When She's Mine (The Forever Collection Book 2)

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When She's Mine (The Forever Collection Book 2) Page 7

by Dani Wyatt

  My heart climaxed as hard as my cock. It’s all in for me, the sex and the love and devotion I feel are all wrapped up together. They will never be separate and I will never give that to anyone else.

  “You know...” The orgasm blush is still on her cheeks and the twinkle in her eyes fills my heart. “You barely know me. You sure it’s safe inviting a strange woman to stay in your home?”

  I cross my arms. Her body is supple, laying on the pillows against the headboard. The light in the room is quickly turning to evening’s golden orange. The bedroom hangs on a cantilever over the ravine, with floor to ceiling windows that give the illusion that the room is dangling over the forest below.

  “I think I can handle myself. But, you do have some skills that very well could bring a man to his knees. At least this man.”

  C H A P T E R E I G H T


  “Leah.” Allister’s deep voice stirs me from a sleep like I haven’t had in a long time... longer than I can remember.

  It takes me a moment to get my bearings before I smell his spicy, clean scent and feel the warmth from his body as he shifts behind me. He’s fresh. Showered already. And I didn’t even realize he’d left the soft comfort of the bed we shared last night.

  I hum, trying to form some words, but I’m not ready. My body is a little achy, a little tingly. My legs throb but it’s more than just that. The near constant tension between my thighs is already coming to life from the mere sound of his voice. How does he do this to me?

  “Something’s happened.”

  He gently glides his fingertips from my forehead, running his hands down my neck and sending a shiver right through to my toes. His voice is thick with that same rumble that reminds me of a bass drum, but this time it’s undercut with something else.

  “What is it?” I turn and see his brown and gold eyes staring at me from behind a tense brow. We spent hours last night talking, and I love and hate that I feel so connected to him already. He makes me feel safe, but something in his voice is hinting that there is something wrong. I wouldn’t know that if we didn’t have this connection.

  “The club in Chicago and one in Indianapolis both burned last night. I’m sorry, I have to go.”

  Burned. My mind takes a moment to wrap itself around that word and grasp the meaning. “What? Fires at two clubs? Is everyone okay?”

  “As far as I know no one was hurt. Doesn’t look like a coincidence, though. I’m so fucking sorry, baby. With Decker and May just married and locked away...” He shakes his head, his hand stroking my cheek. “I don’t want to leave you, but I have to go deal with this shit. I fucking hate it, but it’s my responsibility.”

  “You have to go. I understand. Decker and May will be back tomorrow and Henrietta is coming back to stay with me today. I’ll be fine. I was a bit uneasy about telling her I wouldn’t be at the guesthouse, anyway, to be honest. She has strong opinions if you hadn’t noticed, and I’m not sure I’m up to explaining us to her quite yet.”

  The words are there but deep inside me my stomach drops. I run a hand over his shoulder. His body fascinates me. Massive in form and power but so controlled and decisive. Warm, golden light sneaks its way through the bedroom window, cresting across half his face. It’s filled with a carnal look that makes me feel he knows things about me that I don’t.

  “I had so many plans for us today, precious.” His warm lips are on mine in an instant, his tongue slicing between my lips for a taste before he pulls away, leaving me desperate to breathe. “Tell me again how much you loved the taste of my cum.”

  Heat blasts my cheeks. He makes this change in the blink of an eye. From the brooding, caring protector to the filthy-talking sex god. In the light of the morning, I remember the way he spoke to me. I remember how uninhibited he was and how it drew wild parts of me.

  And yes, I remember telling him how good he tasted.

  Shyness replaces last night’s vixen and I squint my eyes together and cover half my face with a hand, gently shaking my head as I remember all the filthy things he’d said to me. All the filthy things I’d said to him...

  “Say it.” He pushes my hand from my face, pinching my chin and squaring his eyes with mine. “Tell me. You loved it in your mouth, didn’t you? Slick and hot.”

  I take a deep breath and giggle as I speak. “God, yes. I did love it. I loved making you cum. I loved how you watched me. All of it, I loved all of it.”

  “You’re the first and only woman that will ever have my cum, Leah. Only you.”

  I suck in a breath. Not just at his words but at the depth of emotion behind them. Was it dirty talk? Yes, of course, but something about it wasn’t tawdry or cheap. It was beautiful and meaningful, and something I never expected in a million years.

  I sigh. “I guess it will give me a chance to do some writing. I’m inspired.” I giggle like a little girl and try to remember the last time I giggled with anyone besides May.

  “Oh yeah? I have time for a bit more inspiration before I have to leave.”

  “Are you sure? You sort of gave it all last night. Several times, in fact, even if I didn’t get the pleasure from all of them,” I tease as his face comes to mine, his hand moving up to tangle in my hair. A rush of warmth spreads down my belly and between my legs.

  “You have no idea just how much I’ve saved up for you, Leah. You’ve created a monster and the only thing that will soothe this savage beast is you cumming for me.”

  He shifts on the bed, coming up onto his knees, the hand in my hair never loosening as he strips the towel from his waist and exposes the massive erection he’s been hiding behind it. Suddenly my heartbeat is straight into the red zone.

  I reach over to touch him, discovering his textures, the flesh on the swollen head, slick with drops of clear liquid. I smile at the deep rumble that comes out of him as I tighten my hand and look up to see the desperation in his eyes.

  “What about you cumming for me?” I grip and gently twist my hand as he taught me last night, wanting to see that mindless state of lust I saw in him then.

  “Christ, precious.” The words sound pained as his head drops back on his neck and he brings one hand down between my legs. His fingers immediately slip into the soaking wetness that’s already there.

  Our hands work each other, his fingers thick and rough as he grabs at me while mine twist and tug at his length.

  “Who does this belong to now? Who touches you like this?” He grips harder, sending a flush of heat from head to toe.

  “You do.”

  “Damn right. The thought of anyone else even fucking thinking about touching you...” He trails off, his fingers slipping inside me, spreading my natural lubrication around and around. He finds my clit and works it until I’m gasping and my hand reacts by pumping him up and down. I’m sure I must be hurting him but I can’t help it.

  “Oh, God.”

  “Spread your legs, baby. Wide. Open up for me, Leah. Give it all. Take what’s yours. It’s all yours.”

  A sharp tug back on my hair reminds me of who’s in charge and I press my knees open wide, the result pushing me right to the edge. How he knows just how to make me cum I’m not sure, but he does. He’s just in contact with something deep inside me, something that lets him know exactly what to do at the right time.

  “Push up into me, Leah, show me who you are for me. Show me how much you want it. Let me know that you want to cum only for me.”

  That’s it. Any thoughts about the aching in my legs are long gone. The inhibitions about the scars and the way they will never resemble the legs of a runway model evaporate.

  I am his toy, the one that takes his direction, and it pleases him in a way that then pleases me. I can’t explain it, I can only feel it, and right now the tension low in my belly goes super nova as his fingers press and spin hard on my nub. The slick sound of wet movement, the look in his eyes as he stares down at me – they push me to the edge of Never-Never Land.

  Suddenly my hips start to buck
and my voice turns to a wordless shriek. My hand grips tight and pumps the stone shaft between his legs as my body takes over. I only mildly feel the hot cream from his own release as it spreads across my breasts. My nipples tighten and my body shakes, and Allister moans and swears above me.

  Henrietta glares at Allister as he disappears out the door of the guesthouse. We’ve been back here for about an hour, and he made sure we had a nice goodbye before Henrietta showed up. I made him promise to not let on about anything going on between us, not yet.

  I’m just not ready for the wrath it will bring. The household staff have been hovering around me for so many years they’re like family, and just like family they will all have an opinion on us. I just want to enjoy what we have without all the editorial from everyone. You would think I’m perpetually ten years old from the way they treat me.

  “Why was he here? Again?” Henrietta snaps.

  “He just came by to check on me, that’s all. He knew you wouldn’t be here until lunch, so he was just checking up.” My heart is beating like a drum. I’m not sure why I don’t want her to know, but I don’t. “You should be pleased that he’s looking out for me.”

  She narrows her eyes and sucks air through her teeth for a moment while shaking her head, then turns and goes back to her hasty movements. She swears in Polish under her breath while chopping vegetables and dropping them into the soup pot on the stove top. For a few long, silent minutes, I scribble some ideas for a book outline on a notepad Allister bought for me on our way here.

  I’m jolted out of my book fantasy when Henrietta thrusts a knife down through a head of cabbage with a sharp smack.

  “You know, you have to be careful,” Henrietta gripes at me as she works. “People want money. This is the way things always are.”

  I’m just about to respond, hoping I’ll find some words to defend Allister without giving the game away, when I’m surprised by the sound of the door opening.

  “Hello?” It’s Wilson’s voice. He sounds like he’s in a good mood.

  “How did you get in?”

  “Door was open.”

  That seems odd to me because I was sure Allister would have closed the door on his way out, and it automatically locks. Maybe he didn’t pull it closed properly?

  “Did you remember my newspaper, Mr. Wilson?” Henrietta says to him, taking a quick glance at me before returning to her cooking. “I cannot go without it today, I am already behind on what’s going on in the world.”

  “Wilson, what are you doing here? I didn’t send for you.”

  “I just came by to see if you wanted to go out. I know you’re here all on your own. And, you heard Henrietta. She needed her newspaper.” He smiles. “Your newspaper is in the car., Mrs. Henrietta. I’ll go grab it.”

  “No, I will take it later. I was just telling Leah that she needs to be careful.”

  “Yes she does.” He winks at me. “Very careful indeed. Careful about what, exactly?”

  “Ojej! People. Her money.”

  “And I have told her that Allister has plenty of his own money, so why would he be interested in mine?”

  I turn to look at Wilson and he makes a small grunt in his throat.

  “Yes, well, Henrietta is right. Those are the worst kind. People with money always want more money. If they didn’t, they’d stop when they had enough. Think about it.”

  “And what about you?” I tease. “I suppose you don’t want any money at all?”

  I may not know exactly what everyone gets paid, but I know Wilson can’t be living like LeBron James.

  “No.” The normal twinkle in his eyes turns dark. “I don’t. Money means nothing to me.” His stern demeanor comes across as harsher than necessary.

  “Anyway.” Henrietta interrupts. “Now that you are queen of the castle over there, you have to be extra careful. People will try to take advantage of you.” She swings around, pointing the knife at me. “More than before.”

  “God, you both are on a crazy roll. I’m not as naïve as you think, you know. I have seen the worst things that people can do, remember.”

  “No ba. Fine, I am an old lady, I know when I should stop talking. Anyway,” she glances around at Wilson, “Where were you last night?”

  “Last night? I don’t know what you mean.”

  “I mean, the car was gone. All night. I came to find you and you were gone. When I left for the market this morning, you were still gone.”

  Wilson leans into the countertop, avoiding my raised eyebrows. I mean, what he does in his spare time is his business, but I’m not sure how I feel about him taking the family car.

  “I couldn’t sleep. Drove by here to make sure everything looked okay.” He turns to me and gives a half smile. “Didn’t like the thought of you being here alone.” He chuckles and crosses one foot over his ankle, then back the other way. “Okay, I’ll admit it.” He raises his hands in the air. “I hung out here, outside in the car all night. Even peeked in the windows a few times while you were sleeping. Might sound a bit creepy, but I had the best of intentions, I promise. Just wanted to be sure you were okay.”

  He’s lying.

  Henrietta grunts toward the soup pot as she turns back around. “You should tell someone when you leave with the car all night. You know better.”

  Wilson winks at me again and my stomach tightens. Why is he lying to me? Maybe he had a hot date and wanted to impress her with the car. I hope that’s all it was. I would understand that. He doesn’t have a lot, and despite his protests I’m sure he must feel the sting of that. I brush it off, tell myself to remember to increase his wages.

  “When is May coming back?” Wilson changes the subject after a long pause.

  “Said they would be back around three o’clock, but then Decker planned to lock them in the house for a week. Or two.”

  “Psssst, that will never happen, Zabka. You know as well as I do that as soon as they get back May be over here checking on you, and you two will be making all your usual plans.”

  “She’s only been gone a day and a half,” Wilson interjects with a hint of judgment in his voice. “Wonder why they didn’t go for longer? Doesn’t seem like a proper honeymoon to me.”

  “May didn’t want to go anywhere at all. Decker had to twist her arm just to get her to spend a night away.”

  Wilson shakes his head. “I just think you both need to be careful.”

  “Are we talking money again?” Sometimes I wish I was born into a standard issue, cookie-cutter, middle-class family. “Decker doesn’t want her money. He even signed... No, he wrote up and insisted that May sign a pre-nup so he’d get nothing of hers. Even if she dies,” I snap back.

  Why Wilson refuses to settle into the fact that Decker loves May for May, and not her money, is beyond me and it’s annoying. He’s been on this kick since they got together.

  “Listen.” He grins. “I’m just saying. I’ve been out there...” He flips his head toward the door. “...more than you have in this life. I know people. Generally, if you think the worst then you won’t be disappointed.”

  My phone chirps from its place on the table in front of me. I pick it up to see it’s a text from Allister. A smile automatically takes over my lips as I read.

  “My precious unicorn... I’m just getting to the freeway towards Chicago. Looks like I’ll be here for at least five days, then I’m flying to Indy before I head back here for the drive home. I’m fucking pissed. I want to be there with you. Your pussy’s marked me, babe. I can barely fucking keep my eyes on the road. I can’t stop thinking about you. I’ll call you later. Text me, let me know you are okay. Please, make sure you eat. I know Henrietta will be there, but I need to know you are safe, so be ready for about a thousand texts and calls today. Okay, just so you know, I’m fucking off my nut for you, Leah. Please take care of what’s mine. I plan on calling you and giving you lots of direction on how to make that pussy cum for me over the phone. Be a good girl and be naked and in bed around 8pm. I want to hear
how wet you are for me, and trust me when I say this: I will be hard all day thinking about you. Okay, better get back on the road. Pulled over to text you. Talk to you later, precious.”

  I’m still smiling two hours later when May finally runs in the door like a hurricane of newlywed glow and chaos.

  “O.M.G.” May spins around and flops down on the sofa where I’m sitting with my laptop, typing away on my story for Allister. I flip the top closed before she can read it. For some reason I am hesitant to tell her about Allister, even though we share everything. But even when I do finally tell her, this writing is just for him. So I set my laptop on the side table and settle back as May dramatically throws her arm across her forehead.

  “So. You’re married and knocked up. You do know how to get things done fast.”

  “Ha. Yes.” Her voice turns down.

  “What? Didn’t you have fun? Wasn’t the hotel nice?”

  “Yes. It was great. Only, this morning...”


  “I don’t know if it was something I ate or just all the excitement. But, well...” She looks at me, her face more serious and her voice lowering. “It felt like I was having, well, like cramps a little bit.” Her eyes dart to the door, like she doesn’t want to see the reaction in my eyes. “I got scared.”

  Her voice quivers.

  “Did you tell Deck?” I sit up straight, pulling at one leg to shift sideways and look at her.

  “No. He was in such a good mood. Even with the news about the fires. I didn’t want to ruin it.”

  “You need to tell him, May, right now. Go to the doctor. I mean it, May, do it right now.” I reach over to grab my crutches. I’m not sure why I want to stand up, but I need to.

  Any thoughts I had of hinting to her about Allister are long gone.

  “I don’t want to,” May whines.

  “You go tell him or I will.” I wince as I take the first couple steps toward the front door. The new ways Allister used my body have left me with a few glorious muscle aches.


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