Bruins Peak Bears Box Set (Volume II)

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Bruins Peak Bears Box Set (Volume II) Page 43

by Sarah J. Stone

  He could take all the time in the world now. She was his mate. He didn’t have to prove it to himself or anybody else. He had the rest of their lives to explore every weeping crevice of her gorgeous body. He could keep her dangling on tenterhooks for days before he rocketed her into blissful clouds of orgasmic delight.

  He knew he could do it. He knew exactly where to touch her to make her sob into his mouth. He knew how to hold her so she melted into his hands. She whimpered in open desire, but he wouldn’t touch her.

  In that moment, she let go all her defenses. They were mated for life. Nothing could change that now. She didn’t have to resist. She didn’t have to show off her curves for him, even though he appreciated them. He saw past her curvaceous body to the heart buried deep inside. That was the part of her he kissed and petted and loved, and he always would.

  Chapter 9

  Jordan took Ebony’s hand and led her into the woods. How far they walked, Ebony couldn’t tell. She glided at his side in a peaceful cocoon. Nothing touched her. Nothing disturbed her tranquility. She could enjoy the night forest the way she couldn’t before. He protected her, not only from danger, but from herself. He protected her from all the turmoil in the compound. Nothing could touch them here.

  He led her beyond the ridge to forgotten forests she never saw before, but they never shifted again. He never wrestled her to the ground by the neck. He held her hand, and when she searched his face for answers, he smiled. He gave her little friendly kisses, but he wouldn’t linger long enough to fall into her again.

  He stopped where the first rays of sun touched the Moraine. She looked around at the blank forest. What could he want here?

  He smiled bigger than ever and steered her toward a curtain of vines hanging between two trees. He pushed the tangle aside and escorted her into a shady glade. A shaft of sunshine streamed through the canopy. Grass carpeted a bank sloping down to a trickling stream.

  Ebony frowned. “What did you bring me here for?”

  He moved closer. “I just wanted you to have some place no one had ever been before.”

  She shot him a wicked grin. “Come on. I bet you bring all the girls here.”

  He shook his head. He didn’t smile. “I’ve never brought anybody here. You’re the first. I always kept this place secret. I wanted to keep it for myself.”

  Ebony hesitated to put her foot on that perfect grass. Keep a place to yourself? That concept didn’t exist on Midnight Moraine. Everybody shared everything with everybody else. Nothing was private. Everybody knew everybody else’s business all the time.

  Jordan didn’t look at the place. He focused on her. Nothing else. If she stepped into that space, she entered his world—only his world. She sensed that above all else.

  Did she dare? Did she dare leave behind the public, shared world of fluid Midnight and enter a private domain where nothing existed but the two of them together?

  She stuck her leg out, and her foot squished on the soft ground. Another step. She was in. She was walking into an unknown world. No one knew where she was or what she was doing, and they wouldn’t find out. No one saw her come here the way they would see her walk into her room or Jordan’s. No one would walk in on them. She could scream as loud as she wanted. No one would hear.

  Her heart pattered, but she didn’t stop walking. That brave new dawn welcomed her. It shone so right and good and true in front of her, she couldn’t wait to get there. She walked all the way to the stream and turned around to find Jordan at her side.

  For some reason, taking him in her arms and falling into a carnal embrace didn’t do this place justice. They were together. That was enough. They were together alone.

  The sun played on the grassy bank. Warm daylight sparkled on the rippling water. The wind whispered in the branches. She couldn’t ask for a more perfect setting for…what? What would they do here?

  Nothing made sense but to sit down. She gazed at the tranquil water. The Moraine and its turmoil of emotions existed a million miles away. They dwindled to a speck too small to see. Jordan sat down next to her and reclined on his elbow. He didn’t rush to maul her. He watched the water flow over stones. He sighed and relaxed.

  “This place is amazing,” Ebony murmured. “I could stay here forever.”

  He took her hand. “You’d get lonely out here all by yourself.”

  “Not as long as you were here.”

  He shook his head. “We’re a social species. We belong with others of our kind. Just keep this place for special occasions.”

  She studied him. “Is this a special occasion?”

  His eyes met hers. “It’s the most special occasion there is.”

  No more words. No more delay. He moved in and kissed her. That kiss meant so much more than wild sex. It meant more than nervous questioning and excitement. That kiss meant certainty. They were together, and they would stay together. No more questions bothered their minds.

  This was her mate, the other half of her she’d been missing all these years. The two halves fit together in seamless unity to create a single person. That person couldn’t live without its other half. Half that person’s blood pulsed in the mate’s veins. Half its organs operated in another body. Nothing worked if they weren’t together.

  She sank into his kiss. If she closed her eyes, she could see their spirits swirling into one bright shape. That glowing emanation shone through the universe. It fulfilled one destiny and followed one path, not two. Nothing remained but to join the two halves into one complete whole, and nothing stopped them from doing that.

  He inched closer. His lips held onto hers. They would never let go. They belonged there. Their hearts belonged side by side, forever. Ebony didn’t close her eyes, though. She wanted to see him. She wanted to see his eyes gazing into hers. She wanted to admire his blessed face. She wanted to stroke his cheeks and cool his forehead.

  The stream murmured to them. It told them all its secrets. It bore silent witness to their union. It understood the universal pattern playing out in these two halves. It didn’t think Midnight should be fluid. It didn’t consider their coming together some deadly brain disease. It wouldn’t turn its back on them if they mated for life.

  Mated for life! Those words rang through Ebony’s being. A great bell tolled its announcement to the world. She was mated for life. She could run away, but she couldn’t change the simple fact. It already happened. It happened a long time ago, so she might as well enjoy herself in the arms of the man she loved.

  Jordan rose up on his elbow. He pivoted to kneel in front of her on the grass. Through it all, he kept his lips entwined with hers. He searched her eyes for that consent he didn’t need anymore. She was right here. They came together in that space between their eyes. That’s all that mattered. Their bodies obeyed the law ordained by their fixed gazes.

  He worked his knees between her feet. Now, when he eased her legs apart, her body recognized what was happening and responded accordingly. A surge of adrenaline twisted her guts, and her crotch twitched a sudden aching spasm. She’d done it with him so many times, but this was different. She’d never done it with a man she loved before. She might as well be doing it with him for the first time. She might as well be doing it for the first time ever.

  What would it be like? Would she enjoy it as much as she hoped? What if she didn’t? What if mated-for-life sex bored her compared to fluid sex? What if he lost interest?

  She couldn’t think about that now. He was lifting her off the ground. He hooked his big hands under her armpits and hoisted her onto his lap. He sat her down on his hips and held her around the waist. His hips heaved beneath her. Her thin shorts didn’t hide his stiff prick from her juicy tissues, and he dug his point between her legs.

  She whined under her breath, and he jabbed his tongue into her open mouth. He flooded her body with his manly warmth. Her desire got all mixed up with her love for him so she didn’t know what excited her more.

  Her breasts rested on his chest, and she press
ed her belly against his chiseled abs. His hips slammed up into her thighs and pushed them farther apart. She moaned into him, and her tongue met him somewhere in the wet haven between their mouths.

  Her syrup stained his pants, but she only gyrated harder to stimulate her desires hotter. Whatever he did or wanted to do, she would join him. She longed for anything he could do to her. She longed for his hands on her. She longed for him to peel her clothes off and bare her skin to his touch. His tongue told her stories of delirious passion past and future. He knew how to satisfy her, and he wouldn’t stop until he did.

  He leaned her back, but he never let her go. He would never let her go again. She gave herself into his arms. She didn’t need to know anything else. He rested her shoulders on the ground, but her legs still strapped around his tight waist. She anchored her ankles behind his back to keep her wet triangle pinned against his spike.

  His weight fell on top of her, and that wicked tool drilled into her shorts. She hated those shorts now, but she couldn’t disentangled herself to get them off. She would just have to ride this out and see where it took her. She couldn’t hurry the process along by wanting it more. She couldn’t want it more if she tried.

  She rested under his bulk. He rocked on his knees to cut her sweet flesh open with his sharp point, and she mewed into his kiss. He licked her mouth the way he wanted to lick her down below. She measured his tongue strokes and imagined. God, his tongue was so soft and warm and wet! She moaned for him to kiss and lick and cool her burning petals.

  He caressed her cheeks and traced his fingers down her ears to her neck. That delicate touch turned her on more than all the pounding she ever took before. It sparked her nerve endings so her breath hissed through her teeth. She convulsed at the sheer energy rushing down her body. She bucked her hips against his pulsing mass.

  He lowered his hand to her shoulder. How could a man move so slowly? Didn’t he know how much she wanted him to touch her chest? Didn’t he understand her heaving breasts against his T-shirt? He followed the imprint of her collarbone. Her bra strap made an indent under her shirt. He dug his fingertips around it and eased it off her shoulder.

  She sobbed and whined. God, he could torture her more by doing nothing than by tying her up and spanking her bare ass. She never wanted anything more than for that thin strap to fall away and leave her breast free. He left the strap resting partly across her shoulder. She couldn’t shrug it off, no matter how hard she tried.

  He caught that strap in his teeth and snapped it against her skin. She yelped in drunken ecstasy. What was he doing to her? Did he want her or not? Would he ever get there? Would he ever relieve her aching need?’

  He mouthed across her chest to her other collarbone, but he didn’t go near her breasts. She could shove them in her face as much as she liked. He pretended they didn’t exist, and that only made them itch more. She hungered for his mouth around them—his sucking, licking, biting mouth. She never needed him more than she needed him to pinch her nipples and send her over the moon.

  He circled her waist with his fingers instead. He guided her pulsating rhythm against his body and matched it with his own surging beats. Every push plowed his cock between her legs. He gasped for breath through his open mouth.

  She stared into those masterful eyes of his. He had her down. He was on top of her, just the way he wanted, but he wouldn’t take her. He had won her love. Now, nothing remained except the territory of her body to conquer.

  He almost broke her heart when he rose on his knees to tower above her. He gazed down on her, not with smoldering molten fury. She could understand smoldering molten fury. No, he gazed down on her with adoration, with wide-eyed astonishment. Didn’t he know she would cave in? Didn’t he know she would fall under his spell and give herself to him?

  He seethed against the sky. His breath rose and fell under his chest. His stomach contracted down to the swollen mound between his legs.

  She lay on her back on the grass. Her legs remained spread wide where he left them. Her own sugar dampened her shorts. Her breasts stuck out at him when she ran her hands down her ribs to her hips. She stroked her hands up her thighs to her aching tissues between.

  He clenched his teeth and watched her touch herself. Her fingers trailed down farther to his bulging prick. He fought for breath when she tickled its length and pinched its head sticking sideways inside his pants.

  He massaged her thighs from her knees to her lower shorts seam, but he wouldn’t go any higher. That was her job. His voice grated between his teeth. “Show me. Show me how you do it. Show me how much you want it.”

  She clawed up her sides one more time. She fixed her glazed eyes on his angular face. He wanted to see? She would show him. She scratched down and dug her fingers under her waist band. Her fingers tiptoed into her pants to the sodden nest between her legs.

  Her lips pouted apart. She panted and moaned. Her fingers stirred her juices to a frothy puddle. He watched from high above, but he couldn’t see anything with her shorts in the way. He had to move his knees aside to pull her shorts down. They slipped off her ankles, and he dropped them on the ground.

  The sun kissed her insides when she spread her legs. The glade’s peaceful warmth filled her soul and soothed all her tension away. She relaxed into the delicious rapture of touching herself for his pleasure. His cock throbbed inside his pants watching her.

  She dabbed her biggest middle finger in her damp fissure. She spread the juice all around her twitching sex and over every fold and furl. She made slow circles over her whole anatomy to excite him beyond measure.

  He nodded down at her. “That’s right. Let me see how much you love it.”

  “You know I love it. You know I want it so bad.”

  “Show me. Show me how you want me to do it.”

  She circled faster. She laid her flat fingers against her pubic bone and concentrated her efforts in that tightest pleasure spot. She whimpered and convulsed. “Touch me. Oh, please, touch me. I need you so bad.”

  He didn’t move. “Show me. Show me how you want me to touch you.”

  “Oh, please. Oh, please.”

  He growled under his breath. “That’s right. That’s right.”

  Her arm cramped, but she didn’t stop her manic circles. Her other hand crept lower, and she slipped one finger into her depths. She scrubbed it inside her channel while her other hand pumped over her mound. She begged and cried. “Oh, please, let me touch you. Let me see your cock.”

  “You want to see me stroke it? Do you want to see what I think of you?”

  “Oh, yes, please. Oh, please let me touch you.”

  He attacked his fly with all his raw muscle power. “You can see, but don’t touch. Don’t stop, baby. Don’t stop. I want to see you cum for me.”

  He unzipped and whipped out his heavy snake. It lay across his palm red and throbbing with angry veins. He stroked his palm down its length and aimed it at her hands working overtime. “Is that what you want?”

  “Oh, God yes! Oh, please, I need it so bad.’

  “Do you want to see me cum all over you?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “Don’t stop, baby. Show me how you want me to do it.”

  Her hands flew over her crotch faster than ever. She plunged her finger into her depths while the other hand titillated her engorged mons. Jordan gave his prick a few languid strokes. He made no effort to get himself off. He watched her from far away.

  She devoured him with her eyes. She needed that cock inside her so bad, she couldn’t hold back anymore. She imagined her finger was his cock, that his gentle stroking motions moved it against her channel to drive her to her limit. Before she could stop it, her mounting desire burst forth in raucous screams. She climaxed again and again in quick succession, but she never stopped.

  She couldn’t hear him murmuring, “Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, that’s so good, baby. Let me hear you cum.”

  She heard her voice echo through the forest. She disturbed the birds, but
she didn’t care. Her arms fell limp and sore at her side, but at that moment, something thick and solid worked into her twitching cavern. She hadn’t stopped crying when she noticed Jordan’s shoulder flex inside his shirt. He leaned forward. He wasn’t stroking his cock anymore. His hand buried between her legs, and his long fingers discovered the same spasming territory she just touched.

  “Like this, baby? Do you like it like this?”

  She contorted off the grass. Her head rolled sideways. She couldn’t stop whining and sobbing. One orgasm blended into another. She didn’t finish herself off before he picked up where she left off. He plowed his fingers to the knuckle and banged her bones. She twisted and writhed on that hand, but she couldn’t stop the waves of delight sweeping her away.

  His voice grated louder, “Talk to me, baby. Tell me you like that. Is that the way you want it?’

  “Oh, god, yes! Yes, I like it! Oh, my god. Yes!”

  He growled low. That answer satisfied him. He worked his fingers inside her. He licked the fingers of his other hand and laid them flat against her sex the way he saw her do it. He circled those flat fingers to the rhythm of his fingers digging into her being. “Like this? Like that, baby? Is that good?”

  She couldn’t speak anymore. She screamed in aching need. If only he would touch her, if only he would lay his thick rod on her, she would blast to pieces and be free.

  He wouldn’t, though. He wouldn’t stop stroking her and discovering her deepest secrets with those wicked fingers. She squirmed on the grass at his feet. He controlled her with those hands. He copied her movements exactly and brought her to fresh blasts of climax.

  “Tell me you love it, baby. Tell me that makes you feel good.”

  Chapter 10

  Never had Ebony climaxed like this. The very sight of Jordan leaning over her excited her as never before. His arms rippling under his tight shirt. His chest worked his muscles to a fevered pitch. His jaw clenched from the effort. He jammed his fingers into her deepest caverns and aroused her dripping pleasure until she couldn’t stand it. She climaxed again and again. He would only murmur, “Like this? Do you like it like this?”


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