The Dark Shadows Companion: 25th Anniversary Collection

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The Dark Shadows Companion: 25th Anniversary Collection Page 18

by Kathryn Leigh Scott

  134. After Vicki brings David to see Laura, he runs back to his room, screaming to Vicki that Laura isn’t his mother.

  135. Instead of staying at Collinwood, Laura moves into Matthew’s old cottage.

  136. Maggie questions Sam about the portrait of the lady in fire, but he can’t explain why he’s painting it.

  137. The sheriff tells Roger that a body found in a fire in Phoenix was identified as Laura.

  138. Roger takes a gun to Laura’s cottage, where he catches Laura and Burke together.

  139. Laura convinces Vicki to help her and David get together.

  140. Laura tells David the story of the legendary phoenix.

  141. David takes Laura to the Old House to see if Josette will appear.

  142. Sam gives Vicki the mysterious painting of the woman in flames, and Vicki gives it to David, against Laura’s wishes.

  143. David tells Liz and Vicki he dreamed of seeing his mother’s face come out of the painting.

  144. In the Collins family history book, Vicki notices a painting of Josette wearing a locket that Laura was wearing.

  145. Laura tells Sam, who has started creating another mysterious portrait, to stop painting.

  146. As Laura stares into the Collinwood fireplace, Sam nearly catches fire in his cottage after falling asleep with a cigarette.

  147. David refuses to let Roger take the painting away from him.

  148. Carolyn asks Burke why he hasn’t invited her out lately, and jealously realizes it’s because of Laura.

  149. The portrait in David’s room is mysteriously finished, depicting David and his mother in flames.

  150. After Roger throws the mysterious portrait in the fireplace, Liz orders Laura to stay away from David.

  151. David reveals to Liz that Laura visited him during the night.

  152. Liz orders Vicki to keep David away from Laura, but Laura convinces Vicki to not stand between her and David.

  153. Lieutenant Riley from Phoenix questions Laura after blood tests and dental records confirm she died in the fire.

  154. Vicki and Frank discover the tomb of L. Murdoch Stockbridge, who died by fire, and learn Murdoch is Laura’s maiden name.

  155. After Liz catches Laura and Burke embracing, she orders Laura to leave, but Laura secretly causes Liz to pass out.

  156. Dr Reeves is mystified at Liz’s collapse and memory loss. In a dream she starts to remember Laura’s actions.

  157. Vicki learns there was a Laura Murdoch Radcliffe, who like Laura Murdoch Stockbridge died from fire, 100 years apart.

  158. Laura secretly visits Liz and puts her in a trance.

  159. Vicki tells Frank she believes Liz’s illness could be related to Laura. Laura warns Vicki she’ll get control of David.

  160. Dr Peter Guthrie, a phsychic investigator, is called in to examine the strange occurances at Collinwood.

  161. Roger objects to Guthrie’s presence, but Carolyn insists he stay.

  162. The strange portrait of David and Laura appears to David at the Old House in place of Josette’s portrait.

  163. After questioning David, Dr Guthrie interrogates Laura.

  164. Guthrie learns Liz, who is under hospitalization in Boston, was with Laura shortly before she became ill.

  165. David sneaks off to stay overnight with his mother. Laura is frightened after Josette’ ghost appears to her.

  166. Carolyn tells Joe she’d like to resume their relationship, but he’s now dating Maggie.

  167. Roger tells Laura she cannot take David without Liz’s permission.

  168. Sam tells Guthrie of his suspicions about Laura.

  169. Roger tells Frank that he wants his divorce from Laura taken care of immediately.

  170. Laura’s presence at a seance prevents Josette’s ghost from revealing Laura’s secret.

  171. Guthrie is certain Josette was trying to warn them during the seance. Vicki recalls feeling as if she was on fire.

  172. When Mrs Johnson attempts to put out the fire in Laura’s cottage, Laura reprimands her severely.

  173. Vicki convinces Burke to be wary of Laura’s motives.

  174. Guthrie tells Frank the audio tape of the seance contains nothing but the sound of fire crackling.

  175. Guthrie and Vicki learn that the body of the woman identified as Laura has disappeared from the Phoenix morgue. 176. Guthrie warns Laura he knows she has some kind of powers.

  177. Guthrie tells Carolyn he feels he’s close to a solution.

  178. Carolyn convinces Roger to admit he has doubts about Laura.

  179. Guthrie and Joe break into Laura Murdoch Stockbridge’s crypt, and find the tomb empty.

  180. In the cemetery, Guthrie and Joe discover that Laura Murdoch Radcliff’s coffin is empty.

  181. Joe reads an old newspaper record detailing how Laura Murdoch Radcliff’s son David burned to death with her.

  182. David tells Vicki he wants to leave with his mother.

  183. Laura stops Guthrie from extinguishing her fire. He tells her that he knows she is ore of the undead.

  184. Guthrie threatens to expose Laura and then arranges to conduct a seance at the Old House to contact Josette’s ghost.

  185. Laura places a spell on Guthrie, killing him by causing his car to crash and go up in flames.

  186. Unaware of Guthrie’s fate, Vicki, Sam, Joe, and David hold a seance where David prophesizes his own death.

  187. Vicki learns Laura Murdoch Radcliffe’s death was 100 years ago tonight, making her fear Laura will act tonight.

  188. Laura announces she’s leaving town for good, without David, but Vicki’s not convinced the danger is over.

  189. Joe tells Vicki the anniversary of Laura’s death is actually a day later than previously believed.

  190. Laura summons David to an old shack, hoping he will burn with her as the structure becomes engulfed with flames.

  191. Alerted by Josette’s ghost, Vicki rescues David from Laura as she goes up in flames.

  192. David remembers nothing of what happened in the shack.

  193. Sam demands that Roger return some paintings of his or he’ll tell Burke that Roger caused Burke to go to prison.

  194. Liz returns from the hospital, completely recovered.

  195. Liz is startled when Jason McGuire, an old friend of Liz’s husband, Paul Stoddard, comes to Collinwood.

  196. Despite Liz’s objections, Jason insists he stay over at Collinwood and refers to an incident from eighteen years prior.

  197. When Liz refuses to give him the key, Roger tries to break into the basement storage room to find Sam’s paintings.

  198. Liz stops Roger from entering the storage room. Maggie learns from Sam that Roger bribed him to keep quiet in the manslaughter case.

  199. Sam confesses to Burke that he witnessed the hit-and-run accident ten years ago, and that Roger was driving, not Burke.

  200. Roger informs Jason that he is not welcome at Collinwood.

  201. Burke confronts Roger, forcing him to admit he committed the manslaughter and framed Burke.

  202. When Jason’s friend Willie Loomis flirts with Maggie at the Blue Whale, a fight between Willie and Joe is averted by Jason.

  203. Jason forces Liz to allow his friend, Willie Loomis, to stay at Collinwood.

  204. After Vicki tells Carolyn she’s afraid of Willie, Carolyn pulls a gun on Willie after he makes a pass at her.

  205. Willie starts to admire the foyer portrait of Barnabas Collins.

  206. When Mrs Johnson tells Willie a Collins legend of the family being buried with their jewels.

  207. Willie’s obnoxious behavior gets him into a fight with Burke.

  208. Liz warns Jason that Willie must leave Collinwood immediately.

  209. At Eagle Hill Cemetery, Willie investigates the Collins Mausoleum and hears a heartbeat coming from inside.

  210. Willie discovers a secret room in the mausoleum and unintentionally releases vampire Barnabas Collins from his chained coff

  211. Jason searches for Willie. Barnabas arrives at Collinwood, claiming to be a cousin from England.

  212. Barnabas meets Liz, Vicki, and David.

  213. Carolyn decides she must learn the truth about Liz’s relationship with Jason.

  214. Carolyn and Roger meet Barnabas, and are struck by his resemblance to the portrait.

  215. Jason finds a weakened Willie at the Blue Whale.

  216. After returning Willie to Collinwood, Jason finds a puncture wound on his wrist.

  217. At nightfall, Willie breaks free from Jason and rushes to the mausoleum.

  218. Barnabas asks Liz for permission to live in the Old House.

  219. Dr Dave Woodard diagnoses Willie’s illness is due to a loss of blood.

  220. Barnabas, with Willie as his servant, moves into the Old House.

  221. Barnabas meets Maggie at the hotel coffee shop.

  222. Barnabas commissions Sam to paint his portrait.

  223. Vicki reveals to Liz that Willie is working for Barnabas.

  224. Maggie has a terrifying nightmare of seeing herself dead inside a coffin.

  225/226. As Sam paints at the Old House, Barnabas enters Maggie’s bedroom and bites her.

  227. Sam finds Maggie in a weakened condition.

  228. Carolyn learns that her missing father’s belongings are locked in the basement storage room.

  229. Dr Woodard discovers Maggie has lost a great deal of blood.

  230. Barnabas summons Maggie to the cemetery.

  231. Dr Woodard gives Maggie a blood transfusion.

  232. Maggie, suffering from memory loss, cannot explain the puncture wounds on her neck.

  233. Without revealing Josette’s identity, Barnabas recounts the story of her death to Vicki and Carolyn.

  234. Keeping watch over Maggie, Vicki is locked out of Maggie’s room when the howling of wild dogs is heard.

  235. Further weakened, Maggie is hospitalized and appears to be dead, but moments later her body is missing.

  236. Holding Maggie captive at the Old House, Barnabas informs her that she will become his long-lost love Josette.

  237. The sheriff questions Jason and Willie about Maggie’s disappearance.

  238. Vicki and Carolyn visit the Old House to view the restoration.

  239. When Joe and Sam visit the Old House, Maggie tries to scream for help.

  240. David sees Maggie at the Old House dressed as Josette and believes she’s Josette’s ghost.

  241. David tells Vicki that he’s seen Josette.

  242. Maggie’s blood samples are stolen from Dr Woodard’s office.

  243. To ease suspicions, Jason proposes to Liz that they marry.

  244. Carolyn refuses to believe Liz’s account of Paul Stoddard being an unloving person.

  245. To protect his secret, Barnabas switches the blood sample that Dr Woodard took from Willie.

  246. Jason agrees to help Carolyn obtain the key to the basement room.

  247. Maggie leaves the Old House in a trance and is spotted by Sam outside the Evans’ cottage, but she disappears.

  248. Barnabas punishes Maggie by placing her in a coffin.

  249. Jason forces Liz to announce their marriage after showing everyone the basement room holds no secrets.

  250. Trying to avoid becoming Barnabas’ vampire bride, Maggie unsuccessfully attempts to stake Barnabas.

  251. Barnabas nearly kills Maggie, but Willie convinces him to give her another chance to become Josette.

  252. In rebellion against her mother’s marriage plans, Carolyn begins dating a motorcyclist hippie, Buzz.

  253. Locked in an Old House basement cell, Maggie tries to engineer an escape scheme, but is caught by Barnabas.

  254. Carolyn tells Jason she’ll marry Buzz the same day her mother weds Jason.

  255. A young girl appears outside Maggie’s cell singing London Bridge.

  256. In the woods, David meets the little girl, who reveals her name is Sarah.

  257. Jason tries to bribe Buzz into cancelling his marriage to Carolyn.

  258. Sarah appears in Maggie’s cell and the two sing togther. Sarah disappears when Barnabas prepares to enter.

  259. Liz tells Vicki that she murdered Paul Stoddard.

  260. With Sarah’s help, Maggie finds a secret passageway and escapes from her cell as Barnabas follows close behind.

  261. Sam finds Maggie on the beach. Suffering a memory loss, she is secretly sent to Windcliff Sanitarium for treatment.

  262. Liz asks Vicki to serve as witness at her wedding.

  263. For Maggie’s safety, Sam and Joe keep the knowledge that Maggie is alive a secret while the town believes she is dead.

  264. Willie tells Barnabas of his encounter with a young girl in the woods, unaware she is the ghost of Barnabas’ sister Sarah.

  265. Sam and Joe visit Maggie at Windcliff against the wishes of her doctor, Julia Hoffman.

  266. Liz dreams of jumping to her death off Widows’ Hill.

  267. Barnabas prevents Liz from nearly jumping off the cliff.

  268. Roger learns that Liz has been reviewing her will.

  269. Liz procedes with her wedding plans after Vicki stops her from jumping off Widows’ Hill.

  270. Liz interrupts her wedding with the declaration that she killed Paul Stoddard with Jason as an accomplice.

  271. Liz recounts the story of how she accidentally killed her husband.

  272. Searching the basement room, Sheriff Patterson and Burke find a trunk buried beneath the floor.

  273. Upon finding the trunk is empty, Liz learns she did not kill Paul after Jason admits the incident was a hoax.

  274. Ordered by the sheriff to leave town, Jason overhears Barnabas tell Willie of his plans for Vicki.

  275. After breaking into the Old House to find jewelry, Jason is strangled by Barnabas while opening his coffin.

  276. Barnabas has Willie bury Jason in the mausoleum secret room.

  277. Barnabas decides to host a costume party with the intention of Vicki dressing in Josette’s gown.

  278. Barnabas invites Vicki to help select costumes for the party.

  279. When Vicki asks for Burke to be invited to the party, Barnabas secretly compares him to his 18th-century rival Jeremiah Collins.

  280. At the costume party, Vicki goes into a trance during a seance.

  281. After Josette’s spirit speaks through her at the seance, Vicki receives Josette’s music box as a gift from Barnabas.

  282. Unable to remember her kidnapping, Maggie tells Julia she recalls being in a graveyard and hearing tinkling music.

  283. When Julia takes Maggie to the cemetery, Vicki sees Maggie in the distance but Burke insists it was Vicki’s imagination.

  284. Placing Maggie under hypnosis, Julia learns she is terrified of the names Collins and Barnabas.

  285. Barnabas invites Vicki to stay overnight at the Old House when a raging storm erupts.

  286. As Vicki sleeps in Josette’s room, Barnabas prepares to attack, but his conscience prevents him from biting her.

  287. Posing as an historian, Julia comes to Collinwood hoping to discover the truth behind Maggie’s disappearance.

  288. While visiting Barnabas at the Old House, Julia notices that he does not cast a reflection in her compact mirror.

  289. Julia sneaks into the Old House basement and finds Barnabas at rest in his coffin.

  290. Vicki informs Barnabas that Josette’s music box has a strange effect on her.

  291. Barnabas apprehensively accepts Julia’s offer to help him with a possible cure.

  292. Dr Woodard urges Julia for details about Maggie’s case.

  293. Burke interrogates Barnabas about his background.

  294. Maggie escapes Windcliff with Sarah’s help and stumbles into the Blue Whale, collapsing at the sight of Barnabas.

  295. Julia hypnotizes Maggie into forgetting about her ordeals with Barnabas.

  296. Fearing his secret may be
revealed, and distrusting Julia’s techniques, Barnabas decides he must kill Maggie.


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