep up in him.

  “I don't have time to discuss this but Jax carried her into The Dark Forest and he hurt her.”

  Denali didn't wait for details. He ran in the direction of the forest, hoping he was in time. He couldn't form a coherent thought in his head. He just ran as fast as his legs could take him. He entered the edge of the forest and was surprised by the actual darkness. The sun was still in the sky, so he had some light, though very little. He had to slow to a walk as he maneuvered the dangerous forest. Fallen trees laid haphazardly on the forest floor and vines and vegetation grew wild in some places, making it hard to navigate. He was screaming her name when something caught his eye.

  Nailed to a tree he saw the note that confirmed his worst fear. The dark stranger was right. He looked inside the tree for his sister but all he found were the blood stains she'd left behind.

  “Fuck!” He yelled before running in the direction that the note led him: James Menders. Annika must have told Jax about James, and clearly, he didn't take it well. Denali made his way back to the Healer's village, praying he made it there before Jax. He prayed he'd find Annika there, safe. He prayed Jax wouldn't hurt his sister. All that he had seen contradicted his hopes, the strange lady's warning, the note, and the blood in the tree but Denali wasn't sure it was Annika's.

  He picked up the pace again when he exited the forest and nearly sprinted to the Healer's village. He was on the edge of the village when he ran into Vivanna. They collided, both running, both frantic. She started swinging wildly at him but he grabbed her arms and held her tightly. “Vivianna, stop! It's me! It's Denali. Would you stop?”

  “Denali?” She asked, realizing who he was. She looked up at him, tears threatening to pour. As soon as she spoke they broke through and she fell into his arms. Her words didn't make sense but they confirmed his worse fear: Jax made it there before he did.

  “Vivanna, look at me. Tell me what happened. Calm down and talk to me.”

  She took a few deep breaths before speaking. “Jax came for James. I can only assume he killed him. He's gone and the house is covered in blood. I heard them fighting but was too scared to go inside. I thought James could defend himself. I'm a coward Denali. I let him kill my brother.” She couldn't hold the sobs back any longer, and Denali let her cry. As he held her he tried to make sense of what was going on. The only things he knew for sure was that Jax took Annika into The Dark Forest, of that
he was sure of now, and he'd either killed or seriously hurt James Mender. Denali had the note to prove it.

  He was trying to figure out his next step when it clicked. The note said Jax and Annika would announce their engagement at Levannah Manor. Maybe Annie had gone back but even as he thought it, he knew she didn't. Jax did though and Denali was about to rip his world apart.

  “Come on Viv,” he said, releasing his hold on her waist. Instead he grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him.

  “Wait Denali. Where are we going?” She cried, trying to pull her hand free of his.

  “We're going to Jax.” He continued forward, his voice hard.

  “Are you crazy? I'm not going in search of a lunatic! Let go of me Denali!” She ripped her hand from his finally causing him to stop and look at her. His heart broke when he finally looked at her face, really looked at her. Her eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks were tear stained but the look on her face, he couldn't place it. Fear, anger, anguish? He thought he saw every possible emotion flash in her eyes then settle on anger, directed at him. She's just witnessed Jax most likely murder her brother and here he was dragging her to the murderer. He couldn't leave her though. He wouldn't leave her.

  “Viv, I'm sorry. I know you're scared. So am I but Jax is at my home right now, with my family. He's expecting Annika to show up so they can announce their engagement. I have to go there. I have to see if she's there. He hurt my sister Viv. I can't let him get away with that and I sure as hell can't let her marry that monster.” He was pleading shamelessly. He didn't tell Vivianna that he feared his sister was dead as well. He didn't see how that would help. He knew in his heart that Annika wouldn't be there tonight.

  “Please come with me Vivianna. I don't want to leave you alone. I'll come back and help you with things that must be done after I do this.” He couldn't bring himself to say the words. He couldn't tell her he'd help wash her brother’s blood away, but he would. He'd do anything for her, but he needed her to do this thing for him. He searched her eyes and exhaled a sigh of relief when he saw resolve in them.


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