The Vori's Secret

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The Vori's Secret Page 17

by S. J. Sanders

  Her climax burst through, nearly blinding and deafening her in its intensity. Eyuul’s own roar was barely heard over the rush of blood echoing through her head, but she couldn’t miss the warm spurts of his release coating her inside and pooling between them from where it slipped out of her.

  When Eyuul collapsed against the cushions, he took her with him. She lay there against his sweaty chest, their skin slicking against each other with their every breath. Everything seemed to align for Jenn. Their breaths matched and she could have sworn that the hearts beat together like they were one being.

  A crown coil slipped from her hair and slid over her cheek and Jenn closed her eyes and smiled against his chest. It felt so good to lie there together in their post-coital embrace. Although she desperately wanted a shower, she didn’t want that feeling to end.

  But it had to end, Jenn knew that. The night had fallen, and morning would come. With the sunrise, they would leave the nesting grounds and begin their short trip to Evath. What happened after that, she had no idea. She spoke the truth when she said she needed to go to Earth, but perhaps Eyuul could go with her. Surely, he’d be accompanying her to the space station. They would go from there to Earth. She imagined Eyuul enjoying the sights of Earth. It might have less of the high-tech luxuries that were accessible on Vora, but she knew he could be happy there.

  They could be together. She could have it all.

  A content smile curved her lips. Everything would be good then. She could set her family up with a comm system and then she could focus on her happily ever after with a male who loved her... and who she loved. Though she never said the words to him, nor even hinted at it more than expressing her desire to be with him, she knew that she loved him.

  Burrowing against his chest, Jenn imagined how the moment would go. They would be on the space station, all the ugliness finally behind them. Maybe they would have enjoyed a good meal first, and then she’d take his hand and tell him that she wanted to be with him forever. They would kiss, and take the next starship headed to Earth.

  It would be perfect.

  Chapter 21

  Shaagra was getting on her damn nerves. It wasn’t that Jenn lacked sympathy for his situation. Reggie was due to pop soon and the last thing the male wanted was to accompany them to Evath, but did he have to be such a dick about it? It wasn’t anything he said; it was more the oppressive silence and the fact that he never gave Eyuul even a moment alone with her.

  All three of them slept in the same tree together, “walked” together, and ate together. Both males even stood guard if she needed to so much as take a piss. To make it worse, she felt bad about being annoyed because despite his silence, he continued to be unfailingly kind, helpful, and considerate.

  He was, without a doubt, the nicest cock-blocker she’d ever been around.

  She couldn’t find it within her to be mad, even if she did want to tell him to back the fuck off in the evening at least so she and Eyuul could have a bit of privacy. After Vadal had healed her wounds, she’d been looking forward to a bit more strenuous activity and was frustrated that it just wasn’t happening.

  One thing about their companion: he took his task seriously. Shaagra’s body swayed ahead of her at the fore all throughout the day. When they came to particularly dense parts of the jungle, or open bodies of water, he’d sometimes disappear through various bushes to check their path ahead. He said it was to check for predators, but she couldn’t help but wonder if he was as concerned as they were of attack from the Ashier. Whatever the case, she could see why he was such a valued hunter. He disappeared to a degree that she was only occasionally able to see the barest hint of orange from his vibrant coloring peeking through the foliage. Even that she might not have seen if she hadn’t known what to look for.

  Eyuul, meanwhile, glided beside her or behind her, his body language at all times protective as he scanned their surroundings.

  When they’d first struck out from the nesting grounds, Eyuul hadn’t hesitated to make the matter very clear that he wouldn’t leave Jenn’s side at all while they were traveling through the Mothoo Jungle that separated Norveth Valley from Evath. This left much of the scouting to Shaagra, but the other male didn’t seem to mind. Rather than react with anger to the burden of traveling in the fore, Shaagra merely had given him a knowing, masculine smile and nodded as if he hadn’t expected anything less.

  Everything seemed from there to fall in place with Shaagra as a kind of guard and Eyuul almost acting as a personal shadow, albeit a potentially very dangerous one.

  They traveled through the jungle for three days and although it was pretty, Jenn couldn’t enjoy it, and not just because she wasn’t getting any. Her thoughts kept circling around to the Ashier and the Agraadax. Every day that passed without any sign of pursuit left her more unnerved than the last. She knew that sooner or later the attack would come, and she just hoped that they’d be ready for it.

  Eyuul seemed to sense whenever she began to work herself up and did his best to distract her at those times. Something as simple as a touch reminding her that he was there made a difference in helping her focus. Before long, it became a back and forth thing, each stealing a little touch whenever they drifted near enough to each other. It was something that Jenn not only encouraged but also made an effort to do as much as possible. She needed that simple contact.

  Jenn suppressed a moan when his tail slid up her leg in a playful sweeping motion, nothing more than a tease before dropping away again.

  ‘Cut it out,’ she mouthed to him.

  His impish grin was infectious and made her smile despite the bugs buzzing around them, the sticky heat, and the general misery of traveling through a Vora jungle. This time, though, they had supplies, including a large kind of tarp that they stretched over the branches where they rested, as it tended to rain more at night, and plenty of food and water for their journey. The trip had been uneventful so far, and that, perhaps more than anything, worried her. Jenn ran her hand over the hilt of the blade at her hip to reassure herself as the trees thinned to expose a massive lake intersected by a solid-looking metal bridge.

  Suddenly being so exposed didn’t sit well with her.

  The bridge was similar to those on Earth but somehow different. The metal was completely free of rust and seemed to have strange segments with two small lights on the frame facing them. She was staring at it, wondering what purpose it served, when Eyuul spoke with some amusement from her side.

  “The Moloo Bridge into Evath.”

  “Why’s it all lit up?”

  He gestured to various plates along the side.

  “It has various sensors. Some allow it to reinforce in accordance to weight on the bridge, others allow the bridge to adjust to rising waters.”

  Jenn whistled, imagining just how useful that would be back home where a nasty storm and a strong flood could damage if not potentially take out a bridge.

  As she stepped onto the bridge, Jenn looked around warily. They were not only exposed, but she and Eyuul were also very much alone. Although Shaagra had taken precautions in inspecting the bridge and had even crossed ahead of them, giving them the all-clear shortly after inspecting the other side, he was now too far away to be of any help if something happened. She didn’t know what made her raise her eyes to the branches reaching over the lake, but it turned out to be a good thing. With an alarmed shriek, Jenn turned and shoved against Eyuul with enough force that, taken by surprise, his coils flipped. He slid back several feet on the bridge, taking her with him just as an explosive dart struck where she’d been standing. From up ahead, Shaagra shouted out in alarm and zipped back onto the bridge, heading toward them.

  The damn bridge had held up well against the attack, not even scorching under the explosion, but she wished it had broken apart when the Ashier dropped from the branches where he’d been camouflaged above. Jenn didn’t know how he’d gotten past Shaagra and Eyuul, unless he’d been hidden high enough in the trees that neither of the Vori
had scented his presence. Eyuul drew back, his tail rattling but he didn’t have time to counterattack when one of the Arobi dropped on him, sending them both into the water below.

  Knowing she wouldn’t have a chance of running fast enough to escape the Agraak, Jenn ignored the approaching male and leaned over the side of the bridge, scanning for Eyuul. He’d warned her not only the day before to stay far away from large bodies of water unless one of them inspected it first. Orluyth were a serious threat that could catch even the strongest of Vori unaware.

  Her breath caught in her throat when she saw the pair surface. Although she didn’t wish any harm to the Arobi who’d taken care not to directly harm Eyuul, if it came down to it, Eyuul’s survival was her priority. The hard pinch of the Ashier’s grip made her yelp, but it didn’t stop her from shouting to Shaagra when she spotted a large orluyth slip through the water heading toward her male.

  Jerking forward against the hands holding her in place, she yelled, “Shaagra, get your tail in there and help Eyuul!”

  The male paused several yards away on the bridge, uncertainty clear in his posture even at their distance.

  “Get him out of there, because if that orluyth eats him I’ll kick your tail myself when I finally get away from this asshole—even if I have to haunt you!”

  “Do not abandon my female!” Eyuul bellowed as he lashed through the water, his long tail keeping him afloat, the barbs sliding around him in an attempt to ward off both the Arobi, but more so the orluyth that dove at him through the water. “Jenn, do not demand this of him!”

  Jenn ignored Eyuul despite the pain bursting through her heart at the fear and agony in his voice. She didn’t want to hurt him, but she couldn’t allow him to sacrifice himself. The Ashier was there for her, and only her. It was time to face her fear. She’d found her old self in the Shagorith; she was healed in spirit and then in body when she’d found comfort in the es’Etale nesting grounds.

  She was tired of running scared from the Agraak. No more!

  Her piercing gaze locked on Shaagra with her silent demand as the Ashier dragged her down the opposite side of the bridge. The male’s jaw tightened, and he finally nodded, darting far forward to drop from above on the orluyth. His tail snapped around the monster as it rolled through the water, his crown coils writhing and dripping wet every time he surfaced. She watched his spear draw up as a snarling Eyuul drew up his own spear, plunging forward as they struck as one at the enormous neck, separating it from its body. The Arobi scrambled forward—she wasn’t certain if it was to make an effort to help or renew its attack—as other orluyth plowed through the lake, drawn by the scent of blood. Tears slipped down her cheeks as she watched them surround the males.

  The Ashier threw her toward the ground the minute they stepped onto solid land, the breath knocked out of her lungs in a painful rush. The hilt of her dagger dug into her ribs as he paced toward her, his shadow falling over her as he chuckled. The other Arobi shifted behind him as if on edge, grumbling to each other. The Ashier was paying them no mind as he leaned over her pulling out a long curved blade.

  “Weak, pitiful. I must admit, however, this was a far more entertaining chase than I’d expected. Well done. There is almost a sweetness to your sorrow, knowing that you will die, as will the males who protected you.”

  She inched her blade forward under the shelter of her body.

  “You are a monster.”

  “I am,” he agreed, a chilly smile widening on his face as he admired his blade, drawing it closer to her face. “I am a monster created for a purpose. I am fortunate to be born into the caste of warriors, trained from birth in the art of death, my skills honed with the threat to witness my own lifeblood spilling. Agraadax hardens us. Even the lowest castes under the terrible burden they must bear are hardened by our lot. I cannot be moved from my task, but I will recall you fondly, I think.”

  Jenn felt his hot breath or her neck as he crouched over her, his blade drawing down between her breasts. Sitting back on his haunches, he lifted his blade. An agonizing shout sounded from a short distance away, drawing the Ashier’s attention, and his head snapped around and his face morphed into an expression of shock as Eyuul shot forward.

  With a pained grunt at the exertion against her bruised ribs from where the hilt of her blade struck her when she fell, Jenn yanked her blade out and turned in one smooth movement, a cry of fury bursting from her lips as she buried her dagger into the Ashier’s throat as he turned his head to face her once more.

  He gurgled, eyes wide, as his blade clattered to the ground and both hands clawed at the dagger in his throat. His blood flowed over his hands, dripping all over Jenn as he flopped to the side, and he slowly drowned in his own blood. Jenn scrambled away just in time to see Eyuul slide up beside her, a ferocious look on his face. A whip of his spear and the hand controlling the Arobi swept clean off of the Ashier’s hand.

  Eyuul’s tail snapped around her and he yanked her back against him as he moved away, making room for the Arobi who swarmed the fallen Agraak. The growls grew louder and an eerie laughter almost like a warbling sound from a hyena made Jenn’s blood run cold.

  The Ashier’s feet kicked uselessly against the ground as he tried to push himself away from their approach, his single remaining hand slipping along the hilt of the blade as he waved his stump at them as if to ward them off. A gurgling scream was a whisper from his throat, blood gushing down his chest, and that was all Jenn saw before the Arobi descended upon him.

  Eyuul turned his body, pulling her away from the gruesome scene. There was nothing to block out the terrible sounds of the Arobi tearing him apart. Blind fury radiated from them as they inflicted every bit of suffering that the Ashier had ever subjected them to. Jenn pushed her face away from his chest, determined to see it through. Her eyes fastened on the alpha male as he broke away, his look changed to one of satisfaction as he glared at the bloody remains at his feet. His glowing eyes shifted to meet Jenn’s gaze. To her surprise, his ears lay back and he crouched low, his jaw nearly touching the ground as he bowed.

  “Our thanks, Mistress. We owe you a debt until our bones return to the dust. From this day, our blood is yours.”

  Every Arobi followed suit and Jenn’s eyes widened as she took them in. From behind the pack, Shaagra winced and seemed to be cradling his arm against his chest, but a pleased smile curved his lips. Lifting her eyes up to Eyuul, she saw only pride reflected back at her.

  Swallowing nervously at the enormity of what Exeri promised, Jenn stepped out of Eyuul’s embrace and dropped to her knees before the Arobi, lowering her head humbly. The male’s ears flicked toward her and he blinked in an unmistakable gesture of surprise.

  “Exeri and other Arobi present, it is I who owe you a debt. You helped us, even when you didn’t have to despite the dangers to yourself. Because of you, this was possible. My blood is also yours from this day.”

  A startled exclamation rose among the pack as they looked back and forth among each other, warbling in a crescendo of approval. A small smile twisted on Exeri’s lips and the glow of his eyes softened.

  “You are honorable and have much goodness in you. We think an alliance with humans will be good for the Arobi. Maybe we will someday find another equally worthy female to honor us as you honor your male and yourself by the greatness of your heart.”

  Perhaps the Arobi would benefit as much as the council if they accompanied her.

  “The chancellor of the Intergalactic Council has extended an invitation to you as well. They’ve been made aware of your situation and want to help. Perhaps it would benefit you if you brought your evidence before the council... I’m sure they would remove your implants.”

  The males exchanged an excited look and the alpha inclined his head in agreement.

  “It will please us to end the hold of the Agraak over the Arobi, and to accompany you that we may see to your safety.”

  Jenn peeked over at Eyuul and Shaagra, uncertain if they would approve of ha
ving additional company. Although they seemed uneasy in the company of the pack, they didn’t voice any objection, nor did they look particularly concerned about the males. Shaagra slipped between the males and nudged the remains of the Ashier’s left leg with the end of his spear. He sighed.

  “It may be prudent if we all go to Evath. We will need to let the officials know when we meet with them that there is a body to recover. I am sure they will want statements from all of us.”

  Jenn looked over at the bridge. “How much further is it to Evath?”

  “Not much. The bridge marks the edge of Evath territory. Another half-day and we will be within the city.”

  Jenn glanced down at the blood covering her dress and grimaced. “I don’t suppose there’ll be a place where I can get a shower before we meet with them.”

  Shaagra laughed. “Yes, our clan keeps quarters in Evath for anytime one of our number must come into the city. Eyuul stayed there himself when he was employed there. You can use the cleansing unit and we will have appropriate clothing delivered for you.”

  “Thank goodness,” Jenn breathed.

  The idea of greeting Vori officials and her escort to the council covered in blood did not appeal to her.

  Chapter 22

  The es’Etale quarters were nowhere near as humble as Shaagra had made them sound. Located in a skyrise with every comfort the city could provide, it was nearly as large as any nest. She’d expected a modest apartment but this was more like a suite. The main room was spacious, with a large open window blocked by a transparent forcefield in place of glass, and four doors opened up to comfortable rooms filled with pillows. The Arobi had looked puzzled at the sight but Jenn nearly squealed with delight.


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