Shifting Fate (The Neturu Chronicles Book 4)

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Shifting Fate (The Neturu Chronicles Book 4) Page 5

by Sarah Carter

  “What’s that look for?” Lexi teases, reaching over and pushing her.

  “What look?” Maddie stammers, sitting up tall. “There was no look.”

  “I will be honest about Connor if you tell me what that look was for.”

  She narrows her eyes. “No, because no one can know.”

  “Why don’t you pursue something? He seems like a great guy,” Lexi points out.

  Shaking her head, Maddie replies, “He’s Connor’s best friend. It would make things awkward if it didn’t work out. Please, don’t say anything.”

  “I won’t. I’m not like that. But we are both lying to ourselves.”

  “Get to know Connor. See what happens.”

  “I can’t get to know him. I can’t grow attached to him. We need to stay separated. It wouldn’t go anywhere. I couldn’t let it go anywhere.”

  Maddie points her finger. “Aren’t we all going to the concert together?”

  Lexi hangs her head. “Yes.”

  “Well, just carry a stick with you, and if Connor talks to you, smack him.” She enacts the motion.

  That makes her laugh. “I can’t do that!”

  “I would just pay to see you hit him with a stick.” Maddie smiles. “He’s a good person. Let him at least be your friend. So, are you going to tell me why you can’t date?”

  “It’s a family thing,” Lexi explains. “I have to be with a certain type of person. There are expectations and Connor doesn’t fit into that mold.”

  “Your family is that stuck up?” Maddie squeaks in shock.

  Groaning, Lexi shakes her head. “No, they aren’t. There are reasons why, and I can’t get into it. I’m sorry.”

  “No biggie. You just seem really cool.”

  “You know nothing about me. I could be a heinous bitch.”

  “Whatever,” Maddie replies, shrugging her shoulders. “I can handle it.”

  Lexi leans forward. “You hate Jackie.”

  “Hate is a strong word. Thoroughly dislike. But yeah, she’s a bitch, but in a bad way. Anyway, we all have grown tired of her pursuing Connor. It’s never going to happen, and he’s pretty much told her that, but she’s almost obsessed.”

  “Is she going to go all psycho on me?” Lexi laughs.

  “You could totally take her,” Maddie remarks back, with a nod. She winks and grins. “I would pay money to finally see someone knock her out.”

  Smirking, Lexi says, “My mom is like an extreme fighter. You don’t want me to punch her.”

  “Is your mom in MMA?” Maddie gasps in excitement.

  “You don’t want my mom in MMA,” Lexi replies, shaking her head. “It would be a bloodbath.”

  Maddie leans forward and grabs the back of her chair. “That’s so cool. My mom bakes.”

  “My mom is very hard core,” Lexi snorts. “She doesn’t cook or bake. My dad is phenomenal cook though.”

  “Again, that’s so cool.”

  Lexi smiles and leans in really close to her. “She hasn’t met anyone yet that can beat her. Uncle Mason can hold his own but he has extra...advantages.”

  “Because he’s a dude?” Maddie asks, raising an eyebrow.

  Shaking her head, Lexi says, “Gender doesn’t matter with my mom. Size either.”

  “Is she all manly?” Maddie laughs.

  She takes her cell phone out and shows Maddie a picture. “That’s my mom.”

  “Dude, your mom is a total babe.”

  “My parents are that couple,” Lexi snorts. She flips to a picture of her dad.

  “Holy cow. Your dad is hot!” she exclaims.

  That makes Lexi gag. “God, I wish people would stop saying that. It’s my dad. Would you want me to say your dad is hot?”

  Maddie shakes her head. “No, because he’s not.”

  “Anyway, my whole family isn’t lacking in the looks department.”

  “Well, obviously you didn’t get jipped there,” Maddie teases.

  “Oh, I’m adopted,” Lexi replies. “My real mom was a psychopath.”

  Raising her eyebrow, Maddie says, “Seriously?”

  “Mmhmm, criminal, too. I’m very lucky my parents rescued and adopted me. They were only 19. My mom was a freshman in college. She dropped out to raise me.”

  “So, she was a stay at home mom?”

  Lexi shakes her head and grimaces. “Not really, she taught people how to fight. Still does.”

  “That’s so badass.”

  “And my dad’s a leading neurosurgeon.”

  “Is your whole family smart?” Maddie laughs.

  “Pretty much,” Lexi laughs, too. “It’s sort of in our genetic make up.”

  Suddenly, they hear, “All right class. Let’s get started.”

  “Talk to you after class,” Maddie whispers, turning around in her seat.

  An incredibly big smiles spreads across Lexi’s face. She really likes Maddie. This whole school thing might not be so bad after all.

  Chapter 3

  “So,” Maddie says, as they leave economics. “What are your next two classes?”

  “Biology and physics,” Lexi answers.

  Maddie turns to her. “You’re taking physics as a junior?”

  “My Uncle Jackson and Aunt Kayla are both physicists,” Lexi declares, with pride.

  “What’s with your family?”

  “Well, we are all kind of smart,” Lexi mumbles. “Anyway, what are your next two classes?”

  Raising an eyebrow and laughing, Maddie replies, “Not physics. Though if you have biology next period, you are going to be with Connor.”

  “Oh no!” Lexi gasps. “No. That’s so bad.”


  “I can’t have a class with him!” Lexi whines. Maddie laughs at her. “Seriously, this does not help my cause,” Lexi states.

  “It won’t be so bad,” Maddie promises. “Just ignore him.” She presses her lips together, sputters and then laughs.

  Lexi can’t help but laugh with her. “I think that may be a little hard.”

  “I think it would drive him harder,” Maddie snorts. “But, hey, we should exchange numbers soon. Can’t stay at the bottom of the social ladder if you stop hanging out with me.”

  “Well, I can’t have that now can I?” Lexi laughs. “Let’s do it tomorrow. I have to go to my locker and drop off some books. Then find my way to biology.”

  “Oh yeah, it’s in the east wing. On the right, like, second door.”

  Smiling, Lexi says, “That will help.”

  “Have fun and good luck!” Maddie cheers, as she backs up and walks away.

  She takes a deep breath and starts to go to her locker. Lexi is really nervous the whole time she is making her way to class. Finally getting to the classroom, Lexi stands there and stares at it. She takes another deep breath and steps inside. Her eyes immediately scan for Connor. He isn’t there yet. Lexi instantly relaxes. Maybe Maddie was wrong. Maybe it’s not this class. She walks up to the teacher who is writing at his desk.

  The teacher looks up and then smiles. “Hello.”

  “Hi, I’m Lexi Blakely,” she declares.

  “I’m Mr. Johnson,” he replies. “Are you all set for some biology?”

  “Yeah,” Lexi says. “I’m actually looking forward to this class. I pretty much know most of it already, but it’s a good, interesting subject. Plus, I bet there are some things you can teach me.” Lexi sighs in her head, because she knows that’s not true. She wishes, for one day, that she could be normal. Just a normal teenager. A clueless teenager. She just shakes her head. “Where should I sit?”

  Mr. Johnson looks down at his seating chart. “Everyone has lab partners, so I will have to set you up with a group.”

  “I’d rather do it by myself,” Lexi replies. “I’m a big introvert.”

  “I know what that’s like,” Mr. Johnson laughs. “Okay, go ahead. All the way in back. Third lab table from the left. Here’s a book.”

  Relief washes over Lexi. “Thank
you so much, Mr. Johnson. I think I’m going to really enjoy this class.”

  “I’m glad.”

  She smiles and walks back to her desk. Throwing her backpack onto the table, Lexi sits down. The bell suddenly rings and Lexi sighs, “I’m safe.”

  Connor skids into the room, throws up his hands and says, “Five second rule!”

  “Sit down Mr. Manning,” Mr. Johnson laughs. Connor turns to walk to his table and his eyes lock on her. A sly grin creeps across his face. He goes and sits down, but slowly turns to face Lexi. She narrows her eyes, which makes him smile even more.

  “Okay, everyone,” Mr. Johnson calls out, “Time to start class.” Lexi is thankful that Connor has to turn around. The teacher puts his hands together and excitedly says, “Today is dissection day! You will each get a pig.” There are groans throughout the room. He laughs. “It won’t be so bad, and everyone has to participate!”

  Thrusting his hand into the air, Connor says, “Mr. Johnson?”

  “Yes, Connor?”

  “My lab partner seems to be missing today,” he states, gesturing to the empty chair next to him.

  “Oh, he is, isn’t he? Well then, you can team up with Lexi. She’s new.”

  Lexi’s eyes get big. “I don’t need his help.”

  Connor turns to her with a serious face. “I think I may need help. I heard you were really smart.” He puts his hand to his chest with a shocked look. “Are you saying you’re not going to help me.” Connor looks down and whispers, “Wow.”

  “Of course she is going to help you!” Mr. Johnson exclaims. “Okay, everyone, grab a pig and the instructions.”

  With an excited expression, Connor yells dramatically, “I’ll go grab our stuff.” Lexi groans and puts her head on the desk. She stays that way until Connor comes to the table.

  Looking up, she declares, “We do the experiment, and that’s it.”

  He tilts his head and happily replies, “We have to talk at least a little bit. It is an experiment.”

  “Fine,” Lexi snaps. “We talk science.”

  After he sets everything up, Connor takes a deep breath and then looks at her. He looks around and then back at her. “There’s a favor I have to ask of you,” he quietly says.

  “Will it get my keys back?” Lexi chimes.


  She rolls her eyes. “What’s the favor?”

  His eyes dart around again and then he murmurs, “It’s pretty serious. Don’t make fun of me. Promise?”

  Lexi’s heart sinks and she replies, “I would never make fun of someone.” She knows this must be serious.

  Connor says, “Okay, come here.” He gestures with his finger. Lexi leans in, and he leans in closer to her. She looks into his eyes, and he whispers, “Will you hold my hand if I get scared?”

  “Oh my god!” Lexi yells, sitting up straight. She glares at Connor.

  Widening his eyes, Connor says, “You won’t?”

  She thrusts her hand out and snaps, “Give me the scalpel.”

  “Fine,” he says, handing it over. “If I get scared I will just close my eyes.”

  “Seriously, Connor?” Lexi scoffs.

  He stares at her for a second and then busts out laughing. “No, I’m not serious.” Excitedly, he puts his hands on the table. “Dude, one time, Derrick and I were climbing trees, and I fell. I broke my leg. The bone was out, and there was blood everywhere. It hurt like nothing ever before, but it was so cool. I have metal in my leg.”

  There is a wisp of a vision and Lexi jerks. “You were scared,” she breathes out, looking at him.

  His eyebrow goes up. “No, I wasn’t.”

  More of a wisp seeps into her head. “You were scared of something. Terrified.”

  “No, why do you keep saying that?”

  Lexi shakes her head. “Isn’t every eight-year-old scared of something?”

  “How did you know I was eight?” Connor asks, narrowing his eyes.

  Startled, Lexi answers, “You said it.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  Thrusting out her hand, Lexi says, “Yeah, ‘when Derrick and I were eight.’”

  “No, seriously, I didn’t say anything.”

  “Whatever, lucky guess,” she snorts. Trying to change the subject, Lexi says, “I broke my arm once.”

  “What were you doing?” Connor asks.

  “Roughhousing with my cousin.”

  Connor smiles. “How did you actually break it?”

  “He hit me.”

  “With what?”

  Lexi presses her lips together and then says, “...a staff.”

  “A staff?”

  “Type of weapon,” Lexi mumbles, looking away from him.

  “You were playing with weapons?” he inquires slowly.

  She puts up her hand. “Not guns. We were only ten.”

  “You played with weapons at ten?” Connor responds even slower.

  “Nothing sharp and nothing that shot anything,” Lexi scoffs, realizing she could play on this. “That’s not until much later.”

  His eyes widen even more. “Your parents let you play with weapons?”

  “Uh huh. Got my first bow staff at eight. My great-grandpa made it for me.”

  “What a weird present.”

  This is working. “Best Christmas ever!”

  “Receiving weapons are the best presents? That’s what I’m supposed to buy you?”

  Lexi bites her lip and tilts her head. “There’s pretty much isn’t a weapon that I don’t own.”

  “Huh,” he exhales, just staring at her. She knew she has won this one.

  She grabs the scalpel and says, “So, let’s cut shit up!”

  “Yeah,” Connor breathes out.

  “Good. Now you’re scared of me.”

  He shakes his head. “I’m not scared. I’m incredibly shocked.”

  “Which will lead to fear,” Lexi declares, with a nod of her head.

  Connor looks at her with a serious expression. “The only place it leads to is...” He pauses and then yells, “Awesome!”

  “Ugh,” Lexi grunts, hanging her head.

  “That’s so cool. Can you use them?” Connor gasps, looking totally excited.

  “Sure,” Lexi mumbles. “Let’s get to dissecting.” She makes the first cut.

  He looks at her. “I want to learn more about you.”

  “I’m not going to talk. I’m going to cut,” Lexi states, making another incision.

  There is a silence for a few seconds and then Connor says, “So, you collect weapons. Well, I collect rocks.”

  She turns to him. “Like a little kid?”

  “You talked!” he exclaims.

  “Damn it,” she snaps to herself.

  Connor puts his hands to his chest. “You won’t be able to resist me, so I’d give up now.”

  “I would like to be your friend, Connor.”

  Wiggling his eyebrows, Connor replies, “Yeah, friend with benefits.”

  “You don’t even know me,” Lexi mumbles, dissecting more of the pig.

  “But I will,” he states, putting his hand on hers. She looks at it and then at him. He removes it.

  “Why are you so hell bent on this?” she asks.

  With a smirk, Connor says quietly, “Derrick told me what he told you.”

  “So, you’re going to say he’s wrong,” Lexi replies, with hope in her heart.

  He looks deep in thought and then yells, “Nope.”

  “Connor,” Lexi groans. “You know nothing about me.”

  “That’s the best part of meeting new people. Getting to know them,” Connor states.

  “Yeah, but why me?”

  Connor looks at her and whispers, “Because the second I saw you, touched you, looked into your eyes, something stopped in me. I was so dumbfounded. Then you ran. I was so pissed at Jackie. It took me a bit to figure out which car was yours, but then I looked into your eyes again and I knew you had to stay. You couldn’t leave, so I stole your

  Those words are strong, and the look he’s giving her is even stronger. Clearing her throat, Lexi shifts nervously in her chair. “When do I get them back?”

  “When you show me what that car can do. If you don’t know how to seriously drive that car, you shouldn’t own it.”

  She waits a second and then leans in by him. “Want to know a secret?”

  “Sure,” he replies, leaning in.

  “I went 115 miles per hour in my dad’s Ferrari.”

  “Your dad owns a Ferrari?”

  Lexi tilts her head and bites her lip. “Owned...two weeks later, I rear-ended a semi. The semi won. I was fine, but the car was totaled.”

  Thrusting out his hands, Connor exclaims, “You’re so badass!”

  Not being able to help herself, Lexi boasts, “My mom’s into motorcycles. Dad’s cars. We are speed junkies. Not the drug. Actually...that sounded horrible.”

  Connor scoffs, “You’re addicted to caffeine pills. Don’t lie.”

  “Yeah, when I am fiending, I eat chocolate covered espresso beans,” Lexi whispers, nodding her head.

  He looks at her concerned. “Wow, that’s serious. How do you hide it?”

  She nudges her head down to the floor. “I keep them hidden in my bag and say they’re chocolate covered raisins.”

  “Ewwww,” Connor draws out. “That’s just gross.”

  “I know, right?” Lexi laughs. “I hate raisins.”

  “See, something we have in common,” he declares, with a nod of his head

  Rolling her eyes, Lexi goes, “Whatever.”

  Connor looks at her for a second and then honestly asks, “Why fight it so much?”

  Her shoulders slump. “God. This is going to make it worse. I can’t date.”

  “Why? Your parents?”

  “Sort of,” she sighs. “It’s a family thing.”

  “I’m not good enough?” Connor gasps.

  Lexi shakes her head. “No, that’s not it at all. I can’t explain the reason.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “Are you asexual?”

  “No,” Lexi replies. “No, I’m attracted to you.”

  Throwing his hands up, Connor exclaims, “That’s step one.”

  “There are no steps,” Lexi snaps out of frustration. She feels defeated. “Please, try to understand, I can’t just see anyone I want to.”

  “I won’t stop...”


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