The Vampires of Soldiers Cove: The Unborn

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The Vampires of Soldiers Cove: The Unborn Page 10

by Jessica MacIntyre

  “Your eyes are different. Something has changed, but I’m not sure what. Why are you here? I thought you were leaving.”

  “I was, but I ended up getting sidetracked. Listen, I’m just fine. I feel great. Maybe better than I have in years, and I’ve come with good news for you.”

  “Good news?”

  “Yes. I think I might be able to help you come to a truce with the vampires. You may not have to hide from them anymore and your mothers and sons would be safe as well. Christina said…”

  “Christina?” he said, cutting me off, his voice turning up an octave with alarm. “You’ve been with her? Mother the only thing Christina wants is to see us all dead. Us, our mothers and our sons. You were there in that ballroom. Did that look like the actions of someone willing to negotiate a truce?”

  “Things have changed.”

  He was silent for a moment, regarding me with a degree of pity even though his anger. “Open your eyes mother. I can see what’s happened here. She’s manipulated you somehow. You’ve fallen under her spell and now she’s using you.”

  A blind rage built hard and fast. How dare he accuse Christina of using me? “If anyone’s used me it was the satyr that did this to me. He used me, not Christina.” As the words came out I realized they were true. I had been used by Aries, by James, by Ian and by Gavin. Suddenly I hated them all and felt an anger so sharp that my eyes flooded with a heat like no other, as if they had been replace by burning hot coals.

  “Rachel,” he said, backing up suddenly afraid. “Your eyes! Gods, what has she done to you?”

  “I’m offering you a chance to live and you’re not even trying. You’re so ungrateful. It was a mistake to come here. You are a selfish bastard just like all the rest of them.”

  “Finally,” I heard someone say behind me. Christina stood, sword in hand. “I’m glad I followed you. Now we can finish this once and for all.” She smiled and her fangs emerged, her eyes flashing red before turning black.

  “Mother,” Zale said softly. “I’m frightened for you. Come with me,” he said, extending his hand.

  “He’s frightened for you,” Christina said, mocking his tone. “Isn’t that sweet? I wonder if he’s frightened for all those women he rapes and leaves alone to suffer until their children either die or are taken from them.”

  Zale stood, squaring his shoulders and spreading his arms wide. He took a step forward, putting himself between me and Christina. “I don’t know what she is Rachel, but she’s no vampire. Get away as fast as you can. Run away, mother. I beg you. I won’t let her follow.”

  “Honestly, I think you creatures should all win Oscars. Look at you. Acting like you are all concerned for her and trying to turn her against me. I have news for you beast. She’s loyal, she’s mine, and so is her child. We’re going to turn him before he can become one of you. If only we could do that with the rest of the children you’ve created by force.”

  Christina zipped around him faster than he could see and was at my side with her arm around my shoulders before he had a chance to face us. “Here,” she said, pressing the sword into my hand. “Take back your power. Take back your dignity. Strike him down for every man that’s ever wronged you or hurt you. He shouldn’t be allowed to live. He’s committed the same atrocity against other women as Aries committed against you. Do it for them, do it for yourself. Kill him and prove your loyalty to me.”

  I looked at the sword in my hand, feeling its weight as its steel glinted in the moonlight. “If you kill me, mother, you will kill all of the children I have sired. Children just like the one you carry inside you. You know nothing of the love I have in my heart for those women and children, and of the love the one who sired your son must have for you and yours. You are as much one of us now as you are one of them. You know that to be true, don’t you?”

  “Don’t listen to him, Rachel. He says whatever he has to say. Don’t be fooled.”

  “Go home to your maker and your son’s father, Rachel,” Zale pleaded with urgency.

  “Why? So they can use you again? So they can do things to you against your will and have you be the one left to pick up the pieces? Why should you? They’ll laugh at you. Laugh just like James laughed at you when he was finished and slammed your head into that wall, just like you were garbage. They’ll do the same.”

  The mention of James threw me into a tailspin and suddenly I was screaming as the memory of that night came back to devastate me one more time. I was sick of it. Sick of feeling powerless and humiliated. That was the push over the edge that I needed to do what Christina asked. I raised the sword and charged at Zale, knocking him to the ground. I straddled him and before he had a chance to get his bearings I lifted the sword and drove it straight through his chest.

  His bright blue eyes dimmed as they looked at me for the last time, and with blood beginning to leak from his mouth he muttered his final words, his weakened hand reaching up, clutching the pendant he had given me. “I forgive you mother. Gods watch over you. You…and your son.”

  A heartbeat later his hand dropped to the ground with a thud and he was gone. I expected to feel something, anything, but I felt nothing. I was numb.

  “You did a good thing,” Christina said, lightly putting her arm around me. She stood me up and pulled the sword from Zale’s chest. “Always remember,” she said, “that this was the moment you set yourself free.”

  I felt myself nod slowly as she spoke. Making our way back out of the park it seemed as though I was overcome by fog. The world grew hazy and sounds appeared far off. All of life around me was distant and quiet. It was the last thing I would remember for quite some time.

  Part 2:


  Chapter One

  Snow had begun to fall on the journey home and with wet wings it was harder to fly. It took more effort but the thought of facing the intense pain that awaited him upon shifting back kept him in his crow form all the way there. Normally he would stop and rest at least once, but not this day. Finally, scoping out the backyard from the air and realizing he was back where he started gave him no choice. He glided smoothly to the ground landing safely in front of the door to the small rebuilt toolshed and slipped inside.

  Grabbing the extra set of clothes he always kept close by, Gavin dressed quickly and was halfway across the yard to the backdoor when the weight of his conversation with Rachel began to sink in. The grief and anger consumed him and he decided to go for a walk instead. Alexander was inside anticipating his return. He had promised to bring Rachel back but he didn’t know exactly how to break the news to his brother that he’d failed again.

  Alexander still wasn’t speaking, but in every other respect seemed perfectly fine, although he pined for Rachel almost as much as Gavin did. He missed her, probably because she was the only person who could truly communicate with him. He could of course write notes, but seemed to very much dislike that and appeared lonely for her company. Alexander longed for the companionship of someone who could converse without being verbal.

  Gavin turned away from the house and made tracks toward the woods in the five or six inches of snow that had fallen in the last couple of hours. The familiar emerald of the forest with its tall pines and evergreens had transformed itself to white as the snow – which was still falling in large flakes – blanketed the ground adding to the silence. Out here, at least, there was peace.

  The sun was beginning its early winter descent and Gavin walked on, looking for his usual spot. He was soaked from the snowfall, but didn’t care. There was someone out here who needed him, and if it could ease his own pain to ease that of his friend’s at least he had that. Sharpening his vision he crouched low and listened until he heard what he was after. There was a rabbit about twenty yards off, scurrying along, probably trying to make its way back to its burrow when it stopped, detecting Gavin.

  The two stared at each other for a moment, and then in a flash Gavin pounced, grabbing the small being and snapping its neck. It was important to him
that the creature didn’t suffer. He hated killing any living animal, but was wise enough to know nature’s way and so tucked the kill under his arm and headed to see his friend.

  Arriving at his usual spot he leaned up against the tree observing his friend sleep. He called out to him with his mind, waking the animal from its slumber, and watched as the furred hunter stretched and yawned. The bobcat rolled over, locked eyes with Gavin and twisted his nose, smelling the fresh meat. Gavin held the offering out and spoke slowly. “It’s for you. Come on now. You have to eat. You’re getting weaker.”

  The cat stood and limped its way over to him, pain radiating through his old body with every step. Gavin could feel it and moved a little closer, meeting him halfway and sparing him any further discomfort. When the cat got close enough Gavin put the rabbit down and sat with his friend while he chewed on his dinner. As the cat devoured the welcome meal Gavin reached out, scratching him behind the ears, listening to him chew and purr at the same time. He knew he must have been a magnificent animal in his prime. His paws were the largest he’d ever seen on a bobcat but his coat, once undoubtedly beautiful and thick, was now thinning. He ran his hand down the cat’s side, feeling every rib as he did.

  “At least someone listens to me,” he said, scratching him under the chin like a housecat when he’d finished. “I’m afraid you’re not long for this world, my friend. I’ll miss you when you go. You’ve lived a long time though. As much as death is to be feared, you should fear a life without end even more, especially if you have to spend it alone.”

  The cat seemed to understand and gently placed his giant paw on Gavin’s knee as he bumped his furry head against his chin. The two sat for a long time in silent understanding, Gavin soaking up the moment because he knew any day now when he would come to see this once fearsome stalker could be the last. “Night comes,” he said to the cat after a time. “Better go back to your spot. Stay safe. I’ll be back with another rabbit soon.” Gavin pressed his forehead to the cat’s and then stood, the cat rubbing up against his legs in a gesture of goodbye and gratitude before wobbling back to the little hole he’d crawled out of.

  The moment had come to face Alexander, although he was no more ready now than he had been when he’d first landed. If only Holly were well enough to help things might be different. He could have stayed in Dartmouth twenty-four seven if he wanted to. But with Holly so ill, his mother – who was Alexander’s rightful guardian – had refused to leave her daughter’s side. The breaking of her blood bond from Daniel had been painful to watch. Holly had been restrained and taken back to the sanctuary by force as they feared she would stake herself. It killed him to see someone he was so used to leaning on fall apart. She had always been so tough and so in charge that it disturbed him to see her that way. He couldn’t help her and it made him feel worthless. He couldn’t help Alexander either, or Rachel for that matter.

  Letting her leave that night had been a mistake. He could add that to the list of mistakes he’d made with her. All he had ever wanted to do was to protect her, to help her, to be with her and love her. Marrying her, he had been sure, was the answer to doing that for the rest of his life. It had worked for his parents and for Holly. He only wanted the same thing and was sure she had wanted that too. Remembering the conflicted look in her eyes when he had asked her about Ian he lowered his head and walked into the house.

  Alexander was sitting at the kitchen table, drawing as he had come to do constantly. When he heard the door open he looked up, his hopeful eyes asking a silent question which Gavin knew without having to be told. “She didn’t want to come home.”

  Alexander looked like he was going to cry and raised his hands, spreading them wide. “She…she just didn’t want to. I don’t know why.” This was only half true as Gavin could make a guess as to the many reasons why, but he had a feeling she was holding back as well. It may have been the situation with Aries, or the baby, or Ian. But Gavin guessed it was mostly the conflict she felt within herself. There was nothing he seemed to be able to do to assure her he didn’t hold the incident with Aries against her, but now that he knew about Ian he wasn’t even sure how he felt anymore.

  Alexander put down his pencil and began to gather up his things to head for the spare room, teetering slightly as he did. Gavin went to him, looking closely at his eyes. “You need to feed buddy. Get ready to go.”

  Alexander simply held his supplies to his chest and shook his head in the negative. “I don’t feel like it either but we both have to do it. I promised mom and dad I’d take care of you so get whatever you need. We’ll leave in ten minutes.”

  Knowing he had no choice the boy padded to his room slamming the door shut like a surly teenager. Truth be told Gavin felt like doing the same, but feeding right now was imperative. Shifting and flying always came at a price, and that price was extra blood. As much as he didn’t want to, he’d have to partake at the blood den tonight too.

  Chapter Two

  Arriving at the blood den in Sydney always brought back the memory of the time he’d spent there with Rachel. He had taught her to feed without killing there, and had vowed to himself that he’d never let anything bad happen to her. He shook the thoughts of her from his head as the elevator door opened to the lower level so he could properly greet Moroltho.

  “Gavin, and our new friend, Alexander. A pleasure as always.”

  Forcing a smile he shook Morolto’s hand. He looked the same as always with flowing black hair down to his waist and skin tight leather pants, shirt half undone to show off his many chest tattoos. In any other life he would have been a rock star. “Good to see you Moroltho. We’ll be needing the usual two rooms.”

  “Of course. And it’s just the two of you again this evening? We do enjoy seeing Miss Rachel. Will she be joining you?”

  Gavin steadied himself. Knowing this inquiry was coming hadn’t made it any easier. Moroltho always asked about Rachel. “Not tonight I’m afraid.”

  “A shame,” he said, and then thankfully let it drop.

  Moroltho showed Alexander to his room first and Gavin said goodbye, telling him he’d see him in the morning for check out. “Liev is working tonight,” he heard Moroltho whisper in Alexander’s ear. “Shall I send him to you right away?” Alexander brightened for the first time in days and nodded vigorously. In the short time he’d been coming here he had already selected a favorite.

  At least, he thought, one of us will have some happiness tonight.

  “Is there anything in particular you’re craving tonight?” Moroltho said, interrupting his thoughts.

  “No, thank you though. I’ll be fine with just the standard.”

  “As you wish.” Gavin tipped him and watched him go, finally leaving him alone in the room.

  Then, the hesitation began. Stripping down to his underwear he lay in the bed for a long time, simply staring at the intercom above the pillow. An hour passed. An hour in which he thought of nothing but Rachel. The anxiety of the Blood Bond Syndrome was beginning to rise in his chest as the clock ticked. He had learned to manage it, but still, there were times when every moment he wasn’t with her was agony. He needed to forget, but he just couldn’t. He willed himself to sleep often, but even that was not a relief as his dreams were filled with images of her.

  Good dreams and bad dreams came, and sometimes the good were more of a torment than the bad. In the good dreams he would see her, beautiful and smiling, lying in bed with him or running through the woods laughing or simply sitting and talking. He could hear her in his mind so clearly, hear her voice, her laugh. Waking up to a silent, empty room was a punishment he didn’t know how much longer he could stand.

  Finally he forced himself to push the button. “Ready,” was all he said. He sat up in the bed anticipating the human’s arrival with dread, leaning back against the wall as if he were afraid.

  A woman entered a few moments later and Gavin had to force himself to look at her. There was no doubt she was beautiful, with her long dark hair, m
ilky skin and dark eyes. In the cruelest of twists she reminded him of Rachel.

  She must have seen what she interpreted as disgust on his face because she registered a look of alarm. “Do you…want someone else? I can get them to send someone else for you.”

  “No, of course not,” he said, holding his hand out to her.

  Her heartbeat quickened as she approached and kneeled on the bed next to him. She turned her head to the side, brushing away her hair and exposing her neck. Closing her eyes expecting to be bitten she gulped when Gavin put his arms around her waist and brought her body up tightly to his, burying his face in her curly mane. He held her close, his eyes closed tightly as the feel of her warmth comforted him. If he had to pretend to dull the pain then so be it.

  Never opening his eyes he slid his hands slowly and purposefully up and down her back, kissing her shoulder and tasting her salty skin. “Put your arms around me,” he whispered. The girl did as she was asked to do. Then after another long moment he brought his lips to hers, kissing her slowly and passionately, hearing her heart beat even faster as he did so.

  His fingers traced the line of her panties and he lowered them smoothly until they were halfway down her thighs. Then, with a careful and steady rhythm, he worked her silky wetness with his fingers until her body responded, stiffening and shaking as she had her climax. He bit quickly not wanting to waste the moment and swallowed hard as the blood, sweet and fragrant, filled his mouth.

  The girl was moaning with desire and lust, wanting him to take her. She wanted to be claimed and he would claim her, she would be his, just the way he would always make Rachel his. Gently, but firmly he placed her on her back and lowered his underwear, his erection springing free and brushing against her slick heat.

  He continued to drink as she firmly wrapped her legs around him, drawing her to him and begging, “Yes,” she whispered in his ear. “Take me.”


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