A Touch of Lightning

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A Touch of Lightning Page 18

by Kit Fortier

  A thought crossed Fox's mind. This took effort, as the three other locations very likely did. And it started seven years ago. "Holy shit, you started this when I was graduating high school," Fox said. A large, open-mouthed, goofy smile stretched his face muscles. He undid his pack and set it down on the ground.

  Jake gave Fox what would have been a withering look, if not for the chuckle that threatened to burst through. Fox snickered.

  "You know, in some states, some boys get their young girlfriends pregnant," Fox said blithely. Jake unstrapped his pack.

  "Those boys have been as young as sixteen. That was about the age you were when I was born," Fox said, the seriousness giving way to a fit of snickers. Jake set his pack down, his eyes calm and focused on his man.

  "And you know, those kids eventually call those boys…" Fox snickered. A weird gleam sparkled off of Jake's silvery eyes.


  Jake sprang at Fox like a pouncing tiger. Fox laughed and playfully spun to the side, narrowly missing getting hit by an oncoming Jake. But Fox doubled over, laughing, when strong arms cinch around his waist. His big man tackled him to the rough ground. He kept laughing as Jake took his arms and pinned them next to his head.

  "You're pretty pleased with yourself, aren't you," Jake growled.

  "Yep, please don't spank me, daddy bear," Fox giggled.

  Then he found himself between laughing and gasping for air. Jake mauled his neck, biting and sucking and gnawing and licking. Fox's laughter turned into expletives and unintelligible things. It was a veritable glossolalia of lust-inspired nonsense.

  "You gonna say that again?" Jake said. Fox's world was blurry, unfocused, and slowly being covered in a haze of pleasure.

  "Fuck yeah, daddy bear," Fox said with defiance. He wasn't just pushing Jake's buttons.

  He was smashing them with a sledgehammer.

  Suddenly, liquid fire poured out on the other side of Fox's neck. All he could was groan out, his hips arching up, begging for pressure to provide release as Jake chewed on him.

  "Nu-uh," Jake his voice dripping with merciless intent. "Daddy's punishment means that you're gonna come only when I let you."

  Fox was cross-eyed with pleasure when he locked eyes with Jake. There was still laughter in his heart, but he screwed a serious face on and said,

  "Don't just threaten me. I want you to do it… daddy bear."

  *** Jake

  Jake all but ripped Fox's shirt off. He continued by pulling down his pants until they were around his ankles. They were an impromptu means of binding. They prevented him from spreading his legs too far. Jake drew a rough circle in the dirt with his thumb near Fox's head. He was a little rough when he thumped Fox's hand against the circle, but the look on Fox's face told him he needn't worry. Jake transmuted earth with ease after the four-hour climb. It took less than a moment to pin Fox's hand in a snug ring of stone. He did it to the other hand as well. Fox looked at him, arching his body from back to groin and back, his golden skin a wash of nighttime colors.

  Jake pulled back, and slowly peeled Fox's boots off. He made a show of slowly untying them, doing the same when he pulled off Fox's socks with his teeth. Fox started whimpering.

  Then Jake finally started shucking Fox's jeans from off his ankles. While he did one leg, Jake held the other leg up, kissing the fleshy center of Fox's foot. Fox let his head hit the dirt behind him and began babbling.

  "Oh fuck oh god yes mmm daddy yes--" upon that dreaded d-word, Jake bit, sucked and licked Fox's instep. That made the pinned man squirm and cry out in pain and pleasure.

  "You know what happens when you call me that, right?"

  Fox looked up at him, his eyes wild and unfocused, nodding frantically. Jake was working the other pant leg off, attacking the soft sole of the other foot like a starving man. When Bears Attack Foxes. Jake chuckled to himself.

  Fox switched from whimpering to pleading saying yes yes I want it daddy daddy give it to me. Jake had an idea, but he was still toying with his prey. The night was young, and he was lucky that Fox was already prepared for what's to come.

  For the most part.

  Jake pushed that aside, focusing on Fox's delicious noises. He kissed and licked and bit his way down from Fox's ankle to the softness of his inner thigh. He switched over to the other side, giving the other leg treatment that made Fox squeal.

  Jake popped up and got naked faster than he thought possible. He quickly undid Fox's blanket from his pack, rolling it up and shoving it under Fox's backside. Fox had moved from lust to delirium, giggling and writhing. He tested the strength of the stone bonds that kept him pinned to the ground like a butterfly in a collector's box. Jake watched him kick out and press against his feet. He shoved his hips forward and waggling his hard, dripping dick at Jake.

  "Come and get it, daddy bear," Fox teased mercilessly. Jake knew he was baiting him, but he had his man secured. Still. He wanted it. He wanted it bad.

  Jake dropped to his knees and took Fox to the hilt in one practiced slide. Fox roared an expletive, rough and without a care if he could be heard. Jake simply smiled around Fox's length. Let them hear. Common sense seemed to have abandoned him since the moment he started this particular lust-fueled romp.

  Jake pulled off of Fox's dick, leaving thick spit dripping off of it. He put one rough hand around the top of base. The other rough hand went around the rest of it, with his thumb free to rub the sensitive slit at the tip.

  "Foxy baby," Jake cooed.

  Fox stopped writhing and focused on Jake.

  "Let the punishment begin."

  *** Fox

  Jake twisted his calloused hands around Fox's dick. He rubbed his rough thumb over the tip, randomly pressing in, hitting all the sensitive spots. Fox howled and howled, pleading, begging, stop, stop, stop, I can't I can't I can't. He was both laughing and writhing like a madman, yet Jake never lost control or his grip. Jake kept the torment up for a good half-hour. He slowed to give Fox a moment to breathe, then ramped up without warning, driving Fox crazy.

  Then came a moment when Fox thought he'd come just by hearing Jake's voice.

  Jake crawled over Fox's pinned body. He rubbed his delicious pelt of chest hair over Fox's straining, pre-come slicked hardness. Fox whimpered, trying to rub back, to get relief for the maddening itch in his brain that was his lust. Jake then drifted up to Fox's face, chest to chest. He rubbed his chest across Fox's nipples. They were still sensitive from Jake's attack. His vicious chewing and licking and teething and sucking. At this point, they were hard enough to cut glass. Jake squirmed against Jake, begging for release.

  "Oh Jake--oh baby-daddy, daddy, daddy bear."

  Jake pressed down, placing all his weight on Fox. Fox was still giggling, still writhing. He managed to get his dick between them. Fox wrapped his legs around Jake's hips, holding him in place.He rubbed against his man in desperation, trying to get off. Jake whispered in his ear, the growl in his voice shooting straight to Fox's dick,

  "Who's your daddy."

  "Mmpfh-FUCK" was all Fox could reply, desperate to expedite his release. Jake tore into his neck once more--both sides of his neck would be bruised, which made Fox even more hard. Jake moved to Fox's other ear.

  "Who's your daddy."

  That growl. The growl was potent. It was loaded. It squeezed Fox's heart, shooting electricity up and down his spine. He whimpered more, trying to kiss or lick Jake as he brought his face over his. Jake held Fox's head so he couldn't wriggle or squirm. Jake torturously undulated. He rubbed against Fox from his neck to the nape of his dick with the texture of his sweaty, hot, forest of hair.

  "Who…" Another undulation, slower than the last. Jake snuggled and slid Fox's dick against his own, adding to the torment. Fox whined and panted.

  "Is…" Another undulation, just as slow as the last, Fox's dick and Jake's dick slick and hard. Fox begged for something unintelligible.

  "Your…" Another undulation, even slower than the last. Both Jake and Fox pumped
their hips against each other, their hardnesses straining. Fox rolled his head back and let out a long moan.

  "Daddy?" Jake asked. Fox tilted his head-there was no movement, no grinding. He began to panic. Jake began furiously pumping his dick against Fox's. He pinched and twisted Fox's already over-stimulated nipples. And for the grand finale: Jake bit down on Fox's rounded shoulder.

  The pain tipped Fox over the edge. He roared. He came. He basted the space between the two with what may have been his most explosive orgasm ever. Jake never stopped teething, licking, sucking. Nor did he stop grinding. Nor did he stop assaulting Fox's nipples. In fact, he groaned against the mouth of flesh he had bitten into as his release joined with Fox's. Except for his climax when he stilled for half a moment, Jake continued to move against Fox. Both of their torsos were slick. Jake moved side to side, which ensured their essences were all over both of their fronts.

  Only when Fox's head fall back, his breathing shallow, did Jake stop. Fox gulped, then came back to gasping for air. Jake put his head on Fox's chest. Jake breathed deeply as the two basked in each other's warmth. Then Jake reached up past both of his arms for a moment. Next thing he knew, he was unbound.

  Fox brought his arms over Jake's shoulders, his breath finally back to normal. He ran his hands over the miles of sweat slicked skin of Jake's back. He soaked in the touch of him as they both cooled in the night air.

  "I'm sorry, baby," Jake said from his place over Fox's heart.

  "For what?"

  "Your shoulder's bleeding."

  Fox looked where Jake bit, and indeed, a red circle was there. Blood oozed from it and dripped into a large puddle on the ground.

  "Jake," Fox asked, with no anger in his voice, "could you patch me up?"

  Jake propped his head on Fox's chest, an apologetic look on his face. Fox rubbed his hands through Jake's salt-and-pepper hair.

  "I'm not mad, baby."

  Jake gave a small smile and hopped to his feet. When Fox attempted to get up, Jake stopped him.

  "You stay there, handsome. I'll bring the kit to you."

  Jake stepped over to the packs, knowing they both had a first aid kit. He pulled one from Fox's pack and brought it over, standing on his knees to get a good look. Fox's skin looked pale blue in the full moon light, almost alien.

  "Do you think it'll need stitches?" Jake asked, frowning as he looked at the ring of teeth marks on his shoulder.

  Jake swiped an antibacterial wipe over the wound. "I'm going to have to suture a couple of spots. This is definitely going to leave a scar."

  Fox nodded. "Do what you gotta."

  Jake gave him a curious look before he fished out a thin needle and black thread from the kit. He drew a quick circle in the ground and looked around for something which turned out to be a palm sized rock. Fox watched him put the rock in the circle, and the needle on the rock.

  "I'm gonna sterilize the needle," Jake said. Fox nodded, curious about what he was going to do.

  Jake touched the circle, as he'd done countless times before. The rock superheated, glowing like a brightly burning coal, and in turn, the needle was a glowing spine. Then, as quick as it heated, the rock cooled down. The cooldown was faster than anything Fox had seen. He soon realized that Jake probably cooled it somehow.

  "I'm so sorry, Fox," Jake whispered.

  Fox looked up at him. "What for?"

  "I've ruined your perfect skin," Jake gently caressed Fox's shoulder. He traced a circle around the one he left behind.

  "Jake," Fox said. Jake's eyes flicked over to Fox's. "I could have said no, I mean, really said no at any time. We were both…" Fox laughed. "I don't know what the hell that was. But it was hot, and we were in it together. Nothing to blame."

  Jake gave Fox a smile that was beyond sweet. He leaned down and kissed Fox's shoulder before beginning. The needle pushed through, and at first, Fox was alarmed, but only for a moment. The pressure was worse than the needle going in, but Jake worked quickly. There were four sutures all together.

  Jake looked up at the moon in the sky. It had almost reached its apex.

  "Fox, sit here," Jake said. He moved him next to the fairly large, elaborate transmutation circle. Fox watched him snag a something from his clothes. Then he went over and scraped up some dirt from the area near where they had just sat.

  Jake came up to the other side of the circle across Fox. He knelt down, the light of the moon made the exposed silver circle look like it was glowing in the night. Fox watched on in curiosity as Jake put the dirt he collected in the middle. He brushed every crumb of that dirt off his fingers and into the circle. Jake pulled out what he pulled from his clothes--a small silver throwing knife in a sheath.


  Fox looked up at Jake's face, determination set in his mouth. "Jake?"

  "Remember what I said about blood?"

  Fox's eyes circled a bit as he sifted through his recent memories. Then it hit.

  "The array will transfer all that energy to whoever's blood is in the circle."

  Jake slowly sat down, the silver knife at his side as Fox focused on the dirt in the circle.

  The dirt Jake scooped up from the place Fox lay earlier.

  The dirt that soaked in the blood from Fox's shoulder.

  Fox's eyes widened.

  "What are you doing?"

  "Do you trust me?"

  Fox's brows screwed together. "What do you mean?"

  Jake put one arm over the circle, his hand in a fist. He pulled out the small silver knife and brought it next to his already extended arm.


  "Fox, do you trust me?"

  A sense of helplessness swept over Fox in that moment. It seemed urgent for reasons he knew little to nothing of. His eyes darted from place to place, as if the answer etched itself on a nearby boulder or on one of their packs. Finally, he came back to meet Jake's silver eyes, flashing in the full moonlight.

  "Yes, Jake. I trust you."

  Jake took a deep breath. In a quick, well-practiced move, he swiped his knife hand down. Blood trickled from his wrist and onto the little mound of mottled dirt. Fox watched Jake squeeze his arm, forcing more of his life essence out onto the ground. Jake then took the knife and mixed his blood in with the dirt that held Fox's. When he finished, he sheathed it and tossed the knife in the direction of their gear.

  "Touch the circle," Jake said.

  Fox looked down. The symbol to his left read, MINIVM. On his right, ARGENTVM. He picked the right, and placed his hand over it, mirroring Jake on the other side. Jake pressed his other hand to the other symbol on his side. Fox followed suit, putting his other hand on MINIVM.

  Jake looked up.

  "Any second now," Jake said. Fox looked up as well. After what seemed like an eternity, a tingle began crawling all over Fox.

  Fox looked at his body. All his hair, including his body hair, stood on end. The tingle ratcheted up to a sizzle, and then a shocking sensation. Fox didn't know if he was imagining it, but the ground beneath them trembled.

  "Don't let go, Fox," Jake said.

  Terror unlike any other fear Fox had before rippled through his body. His forehead broke out in a clean sweat as the shocking sensation actually started to hurt. It was the zapping sensation of touching a live wire. He looked across the way, and saw Jake twitching, as if he was trying to dodge someone stabbing at him.

  "Jake!" Fox cried.

  "Hold on, baby!"

  "Jake, it hurts--It fucking hurts!"

  "I know--Hold on!"

  The pain mounted. Fox watched Jake get on his stomach, holding his hands in place as if he was about to start a push-up. Fox scrambled to follow suit, though there was no relief to be had from the pain.

  Then came the sensation that several knives were being shoved into him slowly.

  Fox thought he was going to vomit. His breathing was shallow, but then so was Jake's. The circle, dull but glinting earlier, had actually started to glow-a bright white light. The symbols Fox tou
ched seemed like they were made from a white hot cattle prod. For whatever reason, he was holding onto it.

  Fox screamed. Jake soon followed. Fox thought the tower was coming apart. The knives twisted. Other knives pressed in.

  A jagged, excruciating eternity passed. But then, in Fox's mind, the haze of pain became flooded with impenetrable darkness. It was followed by a blinding blast of radiant, blinding light. The light was physically blown away. A tornado of withered, golden leaves, hay, sand swept through his mind. But the tornado lasted only for a few moments before a sprout of fire ignited at the base of the wind devil. It flared up, and eventually overtook it, devouring it in tongues of red hot flame. Fox's brain was assaulted by the strange array of images. He was in no position to think about why, with the crippling torture his body was under.

  A memory wove its way into the field of Fox's vision. For a moment, the pain went away. It was a cherished but forgotten memory. A promise made from his younger days. Silly mistakes, and a brooding, black-haired stranger who showed him true kindness. Everything seemed like it was happening in black and white. but then it flashed bright, almost blinding. It left him with an epiphany that he couldn't wait to share when he woke.

  If he woke. The excruciating moments ramped back up again, as if chased away by that perfect memory.

  Finally, the pain subsided, fading in the same way it ramped up. Fox's awareness crept back in. Everything started to come back into focus. It was as if someone had lifted a diaphanous veil off of the world around him.

  He was sweating. He was panting. He was sore, as if his limbs had been put through a grinder, and the meat that came from them was shoved back into his skin. Dirt stuck to the side of his face as he pressed himself upward, and Jake came into his view.


  Fox waited. Jake was unresponsive.

  "Jake!" Fox scrambled to his feet. He ignored the severe aches that threatened to make him curl into himself. He'd known pain like that after an intense workout, but it usually was concentrated to certain areas. This was a full-body feeling. Even the curl of his toes made him wince hard. He stepped over Jake and turned him over-his body was heavy without any resistance to help Fox. On a regular day, this wouldn't have been an issue, but they were both put through the gauntlet, and his body was weak. He muscled through, flopping the man onto his back.


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