Deep, Hard, and Rough

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Deep, Hard, and Rough Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  She was so damn indecisive, and she hated it. The sooner she got off this ship the better. Even if she couldn’t stay on their predominantly male planet, she could ask for their help. Surely they would aid her in finding another place to call home, and if not maybe she could work for her room and board there? She would show them she was a hard worker, that she could earn her keep, because after being on this ship for the past week, smelling these three males’ intoxicating pheromones, and realizing her walls were being broken down by them little by little, was driving her crazy.

  As the days progressed Luna was finding out how unique each male was. Erak was the leader, always in command and the first one Genet and Erak went to with any problems.

  Genet was the second eldest and in charge when Erak wasn’t available. Genet’s personality was one of a great warrior, but also a gentle giant. It was clear he reveled in battle and excelled in the art. There had been numerous times she watched the males fight and train, saw how skilled each of them were, but didn’t miss how Genet seemed to be an expert in reading his opponent’s moves and where they were going to strike next.

  She had found herself growing enthralled as she watched them wage war with each other, aroused even. The thought of them teaching her to fight, training her to defend herself was something she wanted to look into, but she was almost hesitant to even ask. The idea of being next to them, their sweaty bodies pressed close, hands moving over each other, sent a sharp stab of lust through her.

  Raimi was the youngest of the three. His youthful age was apparent in his boisterous and carefree attitudes.

  All three men were gorgeous in their own right, not classically handsome per se, but powerful and scarred, awaiting their next battle. She walked further into the room and took a seat. Genet sat beside her, and she smiled over at him. The iridescent table glowed right before their platters of food appeared before them. In just seven days Luna had gained several pounds, not much in the whole scheme of things but enough that her bones weren’t so prominent any longer. Her hips were fuller, as were her thighs. Luna didn’t go to bed hungry, and she had been surprised at how good it felt. She even felt healthier, livelier. Food had been scarce on Kat’aki, and stealing from the kitchen when she was able to had only provided threadbare scraps. These warriors made her eat, though, filled her plate until she forced them not to give her anymore. It was kind of … endearing.

  “You’re not hungry this evening?” Genet’s voice drew her attention, and she realized she had just been staring at the food in front of her. The fact was her thoughts consumed her, stole her sanity and made her rethink every single decision she had made since being on their ship.

  “I am. It’s just....” Luna looked over at Genet, and for just a moment she let herself get lost in his sea green eyes. They seemed to swirl the longer she stared at him, and the hypnotizing quality let her feel somewhat unhinged. At that moment, and every other time she let her guard down, Luna wanted to give into to them, and tell them to claim her.

  As she opened her mouth to do just that, because her hormones and all reasoning left her, Raimi took that opportunity to saunter in with an almost cocky grin on his face. His boyish charm was sometimes morphed into this wild seducer. It suited him because he wasn’t overbearing like Erak.

  Raimi sat across from her, and she couldn’t help but flick her gaze to the empty spot right next to him—Erak’s seat. Would he join them today or continue to avoid her?

  “You look beautiful today, Luna.” Raimi grinned, all straight, white teeth. Her cheeks heated from his compliment, ones he gave her every time he saw her. She grew pliant under his words, and found herself drawn to him more and more each day. They didn’t play fair. If they had just stayed aloof, indifferent, and kept away from her she would have had no qualms about leaving them, but as it stood it was getting harder to picture herself doing just that.

  “Thank you.” She picked up her fork and pushed some of her food around. There was a suspended moment of silence, and Luna found herself wanting more than just the food in front of her. The sound of heavy, pounding footsteps seemed to break the silence, and despite her inner argument to keep her head down and not make eye contact with who was barreling down the hallway, Luna lifted her eyes and did the opposite.

  Erak strode into the dining hall with a fierce scowl on his face, determined strides, and his hands clenched by his sides. She had already grown wet sitting so close to Genet and Raimi, but seeing the hardness pour off him, the alphaness and his warrior stride, had a fresh gush of wetness coating her the intimate lips of her pussy. He only wore a pair of low hanging leathers, and his skin was damp and slightly pink from what she knew was a shower. His black hair was even darker when it was wet, appearing like the onyx wings of a Ravenward bird. The muscles of his chest were so pronounced, so defined, that his power wasn’t even a question. Luna let her eyes travel down the hard ridges, toned dips, and traced the intricate inked lines on his forearms that spoke of his royal lineage. He also had dark ink that continued up his biceps and disappeared around his back.

  Erak didn’t look at anyone as he came further into the room and took a seat at the head of the table. His brow was furrowed, but even his pinched expression couldn’t take away from the attractive rawness that he exuded. Her heart pounded fiercely, and her cheeks heated further. Luna couldn’t tear her eyes away from him, and the longer she stared at Erak, the more the lust swirled inside of her, taking her to an unknown and unfamiliar place.

  His hands were on top of the table, and she watched in feminine appreciation as he curled those long fingers inward and lifted only his eyes to pierce her with his violet stare. His head was still downcast, and his dark hair was a swatch of silky ink across his forehead. Genet and Raimi shifted in their seats, and the heat increased in the room. She swore she could feel their arousal for her, hear their hearts pounding faster, and taste their need to have her thicken the air.

  “If you keep staring at me, Fallina, I won’t be able to control my actions.” His voice was deep, rough, and baritone. It caressed her like she wanted his hands to, like she wanted all of them to. Even with his subtle warning she couldn’t break the mesmerizing hold he seemed to have on her. Ever so slightly he flattened his hands on the table, pushed up so his forearms and biceps bulged from the action, and leaned closer to her. “If you keep looking at me like that, I’m liable to throw you over my shoulder, tear those hideous clothes off of you, and feast on your body until you scream my name in pleasure. I’ve stayed away because I know that is what you want, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been hard as fuck.”

  Her pulse beat in her throat, in her ears, and drowned out everything else until she only sensed the three of them. Blinking through the haze of desire, Luna slowly looked over at Raimi and Genet. The brothers had the same expression Erak did: scorching need to see her completely bared for them. Oh God. Wetness was a continuous flow from her.

  Something shifted across Erak’s face, and for a moment she felt real fear toward him. Luna didn’t know too many things, but what she did know was that at this exact moment she needed to put some distance between her and the three of them or she wouldn’t be able to deny them or herself any longer. A low rumble started to fill the room, and she looked at Genet and Raimi, but the noise wasn’t coming from them. When she looked back at Erak her heart stalled in her chest. He stood to his full seven foot height, and the air around them became so charged the hair on her arms stood on end.

  “Run, Luna. Run.”

  Oh God. His voice was so harsh that it was a straight shot of heat right to her clit, like he was between her thighs and licking her with enough force her knees buckled. He leaned in another inch and his warm breath teased her lips. It smelled sweet, and she wanted the scent on every part of her. Looking at Genet and Rami for help did her no good, because their hooded eyes and harsh breathing told her that whatever was happening right now was out of their control.

  “Run, Fallina.” Although Erak’s voice was s
teady and deep, there was a note of urgency in his words that had her back straightening. And run was just what she did. Out of the dining room, down the hall, and back into her room where she slammed the door shut and leaned against it. The energy that coursed through her, the anticipation, excitement, and … arousal, was like nothing she had experienced. It took control of her, had her nipples rock hard and her pussy so wet she felt her juices slip down her inner thighs. She hadn’t run from fear, or really because Erak had told her to do just that. She did it because she knew, deep down in her very soul, that running from them was exactly what they wanted. The brothers wanted a chase, and she had just given the predator what it wanted … its prey, which was her.

  Luna moved away from the door, turned around so she was staring at it, and felt everything still inside of her. Her chest rose and fell so forcefully that she grew dizzy from it, but she had no control over anything anymore, and in all honesty she just wanted to let go. She waited, her blood pumping hard in her veins as she waited for them to burst through her door, and she knew, without a doubt, they would do just that.

  Chapter Ten

  Before the door even opened Luna saw the massive frame of Erak on the other side of the frosted screen. Two more large shapes took their place behind him, and her heart and breathing increased knowing that the three warrior brothers were just a few feet from her. The door dematerialized soundlessly, and the only thing she could hear was a ringing in her ears. A high unlike anything she had ever filled swooshed within her. Her pulse seemed to beat everywhere, but was far more pronounced in her pussy. Erak was the first to step forward, and when Genet and Rami followed suit the door rematerialized behind them. The small room seemed to shrink even more, and the warmth increased to a fever pitch.

  “You ran.”

  It wasn’t a question, wasn’t an accusation, but more of a lust thickened response from Erak. Yes, yes she had, but they all knew why she had done it, and given the sight of their massive erections pressed against their leathers, they had enjoyed it immensely. Erak was feral and savage in his ardor. He took another step forward, and another, until if he inhaled deeply his chest would brush against hers. Luna forced her eyes to stay open, forced herself to keep his stare, and forced herself not to crumble under his carnal pheromones. They were just so compelling, and ruling that all she wanted to do was let herself go, became the submissive that he wanted, and never look back. It was a dangerous line she was toeing, but at the moment she couldn’t care less, and wanted to embrace it fully.

  “You want this, or you wouldn’t have obeyed so well, Fallina.” He all but purred the last part, and the way his baritone voice wrapped around her had an obscene amount of wetness coming from her. His words weren’t directed at her, and they were more like he was speaking to himself.

  That animalistic growl that was a trademark of Erak left him, and in the next second she was pushed against the wall with his knee wedged between her thighs. A shocked gasp of pleasure and outrage left her.

  “Mmm, I can smell how wet your pussy is.” He leaned down, ran the tip of his nose up her throat, and growled once more when he reached her ear. He had his hand between her legs and was tearing the flimsy material of her pants away before she could even blink away the hazy arousal that had covered her face.

  Using his knee he pushed her thighs farther apart and had his hand right over her pussy. A gasp left her as the hotness of his flesh speared right over her bared flesh between her legs. Everything happened so fast that she couldn’t tell him to stop, even if she could have formed the words.

  The truth was, Luna wanted this desperately, but her pride kept a firm hand on her, refusing to let her relinquish anything. At the first touch of his fingers on her labia she let her head fall back and closed her eyes.

  “So warm and wet, Luna.” He ran the pad of his huge thumb along her clit, rubbed the bundle of nerves back and forth, and rumbled deeply. “Your surrender is the sweetest thing.”

  Her inner muscles clenched down hard, as if trying to grab onto what wasn’t there. She glanced over to the side, and saw Genet and Raimi watching her exchange with Erak with hooded, carnal expressions. He continued to rub her clit over and over again until she found herself gripping onto his bulging biceps and digging her nails into his flesh. He was just so much bigger than she, they all were, and she felt like this tiny, small being next to them. A gasp left her as a spark of pleasure assaulted her. He was relentless in his erotic onslaught, and when he slipped a thick digit down her cleft, ran circles around her opening, and slowly penetrated her, a moan she wished she had kept inside spilled out.

  “That’s it, Luna. Give yourself over to me, and let me make you feel so fucking good.”

  In and out. In and out. He fucked her with that finger, tormented her with expert moves, and had her hating and loving every minute of it. It was so good, so bad, and she wanted more, but she wouldn’t tell him what he wanted to hear. She shook uncontrollably, and something monumental was building inside of her.

  “Tell me, Luna, and I’ll make the ache go away.” His thick, wet tongue moved along the shell of her ear, causing explosions of sensation to crash and churn inside of her.

  Genet and Raimi were so still, and aside from that they were like statues. Why was she restraining herself so hard when the precipice of ecstasy was just one deep thrust and a rub against her clit?. Giving herself this one moment didn’t mean she was giving herself to anyone, right?

  “You fight so hard, deny so much.” He nipped her earlobe, and that spark of pain had her digging her nails so deeply into his skin she knew she drew blood. Erak hissed out and said, “That’s it, Fallina, make me bleed. I’d gladly do it ten times over.”

  “Gods.” The air whooshed out of her, and she swallowed roughly. “Please, just do it already.”

  Her words were broken, hurried, and full of need. As soon as they left her mouth she knew they could never be taken back, knew that saying them had started something that couldn’t be stopped. Three raw groans filled the room, and it was like something in Erak broke right before her. He was a madman between her thighs, moving his thumb over her clit so hard and fast she couldn’t catch her breath, and when he added a second finger inside of her the pain made everything so much more fulfilling. She was stretched, bordering on tears of pleasure/pain, and couldn’t stop asking for more. He was only deep enough that head of his cock was encased in her tight warmth.

  “We won’t let you go.” His words were garbled against her throat, and she should have been frightened from them, but that delicious arc of desire finally broke inside of her and she threw her head back, banging it against the wall, and cried out as she came. Shamelessly rubbing herself on his hand, it was still so damn good. Her legs were ridiculously spread, taking whatever he gave her but feeling like something was missing.

  Even through the haze of what she was experiencing, she managed to open her eyes and stare at Genet and Raimi. Their cocks were out and in their big hands, and the way they stroked themselves was so thorough, so determined, that another orgasm slammed into her, tightening her vocal muscles so she couldn’t make a sound. All it had taken for her to break once more was that visual of them pleasuring themselves. When everything dimmed down to a still constant burn inside of her, she looked into the turbulent violet eyes of Erak. He seemed almost in shock, and that in itself was unbelievable since it seemed nothing ever shook his control.

  He slowly pulled his fingers out of her still clenching pussy. Everything stilled as she watched him bring up those two glistening digits to his mouth, and suck every last drop of her juices from them.

  Mouth parting at the sight of this big man licking her orgasm from his fingers, all Luna could do was hold onto him and stare.

  “Your release is the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.” He leaned in closer, and all she could smell were her musk and his dark, natural scent mingling together. “But it makes it that more delicious knowing you achieved it because you gave in to me.”
/>   Cocky fucking bastard. Before she could come up with a retort, he had his mouth on hers. His tongue swept out and ran along her bottom lip, teasing, coaxing. Her strength snapped, her anger toward his most recent act of arrogance evaporated, and she allowed herself to melt into the rock hardness of his chest. Opening her mouth, she sucked his tongue inside. She was aware of his hands landing on the wall on either side of her head, bracing his massive weight and caging her in. His power was immense and tangible. Erak ground his dick into her, and the full, thick, and ridiculously long length of him jerked against her belly. A groan spilled from his mouth, and she ate it up, loving that she had a power over him.

  Sucking on his tongue, she tasted their combined flavors mix together. Luna wanted him, desperately, but it wasn’t his hands again she wanted but his hard length pushing deep inside of her. She wanted his brothers to watch it all, too. Never had she needed anything so badly. Never had her pussy been so swollen and wet with need that she found herself pressing her thighs together to stem off the flow of cream. Even now, after coming twice, she felt unfulfilled.

  The low grunt he made against her mouth fueled her arousal higher. Pressing her tongue around his, he mimicked the act. It was sexual, inviting. He moved closer to her, pressing her fully against the cold, unforgiving wall. Luna needed more, needed to taste more of him, smell more of his masculine scent. He was intoxicating, addicting. Will the other two brothers taste like this, feel like this? She knew one thing. She needed to find out.


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