Friends With Extra Benefits

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Friends With Extra Benefits Page 30

by Luke Young

  After sniffling, she wiped her eyes. “I don’t want anyone else. I love you more than I thought I could ever love anyone again.”

  “I love you too.”

  Moving his lips to hers, he kissed her tenderly. He pulled back slightly, and they stared into each other’s eyes for a long, long time.

  She seemed to be asking him a question with her eyes. Eventually, despite his sadness at losing Caroline, whom he truly loved—although maybe not with the same desperate, reckless abandon he loved Victoria—he gave her the answer she wanted with a gentle smile.

  He fell back slowly against the pillow and shook his head with a slight grin. Curling against him, she placed her head on his chest and sighed. It felt more than right, more than perfect. With their minds racing, they both thought about what lay ahead. As he ran a finger slowly over her lower back, she placed her hand on his chest and closed her eyes.


  If you are a big fan of this series and don’t mind a little more spice in your reading, you may want to check out the series omnibus, FRIENDS WITH EXPLICIT BENEFITS. I’ll be releasing it in June or July of 2012 and it will include all four novels with two bonus expanded sex scenes in each. Plus it will include a prequel, which details Victoria’s backstory— the super hot, mostly tragic tale of how she moved on with her life after the death of her husband.

  Please be warned that these expanded novels and the prequel contain descriptions of explicit sex with explicit language. It’s not for everone, but it is a great way to re-experience the entire series with a little more steam thrown in the mix.

  If you are interested in purchasing only Victoria’s backstory, which is available on its own under another pen name, please send me an email for more details.

  Also please check out an excerpt from SHRINKAGE below.

  You can find recipes for the Breakfast in Bed Pancakes and Chocolate Mouse Ganache Cake featured in this series on my Web site:

  To contact Luke or to be placed on a mailing list to receive updates about new releases, send an email to [email protected]


  SHRINKAGE (excerpt included)

  The Friends With… Benefits Series:





  Author’s Note:

  Fuck… when I finished writing Extra Benefits that was the word that popped into my head, my somewhat romantic, partially warped, slightly sex-crazed, day dreaming head. I was going to just have that be the author’s note, just that one word… In some ways, it says it all, but mostly it just leaves way too much to the imagination. So instead of the expletive, I figured a long novel deserved a long, long, slightly rambling, freaking note, so here goes…

  Okay Victoria was a fun ride (that’s what he said :) ) concluding with this 89,657-word-but-who’s-counting epic last stop with Extra Benefits, the longest novel I’ve ever written!

  If you’ve read this novel, it probably means you’ve read all the other books in the series, as well. So you took the journey along with me, and I appreciate that. It was a lot of freaking fun, right? Who would have thought that a guy scoring a 440 on his verbal SAT could write books? By the way, my math score was relatively impressive, so it made up a little for my poor verbal showing. No one is saying they are prize-winning literature, but I think they’re pretty damn funny and sexy, and given that you’re reading this, you probably also agree. So let’s all pop some champagne or at least a beer now that we’ve finished.

  I’ll admit that I thought the first part of the book was a bit, um, what’s the word…? Maybe “conflict-challenged.” Yeah, that’s a polite word for it… at least the first couple drafts were, but once the trial turns to Jillian’s favor, I really got into the story, and it was hard to wipe the smile from my face while I wrote the rest of it. My editor, Brea Brown, really helped me salvage that first part, so if you didn’t notice what I just mentioned, you have her to thank mostly.

  And honestly, I enjoyed the first part of the book as well (even pre-Brea); in fact, I wrote that scene with Rob and Bridget having sex in the safe with their arms tied behind their backs even before I finished the third book in the series. I just had that idea stuck in my head and desperately wanted to get it out. I usually find myself drifting as I get to the end of one novel. I get a little sick of it and need to move on to something else for a bit before coming back. And I love that sex scene in the safe. I mean how hot is it to be tied up, fearing for your life, horny and wearing only swimsuits? It seems like a fun thing to try, but you’d probably need a third person to tie both you and your partner up… Not the kind of thing you can just ask anyone to do, unless, of course, you have a friend like Victoria. Ahh, Victoria…

  Back to the second part of this book, when I got to cross-examine Natalie on the stand about all that stuff, the crappy stuff that mostly actually happened to me, when I was in college, it was a blast. It brought me back to those amazing carefree days and allowed me to ask question that I always wanted to ask. And I got to make up the answers, which was probably so much better than getting the real answers. Don’t go thinking that I’m still pining away for my Natalie. Sure, as I said before, I’m curious if she can still do that thing with her leg. I’m super curious to know what it feels like to have sex with someone in that position (it sounds like it would be pretty fucking hot so maybe I should send the wife for ballet lessons). Back to the leg thing, I thought it would be a fun catalyst for a story. I never thought it would take me 300,000 words over four novels to tell it, but it was a lot of fun.

  (Don’t say I didn’t warn you!) And in the spirit of rambling that I mentioned earlier… And I guess the first part of the book is good enough, I mean I love the safe thing as I mentioned, I love the tricking Brian thing and then the double crossing Victoria thing, although it got a little far-fetched in places. But, so what? Sue me… real life is not far-fetched and it can get pretty boring. This was fun. I was just anxious to get to the trial, so maybe that’s why, when I re-read the first part of the book, I do so with poop-colored glasses.

  Switching gears once again… I’ve really appreciated all the support I’ve gotten from fans of the series. I probably never would have finished book four without it. I’ve heard from readers in Australia, the U.K., Brazil, and, of course, the U.S. The series may not be in the top 10 on Amazon like another slightly erotic series of novels about a tall rich guy, who had a bad childhood, has a sex dungeon, likes to tie chicks up and really, really is super-fond of a shy virgin girl who mostly just gnaws at her lip and doesn’t have the stomach to say the actual descriptive words for her lady parts! So short of experiencing fifty shades of promotional luck, I guess I’ll keep my day job.

  Okay, so where do we go from here? I originally had Victoria study to become a sex therapist because I thought that might lead to a never-ending series of novels for her, but come on, who’s kidding who? I guess she could have clients and we could read about their sex lives, but would that really be good? And how many times can we read about Jillian and Brian doing it or Rob walking in on Brian while he has a boner or Victoria trying to play a trick on someone or even Victoria asking yet another person to look at her ass? (I’m pretty sure she doesn’t actually need her anus bleached… I’d imagine that it’s pretty cute as is!)

  I originally did plan at least one more book, because I really wanted Victoria and Jillian to play that trick on Brian and have him come out in front of everyone with a huge boner, as was Victoria’s master plan. I was going to have Brian getting himself “ready” as Victoria was mixing up the powder and then faux realize, “Oh I left the tube out in the kitchen when I was cutting it, would you mind…” From there Brian would run out while keeping himself, you know, into a room full of people. Pretty funny, I thought. From there, I wanted to have Jillian and Brian get her back for tricking them, but this seemed
to work better. I don’t know… you tell me.

  So, I’m on to some other ideas. I want to adapt the first screenplay I wrote into a novel. It’s about a guy who loses his job, discovers his wife cheating, and inadvertently saves a celebutant (think a Paris Hilton type) from an ill-planned kidnapping all in the same morning. From there, hilarity ensues as he goes on—let ‘s call it—a little adventure as he struggles to move on with his life.

  After that, I have another idea or two I would like to get on paper and then who knows? Maybe I’ll get back to Victoria and her friends. For now, let’s just let these guys enjoy life for a while. Everyone seems pretty happy. Victoria has Jim and the baby, Jillian has Brian, and Rob has Bridget. They’re all getting regular, quality, passionate sex and you, if you have someone special, should put down whatever you’re reading (this, I suppose) and do the same. As I always say, It’s fun, it’s good exercise, and it don’t cost nothin’.

  Luke Young

  [email protected]

  P.S. If you try the thing with the tea and the ice, be careful. Take your time going from one to the other. We don’t want any dental emergencies.

  Also, don’t forget about the explicit series omnibus including the series prequel with Victoria’s backstory. Or as I mentioned send me an email for details on how to find just the prequel.


  one - What the fuck could Actor/Director/Oil spill cleanup expert Kevin Costner possibly have to do with any of this? I mean seriously!

  Is it in yet? It’s the phrase that no man ever wants to hear. I’m sure any guy would take, Get out of your car now or I’m going to kill you, or even, You only have six months to live, over those other five words any day. Okay, maybe not the six months to live thing, but you get the point. Luckily, Tim Garrett had never heard those words. At least he had never heard them out loud.

  Tim was twenty-six and sure he had packed on a few pounds since college, but you wouldn’t call him fat; maybe just a little out of shape for someone his age. Life had not been very kind to him and clear evidence of that was his thinning hair. The early onset baldness was bizarre and especially cruel given that Tim had been denied a normal adolescence and hit puberty ungodly late.

  You would think a guy burdened with the absolute fucking nightmare of not hitting puberty full on until the second half of his freshman year at college would be spared hair loss altogether. Or if there were an ounce of justice in this world, he’d at least have a full head of hair well into his fifties. Unfortunately, that was not the case for Tim. The hair started falling out early, and it was not a good look for him. But his real problem was, well… the problem was his penis, his slightly to possibly mildly below average penis. Despite all these issues, he did actually have a girlfriend and it was his longest relationship to date. Nearly nine months.

  It was Saturday afternoon and Tim was on his way to the drug store. It was going to be a big night for him and his girlfriend, Jill. He’d been planning it for a week. He would prepare her favorite meal of fresh steamed lobster served with a side of blue cheese pecan chopped salad. This would be the third time he was making lobster for her, and since times one and two resulted in amazing sex, he was thoroughly confident that this time would be no different.

  Tim picked up everything he needed for the perfect evening, including a special bottle of wine and her favorite peach carnations. He even went to the farmers market to buy fresh vegetables for the salad. All that he needed now was to restock his condom supply, a task that filled Tim with dread.

  As Tim drove past the billboard of the male underwear model busting out of his boxer briefs, he scoffed. He’d driven past it dozens of times on his way to the drug superstore, and it wasn’t the only reminder of his little problem; the reminders were all around him. From super-sized ad campaigns to phallic inspired architecture to penis jokes on television and in movies to country songs titled “Size Matters,” it was difficult to believe anything other than size really did matter.

  The billboard reminded him of that Kevin Costner baseball movie, no not Bull Durham or Field of Dreams; the other one, the one that flopped at the box office. Kevin’s full frontal nude scene in For Love of the Game was reportedly deleted after test screenings, where the audience openly laughed at Kevin’s manhood. They actually openly laughed, as if everyone in the audience was hung like a freaking horse, or was sleeping with someone who was hung like a freaking horse. Tim wondered if it really needed to hang to your knees in order to not garner a snicker? And at what size does that snicker transform into jaw-dropping male locker-room jealousy and female awe?

  Tim hated the fact that if he looked in the back of pretty much any magazine, he found ads for male enhancement products. Even in some women’s magazines. As if anyone needs the girlfriend or wife saying, “Hey honey, you know that little penis you have? Well there’s this pill…”

  The worst was the spam email. Tim’s company had this spam blocking software that collected all the suspicious messages he received and packaged them up into a single email, which listed all the obscene subject lines. The message normally contained hundreds of listings, and was delivered every Monday morning, providing a comical way to kick off an otherwise boring day. Subjects like: Make Her Shiver With Your Girth, Longer Harder Thicker Naturally Guaranteed, Gain 3 Inches Now, Power Pack That Tool In Your Pants, and Tim’s personal favorite: Face It, She’s Dreaming Of Something Bigger And We Can Help. They can help you all right; help separate you from your money. Oh, but you could always take advantage of the money back guarantee - just call customer service and explain how your penis is still really tiny and ask for a refund. Yeah right. It was a huge business, with huge promises but absolutely no results. Tim wondered how they got away with it.

  He’d done his research. He was just slightly below average in length at 5.53 inches. Not 5.5, that would be selling him short, but exactly 5.53 inches. And he really didn’t have any issue with the length. Hell, most of the nerve endings were in the outer third of the uh, well you know, the woman’s private parts. At least this was what he kept telling himself, since he was almost sure he remembered reading it somewhere.

  The real problem was the girth. At 3.95 inches around, it was slim by any standard all right - a real pencil dick. By comparing various surveys, Tim found that 4.75 inches was the average girth and even that didn’t really do the trick if you thought about it. As everyone knew, the female vagina could open itself up wide enough to deliver an entire baby, which is a pretty incredible and frightening thing. Now that’s not to say you need to be packing a penis the size of a baby’s head, but there’s a lot of discrepancy between what the average guy has and what is required to actually fill that thing up. Would the world stop spinning, Tim thought, if he were just a little bigger?

  Tim often wondered how different his life would have been if he were huge down there. He’d imagined what some of his past relationships would have been like if there hadn’t been what he perceived as a disappointment to the girl he was dating when it finally came to having sex. Was he imagining it? He didn’t think so. He wondered how much more confident he would have been if, when he dropped his pants, he could see mouthwatering awe and desire in their eyes. He pictured what a look of, Okay big boy be careful with that thing was like as opposed to the Really, is that it? look that he was almost sure he had seen in the past.

  But those days were over for Tim when he lucked out and found a girl who didn’t seem to be so caught up on size. His girlfriend Jill had a smoking hot little body. She was a bit of a mystery in that when they had sex, he felt something was just a little off, just a tiny little bit, but she did always seemed to be right there with him. She didn’t seem to be fantasizing of something more. Most of the time, anyway. There were only a few moments here and there when he wasn’t sure.

  When they acquired their first sex toy together, it wasn’t ridiculously huge or anything. It was certainly bigger than he was, but not terribly threatening. Later he discovered that Jill had a sepa
rate secret dildo collection and each one seemed to be bigger than the next. He wasn’t sure if she purchased these big boys before or after they started dating, and he wasn’t sure if he really cared. Anyway, they were about to move in together and it felt right. He was happy; he was almost ninety percent sure. Okay, maybe eighty-five percent.

  End of excerpt - SHRINKAGE is available now.




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