Deep, Hard, and Rough

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Deep, Hard, and Rough Page 1

by Jenika Snow

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2013 Jenika Snow

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-642-3

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  For anyone that likes things a bit different.

  And for MIB, always.


  Jenika Snow

  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Year 3450, planet of Aktulla, royal chamber of King Manatak Asek

  “It is time you find the females that will bear your offspring.” King Manatak of the Asek royal line spoke to his people, the Aktulla males. His three sons stared back at him, each of them seeming nonplussed with the situation at hand. It infuriated him to no end, and although he had been lenient toward them, now was the time for change. Too many years had passed with him watching the three of them act irresponsibly, fornicating with whomever they saw fit, and having total disregard for the kingdom they would soon rule.

  Manatak would have liked to see his eldest son, Erak, set an example for his younger brothers, but they all seemed to be more interested in rutting with the female populace instead of taking their place on the thrones. Manatak could not fault his boys too harshly, for he, too, had spread his seed before his father had made him realize the throne and siring offspring were of higher importance. That had been many moons ago, though, and now it was time for Erak, Genet, and Raimi to take his place and rule over the Aktullas.

  “My rule is coming to an end, my sons.” They looked at him as though bored with the conversation. They came from his lioness, their mother, his mate, who had died when she gave birth to Raimi.

  Calina had been the most beautiful female in all the land. When he found out she was his mate, his very breath had stopped. Finding one’s other half was a rare occurrence, and although the Aktullas could have offspring with a female other than their destined mate, they would always feel a part of them missing.

  It was the way of his people, to find females that would bear the sons of the fearsome and powerful males of their species. For there were no females born from the loins of the Aktullas, and so their planet was barren of the opposite sex.

  “You must go out and find your mates, find the females that will carry your sons and ensure the royal family has heirs. Do this for me, my children, for I cannot die peacefully knowing that there will be no male from the Asek line to rule from the great throne.”

  Manatak knew the chance that his sons would find their mates was next to impossible, but he knew giving them the little hope that they could find the females that would make them complete would ensure they heeded his words seriously. King Manatak Asek stood and made his way to his royal chambers. This was the same speech he gave them over the years, praying to the heavens that they would grant him this one serenity. His sons were stubborn, but Manatak knew they would do him proud, for they, too, would not want to see the royal house crumble.


  “What do you make of Father’s proclamation?” Erak murmured idly as he led his two brothers through the corridor and into the common room. This was the same conversation their father gave every fortnight, and although he and his brothers liked to enjoy the pleasures life offered, Erak knew it was time to take his words to heart.

  King Manatak blamed him for his brothers’ recklessness. In all reality, Erak was the one that was against most of their decisions when it came to play and pleasure. The years were passing him by, and although he still had a long life ahead of him, the time to take a mate and start a family was upon them. He had seen the way Genet and Raimi had looked unconcerned when their father spoke, but they all needed to take this seriously. It wasn’t unusual for an Aktulla male to take more than one female, in fact, it was praised, encouraged even. More females meant more offspring, and there could never be enough warriors. He had shared many of the opposite sex with his brothers, but the thought of children, strong sons to carry on the Asek line had need swelling inside of him. He also wanted his father’s pride.

  “I believe he is serious this time.” Genet spoke and nudged Raimi in the ribs.

  “He has been ‘serious’ every time he demands us to find our mates,” Raimi, the youngest out of the three of them said.

  “It is not a demand as much as a plea. I am starting to feel guilty.”

  “You speak as though you have actually put thought into this, Raimi. Maybe I should tell Father you will be the first to go on the mission and find your fated female.” Genet chuckled at Erak’s words.

  Genet smacked Raimi lightly on the back and said, “Are you not the great conqueror of the gentler sex? Brother, I have heard the stories. We all have. Have we not all heard and seen the females sigh and moan over the great pleasuring Asek brother, Raimi?” Genet said it so seriously that it could have been humorous if Erak wasn’t having mixed emotions on this subject.

  Erak started moving forward. His brothers were a lively bunch. He, too, was guilty of enjoying life, but this time was different. Their father’s speech held more meaning this time, more emotion. King Manatak was powerful and ruthless. Not only did he have hundreds of victories under his belt, but he was also a merciful and gentle ruler to the people of Aktulla. Everything their kingdom needed, King Manatak provided.

  “You should have more respect, Genet. It is you his pleas are beckoning as well. You, too, take on a different female every night, and sometimes more than one.”

  Genet scowled over at him and then said, “I believe we all are guilty of this.”

  Genet and Raimi chuckled, and Erak felt his anger mounting. “I think you two should have more respect for our father than that.” Stopping right before he reached the entry that led to the common room, Erak turned around and looked the two of them in the eye. The three of them were similar in appearance but different in many ways. They all resembled their father: seven feet in height, and muscular builds, but their eye and hair color differed greatly.

  “What is this you speak of, brother?” Genet took a step forward. His light green eyes were narrowed, and Erak could feel his brother’s rage escalating as well. “Is it not you that Father blames our recklessness on? Are you not the one that has showed us the pleasures that can be had with the opposite sex, introduced us to the fruits of the universe?” Genet spread his arms wide. A cruel smirk covered his expression. Erak held his younger brother’s stare with a glacial one of his own.

  Genet was right. Erak was the one who had started all of this. Being the eldest, he had led his brothers astray, showing them that the kingdom could wait. He took claim for starting it, but that had been when they were adolescents. His brothers had led their own life from that point on, and what they did was on them. Their father wanted to descend from the throne, and it was time the three of them stepped up and took on the responsibility. Erak refused to back down from Genet.

  “I do not deny that I have led you down a path of destruction, but heed my words, little brother, it is time we take the throne and ease Father of his burdens. It is time we find our fated females and produce heirs. I am ready to start being the ruler Father knows me to be. Are you two ready to take that responsibility?” Erak stared at Genet, and then directed his authority at Raimi.
Genet would have been the harder to break, but the words his younger brother spoke shocked him.

  “I admit I am growing weary of this life, of the random females, and of feeling like I’m missing something.” Genet breathed out roughly and ran a hand through his ash-colored hair. “I am with you, brother. I am ready to find my female. I do not wish to fight with you, and can accept my role as an honorable male.” He turned around and spoke to Raimi. “Are you ready to do this? Ready to be a ruler Father needs?”

  All was quiet for a moment before their youngest Asek brother murmured his agreement. Erak exhaled, not realizing that he had been holding his breath. Their next adventure would be one that would change their lives and their planet’s history.

  Chapter Two

  Planet of Kat’aki

  Luna wiped the sweat that beaded across her brow with the back of her hand. Every part of her body ached, but she didn’t dare stop what she was doing. She scrubbed the table harder, trying to get out all of the Caltika monster blood. The fight that had just happened hours before had been fatal, with random body parts scattered across the bar, and the stench of death lingering in the air. The gelatinous green goo had come from the beast when it challenged one of the Monte males to spend the evening with a female. It was clear the Caltika had no idea the powers the Monte species actually possessed. The large wooden bucket beside her feet held what was left of said beast after she scraped him from the table. It took every ounce of willpower for her to hold back her gag reflex every time she glanced down at the chunky remnants.

  “Really put some elbow grease into it.”

  She gritted her teeth at the flirtatious comment right behind her. Luna didn’t bother responding or lifting her gaze. Maximo slapped her on the ass as he passed, but the only reaction she gave was to tighten her hand around the blood soaked rag she held. Just a few more months and you’ll be out of this shithole.

  Luna said the mantra over and over in her head, and scrubbed harder. The small restaurant, Tao, was where she had worked for the last two years. Kat’aki, or the planet of red dust as it was more commonly known, was her home, at least for the time being.

  Working in the gritty, rundown bar on a planet known for prostitution, illegal activities, and filled with the worst of the worst criminals was not how Luna saw spending her life. It didn’t matter though, not when she was hoping to save enough to leave and travel to Euk’toria, the planet of happiness.

  This had been her life since birth. It didn’t matter that she was born to a human prostitute and left in the street until a couple, who had to be the only kind and decent people that lived on this forsaken planet, had claimed her as their own. Of course, love and happiness can only last so long in a place that rivals the very pits of the damned. The urge to leave had always been strong within her, but some obstacle had always stood in her path, forcing her to stay and face the abuse. When the very people that had taken her in and cared for her were murdered, Luna decided it was time to leave or she would be the next person this rotten planet claimed. If she was going to die, so be it, but it wouldn’t be on this fucked up planet.

  “Listen up everyone.” Luna forced herself to stop cleaning and turn around. Maximo grinned suggestively at her, which succeeded in making her skin crawl. “I have just been informed by my contacts that tomorrow night will be busy. We are to have warriors from the Aktulla planet visiting our fair establishment in hopes of entertainment and pleasure.” Maximo swept his gaze around the room, but his stare always stopped back on Luna. “Not only that, they are from the royal Asek line. Whatever they want, you will give to them. You all know how wealthy and powerful the males of the Aktulla planet are, the Asek line especially, and so it is all of your duty to show them an experience they will not forget.”

  Luna knew what Maximo was truly saying. He wanted his employees to suck and fuck all patrons that entered his meager, disgusting place of business. A pimp is what she called him, but he called himself a “businessman”. He was wealthy though, despite the fact he looked, smelled, and lived like he had just rolled out from under a disgusting Montaka beast. Luna’s mother may have been a prostitute, but she sure as hell would not become one. It was becoming harder and harder to fend off the suggestive comments and advances she encountered on a daily basis at Tao, but especially from Maximo. His obsession for her was growing frighteningly more aggressive as of late. Straightening her shoulders to appear strong even if she didn’t particularly feel that way, she didn’t let Maximo’s stare intimidate her.

  A scowl slowly crept across his face before he regained his composure and ushered everyone to start working again. The hopeful thought that he might leave her alone for the rest of her shift was just that … hopeful. He moved closer to her, but she turned her back on him and resumed cleaning the muck off the table. He grabbed her arm with bruising force, but as she did on every occasion, she didn’t show him weakness. This argument was going to be one of the worse ones, and she knew that with clarity. Pulling her harshly toward the back of the building, she was shoved into his grimy office. The door slammed shut with an audible force, and she tensed. Turning so she could see him, she watched as his face started to turn a bright shade of red. The silence between them was deafening. This was the calm before the storm.

  After several long, drawn out moments, he seemed to rein in his temper. “I know that look, Luna.” When she didn’t respond, the shade of red that had covered his face just seconds before returned. “The only reason you haven’t been raped or killed is because of me.” He slammed his meaty fist against his chest as he spat the last word out. Maximo was right to an extent. The fact that over the years he had grown alarmingly possessive of her, only made her fear increase. The only way he would accept her sleeping with someone else was if he made a profit from it. Although she loathed him, she admitted that there had been several times he had saved her, so to speak. She refused to thank him or show him any kind of gratitude. The protection he offered her was because he thought to gain something from her. She was, after all, to her knowledge, the only virgin left on the planet of red dust, and therefore a prized possession by many. He kept an ever watchful eye on her, and she knew that when she left Tao for home he had his goons guard his “property”. So far she had been able to steer clear of his offers to “entertain” the many clients that visited Tao, but Maximo wasn’t known for his patience, and therefore starting to become more unstable. If she could have worked somewhere else, gone somewhere else, she would have done that in a heartbeat. This vile planet was nothing but rock and red dust, with this shitty little city right in the center of it. Every other business was the same, or even worse than what she was already subjected to.

  “I could throw you outside right now and you wouldn’t last ten minutes without my protection. Who do you think makes it possible for you to stay safe in that shithole you call home?” He slammed his fist against his chest again. “Me. They would eat you alive, pretty thing.” He chuckled humorlessly and took a step toward her.

  Maximo’s strength may surpass hers, but Luna knew what she lacked in brawn she made up for in brain. “I’m not a whore, Maximo. I have told you time and time again that I will not degrade myself to be with these males and beasts you throw at me. You do not own me. No one does. I am my own person, and therefore make up my own decisions. I can take care of myself.” She was scared, of course, but once that fear was shown than that was when her life ended. Strength, whether it be physical or mental, equaled power.

  Sweat started to bead along his wide forehead, and his laughter continued. He was a disgusting creature. His species, known as the Blooka, were similar to humans in appearance, but they were known for their rage and nasty tempers, ones that rivaled the fierce and wild creatures that roamed the red mountains that surrounded them. With his thinning, greasy black hair, and beady dark eyes, he sickened her. “You think you are better than the rest of us, princess? Hardly, you are the product of a prostitute’s one-night stand. You are the offspring of a human whor
e, the weakest species in three galaxies, and a male who paid to fuck her. You are no better than any of us, and I promise you, Luna, before you die, you will give me what I want.”

  “I can leave at any time, Maximo.”

  Grinning mockingly, he advanced. “You think that, but how very wrong you are. You know as well as I that you have nowhere to go. You live in that dirty little hole you call home, eating the leftovers you take from the kitchen when you think no one looks. I see all, princess. You can tell me how you will leave, but you and I both know you will die on this planet just like the rest of us.”

  He was so close that she could smell the thick stench of liquor and dirty sweat that laced his body. Holding her ground, she refused to back down. The truth may have come from his lips, but it didn’t mean she had to acknowledge that to him. He might know she took food from the kitchen, and in all rights he could have her hands cut off for the act, but Luna knew Maximo wouldn’t, knew it would decrease her value.

  “You’ve lasted long enough with your innocence intact, but know this, when those warriors come, you will give them what they want. Make no mistake about that, princess. You will make me a very wealthy man sooner than later.” The way he dropped his gaze to her breasts and licked his lips caused bile to rise in her throat. “And after that time comes, I will make you my whore.” Snapping his attention back to her face, his expression hardened. Although violence seethed right below the surface of his demeanor, Maximo hadn’t hit her, but the look he gave her said the urge to do just that rode him hard.

  He turned away from her quickly and strode out of his office. The breath left her in a rush, and her legs threatened to give out. She refused to cry, refused to show any kind of emotion around these heathens. Fear was strong in her, but she would not display weakness in front of anyone. She prayed to whoever listened that the opportunity would arise and she would be able to escape. Buying a ticket off of Kat’aki was so expensive only the wealthiest could afford it. She had been lucky enough to find a place to sleep that cost her next to nothing, but it was a hole in the wall, with animals nearly her size that roamed right outside her door. None of that matter because it provided a roof over her head, and walls on four sides.


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