Blank Space (Dirty South Book 1)

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Blank Space (Dirty South Book 1) Page 11

by Alla Kar

  Joey’s loud bulldog laugh broke me from my rant. “Look at Cash back there, might as well be suckin’ his momma’s titty. I guessed you never stopped throwing those fits, huh?”

  I sent him daggers which only made both of them laugh harder. “Keep laughing; I sign your paycheck.”

  Joey flipped me off in the mirror. “You know it’s gonna take you three hours to get into the club, right?”

  I rolled up my sleeves. “We’re not going in the entrance. Take it around back.”

  Ash tossed his hands in the air and made a dramatic show of checking his watch. “I’m pretty sure I have other things to do tonight rather than break into Frozen Paradise, bro. Remember when we were kids, and I lied to Mom for you? I think it’s time you recognize that and let me go track down—.”

  “Shut it. You ratted me out a week later for ice cream, Asher. You’re stayin’ to help. I need all the doors covered. She’s a runner.”

  Ash sighed. “Okay, well hell, let’s get going then.”

  “What’s got you wanting to go so bad?” Joey hollered, turning into the back alleyway.

  Asher nonchalantly looked at his phone. “I have plans to go track down Frankie tonight.”

  Joey snorted as he rolled to a stop in front of the back door where Sydney first stepped foot into my limo. “What’s the game plan?” Joey turned to look at me.

  I shrugged, rolled up my sleeves and grabbed the door handle. “I’m gonna go get her. You watch this door, and Ash you watch the front door. “

  Ash gave me a blank stare. “That’s all I’m here for?”

  Joey chuckled from the front seat. “Cash was never the fastest. I bet he’s scared she’ll outrun him.”

  Despite the scowl on Ash’s face, he smiled. “That’s true. I remember that time Ashley Parker out ran him—,”

  I got out and shut the door to their hysterical laughter. Of course the backdoor was locked tight. The horn honked, and I looked back at Joey. He rolled down the window. “Remember how to pick a lock?”

  I nodded.

  He rummaged around in the glove compartment, and tossed me a small bag.

  I took out the tools, and hurriedly began to pick the lock. Music vibrated the door as I done my magic. I was rusty. We hadn’t picked a lock since high school. Not to mention the thought of Sydney doing, God only knew, behind that door, had it hard to concentrate. Once the door was opened, I handed the bag back to Joey.

  Asher laughed from the backseat, leaning over the inside window. “Look at Cash. Breaking the law to get his sunshine.”

  I flipped him off . They both laughed as I walked toward the backdoor. I couldn’t even get mad because they were right. The music thumped through the alley and assaulted me when I opened the back door. There wasn’t much different than the last time I came looking for her. The odds of me finding her were slim due to the bodies that occupied the dance floor..

  “It’s time to get fucked up!” someone screamed at me from my left. I didn’t look his way; I searched the clutter of people for anyone that looked like Sydney. I’d made three rounds before I noticed her silky blond hair, and then the guy that had his fingers tangled in it.

  Talk about fire consuming you. I’d never wanted to fight someone so bad. Not since an eleventh grader tried to fight a freshman Asher back in school. This was different. It was controlling.

  Sydney looked hesitate but didn’t stop him from sliding his hand down her waist. Her smile faded, but she never moved or told him to. He wasn’t looking at her face to notice; he stared at everything but.

  When the song changed to a faster beat, he started pulling her toward the floor. She reluctantly followed him, but not far. My feet had taken me all the way to them, and I hardly remembered even moving—or breathing.

  “Enough,” I snapped, grabbing her wrist.

  She turned to me wide-eyed, a loud gasp left her throat. “What are you doin’—,”

  “Get your ass in the limo, Sydney. You’re in deep shit.”

  Her shock turned into anger, and she tried to snatch her hand away from me. “No, I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  The guy from earlier looked over at me, and must have realized how pissed I was because he left without another word, his hands out in surrender. “Why in the hell are you running away from me like this? To go sleep with a random guy you don’t know? Can’t you see I want to have sex with you, but I’m showing you some respect, something you’re not used to. Let me show you, Sydney. You don’t have to run away from me like this. You can just let me show you how badly I want this to work.”

  Sydney stopped her struggle, the hand she pressed against my chest fell. The sound of my words sounded foreign, but I meant them. When had this happened? When had I started wanting her this much?

  A deep blush tinted her cheeks, and she stared at the ground. “I want to go to my apartment.”

  Damn, this girl. “No,” I said, shaking my head. “You’re comin’ to my house, and we’re going to talk about this. Then we’re going to go to dinner tomorrow night like you agreed to.” I stepped closer to her, my mouth close to the sweet scent of her neck. “And I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you, Peach. If you want to go home Sunday, I’ll—think about it.”

  She tightened her jaw, and I could see the rebellion in her eyes. She’d run when we got home, and I’d be ready for her. “Whatever,” she spat, turned and marched toward the back door.

  Joey hopped out as soon as she rammed the door opened. He gave me an oh shit look but opened the back door for her. “Oh boy,” he mumbled as I climbed in behind her.

  She sat as far away from me as possible, her arms crossed and her thighs clutched tightly. Joey pulled around to the front to pick up Asher, and casually glanced back at me.

  Ash hopped in. “Good Lord, finally,” he said, giving Sydney a dirty look. “I had to put off my night for you.”

  She glared at him. “This isn’t my fault. I was perfectly fine dancing tonight. No one asked Cash to come find me like a three-year-old.”

  I clenched my fists. “I wouldn’t have to if you’d do what I asked you to. The contact says—,”

  “Forget the contract,” she spat.

  Ash gave me a long sideways glance. She was testing me, and I felt the need to prove to her that I didn’t play this shit. I was Cash-fucking-Jenkins. “You don’t forget a signed contract, Peach.” I leaned forward, grabbing her elbow and dragging her closer to me. I bent to her ear and whispered, “I’m going to teach you how to talk to me. You’ll regret this little show you’re putting on for them. Just wait.” I bit her earlobe and smiled when she jerked away from me.

  This cat was going to catch his mouse; the chase made it all better.

  My phone vibrated against my leg the entire walk from my back door to the guest house. I didn’t need to look to know who called.

  Sydney’s hips twisted when she marched away from me, her hands balled into fists against her sides. She hadn’t said anything else on our way home. When Joey pulled into the driveway, he’d hardly stopped before she stormed out.

  The door slammed in my face, but I opened it before she had a chance to lock it. “Stop walking.”

  Sydney walked faster.

  I caught her in the hallway, spun her around, and I pressed her against the wall, my thigh separating her own. “Stop walking.”

  She let out a frustrated breath; her hands pushed against my chest with no luck. “Let me go. I want to go to bed.”

  “Well, tough shit. We’re gonna talk about what happened tonight.”

  Sydney groaned, struggled against my arms, but ultimately sighed. “Well talk.”

  I watched her face, the way her green eyes shifted downward, her teeth caught her bottom lip. “Why didn’t you go to Friday night dinner?”

  “I didn’t want to go face my mom. I know she’ll be mad that I’m staying in your guest house.”

  I nodded. “So how long do you expect to ignore her?”

  Sydney shrugged. “As lo
ng as it takes.”

  Scanning down her neck, I let myself get a look at what she had on. I’d seen her in the club, but I hadn’t paid attention to her clothing. It was tight, like I had expected. “Why didn’t you tell me where you were going? I was worried, and to know you were out dressed like this. Any guy could have taken advantage of you.”

  Her mouth parted, and she watched my own. “Like you are now? Taking advantage of me being your employee?”

  I slid my hands down her wrists and pressed them against the wall. “Take it back. I’m not doing anything to you that you don’t want me to.”

  “That’s a lie,” she spat.

  I shook my head. “It’s not. You tell me not to touch you again and I won’t. You tell me, seriously, that you want me to keep my space and I will.”

  Sydney’s mouth opened and then shut. She didn’t want that, we both knew it, but her pride was bigger than her needs. “You were jealous tonight when you saw me with that guy,” she whispered.

  “I was,” I said. “And I’m man enough to admit it. The next time you do something stupid like that, I’ll take you into one of the back rooms and show you who is in charge. I’ll show you how good sex can feel.”

  She lifted her chin, her pink lips parted, her chest falling faster. “Show me now.”

  I wanted to, bad. I wanted to drag her into her room and bury myself balls deep into her. I tightened my hands on her wrists and tugged her closer to me. “I will show you, little temptress. Just you wait. By this time tomorrow night, you’ll be screaming for mercy.”

  I loosened my grip on her wrists, and I took a few steps backward. I watched her watch me, the look on her face was pure sin. The things I had planned for her would put her in her place—right where I wanted her.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “This is not working out,” I said calmly. “I just can’t stay here anymore. Things are getting out of control faster than I thought they would.”

  I grabbed my suitcase, slung it on the bed and slammed my hands on my hips. I looked over, and Nyla stared up at me from the corner of my bed. “What?”

  She flopped over, and I sighed. I’d talked myself into leaving and out of leaving four times since Cash chased me into my room. I could not handle this. I’d only been working for him a week, and things had already gone downhill and landed deep in the muggy swamp.

  Grabbing my clothes, I shoved them into my bag and zipped the zipper closed. Five thousand was plenty for me to get going, I didn’t need any more of his money.

  With two suitcases trailing behind me, I trudged through the house like I wouldn’t miss the perfect hardwood floors. I grabbed the door handle, and it didn’t budge. Oh no.

  I tried it again.

  And again.

  “Oh, no he didn’t,” I hissed. I dropped the suitcase handle and tugged hard on the door. I imagined the smile on his face from his room. He knew I was going to run, and it pissed me off. Not just that he locked it but that he knew I’d try to leave.

  The windows. I ran to every window in the house, pulling and tugging on them like a crazy woman. Damn him to hell!

  After fifteen minutes of useless escape methods, I went back to my room and pulled out my phone.

  A text from Cash ran across the screen.

  Cash: Did you think I’d let you get out of our date? See you tomorrow, Peach.

  A scream threatened my throat, but I swallowed it. The cocky bastard thought he’d rule my life, but I’d show him he didn’t faze me—not that much anyway.

  “Bad Blood” rang into the morning air, waking me from a deep sleep. The sun shone through, lower than I’m used to, which told me I’d overslept.

  I reached for my phone and answered,


  There was a long pause. “Did you just wake up? Have I dialed the right number?”

  I groaned, pulling the feather pillow over my face. “Yes. I stayed up half the night trying to escape.”

  Frankie snorted. “Escape where? Is the mansion life not workin’ out for you?”

  “Funny,” I mumbled. “He locked me inside last night after he forced me to come home.”

  Frankie sighed. “You did sign a contract, but that doesn’t mean he can keep you locked up like Rapunzel.”

  “More like Belle,” I mumbled, pulling myself out of bed. The bitter truth was that I could leave when painting or during my classes. I plan to do that, I think.

  “I know it’s wrong, but I kind of think it’s cute. I think Mr. CEO has a crush on you, and is scared you’re gonna jet.” She giggled and then groaned into the phone.

  I decided to ignore her observation. Cash and I liking each other, like real feelings, weren’t a good idea. Hell, any kind of physical contact or feelings would most likely end up in disaster “I know that groan. You’re drinking coffee.”

  Frankie mumbled. “Yeah, I am. The only thing that’s missing is my roommate. When are you gonna get to come home? I miss you.”

  I walked toward the kitchen in hopes that I’d find some coffee in the cabinet. “Bingo,” I whispered, starting me a pot. “What do you say I try to sneak away today and come see you? I have some things I need to vent about.”

  Frankie snorted. “If that isn’t a line I’ve heard a thousand times. Did something happen between you and the beast?”

  “Did it,” I sighed. “It’s too much to say now. I can be at the house in about thirty minutes; hopefully, I’m sure he’s unlocked the doors by now. If not, I’m calling the police. If you hear sirens, you know where they’re headed.”

  “Don’t be melodramatic. I have some things I need to talk to you about too.”

  I poured me a cup and walked over to the bay doors. “Does it have to do with the person that put that ring on your finger? Or the one that wants to take it off?”


  “I’ll pick up some ice cream on the way home. I’ll see you in a few.”

  “See you then.”

  After I downed my coffee, I showered and dressed in a pair of white cutoffs and a red T-shirt. I hadn’t tried the door yet, but I wasn’t surprised when it opened.

  “Hm,” I mumbled, slamming the door on my way out.

  His house was unlocked, and the smell of Gloria’s cooking swept every inch. I wanted to go into the kitchen and eat, but my pride was too much for that. Instead, I headed straight for the sound of music blaring upstairs.

  I didn’t know where I was going, but I was sure that Cash had to be the culprit of that noise. I followed it to the second door down the long second-floor hallway. Since he had resorted to locking me in place, I didn’t think I’d needed to knock.

  I wish I had.

  Cash held a weight in each hand, curling them toward his chest that was even more lust-inducing than the time I’d seen it before. His dark hair stuck to his forehead with sweat, and it really peeved me off that he still looked amazing.

  The smile on his face pissed me off too. I snapped my eyes upward, not daring to look back down, even though I wanted to. “Well, good mornin’, Peach. I take it you slept well.”

  Oh, I’m gonna kill him.

  “Yeah, it was wonderful. I felt completely safe knowing that no one could get in—or I couldn’t get out!” I didn’t mean for my voice to rise but looking at the smug look on his face made my insides boil.

  Cash dropped his weights, wiped his forehead with his hand and nonchalantly took a long sip of his water. I narrowed my eyes as he watched me. “I was just making sure you were safe and didn’t try to run from me.”

  I scoffed. “I’m a grown woman and locking me inside that guest house is keeping me here against my will. I want out.”

  Cash made a low whistle sound through his teeth. “No can do, Peach. A signed contract is an unbreakable deal. You’re here until you finish painting for me.”

  I matched his gaze. “I am finished.”

  Cash narrowed his eyes, pursed his lips and then walked over to his stereo. The music
lowered, but he busied himself with his phone. “According to the contract,” he said, with a big dramatic sigh, “You still have to paint my office building and the one we’re building in Dallas. So technically, you’re not finished.” He gave me a long shrug before drying the rest of himself off with his towel.

  I contemplated taking the towel and attempting to strangle him with it. “I need you to promise you won’t lock me inside again.”

  Cash dropped the towel, placed his hands on his hips and tilted his head. “Can you promise that you won’t run?”

  “Can you promise not to kiss me again?”

  Cash’s fingers twitched. “We went over that before you even agreed to the contract, and plus, you liked it.”

  The hell I’d admit it. “That’s neither here nor there,” I mumbled. “Look,” I said. “I’m going to go to meet Frankie. I need a ride. And I need a promise that you won’t lock me inside again.”

  He took several steps toward me. I didn’t like that I liked the smell of him. Or that his matted hair made him look just as good as his fixed hair. “I’ll promise that if you’ll promise not to run, Peach. I’m not finished with you yet.”

  I lowered my eyes to his Nike shoes and pretended that sentence didn’t make my sex damp. “I promise not to run if you promise to give me my space.”

  He caught his bottom lip between his teeth. “Okay. If you want me to leave you alone after tonight, then I’ll give you some space.” He grabbed my elbow and pulled me forward. “But you have to promise to tell me the truth. If you have a good time, and I know good and damn well that you will, you have to tell me. Don’t deny it.”

  I could do that, but I knew that I would probably have a good time. “Okay, sure.”

  Cash smiled and twirled his thumb around the inside of my elbow. “I’ll call Joey and have him take you to Frankie’s. He’ll be here in ten minutes.”


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