Bruins Peak Bears Box Set (Volume II)

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Bruins Peak Bears Box Set (Volume II) Page 57

by Sarah J. Stone

  His voice squeaked in a high-pitched whisper. “I missed you. I never knew something was missing until I found you. I missed you like the other half of myself. I never wanted anything but you. You fit right here.” He covered her hand over his heart. “I need you right here.”

  She pushed his shirt back and kissed him there, in the hollow between his great muscles. “I’m here. I’m right here. I’m back where I belong. I’m inside you now.”

  He fought for breath. All at once, he launched himself off the bed. He caught her in his arms and flipped her over on the bed. He tackled her onto her back and jumped on top of her.

  His mouth mauled her lips, and he bit her tongue in his fury to get hold of her. He crushed her shoulders in both hands, and he crawled his legs between her knees. Haven got over her initial surprise and collapsed under his torrential passion.

  She laced her arms around his neck and her fingers into his hair. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and his massive thighs excited the dripping nectar from her insides.

  She sucked the breath from his lungs. “Love me, Foicks. Love me until I die.”

  “I love you,” he gasped. “I can’t ever stop loving you.”

  Neither could talk in the rapid-fire kisses dancing from one mouth to the other. His hands slithered everywhere at once. He skated down her sides and up her ribs. She heaved her breasts into his hands and mewed soft little bedroom noises when he finally gave in and manhandled them through her shirt.

  Once he crossed that invisible barrier, he succumbed to her charms. He didn’t try to hold back. He fought her shirt up to uncover her bra, and he laid his lips on her bare chest.

  Haven clenched her legs around his hips. She humped her aching sex against his crotch to encourage him, but he was too busy with her breasts to notice. That’s what she thought, at least, until he bucked back against her so hard she yelped in surprise.

  That unstoppable power blew her out of the water. She quailed before his sheer ferocity. The driving force slamming into her excited her as never before. She rode him off the bed. She scratched down his back until she found the loose edge of his T-shirt. She hitched it up to his shoulders and slipped it over his head. His naked chest rose above her in all his might.

  Now, she had his skin at last. She bit and licked and squeezed it to her heart’s delight. She tickled down his back to the tight waist sticking out of his pants. She plowed her fingertips down his pants to massage his perfect ass inside his briefs.

  All the time, he worked at her breasts to free them from her bra. He left her shirt around her armpits and yanked her bra up there, too. The constricting elastic pushed the sharp points into his face, and he attacked them with both hands.

  In a fraction of a second, he crammed one of them into his mouth. His fingers rolled the other while his teeth nagged this one to blistering distraction. She bit his ear and screamed into his brain. She hung on for dear life, and when she tightened her arms, she clenched his ass to drive his hips between her legs.

  He contracted all the way down his iron frame. His muscles tensed against her, and his already swollen prick wormed into the delicate leaves where her legs met.

  He never hesitated to look her in the eye now. He swam in her mesmerizing gaze, and she answered with her own questioning stare. The answer to all their uncertainties lay in the other’s eyes. They both understood and accepted their fate as long as they stayed locked together in that eternal space.

  He panted for breath between kisses. “I’ve got to have you. I can’t keep off you.”

  “I need you,” she gasped. “I need you so bad.”

  He screwed his hips between her legs. “Is this what you want?”

  “This.” She clenched his ass tighter to pull him into her. “This.”

  He rotated his hips in a circle to wind her up tighter, but she’d already gone out of her mind. Her animal instincts hungered for his body. She pulled her hands out of his pants and went to work on his button fly. She unhooked one button after another until the flimsy cotton of his briefs gave way to let his cock poke through.

  When she burrowed under his clothes now, she found the smoking shaft kept captive inside his pants. She grasped his cock in one hand and caressed it all down its monstrous length.

  He groaned under his breath, and his breath caught when he tried to breathe. “Oh, God, no.”

  Haven’s eyes snapped open. “No?”

  “Yes!” he screamed. “Oh, Jesus, what are you doing to me?”

  She slid her hand down to his nuts and rolled the wrinkled skin all the way up to the tip. She watched the twisted agony on his face, and his muscles spasmed down his stomach.

  She stroked him slow and smooth. He clamped his eyes shut, and his kisses died on her lips. His mouth hung open against her face. He moaned with every pass of her hand along his length.

  Haven studied every twitch in his face. She’d never seen a man like this before. He towered over her in all his masculine magnificence, and yet he collapsed to a whimpering wreck the moment she got her hand on his prick.

  He sobbed and whined. “Oh, my God. That feels so good. Oh, Jesus, don’t stop.”

  She didn’t stop. She moved her hand faster. Her quickening movements thrilled her to her core. That thing in her hand wanted her. It wanted to bring her to the same quivering pinnacle.

  She slipped her other hand down his hip and eased his pants down. His cock sprang free in her hand, and he kicked his pants away. He leaned back and got up on his knees on the bed.

  Haven gazed up at the broad wall of muscle above her. He fixed his eyes on her face, but she couldn’t mistake him for a vulnerable wreck now. His shoulders expanded. His chest swelled with every breath. His power radiated around him in all directions.

  He nodded down at her. “Don’t stop, baby. Don’t stop. That feels so good.”

  His dominating bulk mesmerized her so she forgot all about that beast in her hand. Now she picked up her rhythm. She handled it down to its base and tugged the skin over its head, but he didn’t gasp or beg anymore.

  He got busy with her clothes. Her breasts swung aside when she lay back down. He pinched both nipples and moved on to her pants.

  She watched him work. His chest flexed, and individual muscle fibers strained through his skin. He kept his eyes on his hands, but he gave a little gasp at every movement of her hand.

  His veins throbbed, and the meat tightened in her grasp. She got so interested in the thing in her hand she didn’t notice him slide her pants down to her ankles. He held them open and dropped them to the floor.

  That demon snake attracted her so much she had to get near it. She had to see it up close and love it until she made it happy. She moved sideways and kissed its head once.

  Foicks wheezed louder than ever. “Oh, God.”

  She swished her tongue around its little mushroom head. She didn’t think about it. It just seemed the right thing to do at the time. She coated it all over with saliva and gave it a little suck.

  Foicks moaned under his breath, “Oh, please, baby. Please, oh, please.”

  She never thought twice about it. That thing belonged in her mouth. She wanted it any way she could get it.

  He clasped one hand behind her head. “Oh, my God, that is so damn good. Oh, yeah. Oh, God, yes.”

  She sucked it harder, deeper. She wanted it all inside her, anywhere, as far as it would go. She wanted to cool its burning fever and make it all better. She loved it so much. It was part of him, wasn’t it?

  She loved those cruel words coming out of his mouth. She sucked them from him faster, the broken cries and squeals bubbling out of his soul. She loved that massive hand behind her head. She loved the way he guided her down on his shaft. Her whole soul answered him with cries of her own, even though she couldn’t say anything with his cock in her mouth. Oh, yes. Oh, please, God, yes.

  Chapter 15

  Foicks stared at her head bobbing up and down his cock. This couldn’t be happening. He couldn’t
be kneeling on his bed watching Haven Farrell suck his cock. He couldn’t be looking down at her naked body spread out in front of him. That body waited, just screamed to him to eat her alive. It begged him to take her, to fill her up with every pleasure known to Bruin kind.

  He had to keep reminding himself. She was his mate. She wanted him, and she wanted this. He never tricked her into sucking his cock. She did it all by herself, because she wanted to. She wanted to mate with him, for life.

  Her mouth intoxicated him like some kind of deadly drug. Her saliva drizzled along his veins to sting his nut sack. He flexed his abs to shove his prick into her mouth, but she did most of the work herself.

  He petted her cheeks and held her hair out of the way. He wanted to see her. He wanted to watch her mouth guzzling his cock down her throat. When she took him to her limit and her lips cinched around his base, he thought he would die then and there. He would blow in her mouth if this kept up.

  He had to distract himself somehow, but he didn’t want to pull out of her mouth. It felt too good. Following her head with his hand hypnotized him so he couldn’t move.

  One glance aside told him what to do. Her alabaster body stretched to one side. Her luscious breasts swayed against his thighs when she moved. Her legs scissored to give her purchase on the bed.

  He kept one hand on her head and caressed her with the other. He traced those immaculate curves up to her breasts where they tumbled into his hand. Their magical softness flooded his brain with every erotic fantasy he ever had about her.

  He fondled down her side to that secret place where her thighs met. He trailed up between them, and she spread her legs to let him in. He collapsed over her, and his mouth found that sweet peach. God, he never tasted anything so divine! He gobbled mouthfuls of it in desperate hunger. He rooted in it until her delicious essence covered his face and eyes and cheeks.

  She woke him from his madness with her mouth. He couldn’t ignore her sucking the life out of him, and this heady cocktail engulfing him drove him wild. He had to stop this before he exploded. He had to take her higher before they both disintegrated into ecstasy.

  He pulled away above and below. When he looked at her again, her face shocked him. She stared up at him in startled rapture. Saliva dribbled down her chin. She devoured him with wide eyes. Her mouth hung open in rabid lust. Her whole immaculate body lay spread in an intoxicating feast before him. He didn’t know what to sample first.

  She knew what she wanted, though. He ran his hands up and down her body, but she wouldn’t lie still for long. She heaved off the bed and rose on her knees before him. She grabbed him and towed him down on top of her. She strapped her legs around his waist and sucked him into her where he couldn’t get away.

  Foicks got a firm grip on himself. He had to take control of this or he was lost. He locked his burning gaze on her face. She met his eyes. That shocked astonishment bored into his soul. What was she searching for in his face? He couldn’t decipher it, but he didn’t have to. He only had to love her, to worship her and master her.

  He flexed his muscles and leaned back on his knees. He raised onto his knees again, and this time, he took her with him. She clung onto his torso. Her ankles crossed behind his back, and her breasts flattened against his chest. Her lips grappled with his mouth, and her tongue lashed in to find his.

  Once he picked her up, he knew what to do with her. His hands wouldn’t keep still. He caressed all over her ivory flesh. He rubbed up her back to her neck. He massaged that angelic ass of hers until her hips rocked in delight. He teased up her ribs to the pendulous globes of her breasts.

  She whined into his mouth. He took her noises as his road map. He went where her noises came stronger. He prodded and probed until she melted in his arms. She undulated against his hands and dissolved into pools of juicy desire.

  Her nectar flowed down his hips to saturate his pelvis. God, she wanted it bad, and he was the one who would satisfy her aching need. His prick throbbed for her. When would he experience that blessed union with her glorious body? What was stopping him?

  She encouraged him. She begged with her eyes. Her whole body wept for him to take her to heaven. Why did he hold off? Didn’t he want her as much as she wanted him?

  He wanted her. He wanted her like the air in his lungs. He had to have her. Maybe that’s why he held off. He knew he could take her anytime. She was all his. He enjoyed her as much like this as he would enjoy filling her up with himself. He loved that vulnerable need in her eyes, that heady submission.

  She moaned every time her hips rocked against him. Her weight hung in his arms. He supported her off the bed. He held their combined destiny in his hands. That dominating power infused him with unstoppable energy. Nothing could stand in his way. He towered over his life and the whole world as long as he held her in his arms.

  She squirmed right and left. She rubbed her saturated opening all over him in desperate hunger to grab hold of him. He answered with a sideways angle of his own, and his bare prick touched the burning curtains around her entrance. She caught her breath in surprise. He was right there, not a micron away from home.

  She hovered on tenterhooks. All of a sudden, she let her weight drop onto his upturned shaft. Before he could stop her, she swallowed him whole. Her tight muscles hugged him all down his length. Her spongy wetness surrounded him in blazing heat. He groaned in agony, but he couldn’t stop it. They belonged together. They would never come apart.

  She slithered down to rest on his hips. A deep, satisfied moan escaped her, but she never took her gaze off his face. Their mouths sealed together in one steaming cauldron of desire and fulfillment. Every inch of them came together, from the bottom to the top. Sweat and juice and saliva and cum glued them together until no one could pry one skin from the other.

  Haven moved first. A terrible shudder passed down her body. Her hips swayed, and the cosmic rhythm took hold of her. Once she started moving, she couldn’t stop. She rippled against his rock-hard manhood. Her breasts compressed against his chest, and her hips ground his pelvis between her legs. His prick dug deep into her molten channel.

  Foicks growled into her mouth, but he couldn’t control this now. The rhythm moving her infected him, too. He had to move, to ride the same waves, to crash against her and drive himself to his limit in her deepest anatomy.

  He held her suspended against him, but neither could tell where they ended and the other began. One pulse blasted from him to her and from her back to him. Haven gasped out loud between kisses. That shocked expression on her face got more astonished and searching, but he knew the answer now. He nodded. This was it. This was the moment they both dreamed of so long. This moment would complete them and fulfill all their desires.

  He quickened his pace. He clenched his fists around her ass and crammed his meat into her blessed fissure. Nothing could ever be wrong with this togetherness. As long as they were together, they achieved their highest destiny. His cock worked its magic in that beautiful cavern of hers. She accepted him and redeemed him from all his mistakes.

  She knew what to do, too. She never shrank before his thrusts. She welcomed them. She needed them. They fed her and made her stronger. His cock shot lightning bolts of energy into her that radiated out through her pores. That light shone through her skin. It anointed everything around it. It touched the corners of the world.

  That light bathed Foicks in unmistakable divine rapture. He must be a better person than he ever thought possible, to be near enough to a woman like this to feel her cosmic blessing. Her light burned up his rigid cock to fill him with more light and love and happiness than a man had any right to feel. What did he ever do to deserve this? He might be some kind of saint or angel himself to be part of this. How could that be?

  He must be an angel. She was an angel, or some other heavenly being. He never entertained any doubt about that. Why would she be interested in him if he wasn’t the same thing?

  Every touch of her hand, every tickle of her nipples on his
sweaty chest filled him with magnificent holiness. Did it come from her, or did he have it within himself all the time? He didn’t know, and right now, he didn’t care.

  He let it all go in that moment. He could just enjoy being part of something so right and good and beautiful. He supported her. He cradled her in his arms. He would do anything to be with her.

  Just when he settled into a comfortable rhythm, she exploded in his arms. She hurled herself on him faster and harder than he could stand. She beat her hips against his solid frame. Her engorged tissues smacked his damp skin. She devoured him faster than he could comprehend.

  What was she doing to him? Fireworks went off in front of his eyes. She would wring him out and leave him devastated if she kept this up. She only rode him faster. His mind whirled, but he couldn’t think of anything he could do to stop it. He gasped aloud. He tore his mouth away from her, but she only leaned back and worked harder.

  Her astonished, angelic expression changed to demonic fury. Her eyes blazed, and she bared her teeth to rend and tear. He bowed before her wicked desire. The faster she bucked, the more his cock pulsed with fermented blood to answer her need.

  His every muscle strained to accommodate her. His heart fought against his chest to keep his blood pumping through his cock and his head and limbs at the same time. How could he keep this up without passing out?

  His head reeled. He couldn’t match her pace anymore. She was too wild and passionate and hellbent even for him. What had he gotten himself into? What kind of devil woman had he fallen for?

  His life energy exploded out of him through his prick. It poured into her, and she recycled it back into that glowing light cascading over everything around her. What could he do but take it and hope for the best?

  Foicks threw back his head in agony. He bellowed to the stars, but she didn’t care. She spurred him harder to foaming madness. Her spurting nectar whipped him to greater feats of prowess. She made him her tool, her pleasure toy, her playground. He existed to feed her bottomless well of feminine power.


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