The Vori's Secret

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The Vori's Secret Page 9

by S. J. Sanders

  They settled into a routine, moving cautiously in the morning and then quickening their pace through the scorching midday. It was exhausting even for Eyuul, and he was beginning to see the strain on Jenn. She said little, seeming to reserve her energy for the walk, yet she never uttered a complaint. It was remarkable to him just how well she was doing. He doubted his brother’s mate would have done as well. The thought gave him an unreasonable sense of pride.

  Although Eyuul would have moved quicker alone, or even carrying her, he understood Jenn’s need to be able to freely walk on her own. The sense of autonomy it gave her. A thing she probably hadn’t had much of before her arrival on Vora. Respecting this, he adjusted his speed, giving her every freedom under his careful watch. He enjoyed his task too. Vori females moved with a seductive glide, but Jenn had her own hypnotizing movement with every sway of her hips. It made watching her a pleasurable experience as he allowed himself to drink in her feminine beauty.

  It wasn’t lost upon him that she was looking at him again.

  Although Jenn often seemed more interested in her surroundings, more than once he’d caught her watching him, his awareness of her heightening as her eyes trailed over him. His skin prickled in response. Although he knew that his form was different than a human male, he wondered if she saw anything in him that was attractive. He didn’t scent any arousal from her, but her eyes did seem to have a speculative look in their depths as they scanned his lower torso and tail. Her eyes appeared as a dark green, a tiny frown puckering her brow. She met his gaze and averted her eyes, her cheeks coloring. He bit back a smile.

  He knew that, unlike Vori bodies, human sexual organs were always outwardly presented. No doubt, not seeing any sign of outward sexual organs was odd to her. Many species had external sexual organs from what he understood, including the Agraak. Aside from the vests that Vori wore to cover their upper bodies, their tails and salet just below their bellies were completely exposed. It was only natural for her to be curious.

  He was curious too. Although he knew there was plenty of information available on human anatomy and sexuality, even sexually explicit vids once Earth joined the Intergalactic Union, making Earth entertainment immediately accessible for among other species. It was a benefit that came with tapping into a planet’s communication systems. He’d been tempted more than once to watch out of sheer curiosity but never availed himself of the resource, largely because he didn’t possess an intergalactic comm.

  Despite his best efforts, his mind kept returning to speculation regarding what a human female’s sexual organs looked like. Vori female had a salet like males, but it was a deep pocket which extended up into her reproductive center. There, the males would spend their seed in hope of fertilizing the eggs the female’s body ripened and dropped when exposed to the mating venom from her mates. Other than its function, a female’s salet external appearance didn’t look any different from that of a male. Jenn’s differences were both unusual and fascinating to him.

  But everything about her fascinated him. Not just the way she moved or her anatomy. In truth, at first, he’d been drawn in by her strength to survive against the odds, and then by the way her mind worked as he got to know her. Perhaps that he was now so curious about the workings of her body and her sensuality was the normal progression of things. He didn’t have much experience to inform him on the matter.

  With the Edoka female, it had been a confusion of senses. She’d approached him and had initiated their first sexual joining. He’d been embarrassed and it had felt strange doing so without the customary blessings and offerings, but he’d yielded to her and by their second time coming together, it became a pleasurable experience.

  Jenn was different, and the progression of their relationship felt right to him. Everything about his time with Jenn felt right. It was with that sense that they continued through the jungle together comfortably throughout the day. Sometimes he trailed ahead or behind as the situation warranted, but the sense of togetherness, of companionship, only got stronger.

  After many hours of travel, the sun sinking lower in the heavens, Jenn came to a stop and looked up to the trees.

  “I think I’m ready to stop for the night, big guy. This place look good to you?”

  Eyuul scanned the trees and nodded.

  “Yes, there are several trees that would make a good place to rest for the night.”

  “Awesome.” Exhaustion clear in her voice, she faced him and lifted her arms trustingly. “All right. Let’s do this.”

  He picked her up and her arms twined around his neck as her legs wrapped around his waist, bringing her body flush with his. With her cheek lying on his shoulder and her breath warm on his skin, he pushed them higher on the strong length of his coils until he was able to reach a low branch.

  He allowed himself a moment to relish the sensation, smiling as a sense of peace and pleasure washed over him. To be trusted was unfamiliar, even among his own kin... and it felt good. Pushing up with his coils, he vaulted up into the lowest branches of the tree, climbing until they reached the higher canopy. At some point, her legs had wrapped around his hips, clinging tightly to his body, the heat at the apex of her thighs pulling at his awareness.

  Immediately his cocks, as if possessed, began to swell and push against the opening of his salet without any effort on either of their parts to stimulate him. He swallowed and fought against his arousal. Mercifully, it faded, and he was able to make his way through the trees without the worry of inconveniently extruding. He slid from branch to branch, searching for a comfortable place for them to pass the night.

  He was a little embarrassed over how his desire had crept up on him. He had lusted for the idea of having a mate for many revolutions, and even bringing Jenn to his private retreat had been based on that all-encompassing hunger for a mate of his own. To no longer be alone, since even among his clan and within his mother’s nest, he was always alone. He knew that there was more to mating. He recalled the way his passions had stirred with his last attempt to mate a female, but still, the sudden flare of desire was both welcome and startling in its strength.

  He stilled, dropping low against the branches of the tree as a streak of light passed overhead, his tail instinctively rattling as he watched it move into the distance. That was strange. Vessels never flew low over the jungles of Vora. Every trader knew where the trade ports were long before entering the atmosphere. A sense of unease crawled over him.

  “What is it?” Jenn whispered.

  His crown coils traced a path over her head, mingling with the coils of her hair and dropping down to stroke over her shoulders.

  “A ship, I think.”

  Her body suddenly stiffened in his arms.

  “Isn’t that normal?” she asked cautiously. “I know the Budo landed in a jungle clearing.”

  “No. It is not. I am not sure which clan territory you escaped into when the trading vessel landed, but it is clear they created an illegal landing ground.”

  “You’re not allowed to cut down trees?”

  Laughter burst out from him. “No, it is not that. Though most Vori wouldn’t cut down the trees which provide for us and protect us, it is more of a matter of protecting offworlders. It is against the law for anyone to land outside of the two established trading ports.”

  He could almost feel Jenn’s frown against his skin.

  “But why?”

  “Vora is not kind to strangers. As I mentioned before, we have had many traders die from predators. What I didn’t mention was that in the past it was so excessive that the Intergalactic Council came very near to completely closing off all access to Vora. In order to continue trade, the Eastern and Western Matriarchs, the females who rule the Vori, agreed to reduce access to each one port in her respective territories.”

  “So then, a ship dropping in here...” she trailed off, noticeably swallowing her fear.

  His eyes narrowed at the light of the ship fading off into the distance, skipping over the canopy.

  “It is unusual, and likely does not bode well.”

  “The Agraak,” Jenn whispered in a hoarse voice.

  Eyuul’s arms tightened protectively around her.

  “If it is, I will not let them hurt you.”

  She pulled back, her eyes meeting his. Her brow drew down.

  “You don’t owe me anything, certainly not your protection.”

  “I do not,” he agreed. “But you have it nonetheless. For whatever reason, be it nature’s design, the will of the gods, or the pheromones of your unique scent that drew me to you, my entire being is bent toward protecting you.”

  “Possessing me?”

  He allowed a small grin to slip through. “Perhaps that too, though it may be a greater truth that I am in fact possessed by you.”

  She smiled at that and snuggled closer against him.

  He tightened his jaw. He had spoken the truth: he would happily eliminate any threat. If an Agraak thought to come and harm his female, he would find nothing but death waiting for him. Many knew it was dangerous to descend into the wilderness of Vora, but perhaps just as well-known was the reputation of the Vori for their deadly protective instinct. Especially when it concerned anyone whom they claimed as theirs.

  The teasing flick of fingers against his crown coils brought his attention back to Jenn. She smiled up at him with a cautious sort of trust. Her left eyebrow cocked slightly.

  “You were looking pretty fierce there. What were you thinking?”

  “That I will destroy anyone who tries to harm you,” he returned honestly.

  Her lips parted with surprise. Then, her smile widened. “You know, I really believe you would.”

  “Of course.” His brow furrowed with confusion. Why would he say such a thing if he did not mean it?

  Jenn chuckled softly. “Sometimes people say things they mean at the time when under the influence of their emotions but in their hearts would never be able to do. They mean well, but often it leads to disappointment.”

  “I hope I never do anything that makes you feel that way.”

  Jenn’s eyes misted with tears. At first, he thought he made her sad, but she hugged him closer and to his surprise he felt the petal-soft brush of her lips against his cheek.

  “Thank you. I can’t even find the words to tell you how much that means to me.”

  Anchoring his tail more firmly on the branch, Jenn still tucked safely in his arms. Her relieved sigh was audible as she lay against him. His hand stroked her back, encouraging her to rest. She earned it. There they lay like that until a rumble of thunder broke their tranquility.

  Jenn turned her head, her eyes scanning the breaks in the branches above them.

  “Sounds like thunder.”

  “Yes, as we approach the Season of Flowing Waters it is common to see a few small storms preceding it.”

  Jerking upright in his arms, Jenn’s eyes widened.

  “Are you telling me I landed here on the verge of your fucking monsoon season?”

  “Monsoon doesn’t translate. The Season of Flowing Waters lasts two moon cycles, during which Vora suffers from rainstorms and the swelling of rivers. It is a reason that nesting grounds are positioned to account for any nearby bodies of water, although there have been bad seasons where nests have been flooded. I don’t recall one in particular among my clan, but I have heard of it occurring.”

  Her fingers tightened nervously upon him.

  “If I had been stranded out here wandering during that...”

  He ran his hands and crown coils soothingly over her. “It wouldn’t have come to it. I would have intervened and attempted to convince you to return with me.”

  A crack of lightning appeared overhead, drowning out his words. His arms tightened and he twisted their position as the downpour began. Though the trees blocked out much of it, during storms such as this they were vulnerable. She let out a shout when he shifted their positions but clung to him, burrowing beneath him as far as she could go when the thunderous sound of heavy rain surrounded them. There was no gentle build-up. Typical of the season, the rain came down in sheets.

  Eyuul drew himself closer around her in an attempt to keep them both as warm as possible. Their faces were so close that their lips were almost touching.

  “Are you going to be okay like this?”

  His crown coils knotted through her hair, giving comfort to them both.

  “It will not be the most comfortable night, but one I have experienced before when caught outside during the rains. All will be well, Jenn.”

  She didn’t comment further, and they continued to lay curled together as they waited through the night for the rainstorm to pass. They stayed that way through much of the next morning until he was certain that winves, who were unlikely to be hibernating, had retreated into the ground before they continued their journey.

  Chapter 12

  The Ashier scowled as he walked around perimeter of the clearing. He could still see traces of where the Budo had offloaded their cargo. Nearby, the Arobi almost seemed to dance as they gracefully moved through the grasses. Built like superior predators, their hindlegs bent back into their hocks; from there, their ankles descended to their three toes on which they balanced their weight. Each of them the deepest black in color, the Arobi almost seemed to disappear at times as they neared the edge of the jungle. Their excitement meant one thing: they caught her scent.

  “Exeri, approach.”

  Exeri, the established alpha of their pack, darted forward at a speed that would be lethal against any target that had been established as their prey. He pulled to a stop in front of the Ashier. A forelock of the deep purple mane, one that ran from head to tail-tip on the Arobi, fell forward over his glowing red eyes. The male tilted his head to the side, ready for orders.


  “The scent of the female is hours older than that of the beings who removed the cargo from this location. The cargo was mostly dry goods and luxuries from numerous planets, including...”

  “I don’t care about what the Vori were importing. Stick to the details about the female.”

  The rest of the pack twitched uneasily behind the alpha, betraying the irritation of the male. The Ashier’s hand tightened around a shock stick tied at his hip. It was a simple, highly effective tool for disciplining the pack—one that he didn’t hesitate to use. The Arobi, despite their subjugation to the Agraak, had a deeply ingrained rebellious nature, which often needed correcting from any who utilized the packs.

  “As far as we can tell, the female left the clearing and headed into the jungle following the route of the river,” the male continued, a slight growl edging his words, his dislike clear in his voice. This pack was a new one the Ashier had just recently gained and not yet broken to his hand. They would soon learn to follow orders and not show disdain for his command. But it would wait until he had more time to properly discipline them.

  The Ashier gave him a look of rebuke before pushing through the Arobi pack and making his way toward the river that cut through the edge of the clearing. Looking around, he appreciated the decision his fugitive made in going that route. For a female without the means to cut through the growth, it was a practical decision. Sad for her, it also provided a clear trail to follow.

  With a snap of his fingers and a sharp command, the pack darted ahead of him to run along the side of the river, their heads often whipping around to catch lingering scents. Without breaking their stride, they followed the female’s course, unaltering in its trajectory. A sense of satisfaction filled him. The hunt always thrilled him, but even better when he was not bogged down in difficult terrain with mixed scents to confuse and stall the pack.

  His elation died when they came to a mass of roots. The Arobi had clustered in front of them.

  “The scent ends here,” they chorused, their voices overlaying each other in an unsettling harmony, an eerie crash of voices breaking over his ears.

  The Ashier nudged them out of the way and exami
ned the roots. They were too high and slick from spray from the vicious river for one to chance climbing. He turned toward the vines and brush of the jungle beside him. There was no sign of any path recently cut through there. Even if there wasn’t, the Arobi would have continued tracking through the dense vegetation in search of their prey. They acted as if she’d completely disappeared. His eyes turned toward the river thoughtfully.

  Would she have chanced the river? Although she would have been beyond the worst of the rapids, the rough water would still have been fraught with dangers.

  “We have considered, and our conclusion is that the prey moved into the water to continue her path,” Exeri stated.

  “You will learn, beast, not to speak unless I command it. Send a member of your pack to fetch the sirval.”

  The alpha’s nostrils flared at the command, but he gave a jerky nod and within seconds, one of the other males behind him peeled away from the group, running back in the direction from which they came. After a short time, he returned holding a small pod in his hands. The Ashier took it and pressed a sequence of buttons on its side. A small disc pushed up from the top. He gripped it and pulled a line of rope from it as it began to beep with increasing volume. Tossing the pod into the water, it unfolded outward, forming a sirval vessel that would take them over the water.

  “Into the vessel,” he snapped.

  The males balked but complied.

  At last, progress on two fronts was being made. He’d have control of this pack and the human back in little time.

  Chapter 13

  The second day of the journey progressed much like the first, though Eyuul frowned as he watched her, certain that her pace was slowing. By the third day, he knew something was wrong. Although she never complained, it was apparent that she was tiring quicker. That worried him.


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