Shifting Solitude (Outlaws, Fangs and Claws Book 1)

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Shifting Solitude (Outlaws, Fangs and Claws Book 1) Page 15

by Cheyenne Hart

  The room wasn't very light yet, not that it ever brightened up much with that foggy, small window. But Melody could have sworn she saw something flicker over Deadra's face, her bare legs, her bare ass. It was like someone had run some kind special stage light over her, one that shimmered over the shadows.

  "Please," sputtered the kid, barely able to force the words out.

  "You're killing him!" screamed Rita suddenly before falling silent again.

  "Stop it, Deadra. This isn't you. It's the drugs. It's the beast inside you. You're not like this, I know you're not! I've only known you a short time but your good heart is so easy to see," Melody pleaded.

  Deadra started to grunt and opened her eyes, her mouth wide. Her teeth were now long fangs. She was still the beautiful woman, but changed, different, scary, powerful.

  The young man screamed, but it came out like someone trying to blow liquid back out through a busted up drinking straw. And his look was of someone who knew they were about to die.

  "That's the thing about fuck juice and shifters," said Fattie. "The horny, makes the beast--come out. Once you kill someone while you're comin' inside 'em, your whole life'll change!" He burst out laughing, which made his grotesque body jiggle.

  "No," countered Melody, "I've known people like this, but it's not you, Deadra, I know it's not!"

  But Deadra only pumped her pert ass up and down while the naked boy kicked against the floor.

  His feet had become bloody from kicking out against it. His arms were twisted beneath him by the weight of his rapist on top of him.

  Deadra finished shifting into a werewolf, more feminine in form than the males, but devastatingly lethal looking.

  "Fuck yeah! " shouted Fattie, jiggling even harder as he became more excited.

  "Tear out his fucking heart!" yelled Shades.

  The wolfess, Deadra, snarled with passion and sunk her claws into her prey's supple chest as she rode his cock.

  Deadra continued to she pushed down on his throat with the weight of her upper body, her b-cups jiggling inelegantly as she continued to fuck the boy. Instead of pleasure, it seemed to be causing her pain, discomfort, or mixed emotions, clashing inside her brain and bleeding out into body.

  "Don't listen to them!" cried out Melody.

  Suddenly, Deadra shuddered all over. "Die!" she screamed as she launched herself off the boy, with his red cock shining dimly in the day-gloom from the window. The wolfess was on top of Fattie in an instant.

  He must have been the more delicious looking of the two, or just the first thing her animal instincts locked onto.

  "Die!" she screamed again, drool exploding over his face in a mist lashed with globules.

  In his human form, he couldn't react in time to draw his gun or even get his hands up to hold her back. He was as good as done for.

  Deadra tore out a huge piece of the obese bastard's chest, skin, meat and all. Fattie collapsed on the floor, bleeding heavily. The open gore stole Deadra's attention, distracting her, as she bit into the fleshy hole she'd created and chewed on his living interior.

  Shades slammed his fist down into the top of Deadra's head and started to shift his form. However, his reactions were off too, and he was likely inebriated in some way, giving him a disadvantage. He pushed Deadra her backward, making them stumble on Fattie's bloated body.

  Deadra was ravenous, spitting blood and snapping at his face as he tried to focus on shifting, while fending off this wolfess.

  They fell in front of Melody's cage.

  Their limbs tangled up with the bars, each trying to gain leverage over the other. Shades tried to free his arms as they sprouted gray-black fur. His face was the first to completely shift, and he used those death lock jaws immediately. His shades were still on but split across the middle, the lenses cracked. He stopped pulling away and let her draw him down closer suddenly--was ready with his well-practiced bite. The broken remains of his sunglasses fell away from him and landed inside the cage.

  Melody could barely catch her breath as this unfolded right next to her. Every little movement that jostled the cage made her quiver.

  The fully shifted werewolf bit down on Deadra's face. Blood started to show around his blackened lips, and Deadra bleated like a stuck lamb as she tried to pull his jaw off her skull.

  But that only left the werewolf's hands finally free to do their own damage. Considerably larger than Deadra, he pushed her down onto the ground. The reek of blood and musk was overwhelming.

  Melody vomited in her mouth but spat it away and screamed. As she pushed herself against the back of the cage, something pricked her ankle. It was the fragmented lens from the shades, a semi-circle of sharp, hardened glass. She screamed with rage and she jammed the fragment into the werewolf's left eye.

  He howled just like Grave had done.

  "You bitch!" he grunted, but was forced to stop biting and recoil back.

  "Is that the best insult you have, fucker?" said Melody from the safety of her cage. It didn't seem likely that she'd ever be thankful to be locked in an oversized dog crate, but it was stopping the werewolf from ripping her apart for revenge.

  But that snout was just narrow enough to fit between the bars, and he nearly took off part of Melody's leg with his fangs.

  "No!" cried Deadra. She grabbed the wolf by the top and bottom jaws and directed them away from the cage. This time, she bit down hard, on the side of the werewolf’s face where tendons and muscle held the two halves of those deadly jaws together. She shook her head left and right, sawing away essential pieces. With her whole body bulging beneath her gang jacket, blood slathered over her, she separated the jaw and kept on prying until the head lost any recognizable shape.

  All the werewolf could do was gurgle and yelp as until it was disfigured enough to stop moving.

  After Deadra had taken her fill of each of them, preferring the taste of the fat one, Deadra shifted back to human form and released her fellow prisoners.

  Rita couldn't move or speak for some time, until Melody reminded her about her Jimmie.

  "Yeah ... hey, do you guys wanna hide out at Jimmie's? His crew's got a lotta guns."

  "Sounds good," said Melody flatly.

  Deadra didn't say anything for a long time. She didn't have much trouble ripping off the bars from the window. They had been put there only to keep regular humans in, evidently. And with what those guards had expected to happen in that prison cell, the noise and commotion had not drawn the slightest bit of attention.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Colton drove them to where he'd tracked the gang. The place didn't look like much more than a dive bar on the edge of a warehouse district: the perfect cover for all sorts of illegal activities. The only problem was, there were plenty of guys in there when Hallard and Colton drove by to get a look.

  "Try to seem inconspicuous," he told Hallard, who was raising his head and staring intently. "We don't want them to see us coming."

  "These idiots are too high and stupid to notice a thing."

  "Yeah, well, we go in there now, we don't have a chance." Colton parked around the corner and wished that his werewolf senses didn't hate cigarettes so much.

  "I hate to agree with you. What now? asked Hallard.

  "We wait for an in."

  Hours later, there was a lot of commotion at the bar. Guys in leather gang jackets started to leave in cars and on bikes. "There's our in," said Colton.

  Hallard nodded and got out of the car eagerly, stretching out his wide shoulders.

  "Sure you don't wanna borrow my sidearm?" Colton put his hand under his coat to remove the pistol, but Hallard shook his head.

  "I'd end up shooting myself in the foot. Besides, you're going to need all the advantage you can get, no matter how many of them are leaving."

  Colton reached back into the car and took out the sawed off shotgun. They left the car around the corner and crept along on foot. The front door of the place was open, as was usual for any bar during business hours. T
hey walked right in without any ceremony.

  The guy behind the bar started to sniff the air with a sour look. "Who the hell are you two?"

  "Can we get a couple o' beers?" asked Colton.

  The bartender leaned down for something behind the heavy wooden bar, but Colton blasted him in the face with buckshot, and from just ten feet away, if that.

  The shotgun was deafening. Even worse was the wet flapping that came from behind the bar as the bartender tried to shift unsuccessfully.

  "He ain't gonna be around for any more woodland orgies, wouldn't you say?" quipped Colton.

  "Not likely," said Hallard.

  There were a few stragglers in back, probably left behind just to keep an eye on the place. After Colton had taken out two more with his shotgun, he decided it was time to ask some questions. They came into a room that was once a kitchen, now too caked in mildew and old blood to be called anything close to a kitchen. A gang member was in there, eating something that looked like a leg.

  "Leave this one alive," said Colton, pointing the short stocky barrel at him as they entered.

  Hallard grabbed the guy before he could do anything about it, and slammed his face down into the grimy counter top, again and again.

  Colton took a set of handcuffs out of his coat pocket and tossed them to Hallard. "Cuff him to something heavy and watch him a minute. I need to take a look around." He left them there and walked down the dusty hallway. There were patches of blood, some of them molded onto bits of thick hair or strands of old meat and skin. It looked like some kind of frat-slaughter-house.

  "This is bad," Colton uttered. And yet, he still couldn't stop thinking about a big, juicy steak, bloody as hell and warmed to body temperature. It made him sick but he couldn't help it. There were plenty of rooms disheveled with random junk, guns, booze bottles of various fullness, needles, cracked mirrors with powder stuck to them, all manner of things you'd expect to find in the sleaziest underground brothel--if it were frequented by a clientele of serial killers.

  He searched through snaking halls and DIY structural additions, and came across a room that contained a few large cages. They were empty, but the sweet smell of living women was heavy. He remembered the perfume that was all over Rita's room too, and it was on the bedding in one of the cages. The other one smelled of Melody, and a third he didn't know at all. It was similar to werewolf, but different and highly appealing.

  It was easy to assume they'd gotten out the broken window. One of them must have been strong enough to rip the bars away too. When Colton had ran back to where he'd left Hallard waiting, he said, "She was here, Melody was here. And the girl I'm looking for. Looks like they slipped out the window."

  "But why were they all here in the first place?" Hallard looked pretty cut up about his girl being gone.

  "I got plenty of questions. Let's ask our pal here for some answers."

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  The three women jumped in a taxi. The first one they tried to flag down, the driver took one look at Deadra, all covered in blood, and sped off. The second one stopped to ask if they needed help.

  "It's just a costume, for a play," Melody told the driver. They drove to the other side of the district.

  "His place is just here," said Rita. She had started to regain some of her youthful enthusiasm at the idea of seeing her boyfriend again.

  Melody paid the taxi driver with a fifty Hallard had given to her for emergencies. The guy pretended to have no change and ended up keeping the whole lot as a 'tip.'

  Jimmie's place was a large building that must have been a factory or warehouse at some point. The heavy door opened as they approached.

  "Rita?!" called out man with dreadlocks from the doorway. "Hey, boss, your ho's back."

  "Honey, is that really you! Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Hey, boys, look who's come back to me!" said Jimmie when he saw Rita at the door.

  "She squealed with glee and ran at him with open arms.

  He grabbed her and kissed her with wet passion. He was tall, slender, and had patterns shaved into his hair. "You had me scared, bitch," he said with affection.

  "Baby!" Rita screamed at the upper frequency humans could actually hear. "You didn't come to find me?"

  "We been looking for you not stop, taking shifts," said the guy with dreadlocks. There was the sound of many others moving through the house, as well as music and either a movie or video game.

  "Can me and my friends hide out here? You're not gonna believe the crap that happened to us."

  "No, they wouldn't believe it," said Melody, reaching behind Rita and squeezing the back of her arm. "No one would," she whispered, "especially the part about werewolves."

  "Oh," said Rita vacantly.

  The guys didn't seem to notice, but they had the hazy redness in their eyes of dope smokers. The place reeked of it too.

  "Whew, what the hell's going on in here?" said Rita. "You boys having a party or something?" She waved her hand in front of her face. "You know I don't can't stand the smell."

  "Yeah, but you're into plenty else, ain't you," said Jimmie. He licked his lips with a grin and grabbed her around the waste, moving in for a porno kiss, no technique, all tongue. "Alright, alright. Hey, boys, you wanna take that smoke to the other room? The ladies don't like it."

  "What ladies?" A short, shapely woman sauntered in from behind some fake-antique partitions with clothes strewn over them. "Oh, hey Rita. shit, you're back!"

  "Clare? What are you doing here?"

  "Oh, you know how it is, just stayin' with a few of the boys. Get it where you can get it." She gave Rita a hug, pressing her huge tits up against her.

  To this, Rita smiled like a stunned fish, looking over at Jimmie who shrugged.

  "Baby, I'm not the only guy in this house. Besides, you said I could be a free man."

  Rita nodded and acted cool about it, but her body was tensed up, shoulders back. "Whatever, I can get it anywhere, too. Don't you even want to know what happened to me?" She turned to Melody with a reassuring glance, then took Jimmie over to a big, pillowy sofa to sit and explain things.

  Melody sat down around a glass table with Deadra, while Clare went off to do whatever it was she'd been doing before.

  "You think she's a hooker?" asked Melody.

  Deadra shrugged. "Aren't they all?" She still looked like a member of the Bloody Claws with her jacket on. It was easy to see none of these guys had any idea that the gang existed, or they might have started something. Truthfully, the guys had seemed afraid of Deadra, with the blood on her and an icy look, wearing the way she felt on her face like a twisted mask.

  "I think she just told him that we were kidnapped," said Melody, watching Rita and Jimmie intently, trying to guess what they were saying.

  He'd just smacked his fists on his knees and started shouting, loud enough for the whole room to hear now. "What?! You're shittin' me, right? Oh, fuck that, fuckin' shit, no way anyone treats my bitch like that. These sick fucks are goin' down." He'd pulled an impressive pistol from his pants and started to mock-fire it at the ceiling, stabbing out air bullets like punctuation marks as he spoke.

  Deadra groaned, "God, she better not tell him everything. They'll think we're all crazy."

  "That'd be better than if they actually believed the whole truth." There was no way she was letting that happen. Melody stood up to intervene. "What's going on over here?" she said brashly. "You guys having a party?"

  Jimmie shook his head, stood up, and paced around the area before the sofa for a bit, before planting himself on a cozy armchair in the corner. "I think maybe Rita's done enough partying for just now. Should hear what's comin' out her mouth, tellin' bullshit about wolf men takin' her. You wanna take off to go fuck guys, Rita? Just don't gimme a bunch of bullshit about where you went."

  "It's not bullshit," she said defensively.

  Melody added, "Rita. Maybe we should just relax. It's been a wild few days, right?" she sat down beside her, detecting Jimmie's eyes on her shapely butt
and skimpy skirt with the broken button.

  "Yeah, so you bitches want a drink or something?"

  "Don't call me a bitch," said Rita. "But yeah, that'd be nice. Got anything pink?"

  "Pink what?" asked Melody.

  Jimmie whistled and the guy with dreads came back, an Uzi now slung around his fat neck like an oversized pendant.

  "Yuckee, you wanna get these ladies," said Jimmie, and looked at Rita to emphasize the word, "some of those pink vodka drinks?"

  "Sure. How 'bout I bring in the fun box?"

  "Do I want to know what that is?" Melody asked as Yuckee left eagerly.

  Deadra hadn't moved, slumped over at the table still. It was depressing.

  "Sounds fun ..." Melody mumbled.

  Rita ran off to freshen up. Clare came back from whatever she'd been doing in the adjoining room.

  The other boys--at least twenty of them pouring in from various doorways and from upstairs--came in to share in the fun box's contents. It was about a foot long, half as wide and deep, made of some heavy, dark wood. It was filled to the brim with cocaine.

  Melody's heart sunk the second saw what was inside it, because she knew some of it was going to end up in her system. She went and sat at the table. "Don't let me touch any of that shit," she whispered to Deadra, shifting her chair closer to her.

  But Deadra got up, said, "Sorry, but I can't help you. I can't help anyone," and walked out of the room like a corpse. There were a few more women in the house, who appeared the second that box was opened, like cats hearing the can opener at dinner time.

  "All you bitches want some of this?" said Jimmie, holding a handful of the stuff up. "We fuckin' loaded! Come get some, just remember to get ya fuck on."

  Clare, took her top off, tits impressive despite how fake they were. Her puffy nipples were a lot darker than the rest of her, and that made them stand out in the low light of the room.


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