A Touch of Lightning

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A Touch of Lightning Page 21

by Kit Fortier

  Fox stepped off the bed, and Jake took notice.

  "You sure you want to get up, baby?" Jake said, moving at Fox's side.

  "Jake, I may be stiff and achy, but it's not my first time to that particular rodeo," Fox grinned. "Baseball, off season training, all that. Remember?" Fox smiled. Jake rolled his eyes when Fox ended up climbing up his arm to stand up.

  "I just don't want you to hurt yourself," Jake said. He pulled Fox up, putting the soft, defined, golden skin of Fox's back to his front.

  Fox laughed, leaning back into Jake slightly. "My teddy bear hero," he chuckled.

  "That's dangerously close to that other thing, but I actually like teddy bear," Jake said. He slid his arms over Fox's chest and belly, pressing him close.

  "Really? And what does the other thing--" Fox emphasized the last two words, "do to you?"

  Jake chuckled, the sound warm and comforting in Fox's ear. "Foxy baby, it does everything to me, and makes me want to do everything to you."

  Fox shuddered. He vividly recalled last night, before the agonizing pain. It was a balm he could apply over the darker parts of his memories. Overwhelming moments of pleasure were separate of the excruciating infinity of pain. He wouldn't mind if every encounter was so feral, so raw. At the same token, he knew Jake loved switching up the game, making things new and engulfing every time.

  "Fox," Jake started, "What was the pain like for you?"

  Fox blinked. It was like Jake was reading his mind. "It was strange," he began, "except, it'd be strange if it wasn't, right?" Jake nodded.

  "It was electricity. It started off as little shocks, like biting into aluminum foil. But as the moments ticked on, the shocks ramped up, like getting zapped by little bolts of lightning.

  "At some point, I was being… Stabbed, I guess you could say. Over and over. At random. I've never been tortured before. Shit, I've never even actually been stabbed. But I could only imagine what it feels like, and that's what it felt like. All the while, my body was taut, shaking. Like I was on an electric chair, and someone flipped the switch."

  Jake caressed Fox as he spoke, and Fox found comfort in the touch.

  "And then, at the height of it, I had that memory. It was… grainy. Like I was watching an old black and white movie. Aside from that, I saw what I saw before, exactly as it happened. From the moment I was pushed out, I turned and saw you. You know the rest."

  The light of day touched Fox through the slats in the opening. Coupled with Jake's warmth behind him, his arms around him, he never felt so safe. Jake kissed him on the back where the flesh of his neck turned into the muscles of his shoulder. He was a little disappointed when it didn't go further.

  Fox turned around, taking Jake's hand and leading him to the bed. He lay on his side, inviting Jake to join him.

  "Seems like I ache worse when I stand. Get over here."

  His man did, laying face up, his hands on his stomach, scratching lightly in a self-soothing way.

  Fox ran his fingers through Jake's thick, coarse salt-and-pepper hair. He shifted it off his rugged face. Jake seemed to lean into the touch, humming his approval.

  "What did it feel like to you?"

  Jake scrunched his face. "Dirt."


  "Yep. At first, it was like someone was drizzling dirt over my body. But over time, the dirt began to pile, and I was sinking in it. Eventually, I was buried so deep, being crushed by the sheer weight that kept coming on. Bones broke, like it ripped through my skin, and still I thought I was being flattened. But that was the apex of the moon in the night sky. Then I saw that memory."

  Fox reached out with his other hand and scratched Jake's chest. A contented rumble rolled up and out of Jake, making Fox think he really had a bear under his hands.

  "What do you think it means?" Fox asked, relishing in the feel of the warm flesh at his fingers. He loved the hirsute cleft of Jake's chest. He needed the coarse feel of the dark graying hair of Jake's head.

  Jake didn't answer. Fox could see the wheels turning in Jake's eyes. He could practically hear them.

  "Sully and I talked a lot about the spark. What it was, what it meant that everyone had it. There are creatures in the world who glow with it. On the other side, there are humans in the world who barely have a flicker.

  "Sully thought it was just energy. Random chance directed who got what. I kept it to myself, but I thought otherwise."

  Fox waited. His light touches continued.

  "It sounds silly. Well, more like far-fetched. But after what we've been through, nothing could be further than the truth, right?" Jake turned his pale blue gaze on Fox. He never saw the man so unsure before. Their shared experience told him that the unbelievable wasn't the same as the impossible. Jake seemed hesitant to speak.

  "Go on, Jake," Fox took hold of one of Jake's hands, holding it near.

  "I figured they were like pieces of the Earth's consciousness. That the spark was a way to connect everyone together. Certain animals have so much of it that they can change forms without the use of magic and alchemy. Certain humans, like us, can use natural resources at hand to perform transmutations. I found that I had an easier time with alchemy that involved earth, like, dirt, soil, stone, and the minerals in it."

  Jake saying "soil" flashed something in Fox's memory. He recalled the first time they embraced. "That must be why you always have an earthy scent to me," he said. "It was the first thing I connected you to, that and pine." Fox came down, putting his head on Jake's chest. He put his nose deep against Jake's skin, rubbing his nose when the forest of hair covering Jake's chest tickled him.

  Fox moved his face along Jake's chest, coming to the cleft. He scratched at it for a little bit and took a deep inhale.

  "Soil. Like freshly tilled soil. Sweat," Fox said. He took another deep breath. "Us," he snickered. Fox moved his nose side to side, inhaling the man once more. "And pine."

  Fox looked up at Jake, who had a grin on his face.

  "That wasn't giving me wood at all," he chuckled. Fox looked down, and sure enough, his man was straining.

  "And you say I have a hair-trigger?" Fox grinned.

  "We'll talk about that later," Jake smirked.

  Fox put his head back down, casually stroking his hand from Jake's sternum to below his navel, and back again.

  Jake shifted, displacing Fox. Fox pouted, but Jake nudged him to the center of the mat, and came to lie on top of him, putting his hands in Fox's hair.

  "I like this," Fox said, circling his arms around Jake and squeezing him tightly. As he relaxed, he ran his palms, his fingertips, over the brawny muscles of Jake's back.

  Jake smiled. He leaned in slowly, nuzzling Fox's temple. He rubbed against his cheek with his own thick-stubbled jaw, inhaling deeply.

  "Rain. Like, right before the first rain falls, and then the scent that happens after."

  Jake moved down Fox's body, nuzzling the top of his chest. He closed his eyes, allowing the sensation of feeling to be his focus. Jake stopped at the divot where his chest met his abdomen and breathed in.

  "Us," Jake said. Jake's tongue swept where he touched his nose. "Sweat," Fox heard. Then Jake kissed that spot and sucked it slightly before moving on.

  Fox squirmed as Jake nudged his way down. He could feel Jake scraping his fingertips through his treasure trail. Then he gasped when Jake put his lips at the top of Fox's groin. He was nuzzling the thick nest of hair that surrounded his hard dick, which was laying across Jake's cheek. In the heat that started to crowd Fox, Jake took another inhale.


  Fox's eyes snapped open. He scrambled to sit up, leaving Jake surprised in his wake.

  "Something wrong?" Jake asked, concern on his face.

  Fox searched Jake's eyes, and Jake searched his.

  "Ozone, as in lightning, or electricity?" Fox asked. He watched Jake connect dots in his head.

  Jake nodded, his eyebrows wrinkled in thought.

  "Our pains," Jake began, "The circle showe
d us what we can do through our pains."

  Fox's brain spun at the revelation. Electricity? Lightning? It was really something out of some video game. He didn't even know where to begin. He thought back to his chemistry days. Names of elements he'd long since forgotten scrolled through his mind. No, elements weren't quite right. It was ions, negative and positive. Shifting of electrons.

  "Foxy," Jake said. Fox's random flitting gaze focused on the man now on his hands and knees in front of him.


  "When we get on the road, we'll figure it out, okay?"

  Fox blinked, processing what Jake said. He nodded.

  "Good. Now lie back down. Daddy's comin' home."

  18. Animal

  *** Jake

  Jake saw the seriousness in Fox's face that threatened to send him over the edge of a panic attack. He decided to change the subject. They were surely getting a little stir crazy, but night had yet to fall. Fox's nose twitched as he inhaled quietly but deeply. Jake took notice.

  The bunker was getting warm, musky from the scent of two men who hadn't showered in a couple of days. Jake straddled Fox and arched his back, inhaling deeply, relishing in the smell of them. They hadn't christened this room, and Jake was feeling less achy enough to make it happen.

  Fox raised an eyebrow.

  Jake stretched out over Fox like he had before, nuzzling Fox's neck and licking at his chin.

  "I didn't realize how much you were into my smell," Jake growled, his voice dangerously husky and low. He nipped at Fox's jaw, making him turn his head. He exposed Fox's corded neck, the marks from last night a stark maroon from the rest of his tanned skin. He kissed at it, licked lightly.

  "Now you got this big ol' bear hot for some honey."

  Fox burst out guffawing.

  "Seriously? You just said that? I can't--ungh…" Jake cut Fox off when he took his earlobe into his mouth. All that came from him was whimpering. Jake made love to that bit of flesh, all the while rubbing himself all over his man.

  "You gonna give it to me, baby? Gonna give your big ol' bear your sweetness?"

  There was more whimpering and giggling. Jake ran his tongue along the shell of Fox's ears, earning him a groan.

  "You want my honey?" Fox said, turning to look at Jake. Jake saw it--the gleam in Fox's dazzling green eyes. The gleam that told Jake he'd got him where he wanted.

  "Come get it… Daddy bear."

  *** Fox

  That was what he wanted. That was what Jake was pushing him to. And Fox playfully darted around the question when he could and let Jake's wandering mouth do the rest. Fox's dick strained against Jake's groin. Jake's chest scraped across Fox's chest, adding to the pleasure.

  Then he said it. The d-word. And the look that came over Jake's face both scared him and made his dick spit up precome.

  Jake grabbed Fox's hands and held them out. Two manacles on chains sprang from the corners of the hard earth that the mattress was on. Fox almost marveled at how Jake thought of every detail, but then realized all too late that Jake was pinning him down again. He giggled and squirmed, playing up the act of being the naughtiest boy Jake would ever deal with.

  "This is hot," Fox said, his grin salacious. "But we've already been down this road, daddy."

  Jake put his finger over Fox's lips and shushed him. "It's only getting started."

  The chains shifted, crossing his arms over. Jake flipped Fox onto his stomach. He wouldn't tell Jake, but the fantasy they were playing out was a fantasy he'd dreamed of.

  Fox's hips rose as something hard and cool slithered across his skin. He tilted his head, looking under his body. Jake had his ass hanging in the air from another set of chains.

  Fox giggled. "I love when you get creative."

  "Then you're gonna love this."

  The mattress shifted beneath Fox.

  "I'm gonna ride you, baby. Gonna ride you hard. It's not gonna be gentle. Tell me if you're not up for it."

  This was his out. Fox broke out into a sweat. He trusted Jake. With his pleasure, his safety, and at this life. His heart hammered. He knew what Jake wanted to hear, but he also knew he only had to say no.

  "Fuck me, daddy."

  He said yes.

  Jake roared. Fox screamed. It wasn't terror. It was pain/pleasure. Fox's man's dick thrust in hard, no preparation. The only lube seemed to be what spit Jake slathered his hardness with. But he didn't feel that. All he knew was the searing pain, soon followed by radiating pleasure. Jake let the world settle around them, let the pain fade into nothing, before he moved with a vengeance.

  Fox's hole belonged to the man pounding at him, hammering him. Jake's hard shaft glided against his innermost pleasurable spot over and over. Fox arched his back, giving more space for Jake to drive into. Fox held on, giving in to the pleasure, his groans punctuated by Jake's feral grunts.

  Fox's own release coiled around his spine. Panic crept into his mind. Precious seed would be wasted on the blanket, untouched, untasted. But the thought left his mind when Jake moved the chains up the bunker wall. Fox's arms were stretched up to the ceiling, his back arched into the assault.

  "Oh shit, oh fuck," Fox repeated as Jake, sweating like a stallion in a wildfire, rode him like promised.

  A rough hand slid around his flailing, straining hardness and ran up and down in time with the ride. Fox's string of expletives turned into a groaning whimper. The Jake's pistoning hips never stopped. Fox's eyes went cross in pleasure, lost to the fury.

  Jake's hammering became desperate, his breathing hot and heavy, and Fox knew he wasn't too far behind. But as Jake's furious fuck ramped up, the tether snapped, and Fox's release spilled forward.

  Jake stopped driving. But he kept jerking Fox off, milking every precious drop from his abused hardness. Jake caught his seed with his other hand, his head under Fox's arm as he kept an eye on his task. Fox's breathing turned ragged, and his release finished. But he was still hard, and Jake looked up at him with a wicked glint in his eyes.

  "Wha--" Fox interrupted himself with a squeal. Jake used the handful of release to slather the captive man's dick. It was exquisite torture for Fox, as Jake polished the apple of his hypersensitive hardness mercilessly.

  Jake grinned. Somehow, he managed to slide beneath Fox without letting up on his attack.

  Fox writhed and jerked, trying to get away from Jake's hand. But he failed, as the chain from the ceiling kept his hips from getting too far. He pleaded, begged, stop don't stop yes yes yes. He squealed, whimpered, babbled, and Jake kept playing him without mercy.

  Until Fox arched his back and threw back his head. A guttural, long grunt poured from him as he came again, his seed splashing Jake's mouth, his chest, his neck.

  Fox hung, panting, sweat dripping off him. His voice was rough. Jake was still jerking him off, but leisurely.

  "You've been so bad, haven't you, baby?" Jake asked, tugging slowly, keeping Fox hard. Fox was in a haze, having had two orgasms ripped from him.

  "Ohh yes, daddy," Fox sighed, coming down from his latest high.

  "You know you gotta give up that honey to make me happy, right?" Jake said, his free hand casually smearing in the hard-won release that came from the man in chains.

  Fox nodded furiously.

  "How much honey can you give me, Foxy baby?" Jake asked, his smile turning feral.

  Oh shit. He wouldn't, would he? Some perverted part of Fox's brain wanted to know if he'd do it.

  "Take it all, daddy." Fox leered.

  Sure enough, as Fox both feared and wanted, Jake stroked him up and off again.

  Fox's dick was burning off, but he was still hard, and still slicking up with each pass of Jake's rough hand. And for a third time, in just as much time, Fox let his release fly. Not as much as last time, but definitely enough to make Jake smile as he scraped it up, feeding it to Jake and to himself.

  "Damn, baby… You are chock full of honey."

  A guffaw burst out of Fox, who hung against his chains limply, see
mingly spent.

  "You know I love it, daddy bear," Fox snickered. Sweat was pouring off him, making both him and Jake wet, but Jake didn't seem to mind, with Fox at his mercy completely.

  The chains around his hip retreated. The chains holding his arms remained, but they shifted down at the head of the bedding again as Jake rolled Fox gently onto his back.

  They were still on. Fox laughed.

  "Got something else in mind, daddy bear?"

  Jake smiled serenely. "I'm gonna get one more out of you, baby. But this time, I'm gonna be gentle. I'm gonna go slow. And I'm not gonna touch your dick once."

  Fox was mentally cheering. He was beyond fear or panic. He just wanted Jake to never stop.

  Jake draped himself over Fox's body, as he'd done so many times before. His weight, his sweat-and-essence-soaked pelt comforted Fox. Jake's breath on his face was soothing to his clammy skin. Then there was his poor, possibly scraped raw penis. He couldn't tell if he was hard, but he did know he still wanted Jake to go on.

  Jake started with soft kisses, light licks, little scrapes of teeth, like he was eating ice cream off a cone. Those licks and bites scraped his neck, his shoulders, his chest, even his armpits. He hummed and whimpered. He gasped whenever Jake would hit a particularly mind-blowing, sensitive spot.

  Jake made his way over Fox's torso, tonguing his little button navel. He made a show of breathing in Fox's dampened treasure trail.

  But true to his word, Jake bypassed Fox's dick, which was indeed traitorously straining. It bounced off his stomach with every lick and nip of Jake's mouth. It occurred to Fox that he very well could have been a rare delicacy that his man intended to enjoy every bit of.

  Fox followed through hazy eyes as Jake traveled down the inside of one thigh, kissing and licking behind his knee. Jake's exploration of Fox's body unearthed spots he hadn't known excited him before. Jake definitely exploited last night. When his lover's hot mouth licked the palm of his foot, Fox whimpered and squirmed. When he opened his eyes, he saw Jake watching him intently as he continued to suck and nibble.


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