“That was personal information!” Dawn interjected.
“Of course it was,” Alrisha agreed, dismissing both of her commander’s anger, “It still is. But Origen’s loved you this whole time. He’s distraught because he knows now that you’ve found Adam, he has no chance. Right, Origen?”
Origen glared at Alrisha with a hate so pure, the electrical circuits along Adam’s spine began to fire, causing him to shiver. Origen raised his hand as if to knock the Hacker off of her feet, but Alrisha saw it coming and leapt over his head, twisting and landing on the other side of the quarreling couple.
“As I said,” she taunted the jealous man as she walked towards the door, “This is no time for lover’s quarrels. Origen—just let it go. What matters now is that we finally know our next step.” She stopped and turned to the group once she had put a safe distance between herself and her enraged commanders. “Now more than ever! Unleash the forces of war and capture LMO’s across the globe! Get your head out of your heart and back where it belongs, Origen! The only way I can discern Neuro’s security architecture and find the primary server is to gain access to an LMO. And the only way to do that is to launch our attack on New Omaha as soon as possible!”
Dawn nodded in agreement, shaking off the shock of Origen’s jealousy. Why hadn’t she realized how much the man desired her? In all these years, it never occurred to her that he had followed her out of love rather than loyalty and a shared hate for the WG. The thought upset her, but Alrisha was right—now wasn’t the time to deal with personal dramas. And that included her reunion with Adam.
“I agree. Alrisha. You’re granted permission to launch the viral attack sequences on Neuro,” she commanded, relieved to be back in a position of power.
“Thank you, Master Dawn,” Alrisha replied formally. As she left the room she called out over her shoulder, “I’ll need Adam as soon as we conquer the New Omaha LMO. The sooner we plug him into Neuro, the closer we will be to understanding the virus he stores within him!”
“We’re returning to New Omaha so soon?” Adam asked Dawn, unsure of what he should do next.
“Yes. Your squadron deploys in six hours,” she replied formally.
Origen could taste their discomfort. He knew he had to get the hell out of the room, and fast, before he did or said something he would regret.
“I’ll organize the weapons and equip the troops,” he grumbled, “At sunset, we move out.”
Dawn nodded to her oldest friend. Her feelings of confusion and dismay made her mind whirl. She felt a deep sense of loss as the beautiful, dark man left the room, not even turning to look back at her. The heavy sounds of his boots hitting the floor as he walked away echoed through her soul. Adam sensed her pain and wanted to help her, but was at a loss of what to do. It was Cane who finally broke the spell.
“Adam, I suggest you report to engineering for your field upgrades,” he advised, “You need a new Chi-Regulator, the TeleSpeak feature and some other enhancements to help you in the field—like SuperVision and high-speed legs.”
“Right, Cane.” Adam murmured.
“I’ll escort him to Marcus,” Dawn offered, “Cane, you’re dismissed to aid Origen in the arsenal.”
Cane bowed and exited the room, leaving Dawn and Adam alone. Both were lost in their thoughts and feelings. For her part, Dawn had played this moment over and over in her imagination, yet now that Elijah was before her, she was unsure of how to act. Until she met Adam, she hadn’t allowed herself to be attracted to anyone else. Given what she had just learned about Origen, she now understood his animosity for Adam. Although she’d held it at bay, her attraction to Adam had been instant. Finally, she allowed a sense of relief and joy to pass through her as the truth settled within her soul: Adam and Elijah were one. Dawn had found her true love at last.
For Adam, the revelations from the day confused him. He was unsure of what to do or think. At the moment, even his attraction for Dawn was unable to penetrate the surface of his consciousness. Too much had been revealed all at once. Dawn sensed this and forced herself to give the man some space. Her true urge was to grab him and hold him close, but she tamped it down, knowing that Adam needed time to digest the news.
“I met you once,” she said, breaking the awkward silence. “When you were still Elijah. I didn’t know who you were at the time. It was just before you made that video with Dr. Neville.”
“Really?” Adam asked. He would’ve given anything to be able to recall those days.
“Yes,” she continued, “You’d just resurfaced. You begged Dr. Neville to introduce us. He arranged a meeting. He hadn’t used your real name. I think he called you John or something like that. I was with Origen and the rest of the O12, playing pool at some convention center, when you walked in. You didn’t talk much. You stared at me and I did all the talking. Dr. Neville told me later that you cried after that meeting because I couldn’t remember you.”
“That would explain my sadness in the video,” Adam said.
“Oh, I imagine it was part of it. I think that meeting solidified your decision to Jump so that you could join me in my world. And while I didn’t recognize you, I do recall that though you were still of the flesh, I was attracted to you—even with all that shaggy facial hair,” she laughed.
“Really? And what about now, Dawn? How did you feel when you first saw me as Adam?”
“The same,” she replied, “In spite of myself, I was attracted. I can’t lie to you. And what about you, Adam? How do you feel…about me?”
Dawn regretted the words as soon as she said them, feeling too exposed. Adam smiled at her gently.
“When I first saw you in the Jazz Club, wearing that red dress?” he asked her.
“Yes, there,” she smiled, pleased, “What did you think?”
“I thought you were the most beautiful woman in the world,” he whispered.
Adam stepped forward and took Dawn into his arms, holding her close. She returned the embrace, realizing that for the first time in her eHuman life, she was holding someone out of love. The embrace awoke an ancient feeling inside of them both. They would have cried if their eHuman eyes could produce tears. Suddenly, a loud siren interrupted the moment, reminding the couple that there was a war about to begin.
“That’s engineering. It’s time to outfit the squadrons and launch Operation Insurrection,” she said, reluctantly pulling away from the embrace, “Come, let me bring you to Marcus.”
Adam nodded, allowing Dawn to lead him back to Marcus’ lab. They stopped before opening the door to the engineering cavern.
“I don’t know when we’ll see each other again,” Dawn said, “Given your status within the mission, you’ll be assigned to Origen’s squadron.”
“But—” Adam began but Dawn shushed him, gently placing her finger on his lips.
“Please, Adam. Origen is our best warrior. I trust that he’ll keep you safe. You can’t die or be captured during the siege. You’re too important.”
Adam smiled at her, enjoying the sensation of her finger upon his mouth. In spite of the fact they were headed to war, he wondered what it would be like to kiss her the way Sophia and Elijah had kissed on the video.
“I’m leaving immediately to enter into the city ahead of the attack, so I can prepare for the siege,” she continued, taking his hand, “Expect to be undercover in the sewers until the signal is given. Then we’ll attack at once, all across the globe.”
He nodded and the two of them held hands in silence.
“I’ll see you in New Omaha,” Dawn whispered as she reached up to touch his face.
Reluctantly they entered the lab, where the excited scientist awaited them, leading Adam directly to an open Jumper. Marcus was oblivious to the chemistry between Dawn and Adam, though he was slightly caught off guard when Adam grabbed the Resistance Leader and held her close before she left the room. Adam watched her go, longing to be by her side.
“Since these upgrades require me to open your chest cavit
y,” the engineer explained, disregarding Adam’s somber mood, “I’m going to have to put you in Sleep Mode. That okay with you?”
Adam nodded, unable to form any words.
“Well, alrighty then,” Marcus quipped, “The next time I see your serious dark eyes, you’ll be a whole new man!”
Marcus left Adam’s side and began the sequence to put him into Sleep Mode. As the engineer worked, the intensity of his situation sank in. Adam was Edgar Prince’s heir. He was also the key to Neuro’s undoing. Father and son—mortal enemies. If only he could remember anything else about Neuro! Or his sister, Evelyn! Who the hell was she? Did he make some sort agreement with her hundreds of years ago? Would she remember? How would he be able to find her? Adam’s frustration overwhelmed him. As his system began to shut down and go into Sleep Mode, an image of the crying Sophia flashed before his mind.
“I will never let Edgar part us again,” he promised as his body timed out, enveloping him in darkness.
“The arrival of dawn comes at a high price. It requires good people to break bad laws.”
- Fr. John Dear
Edgar Prince silently entered his private theater. He stood in the doorway unnoticed, observing his colleagues milling about and chatting excitedly about the evening’s featured programming. He hadn’t told them what to expect, only that it was a spectacle they didn’t want to miss. Their laughter grated upon his senses. Yes, they were good neighbors and friends, yet their appreciation for him and all he had done seemed to be waning of late.
They, the elite of the world, had been nothing before Edgar brought them together to form Guardian Enterprises. They might have come from generations of wealth, but they had been mere pigs, all fighting for the same share of the leftovers. Edgar’s brilliant plans had enabled them to be more, to become angels upon the Earth. Unfortunately, his gift of immortality, and the eternal wealth that went with it, seemed to be taken for granted these days. Nothing like an uprising to put them in their rightful place—supplicant to him and the power he held over them. Immortality meant forever. It was time for Edgar to remind them of just how long forever was.
“My friends!” he cried out.
The room immediately went silent. Men and women of various colors and sizes, decorated in jewels, silks and gold, turned to see their master. They bowed to him.
“Edgar,” the Vice President of Guardian Enterprises, Morgan Pollock, greeted, “We were wondering when you would show up. Please, what’s the big event you have called us here to see?”
“Patience Morgan,” Edgar crooned with a dangerous look in his eyes.
The tall raven-haired man looked as if to respond, but immediately fell silent under Edgar’s glare. Morgan was spineless, but at least he knew how to obey.
“Take a seat and I’ll explain,” Edgar continued.
The group filed into their places within the auditorium, sitting upon the retro, red velvet theater chairs. A collector of art, Edgar had claimed them, along with the entire theater, from Hearst Castle during the Great Shift. He glided to the front of the room and stood before the screen.
“I bring you word from Gemetria,” he began, noticing the look of sudden seriousness upon the faces of the crowd, “The World Leader wishes me to report to you that the Global Resistance has declared war on two hundred of our cities!”
The eHumans moved restlessly in their chairs. They had watched Edgar murder millions of people over the centuries, but that was at his command and for their benefit. A war with the rebels seemed impossible.
“How can that be?” a woman cried from the front row, “How can that group of useless heathens actually organize themselves in such a way?”
“It seems they are much stronger than we had originally thought,” Edgar explained, “They are fully equipped to march upon every city we had targeted for shut-down and have released their troops this very hour!”
“But how did they get that information?” Christophe Rockwell, Guardian Enterprises CFO demanded, his blond head shaking while he spoke, “Our list of potential shut-downs was not published on the network! I made damn sure of that!”
“Ah,” Edgar said with a tone of amusement, “Christophe, it seems we have a turncoat in our midst.”
The silence in the room grew even deeper. All eyes were now on Christophe, wondering what exactly he would say. Was he the rat? Did he know who it was? Was Edgar going to punish them all, in order to find out who had betrayed them?
“What are you saying Edgar?” Christophe began slowly, “Are you accusing me?”
“Christophe, silence yourself!” cried the woman sitting beside him, a dark skinned beauty that aspired to be one of Christophe’s partners. Her fear for her new lover was written across her face.
“I’d listen to that woman if I were you,” Edgar replied menacingly, “I’m not here to accuse anyone. But if the traitor wishes to confess, I promise the punishment for such perfidy will be slight.”
He smiled at them, enjoying the way they looked at each other with suspicion.
“Regardless, we have a war on our hands,” Edgar continued, “And now it seems we must suffer it.”
“We should warn the Magistrates!” Morgan cried out, for Christophe had taken his woman’s advice and closed his mouth, “They need to prepare the cities!”
“No need,” Edgar answered.
“But they must not fall to the rebels,” Morgan continued.
“And why not?” Edgar countered, “Why can’t the cities fall to the rebels?”
The room went silent once more. No one was able to answer him, which didn’t surprise Edgar. He never imagined any of them having enough strategy to see beyond their next frivolous indulgence.
“I realize that most of you don’t expend a single bit of your processing contemplating the intricacies of running the world,” Edgar spat, “Thus the real reason I’ve called you here tonight is to not only inform you of this war, but give you some sort of idea on how to win it!”
They cowered in their seats. Edgar smiled benevolently at them and continued.
“Yes, the Resistance has staged an uprising. They’re entering our cities as I speak. None of our people are aware of what’s about to happen. I’ve commanded the WG to remain silent and sit back and watch. It’ll be a most interesting show indeed.”
“What are you planning Edgar?” Christophe finally demanded. He couldn’t take the suspense any longer.
“It’s simple really. They got a hold of a list of cities we had planned to unplug. But why were we unplugging them in the first place? To smoke the bastards out of their holes, that’s why! Well, they’ve come out of their holes, every single last one of them! Letting them takeover our cities is a perfect way to keep them out in the light of day, where we can watch them, and bring them to their final, desperate end!”
“You mean trap them?” Christophe clarified.
“Yes, trap them.”
“What of our people there?” Morgan asked.
“Morgan, it’s time you for you to accept that none of our people exist anywhere except here on this island. The rest of eHumanity exists to serve us, and if more of them die, I really see no problem with that.”
His colleagues looked at him with a mixture of adoration and fear. The two emotions danced in the air, intertwining like lovers in a tango. It was difficult to discern which one, fear or adoration, was leading the emotional dance. While Edgar loved adoration, fear had always been a much more efficient means to achieving his aims.
“All of the cities will be taken by the Resistance, with the exception of the ones near the ANP sites. Those shall suffer a much different fate,” he hinted.
“But those sites have been inactive for over a century!” Christophe argued, anxiously jumping to his feet.
“Alas, inactive, but not disabled,” Edgar replied, “Please Christophe, sit down. Relax. Enjoy the show. It’s the real reason I’ve brought
you here my friend.”
With that, the auditorium went dark, the screen lit up behind Edgar and live feed from several cities began to stream, forcing his captive audience to witness the closest thing to war any of them had ever seen. Their discomfort was palpable, which made Edgar all the more at ease.
The eHumans in New Omaha never saw it coming. Certainly not the languid WG security guards, who normally spent most of their shifts online playing Virtual Reality Apps with each other. Nor the Transportation Authority mechanics. They were kept busy day in and day out repairing and enhancing the vehicles of the city. Due to their dedication, not one of them noticed when a handful of new “mechanics” showed up for work on that fateful day. Even the Lifestyle Mechanics in the LMOs were taken by surprise, realizing only too late that the “clients” in their waiting rooms that morning were not there to discuss upgrades.
The red-robed Guardians caught their first whiff of trouble when doors, elevators, and PTDs in the city began to malfunction without warning. Device status icons lit up on the monitors within the New Omaha LMO Control Center with the frenzy of a fireworks show on Independence Day. The Guardians immediately began to investigate the stuck elevators, PTDs going in circles, refusing to stop and pick up passengers, and doors that opened and closed in three second intervals. This distraction, caused by a worm affectionately named Typhon by Alrisha, did its job; the Guardians of New Omaha, and 199 other cities across the globe didn’t notice as the more deadly AboutFace virus slowly infected Neuro’s code.
Imagine the Guardians’ surprise when a storm of LMO “clients” came busting into the Control Center, ElectroShock guns at the ready. The WG security guards had been easily overcome, since AboutFace had forced each of them—thirty in all guarding this particular LMO—to take their own lives the instant they pulled the trigger on their guns.
The Guardians fought back at first, forcing the Resistance members to briefly fight hand-to-hand combat, but unfortunately for them, a second round of fully armed Resistance warriors, led by Dawn herself, arrived, forcing the twenty or so Guardians stationed at the New Omaha LMO to surrender.
EHuman Dawn Page 12