A Bride For Samuel

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A Bride For Samuel Page 10

by Cyndi Raye

“Let’s see what Melody and Abigail sent along.” Fried chicken, rolls and a slice of yesterday’s apple pie made for a great lunch. As they enjoyed their meal, Callie wondered why he wasn’t out on the range with his brothers. Perhaps they all needed some time to digest everything that happened. “Where is Luke and Adam?”

  Samuel shrugged. “Guess they are working. I was ordered to take the day off, spend it with you since we did the same thing for my brothers when they were first married. Let’s enjoy today since tomorrow I’ll be back on the range, away from you.”

  Callie didn’t want to bring the subject up but knew they had to discuss Nora. “What will we do about your Ma, Samuel? We can’t let her stay in her room forever.”

  Samuel gave her a worried look. “Ma is going to come out of there and be a stronger woman than ever. You wait and see. She’s been brought to her knees but she’ll bounce back, I promise. Now let’s forget about her and concentrate on you and me.”

  He was right. She leaned over to place a kiss on his mouth. He grabbed her and pulled her onto his lap. “Samuel!”

  His kisses began to get more serious. She looked around. “What if someone rides up here and sees us like this?” Callie was adventurous but this was perhaps too bold of a move.

  He nuzzled her neck. “No one will. We have the whole day to ourselves, you and me, alone, here on this creek bank. I can guarantee none of my brothers or any ranch hands will ride up this way today. Forget the world, Callie, it’s you and me, right here, right now.”

  Well, since he put it like that, she began to kiss him like he won the grand prize.


  Callie wasn’t able to stop laughing. Or smiling. Or giggling. This was a wonderful afternoon and Samuel had spent the day making her realize how lucky she was. She turned to him. “Thank you, Samuel. I almost hate to go back.”

  “I do, too. But reality is just around the corner. Or a picnic, look at the yard.” Two large tables were covered with dishes. “It looks as if Rusty is roasting some meat outside. I bet he got himself a deer this afternoon.”

  “I didn’t know he hunted?”

  “He’s probably upset about Ma and doesn’t know what to do, like all of us. At times he’ll head out alone but then he always shoots us a good meal.”

  Callie turned to him. “This is upsetting everyone here.”

  Samuel agreed. “We are all worried about her. Every single person here. I listened to the hands this morning. Cody, Roger and Matt wanted to break down the door and force her to come out of the bedroom to talk about things. Rusty, the old codger, he gave them all a talking to and said if anyone broke down her door he’d fire them.”

  “Does he have the authority to fire someone?”

  Samuel shrugged. “Rusty is the oldest member of our thrown-together family. So, I’d say yes.”

  “It looks like the men are all cleaning up to get ready for supper. Perhaps I should go see if I can help bring the food out.” She slid from the saddle, not waiting for Samuel to help. It was much easier to get around wearing blue jeans but had retired them since she was getting so much attention when she wore her pretty dresses. Today she was glad she wore a dress. It made her smile thinking of their afternoon together.

  Samuel took the reins from her hands, leaned over and gave her a long, drawn out kiss. Before he walked away he looked deep in her eyes. “I love you,” he whispered.

  She began to walk backwards, watching as he led the horses into the barn. All of a sudden, he turned. She giggled and then blew him a kiss. Lifting his hand, he pretended to catch it and placed his hand across his own heart. Callie about melted. He was the one who would always melt her heart.

  It was time to get serious. Abigail was working hard even though it was difficult for her. Callie jumped in and scooped up the bowls to take outside. It looked as if they were having a feast. “What’s the occasion?”

  Melody grinned. “While you were out gallivanting with your lover, you missed all the action. Nora asked for Rusty when he got back this afternoon. He came out of her room, announced they were having a picnic out in the yard. He said Nora would join us.”

  Callie’s heart jumped at the news. The boys would be so happy. Everyone would be happy. It was going to be a great day now that Nora had a change of heart. She was certain they would all do whatever it takes to help Nora get through this. Besides, she was anxious to work side by side with the woman who was going to become like a mother to her.

  Her excitement grew as Samuel finally came out of the barn. He would be happy to hear the news. She almost ran across the yard to tell him until his brothers fell in beside Samuel. One of them jumped up and took down the other brother, while the last one jumped on the two who were down and a wrestling match began again.

  Abigail stopped what she was doing to watch. “I swear they act like they are ten years old!” She said it with a smile though.

  Melody stared before she set down a large bowl. “No telling when those boys will grow up. Abigail, your poor child will grow up to watch these men and their shenanigans.”

  “That’s not so bad. It could be a lot worse,” Abigail said. “I think it’s rather adorable.”

  Melody giggled. “Me too. Sometimes I want to jump in and wrestle, too!”

  Callie grinned. “That’s scandalous, Melody!”

  Melody chirped, “Says the one who wears those fancy, revealing blue jeans!”

  “I’ll let you borrow them sometime. You will be amazed how they feel and how easy it is to get work done.”

  “That’s a deal. I better get the rolls and we’ll be ready to sit down.”

  Callie nodded. “I’ll ring the bell. Abigail please sit down, you look exhausted.”

  Abigail did as she was told. When her husband looked up from the ground he jumped up and began to walk towards her. He was so devoted to his sweet wife. Callie knew Samuel would be the same way if and when she became pregnant.

  She gave the rope a tug and caught everyone’s attention with the first sound. “Supper is served,” she called out even though she didn’t have to. Most of the hands were already standing behind the chairs, waiting to dig in.

  Samuel took Callie’s hand and kissed it before escorting her to the table. There was a seat at the head of the table. Everyone stood silent as they waited for Nora.

  It was a matter of moments before she pushed the screen door open and appeared on the porch. Instead of her usual cotton dress, she appeared in a riding habit with a matching jacket, a high-collared chemisette and skirt. She made her way to the table and stood by her chair without speaking to anyone.

  Callie noticed her husband’s knuckles whiten as he clutched the back of the chair. She chanced looking at his brothers to see the same thing, all three had been hanging on to their chairs in anticipation of Nora’s entrance. Callie wanted to let it play out but she also wanted Samuel to know she was right here for him, always.

  Her hand went to his arm. It was stiff and rigid but the moment she touched him, he sighed. She leaned in to whisper in his ear. “It will be alright.”

  Looking up, Callie noticed Abigail and Melody did the same thing with their husbands. It was as if the three of them were on the same page, they all knew something was about to happen and had to let their husbands know they were standing with them, no matter what.

  Why was Nora dressed as if she were leaving? It scared Callie and yet she realized maybe the woman needed to get away. It was her choice. She was a grown woman. Callie wondered how the ranch would get by if Nora wasn’t here to keep everyone in line.

  “I’ll start the prayer,” she announced in her no-nonsense tone. “Lord, thank you for each and every one of the people standing at this table today. We all have our own journey to go down and knowing you are behind us and with us lessens the load. Thank you, Lord, for each and every day there is breath in our bodies. Thank you for this food, for friends and family and most of all, Lord, thank you for giving us this life we live. Amen.”

  Callie a
nd Samuel glanced at each other. Yes, there was something going on. He did the same with his brothers before they all sat down to eat.

  As usual, plates were passed around the table but not quite as livid as before. It was almost as if everyone knew there was something in the air. Rusty was the only one who behaved like his normal self, cracking jokes and handing out sarcastic comments.

  After the food was all but gone, Nora wrapped a fork against her glass. “I have an announcement to make.”

  Both tables were so silent the only thing heard was an occasional noise from the barn. Callie swore even the birds stopped chirping.

  “Ma, is everything alright?” Samuel asked.

  Luke leaned back in his chair. “I second that,” he told her.

  Adam nodded. “Ma, what’s going on?”

  She smiled at each one. “You boys are way too serious. First of all, I’d like to thank each and every one of you for all of the concern. I wasn’t able to get a moments rest in my bedroom as everyone kept banging on the door, wondering if I am okay.”

  She stood up at the head of the table and lifted her glass. “I want to propose a toast to all of you. Thank you for all of your concerns.” The others lifted their glasses and drank, a few mutters heard here and there.

  Samuel squeezed Callie’s hand. She gazed at him. “I love you,” she whispered in his ear. His thumb began to trace an imaginary line back and forth on her hand. He was so nervous for Ma’s announcement, but she was there to hold him up, no matter what Nora would say.

  “Ma, you are stalling,” her oldest muttered. It was clear Luke was angry and upset at the same time. He was the most dramatic of the brothers.

  “I am. So let me get down to business. I am leaving the ranch.”

  Luke stood up.

  Adam stood next.

  Samuel followed.

  “Leaving, but what about my baby? Our baby! Oh, no, Nora! I can’t have a baby without you!” Abigail became distraught. Luke took her in his arms and held her, speaking softly in her ear.

  “Ma, you are talking nonsense. What do you mean you are leaving here?” It was Adams turn to be annoyed. He held Melody’s hand in his, gritting his teeth while pulling her closer.

  “Boys, don’t get so excited. I’m taking a holiday, if you want to call it something. A sabbatical for what it’s worth. I’ve been on this ranch for the last thirty plus years, dedicated to see it succeed. I want some time to digest all that has happened in the last week. We have done well. All of you boys have a wife now to stand by your side and I am pleased with each and every one of you.”

  Callie let a tear fall.

  Abigail and Melody did the same.

  She addressed the ranch hands. “Cody, Roger, Matt, you have all helped this ranch to grow. I am gifting you with a bonus and hope you continue to be the best ranch hands this side of the Texas border. Rusty, my old friend, I will miss your daily accounts of life here but I will be back. I promise.”

  She stepped away from the head of the table to stand in front of Luke her first born. “You have a special place in my heart as my first son and will make your place at the head of the table now. I expect you to make sure this ranch doesn’t fall apart without me.” She held him close then turned to his wife. “Abigail, I won’t be gone forever and will meet my grand child soon. I promise. Thank you for making my son happy.”

  Adam turned to his Ma, giving her a hug. “I’ll miss you Ma even though I know you have to do this. Where will you go?”

  “I don’t know yet. I’m going to take it one day at a time. There is so much to see and do. I want some freedom, away from here and I hope you understand. You’ve always been my favorite, you know.”

  Luke held his mother tight, laughing at her remark about being the favorite, something she told all three of them. Callie watched, her eyes filling with unshed tears.

  Melody held onto Nora for the longest time. “You’ve been a daughter to me, perhaps a bit more than the others. I’m glad you came back here, where you will always have a home. You and Tommy are always a big part of my life.”

  Nora picked up Tommy and gave him a hug. He hugged her back and slid from her arms so fast she laughed out loud. He was so busy playing with the wooden toy one of his uncles bought him, he really didn’t know what was going on. Callie was sure Nora was glad she didn’t have to explain anything to the child.

  It was time for Samuel to say goodbye to his Ma. He gathered her in his arms and held onto her.

  “You are my youngest, my baby. Your laughter has kept me sane for all those times I wanted to give up. Thank you, Samuel for your spark and adventurous spirit. You’ve found the perfect match with Callie. I love you all so much.”

  Callie let the tears fall. She ran into Nora’s open arms and said her goodbyes. She didn’t know how long Nora would be gone or when she’d return but she did know one thing. Callie would always be here, waiting for the day she returned.

  Samuel let go of his Ma as she turned away from them all. “I love you all, this ranch and my home. I will be back.” With those words, she took her place on the wagon Rusty had loaded for her earlier in the day. Waving, she made her way down the road on her next journey.

  Callie stood alongside her husband. The crowd at the table was so quiet as Nora left it was almost as if someone had died. She had to fix this. After all, Nora left the women here to take over while she was gone.

  “Don’t look so glum, everyone. Nora is happy, let’s be happy for her. It’s something she wants to do.” There were some nods and then everyone began to chat amongst each other. “ Who wants cake?”

  Shouts erupted at the mention of cake.

  Abigail’s eyes widened. “We don’t have cake,” she mouthed.

  “Oh, yes we do!” Melody waved them inside. “Come on, ladies. Let’s get these men some cake. We need to celebrate.”

  Callie followed the two inside, curious.

  “We have cake because I’ve been so upset all day I baked two big cakes!”

  They cut up slices and passed them out to everyone. It seemed as if everyone’s lives would get back to normal. Nora may be gone but she’d be back. Her promise had reassured everyone there.

  Callie walked up to her husband, where he stood to the side of the crowd, staring at the two cabins across the way.

  “I was going to tell you we’d start on our own cabin soon.”

  She turned to him. “Oh, Samuel. We can start building right away. Nora won’t be gone forever. Then we will have our own place by the time she returns.”

  “I feel lost, Callie. My heart is cold. It’s empty and it’s our fault she found out. We tried so hard to keep from hurting her. Ma was all we had these past years and now we’ve gone and ruined everything for her.”

  Callie shook her head. “No, you haven’t. Look at her.” She pointed to the wagon as it made its way down the long, narrow road. “She’s going on an adventure, one she well deserves. It’s high time Nora did something for herself. Besides, she’s not alone. It looks like Matt is along for the ride. Rusty told us it was the agreement they made. A woman can’t travel alone.”

  Samuel stared at the wagon until it disappeared from view. Then he smiled at Callie. “I bet between finding a place to go for her adventure and feeding Matt, she’ll be back sooner than later. That man loves to eat.”

  She laughed out loud, realizing Samuel was accepting things at last. They had a new path to take, one filled with love, adventure and family.

  He picked her up and swung her around. “I love you, Callie White.”

  She placed a kiss on his mouth. “I love you, Samuel White. I’m ready for another adventure. What say you?”

  He threw back his head and laughed. “I’m ready for any adventure if it has to do with you, my lovely wife.”

  He whispered in her ear.

  She gasped.

  Then she slid from his arms and ran towards the barn. “The winner gets to pick the prize.”

  “Then maybe I’ll let
you win.”

  “I always win,” she fired back.

  Their laughter rang out over the White land as they closed the barn doors behind them.


  Thanks for reading Samuel and Callie’s story. Next up is the final story in the series. I was going to stop after the last son found a wife but my readers insisted on Nora’s story and I like to keep them happy so stay tuned.

  A Groom for Nora will be out soon.

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  Free Chapter An Outlaw’s Honor

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  An Outlaw’s Honor

  “Look out for your own”

  -the code of the west

  “Good morning, Miss Addie! What brings you to Mill Ridge so early?” Elizabeth was happy to see her mentor at the front door even if the older woman seemed to be in a state of agitation. Her dark well-kept hair was askew, along with a few strands out of place. Elizabeth noted her being a bit out of sorts for the well-managed woman everyone knew and loved.

  Miss Addie took off her riding gloves as she stepped in to the foyer of the boarding house. She looked around. “You’ve done an excellent job here, Elizabeth. I know taking over for Sophie so quickly was difficult and I promise to send you off as a mail order bride soon, you have my word.”

  Elizabeth welcomed the woman with a hug. “Please, sit and have some tea.”

  The pot was steaming on the stove. Elizabeth was always up before her guests, planning out the days meals and making sure everything was in order for breakfast. As soon as Rose, her helper and partner for the time being, finished her early morning work, the two would start breakfast.


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