Dr. Tall, Dark...and Dangerous?

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Dr. Tall, Dark...and Dangerous? Page 7

by Lynne Marshall

  “Yes. I’ve walked in them all day.”

  “Good, because if you don’t mind, I’d like to walk awhile before we eat.”

  “How far are we walking?”

  “I’m not sure. I’ll know when I start to feel better.”

  “What’s on your mind, Jared?” He opened the passenger door for her. “I thought we were walking?”

  “Not here, once we get there.”

  “Where’s there?” She jutted out her hip and placed her hand on it. “You’re confusing the heck out of me.”

  “Where we’re having dinner.”

  He hadn’t made eye contact since he’d first arrived and still looked agitated as all hell. Something big was going on. More confused than ever, she got into his nondescript sedan, the questions building with each second.

  “We’ll talk later,” he said, leaning in before shutting the door.

  Tension seemed to rise off him like a heat wave over asphalt. She was quite sure it had nothing to do with her, so she sat back and rested her head on the upholstery. Until he was ready to talk, there was no way she’d get anything out of him. But, really, did she need this stress on top of her own problems?

  Once he was inside the car, she pinned him with her stare and a surprise attack. “You owe me a lobster dinner for this, buddy.”

  One corner of his mouth twitched. Zing, she’d chinked his armor. “How about a lobster roll? I’m on a budget.”

  She shook her head and smiled, grateful he was loosening up. “Whatever.”

  With that he started the car and headed south on Route 99, the second movement of Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony on his CD player perfectly matching his overly dramatic mood. Hmm, she hadn’t pegged him as a classical music guy. She glanced around and noticed evidence of his kids in the car with a discarded takeaway bag under her feet and a bag of half-eaten chips left on the dashboard. At least he wasn’t obsessive-compulsive clean, like so many other surgeons she’d known.

  A little over twenty minutes later they parked in the hospital doctors’ lot. Once again without a word, he grabbed her hand, and they walked a few blocks until they hit the meandering Charles River Path from north station Causeway, by Paul Revere Park and the USS Constitution Museum.

  “Are you jogging or do you call this walking?” Kasey said, trying to keep up with Jared’s determined stride, the constant feel of his hand heating up her arm. It was drizzling and she wished she’d brought her umbrella. He didn’t seem to care.

  “Sorry,” he said, deep in thought, as he slowed down the slightest bit, not letting go of her but pulling her along.

  The brisk evening air gave Kasey new energy, but she wasn’t ready to run a mile for her dinner. The distraction of being palm to palm with him grew harder to ignore with each step. “So where’re we going?”

  “The Tavern on the Water.”

  She’d heard of it, but had never been there. “Good food?”

  “Good view. And they’ve got lobster rolls.”

  “Better be good.” She was out of breath. “You ready to talk yet?”

  “Nope.” He picked up the pace, and she promised herself not to bring up his talking again unless she felt like breaking into a sprint.

  Ten minutes later they arrived at a two-story boathouse with a superb view of the harbor. Due to the drizzle, which hadn’t let up and had most assuredly left her hair frizzy and a mess, they headed straight upstairs and inside.

  The place was crowded with young professionals from the nearby schools, businesses, and medical facilities. Jared nearly had to elbow his way to the bar.

  “Two beers.” He named his favorite brand and the pale ale she’d been drinking the other night. Interesting, he’d remembered.

  He handed her the bottle and led her to a tall table in the corner that had just opened up.

  After she got settled, took a sip of her beer, and sized up Jared’s supersized foul mood, she decided to read the menu rather than provoke him with more questions. The cozy harbor view calmed her, and after the energetic walk she was more than ready to eat, even if the company was the worst she’d been around in ages. Actually, not so. She remembered a spectacularly horrible date a couple months back. At least Jared was pretty to look at. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all.

  Jared took a long slow draw on his beer. He must have come straight from work because he wore dark slacks and a sports coat and a lilac-colored shirt, accenting his eyes. But then again, what didn’t? She noticed how his lashes were so thick they separated into clumps, then she looked quickly away at some ultra-chic apartments right on the waterfront.

  After another swallow or two Kasey saw the bunched muscle at the corner of Jared’s jaw twitch, then give up as if worn out. He stared hard at the pewter-colored water. All the happy little party lights blinking along the window-frame couldn’t change his mood. She knew better than to think she could either. After several drawn-out sighs and another drink of beer, he placed the bottle on the table between his hands and worked at turning it round and round while peeling at the label.

  “So, my kids told me they’re going to Europe for a month this summer.” He tore a big chunk off the label for emphasis. “Four flipping weeks.”

  He stared at Kasey with furious eyes, and an old saying came to mind: If looks could kill. Hey, buddy, I didn’t do it!

  “Would have been nice to know, as I was planning a camping trip in New Hampshire with them before school started up again.” He looked like a man ready to punch a wall. “And here’s the real kicker, they miss their friends back home and want to move back to California. Patrice has already found a new school for them, this one’s in Malibu. They’ll start in the fall.”

  Kasey noticed he had several scratches across the slightly swollen knuckles of his right hand, and wondered if he’d already punched something.

  He was a surgeon. He wouldn’t risk hurting his hands…would he? But his ex was playing games with him, even she could see that.

  “She knows I’m committed here for another year, and she didn’t even consult me on it.”

  Kasey knew better than to say a word. Her job would be to listen tonight, and seeing Jared’s tortured gaze, knowing how much his kids meant to him, she changed her perspective, suddenly willing to listen for as long as it took.

  “It’s so frustrating to be left out of the loop about something this important, as if I don’t count.” His gaze lifted to meet hers. “I’m their father, dammit. I’m not going to just give up and go away.”

  “I think that’s great. The world needs more fathers like you.”

  Her words softened his glare. “Thank you.” He looked downright grateful and definitely more handsome when he didn’t scowl. He reached for her forearm, his long fingers lightly caressing her skin before they slid south and patted her hand then retreated to his side of the table. “I needed to hear that.”

  “I meant it. You obviously care a great deal about your kids.” She gazed at him long enough to connect with his intense eyes, which sent a tiny shiver through her.

  As far as first dates went, this one was a doozy, but how could she be mad at a man so hungry to be involved with his children? Wouldn’t she have given anything in the world to know her father when she was a kid? She glanced up and caught him staring at her. He didn’t look like he was thinking about his children just then.

  If a man could be this passionate about his children, could he be the same about a woman? His touch had heated her skin, and the guy wasn’t even trying to come on to her.

  Kasey needed another sip of beer to ward off the threatening and highly inappropriate warmth starting in an unmentionable part of her body. That brisk walk had really gotten her blood flowing and right now it had pooled in a spot she shouldn’t even be thinking about.

  “Patrick has been telling me he misses his soccer buddies back home, and Chloe texts her best friend back in California every day, but I thought they were okay with this school, and I’m here. Doesn’t that count for something

  “That’s what frequent flyer programs are for,” she said. “And red-eyes.”

  He screwed up his face. “Come again?”

  “Be the game changer in your relationship with your kids. Be there for them no matter what. You’ll just have to fly back to California every other weekend to see the kids. Let them know you will always be in their lives, no matter where they live.”

  The corner of his mouth twitched, tension left his eyes, his brows smoothed. “Good point. I won’t take this lying down.”

  Hearing him say the words lying down planted another improper thought in her head. What was her problem?

  Meanwhile, he continued to talk and, though she’d temporarily tuned out, she studied him carefully. His dark lashes curtained incredible eyes. The nostrils of his straight nose microscopically flared with emotion while he continued to pour out his heart. Only hearing a word here and there, she watched, thinking inappropriate thoughts. Back at the office he’d been pushy, but now these words about his family came straight from his heart. It touched her in a way that took her by surprise, and, shameful as it was, turned her on.

  The guy needed to let off some steam or his head would burst. These days, she could relate to that feeling. Heck, she needed to let off some steam, too. Though she couldn’t possibly know his reasons for asking her to dinner, she liked this wicked physical response he drew out of her without even trying. What magic could he spin if he tried?

  He’d kept her preoccupied, and she liked it that she hadn’t lost a single second to her own worries so far tonight.

  Yeah, she’d cut Jared some slack, let him talk all he wanted. Not only because he made her feel horny but because she really wanted him not to hurt so much. Besides, if history really did repeat itself, after tonight she’d probably never see the dude again anyway. So tonight she’d be a team player, help him forget about his worries.

  And later, as superficial as it sounded, maybe she’d get lucky.


  WHAT in the hell was Jared doing, spilling his secrets to a woman he hardly knew? Kasey sat across the table squirming with discomfort and yet he couldn’t shut up. Could he help it if she was easy to talk to? Every date guru in the world warned against talking about your last relationship with the new. Relationship? Was that what this was about? He’d only met her a week ago.

  And yet. No. Absolutely not. He wasn’t in the market for a relationship. It took too much effort, and his ex had cured him of believing in love. From now on he’d keep life uninvolved and uncomplicated where women were concerned.

  “Maybe you can take the kids camping at the beginning of summer? You know, before they go to Europe?” She picked up her overflowing-with-lobster roll and took a vigorous bite. Why did he find that sexy? Damn, he needed to get out more.

  “I have no choice,” he said, digging into his own lobster roll, “but I’ll do it, even if it means changing my plans.”

  “Cuz…love…kids. You…gud fah-fer.” It sounded muffled by food, but he got the gist of what she’d said.

  He sighed, and chewed without interest in taste or texture. He’d spent enough time working himself up over a situation he couldn’t change. He needed to let it go, give himself a break. Hell, he sat across from a young and vibrant woman, a fresh natural breath of air from what he’d dealt with all day. Tonight she seemed to be the game-changer. His eyes were drawn to the neckline of her loose-weave summer sweater, and the pale silver camisole beneath—not a hint of breast on view, yet the fit promised natural curves and fascinated the heck out of him.

  It occurred to him how twisted his mind had become. He’d spent the day looking at women’s breasts both pre—and post-surgery, and hadn’t had one single sexual thought. Quite the contrary. He’d been all business. Yet Kasey, taking a great big bite of lobster roll and wearing a conservatively cut sweater, managed to stir up some purely prurient thoughts. He took it as a healthy breakthrough then wondered what she’d look like with her hair loose and tousled after a night in bed.

  Was that the real reason he’d pushed for dinner tonight? Disappointment stopped him in mid-bite. He’d been concerned enough about Kasey to arrange for the genetic testing, genuinely concerned, and worried what her outcome might be, too. More than anything, he was surprised that he had a shred of empathy for anyone these days. She’d come out of nowhere and blindsided him.

  He knew she needed a friend. Yet tonight he’d selfishly used her because she was a nurse and a good listener.

  Right now, watching her eat, well, his wandering thoughts were anything but appropriate. Again, she’d blindsided him, and he needed to rein himself in.

  Kasey lifted her gaze and unselfconsciously gave a bulging, closed-mouthed smile. She covered her mouth with the napkin, those mischievous green eyes peering over the top. “This is delicious.”

  “I’m glad.” He smiled, thinking she was delicious, too. Delicious to look at. He went back to eating, all stirred up. Though feeling guilty about them, he liked the stirred-up feelings. Welcomed them. Great. Just what he needed, more confusion in his life. “For putting up with me, you deserve some dessert.”

  She smiled, and over the course of dinner he’d looked forward to each smile she shared. “Only if you’ll share it with me.”

  An hour later, uncomfortably full from the chocolate molten cake, and as it had quit drizzling, he suggested they walk a bit more.

  “If we stroll, count me in,” she said, “but I’m through jogging.” Again, she lanced him with those mischievous eyes.

  He smiled, enjoying how she always sparked a reaction. “Okay.” Realizing his mood had shifted from sour to spicy over the course of the meal, he wasn’t ready to call it a night. Not nearly.

  This time she beat him to it. She grabbed his hand and, though surprised, he twined his fingers through hers, completely aware of the connection and the hot path winding through his body.

  He looked into her gaze. It wasn’t his imagination. He saw the dark spark in her eyes, too. “I’ve been very selfish tonight.”

  She cocked her head. “You think?”

  “I apologize.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  Her easygoing manner enchanted him, but the fit of her sweater and curve of her slacks moved him far beyond enchantment. Hell, where was his head tonight? The woman was literally waiting for a potential death sentence. A brutally cruel curse of a disease that would alter the course of her life, and he’d griped about not getting his fair share of parenting time through most of dinner. He ought to be dragged into the bay and dunked. But he could fix things. She’d given him several suggestions, too.

  Maybe he could help Kasey open up and talk about her fears. He didn’t want her to keep things tucked inside on his behalf. She deserved the same freedom he felt with her.

  Had some empathetic person snuck in and inhabited his body? This wasn’t his style at all, yet…

  “Are you going to seek counseling?” he said. “I’ve heard…”

  Kasey stepped in front of him, cupped his jaw with both hands and pulled him closer. “I don’t want to talk about anything else tonight,” she said, just before planting her mouth on his.

  Stopped in his tracks, and not the least bit interested in arguing the point, he kissed her back. Her sweetly padded lips were smooth and warm and she moved them over his with vigor. Wanting more control, he scooped her waist close with one hand and cupped the back of her neck with the other, then shifted his head for a deeper kiss, a slick, silky kiss. She tasted sweet, like chocolate syrup, and his mind scrolled through thoughts of licking that syrup off a thousand different parts of her body. He groaned.

  Her hands were now in his hair, and he held her so close his belt buckle pushed into his skin. The soft press of her breasts on his chest was his undoing. His fingertips skimmed from hip to waist to side, stopping at her breast, lifting and pressing the plump softness. He couldn’t resist taking her breast into his hand, stroking his thumb over the nipple.
This time he was positive the groan came from her side of the embrace.

  As their mouths kissed and devoured and plunged, he became aware of two things—her hands had found their way under his shirt, working wonders on his skin, and he had a full, throbbing erection.

  Good thing it was dark out.

  They broke for air, and her panting breath turned him on even more, if that was possible. Forehead to forehead, he nosed down her cheek then nibbled her ear. Everything he did got a reaction out of her, making the situation below his belt more unbearable. He didn’t want to stop, but they were in public, and a nurse and a doctor, well. Weren’t they supposed to be practical about such things?

  Her hand discovered his bulge, she

  gently squeezed, and since he couldn’t think any more, he moved in for more kisses and full body presses.

  The wake of a distant motorboat lapped a bucket worth of water over the harbor deck, and their feet were suddenly drenched.

  Jared and Kasey gasped in unison.


  Jared had never driven so recklessly in his life. Kasey gave him directions for the back route, and called out the turns. Left here. Take your next right. Yield to the right. See that brick building? Turn left there. No. There. He wondered if she’d be a bossy lover, and marveled over the fact he was pretty damn sure he was about to find out, and might even like it.

  They made it to her home in less than twenty minutes, though they had to drive around the block once to backtrack for parking on her one-way street.

  Still completely turned on, Jared watched as Kasey fiddled with her keys at the side of the house, before bursting through the door. Burning to touch her again, he grabbed her and waltzed her against the kitchen counter for another kiss.

  “Wait!” She pushed him away. “I’ve got to turn off the alarm.” He was so focused, he hadn’t even heard it.

  In a heartbeat she’d done the task, then grabbed him by the hand and tugged him through the kitchen down a short hallway to her bedroom.

  The unmade bed looked completely inviting. He’d singlehandedly unbuttoned his shirt and slid out of half of it before he’d even hit the room. Her neck and ears were still red from their makeout session by the harbor, and the hold-onto-your-hats ride home hadn’t lessened the sexy sparkle in her eyes.


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